103 votes

Why did you select your username for Tildes?

I always try this name first when signing up for accounts but it is always taken.

Listen closely, my friend, because I'm about to blow your mind wide open. You see, 'King of the Hill' isn't just some ordinary animated series. It's a diabolical government project aimed at documenting every aspect of my life! They've been watching me, tracking my every move, and mocking me through the fictional character of Hank Hill. It's all a clever ruse to hide the truth from the masses!

In every episode, they carefully weave in details from my life, the people I know, and the secrets I've uncovered. The creators are agents of the government, skillfully disguising their surveillance operation as a simple sitcom. They want the world to think it's just entertainment, but it's so much more!

Think about it! The show portrays Hank as a patriotic, average American, while I, Dale-ahem uh, Rusty Shackleford, the one who truly understands what's going on, am portrayed as a paranoid conspiracy theorist. It's a calculated move to discredit me, to make the truth sound like fiction!

Every time I see the show, I feel their eyes upon me, laughing at my expense. The characters, the scenarios, they're all just tools to manipulate public perception. It's a mind-control experiment! MAKE SURE YOUR MOUNTAIN DEW IS SAFE.

But don't worry, my friend. I won't let them silence me. I'll continue to expose the truth, fighting against this government conspiracy, no matter how deep it goes. They can't hide forever!

Sha-sha-shaaaaa! pocket sand


  1. simplify
    My username is just a reminder.
    • Exemplary

    My username is just a reminder.

    49 votes
  2. [5]
    My username is my initials. I was cursed.

    My username is my initials. I was cursed.

    70 votes
    1. CuriosityGobble
      Link Parent
      I'm sure you're an integral part of the story!

      I'm sure you're an integral part of the story!

      32 votes
    2. mattydubbydubs
      Link Parent
      Kinda the same thing here, my initials are MWW. I just decided to get a little goofy with it.

      Kinda the same thing here, my initials are MWW. I just decided to get a little goofy with it.

      4 votes
    3. ols
      Link Parent
      Initials gang represent!

      Initials gang represent!

      3 votes
    4. Lupin
      Link Parent
      That's honestly clever. Mine would've been "BOB" if it weren't a taken username

      That's honestly clever. Mine would've been "BOB" if it weren't a taken username

      1 vote
  3. [12]
    I have had this username for over 2 decades. It's pronounced "byte smith" and is a reference to being a programmer (as a silly spin on terms like "blacksmith" or "goldsmith").

    I have had this username for over 2 decades. It's pronounced "byte smith" and is a reference to being a programmer (as a silly spin on terms like "blacksmith" or "goldsmith").

    45 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      I don't know how I haven't noticed your username before given the similarity and more or less identical origin.

      I don't know how I haven't noticed your username before given the similarity and more or less identical origin.

      13 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        That's awesome! So you're the one that makes all the bugs? :D

        That's awesome! So you're the one that makes all the bugs? :D

        6 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Oh that's me, certainly!

          Oh that's me, certainly!

          6 votes
          1. mxuribe
            Link Parent
            ...And now, the universe is in balance! (Stated in the voice of David Attenborough) :-)

            ...And now, the universe is in balance! (Stated in the voice of David Attenborough) :-)

            3 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Clever! Modern and old-school, all at the same time.

      Clever! Modern and old-school, all at the same time.

      8 votes
      1. bytesmythe
        Link Parent
        Thank you! I always enjoy a good juxtaposition. It kind of felt like a slightly goofy take on steampunk, like I'd work at "Ye Olde Computer Shoppe" or something.

        Thank you! I always enjoy a good juxtaposition. It kind of felt like a slightly goofy take on steampunk, like I'd work at "Ye Olde Computer Shoppe" or something.

        2 votes
    3. [3]
      Link Parent
      I love this concept! It gives that old craftsperson charm to a very technical role. Very cool indeed!

      I love this concept! It gives that old craftsperson charm to a very technical role. Very cool indeed!

      6 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Thanks! I wish unicode had been more common when I came up with it so I could have made it bytesmyðe everywhere (or even the more "correct" bytesmið). Now I'm wondering how you'd refer to a "byte"...

