Eric_the_Cerise's recent activity

  1. Comment on Six distinct types of depression identified in Stanford Medicine-led study in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I swear, I have been anecdotally guesstimating 16-ish different types (requiring, mostly, distinct treatments) for well over a decade. I had one type in my teens which was devastating,...

    I swear, I have been anecdotally guesstimating 16-ish different types (requiring, mostly, distinct treatments) for well over a decade.

    I had one type in my teens which was devastating, soul-consuming. It lasted 3-4 years, somehow magically/miraculously snapped out of it following a serious car accident (that may or may not have been at least partially suicidal).

    I have had a second type that has re-emerged three times in my life, lasting about a year each time, every 15-20 years, that has been something quite different, more of a consuming obsession, borderline OCD-ish experience.

    Now, for the past decade, I've had a third type, completely different from both the others. Having experienced what I did in my teens, it feels insulting to even call this new thing "depression" ... I prefer "ennui". But, regardless, the fact that they are all three, still categorized as the same condition is mind-blowing.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I mean, no, it's not enough time. And polls all have at least 3-4% margin of error that always gets glossed over in these "reports". Plus, polling quality has declined steadily since the rise of...

    I mean, no, it's not enough time.

    And polls all have at least 3-4% margin of error that always gets glossed over in these "reports".

    Plus, polling quality has declined steadily since the rise of cell phones and the Internet — both of which have contributed to increasing sampling bias.

    And most significantly, at this stage of polarization, 98% of voters in both camps require little more than a heartbeat from their chosen candidate. A little thing like dementia or an assassination attempt is not going to move the needle, certainly not enough for a poll to notice.

    Actually checked just now. This (singular) poll claims a 2% margin of error. Sorry, but I just flat-out do not believe that. No. Damn. Way.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on Danish insect farm sets sights on feeding Europe's livestock – Enorm intends to produce more than 10,000 tonnes of insect meal and oil a year in ~enviro

    I have already done my own aquaponics project and multiple vermicomposting systems, including one large enough to significantly supplement my chickens' feed. I was also a hobbyist beekeeper and...

    I have already done my own aquaponics project and multiple vermicomposting systems, including one large enough to significantly supplement my chickens' feed. I was also a hobbyist beekeeper and mushroom farmer for about a decade. All alongside more "traditional" gardening and homesteading efforts.

    All of these seem to be at least "insect-farming adjacent" (I'd argue that beekeeping is 100% insect farming ... just one that we have already internalized, culturally).

    So, now I'm thinking about trying other forms.... I was going to ask what the options look like for hobbyist-scale insect farming, but halfway thru this post, I did some searching, and there's definitely resources out there already.

    I'm reading thru this right now.

    6 votes
  4. Comment on "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla disappoints us yet again in ~tech

    I started using Firefox as my primary browser over 20 years ago, back when it was still called Phoenix and Chrome was just a gleam in Google's eye. I did spend a couple years (just before Quantum...

    I started using Firefox as my primary browser over 20 years ago, back when it was still called Phoenix and Chrome was just a gleam in Google's eye.

    I did spend a couple years (just before Quantum arrived) exploring better, more privacy-focused alternatives like Pale Moon.

    With this latest privacy faux pas from Mozilla, I find myself back to searching for better, more client-focused alternatives.

    Just in the past few days, on all my laptops, I have switched my primary browser over from FF to Librewolf, and I've (at least tentatively) switched over to Mull browser on my phone.

    Librewolf, so far, is excellent. Everything I wish FF could be, w/o going the FullTinfoilHat route of TOR.

    But last month, I decided it's time to quit using DuckDuckGo (another primary tool I've used since its infancy), and I've been exploring a wide variety of truly alternative Search services ... and now, I'll be doing the same with browsers.

    Hell, maybe it's time for a full personal-tools audit.

    Privacy Guides has been my first (and usually, last) stop when searching for quality privacy-and-security conscious apps. I recommend them every chance I get.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on I was an MIT educated neurosurgeon. Now I'm unemployed and alone in the mountains. How did I get here? in ~health.mental

    Also ... interesting to note. This guy has recorded and posted close to 100 videos of his dog and walking around in nature, just in the past 2 months. Most of his videos only have a few hundred...

    Also ... interesting to note. This guy has recorded and posted close to 100 videos of his dog and walking around in nature, just in the past 2 months. Most of his videos only have a few hundred views; a couple of them are more popular, have 5-6 thousand views.

    In 2 days, this video of his is already up to 360 thousand views.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on I was an MIT educated neurosurgeon. Now I'm unemployed and alone in the mountains. How did I get here? in ~health.mental

    Just a quick tangent ... right here at 43:28 into the video ... from the right edge of the screen, behind his head, a quite large predator-like animal strolls down the hillside. Maybe a fisher,...

    Just a quick tangent ... right here at 43:28 into the video ... from the right edge of the screen, behind his head, a quite large predator-like animal strolls down the hillside. Maybe a fisher, maybe even a wolverine (definitely looks weasel-like). At first, I thought it was his dog -- he is right in the middle of talking about doing more stuff with his dog, when it shows up.