        Thanks! I wish unicode had been more common when I came up with it so I could have made it bytesmyðe everywhere (or even the more "correct" bytesmið). Now I'm wondering how you'd refer to a "byte" in Old or Middle English...

        2 votes
        1. mxuribe
          Link Parent
          That would have been brilliant!

          That would have been brilliant!

          2 votes
    4. Ozzy
      Link Parent
      That’s a fantastic username and origin. I’m kind of jelly I didn’t think of something similar! Nice one.

      That’s a fantastic username and origin. I’m kind of jelly I didn’t think of something similar!

      Nice one.

      3 votes
    5. useless_modern_god
      Link Parent
      In my rectory of doubt I kneel to pray like one devout As time the great gray dreamless sleep Of a useless modern God

      In my rectory of doubt
      I kneel to pray like one devout
      As time the great gray dreamless sleep
      Of a useless modern God

      2 votes
  4. [30]
    I wanted @Jason but missed out by a couple of weeks. It's still an inactive account after 5 years.

    I wanted @Jason but missed out by a couple of weeks. It's still an inactive account after 5 years.

    37 votes
    1. [12]
      Link Parent
      But instead you get to be JavaScript Object Notation!

      But instead you get to be JavaScript Object Notation!

      55 votes
      1. [11]
        Link Parent


        78 votes
        1. [10]
          Link Parent
          Please boo these people. Boo! Boo!

          Please boo these people.

          Boo! Boo!

          5 votes
          1. [3]
            Link Parent


            11 votes
            1. [2]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              I was questioning whether to make that boo-urs joke, but I will claim the assist! At this point, I'll doubt your name story. There's definitely a lot of Jason's that work with json and spend their...

              I was questioning whether to make that boo-urs joke, but I will claim the assist!

              At this point, I'll doubt your name story. There's definitely a lot of Jason's that work with json and spend their Fridays making Internet jokes about json.

              I'm just wondering if you're one of those people or not. (I do mean this for my own entertainment reasons. Fun joke or both?)

              2 votes
              1. json
                Link Parent
                If it helps, my initials are JS as well. Destined to have become a filthy JavaScript developer.

                If it helps, my initials are JS as well. Destined to have become a filthy JavaScript developer.

                8 votes
          2. [6]
            Link Parent
            Username checks out... :D

            Username checks out... :D

            3 votes
            1. [6]
              Comment deleted by author
              Link Parent
              1. [5]
                Link Parent
                ;) I wish I'd have started using "open mouth insert foot" before, but this one works wonders, especially when folks don't know what it means.


                I wish I'd have started using "open mouth insert foot" before, but this one works wonders, especially when folks don't know what it means.

                2 votes
                1. [5]
                  Comment deleted by author
                  Link Parent
                  1. [2]
                    Link Parent
                    Were you homeschooled? You remind me of a lot of my own "classmates" (as I was homeschooled, but in my area the families banded together and offered jr high/high school level classes by some...

                    Were you homeschooled? You remind me of a lot of my own "classmates" (as I was homeschooled, but in my area the families banded together and offered jr high/high school level classes by some parents who were previously or still teachers)... your vernacular is one of the determiners.

                    I'm also fully aware (which I remind my SO anytime he brings up anything awkward related to homeschooling) that this feature isn't limited to homeschoolers, and many "normal" publically-schooled folks were pretty geeky/nerdy. I mean, we're all humans and therein lies the similarities.

                    I do remember as a young teenager, as I was not allowed to swear, perusing (as in studying in depth, not just glancing over!) through the dictionary and thesaurus trying to find the best insults. You know, things like "vomitous cur" and especially after [I think it was] reading The Scarlet Letter, "godless strumpet".

                    3 votes
                    1. [2]
                      Comment deleted by author
                      Link Parent
                      1. FlappyFish
                        Link Parent
                        As someone who’s lived in Britain their whole life, failing the forth grade - which from a quick Google is equivalent to year 5 - seems like madness to me. In the US, has the fourth grade got an...

                        As someone who’s lived in Britain their whole life, failing the forth grade - which from a quick Google is equivalent to year 5 - seems like madness to me. In the US, has the fourth grade got an important assessment which people can fail? or is everyone’s level determined at the end of every year and then if you’re not good enough you fail?