    I watched the rest of the video ... it's possible the animal can be seen later, elsewhere, but I never saw it after that. Presumably, it realized a human was recording something for youtube, and it ducked out of the line of sight.

    Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what it is?

    5 votes
  7. Comment on The best robot vacuum for me is the one I hacked in ~tech

    Link Parent
    My bot found the wi-fi in the new flat, again works fine, so I keep putting this off. Sorry, nothing to report, yet.

    My bot found the wi-fi in the new flat, again works fine, so I keep putting this off.

    Sorry, nothing to report, yet.

    5 votes
  8. Comment on Read the US Supreme Court’s ruling on immunity (gifted link) in ~news

    Serious question. People keep cynically, semi-seriously suggesting this ... but really, truly ... does this ruling now give Biden the option of legally(-ish) assassinating Trump, and/or anything...

    Serious question.

    People keep cynically, semi-seriously suggesting this ... but really, truly ... does this ruling now give Biden the option of legally(-ish) assassinating Trump, and/or anything up to a half-dozen SCOTUS Justices, based on an arument that he is defending the country from a coup (or similar claim)?

    I understand the absolutely horrific precedent it would set, as well as massive ramifications for the coming election and even the potential for instigating a full-scale uprising/revolution from the MAGA world, etc.

    Practically speaking, I think the best solution is for the Dems to focus on winning the election, and then start packing the court immediately after.

    But legally, at least, is assassination now a real option?

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Has anyone stopped caring about politics? in ~humanities

    I haven't stopped caring, exactly. I've detached from it? Or lost hope? Not sure how to encapsulate it. But I quit "hoping" the US would ever recover after Bush Jr. was handed the Presidency by...

    I haven't stopped caring, exactly. I've detached from it? Or lost hope? Not sure how to encapsulate it.

    But I quit "hoping" the US would ever recover after Bush Jr. was handed the Presidency by SCOTUS.

    Since then, I still pay close attention, not because I have any illusion that the US will ever live up to the hype, but because the manner in which it continues to implode over the coming years and decades will significantly impact quality of life everywhere on Earth.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on After a shaky debate performance top US Democrats talk about replacing Joe Biden on the ticket in ~misc

    Link Parent
    This sounds like pure wishful thinking. I mean, I can't blame you, but no, don't bet on it. FWIW, I do think there's a very good chance (I'd say 25-30% -ish), that at least one of them will not be...

    This sounds like pure wishful thinking. I mean, I can't blame you, but no, don't bet on it.

    FWIW, I do think there's a very good chance (I'd say 25-30% -ish), that at least one of them will not be able to run for President, by the time of the actual election -- whether that is due to health concerns (or, you know, dying), or criminal issues, or otherwise, IDK ... but, yeah ... we may well see some unprecedented scrambling to rapidly appoint/anoint a new Dem or GOP Candidate, last-minute, before the election.

    21 votes
  11. Comment on After a shaky debate performance top US Democrats talk about replacing Joe Biden on the ticket in ~misc

    So, I'm refreshing my memory of the 1960 Nixon-Kennedy debate, famously, the first Presidential debate that was widely televised. The people that listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon...

    So, I'm refreshing my memory of the 1960 Nixon-Kennedy debate, famously, the first Presidential debate that was widely televised. The people that listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon had "won" the debate; the people that watched it, overwhelmingly, thought Kennedy had "won"; and in retrospect, Kennedy ultimately winning the Presidency is largely attributed (even by Kennedy himself) to that first debate.

    And pundits and prognosticators across the country predicted that television would be the death of rational political discourse in the US. The phrase that kept popping up was "the rise of the abominable showman".

    FWIW, here is that debate. I'm rewatching it now. It's worth checking out, especially if you've never actually taken the time to watch it before. Because, holy crap ... I'd take Nixon (let alone Kennedy) in a heartbeat, over either of the two guys I just watched debating today.

    31 votes
  12. Comment on US Supreme Court rejects liability shield at center of Purdue Pharma settlement (gifted link) in ~health

    What a weird split in the vote ... 5-4, w/Conservatives and Liberals on both sides. Honestly not sure how I feel about this one. Love the idea of seeing the Sacklers personally sued into the...

    What a weird split in the vote ... 5-4, w/Conservatives and Liberals on both sides.

    Honestly not sure how I feel about this one. Love the idea of seeing the Sacklers personally sued into the poorhouse (to some degree, at least) ... and yet, I kind of feel like the dissenting opinion sounds more correct.

    Looking forward to seeing smarter people unpack this one.

    9 votes
  13. Comment on Idaho Pride celebration goes on despite protests in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    My favorite slogan-thing these days ... "We add more genders every time you complain".

    My favorite slogan-thing these days ... "We add more genders every time you complain".

    16 votes
  14. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

    (edited )
    Miso-mushroom soup. I recently bought a big bag of dried shiitake mushrooms and another big bag of dried wakame (seaweed). Now, I'm routinely making miso-mushroom soup ... white miso paste in...

    Miso-mushroom soup.

    I recently bought a big bag of dried shiitake mushrooms and another big bag of dried wakame (seaweed).

    Now, I'm routinely making miso-mushroom soup ... white miso paste in not-quite-boiling water, plus a big pinch of wakame, and 4-6 quartered shiitakes (pre-rehydrated, 'cuz it takes hours), maybe a bit of leek or spring onion, some garlic ... as good as "real" restaurant miso.

  15. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Popular medicinal and nootropic mushroom ... this is the first thing I've found that actually helps with my "brain fog" issue (taken in combination with B3). Also, tasty.

    Popular medicinal and nootropic mushroom ... this is the first thing I've found that actually helps with my "brain fog" issue (taken in combination with B3).

    Also, tasty.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on What would it take for a soup to be exciting? in ~food

    Marketing. The right name, the right "origin story", and it's to-die-for. I make a thing I call "Shrek Soup" (half split-pea, half pureed spinach, soymilk, and a buttload of spices) ... it's good,...


    The right name, the right "origin story", and it's to-die-for.

    I make a thing I call "Shrek Soup" (half split-pea, half pureed spinach, soymilk, and a buttload of spices) ... it's good, works as a stand-alone meal.

    But it's the name (coupled with the appearance) that sells it.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on You’ve read your last free article, such is the nature of mortality in ~life

    Link PS: The archive sites let anyone generate a free archive copy ... just give 'em the URL, no hassle.

    PS: The archive sites let anyone generate a free archive copy ... just give 'em the URL, no hassle.

    6 votes
  18. Comment on Assume the Sapir-Whorf Linguistic Theory is accurate: What languages would be best to learn, to improve one's cognitive functions and/or worldview? in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    No, let's not. For the record, this is exactly the kind of non-answer that inspires people to be uncivil on the Internet. If you feel like you cannot participate in a discussion within the...

    Let's re-examine this question.

    No, let's not.

    For the record, this is exactly the kind of non-answer that inspires people to be uncivil on the Internet.

    If you feel like you cannot participate in a discussion within the parameters set for the discussion, then just keep scrolling.

    I am sick to death of threads where the question is "How do you do 'X'?" followed by a half-dozen non-answers saying "Why would you do 'X' when you should be doing 'Y'?"

    Thanks to you, I have now lost all interest in this, my own discussion, and--for the time being, at least--in Tildes overall.


    4 votes
  19. Assume the Sapir-Whorf Linguistic Theory is accurate: What languages would be best to learn, to improve one's cognitive functions and/or worldview?

    Inspired by the recent post about Arrival / The Story of Your Life The idea of linguistic relativity ... is a principle suggesting that the structure of a language influences its speakers'...

    Inspired by the recent post about Arrival / The Story of Your Life

    The idea of linguistic relativity ... is a principle suggesting that the structure of a language influences its speakers' worldview or cognition, and thus individuals' languages determine or influence their perceptions of the world.

    There's, of course, a lot more to it, many variations, and all still at least somewhat in dispute.

    Nevertheless, as the title says, assume it's true, and speculate on which languages would be the most interesting to learn from an "expand your mind" perspective.

    7 votes
  20. Comment on Powerful climate change deniers knowingly committed heinous crimes, and they should be put on Nuremberg style trials in ~enviro

    Prologue: I agree with you. Both corporations and govts -- particularly, the leadership "in the know" -- should face criminal charges, not exclusively for the Climate Crisis, but for a wide array...

    Prologue: I agree with you. Both corporations and govts -- particularly, the leadership "in the know" -- should face criminal charges, not exclusively for the Climate Crisis, but for a wide array of ecological pollution and destruction, and resource depletion, and social ... well, for a lot of things.

    Except ... well, "should" is a funny kind of word, isn't it?

    I've been arguing aggressively for more/better/faster response to the Climate Crisis (and other things), for 40+ years. Over the past 5-10 years, I've gradually lost hope.

    These days, I mostly look at it all as a kind of failing of human nature -- perhaps as simple as our tendency to underestimate geometric progressions, or a limitation in our ability to understand and adapt to game theory, and/or other grand philosophical ways of saying, we were doomed from the start.

    That may not be true; there may still be hope. It might just be 40+ years of frustration that has built up in me. And of course, like everyone else, I'm biased. So who really knows?

    And because I know I might be wrong, I do still try to do the most I can personally, and socially/politically ... but it all feels like I'm just going through the motions. Internally, I've accepted the idea that 3+°C is inevitable, that the next century or so will see our population decline by about an order of magnitude, and that the planetary ecosystem will be undergoing wild systemic changes for centuries to come.

    From this perspective, the idea of punishing the ones most culpable certainly feels satisfying ... but also, ultimately futile. "Justice" is a luxury reserved for stable societies that still have a stable future ahead of them. We have initiated the planet's 6th major extinction event, which will continue to play out for centuries, if not millennia ... followed by an explosion of new evolutionary development. Perhaps our species will survive to see it happen, perhaps not.

    More and more, these days, I find my personal equanimity in the excitement and curiosity of knowing I get to live thru and witness this one-in-a-billion event on Earth.

    6 votes