                        1 vote
                  2. Algernon_Asimov
                    (edited )
                    Link Parent
                    But not how to use those words, obviously. :P It's not "from whence", it's just "whence". "Whence" already means "from when" or "from where". "From whence" therefore means "from from where". It's...

                    we had a plethora of 18th century British fiction, from whence I learned words that not all of my peers did.

                    But not how to use those words, obviously. :P

                    It's not "from whence", it's just "whence".

                    "Whence" already means "from when" or "from where". "From whence" therefore means "from from where". It's about as redundant as a PIN number which you use in an ATM machine. ;)

                    P.S. You're not alone. Well into my 20s, I thought "misled" was the past tense of the verb "misle", pronounced "my-z'l", because I only ever read it in books. I just never connected it to the word "miss-led' I heard people saying.

                    2 votes
                  3. anadem
                    Link Parent
                    this is a little unfair but 'from whence' is tautological. 'Whence' is sufficient, as its meaning is 'from where'. I mention it only because you are a learned person (and I'm a pedant who also...

                    from whence

                    this is a little unfair but 'from whence' is tautological.
                    'Whence' is sufficient, as its meaning is 'from where'.

                    I mention it only because you are a learned person (and I'm a pedant who also read a lot as a kid, lol)

                    edit: Oops, on reading down Algernon_Asimuth got there before me

                    1 vote
    2. [11]
      Link Parent
      Yeah... I look through this early topic about usernames, and there are so many people there who were happy to get a "clever" or "unique" username... and then many of them dropped away almost...

      It's still an inactive account after 5 years.


      I look through this early topic about usernames, and there are so many people there who were happy to get a "clever" or "unique" username... and then many of them dropped away almost immediately and were never heard from again. Meanwhile, those names are now totally blocked for use by anyone who might actually use them.

      26 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        It is truly an annoying thing when somebody takes a username and just evaporates. I got lucky being a Gmail beta user as I got my name @gmail.com, but I tend to miss out with usernames I actually...

        It is truly an annoying thing when somebody takes a username and just evaporates. I got lucky being a Gmail beta user as I got my name @gmail.com, but I tend to miss out with usernames I actually want on the most popular services that require one.

        8 votes
        1. Algernon_Asimov
          Link Parent
          I'm lucky enough that my real name is unusual. Until recently, I was the only person in the world who I could find on the internet with my name; I actually thought my name was unique for many...

          I'm lucky enough that my real name is unusual. Until recently, I was the only person in the world who I could find on the internet with my name; I actually thought my name was unique for many years. So, I've usually had first option on my name wherever I want.

          And, my username is similarly unique.

          6 votes
        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          I got a pretty common first/middle combination on gmail back when it was invite-only. I regularly get emails from various site sign-ups, "confirm your account"-type emails, etc. I was regularly...

          I got a pretty common first/middle combination on gmail back when it was invite-only. I regularly get emails from various site sign-ups, "confirm your account"-type emails, etc. I was regularly receiving emails for a guy who is a miner in Australia (including attachments regarding his pay). I also got my complete name, my company name and a few others.

          4 votes
          1. rustyshackleford
            Link Parent
            I thought my name was uncommon until about 10 years into having my Gmail account. I get emails from all over the US, Canada, Australia, The UK and South Africa. I’ve gotten job offers, plane...

            I thought my name was uncommon until about 10 years into having my Gmail account. I get emails from all over the US, Canada, Australia, The UK and South Africa. I’ve gotten job offers, plane tickets, very personal investment information. I always follow up and inform them of the wrong address and inevitably the emails with personal info keep coming.

            3 votes
        3. ols
          Link Parent
          Also a gmail beta user but only thought to snag <nickname from early 2000s>@gmail.com. Thankfully my name is unusual enough that I managed to get <surname>@gmail.com and <surname>.com when I...

          Also a gmail beta user but only thought to snag <nickname from early 2000s>@gmail.com. Thankfully my name is unusual enough that I managed to get <surname>@gmail.com and <surname>.com when I realised it would be useful!

          3 votes
      2. [3]
        Link Parent
        At least those people made some posts or comments, some level of effort to participate on the site. A reason to keep their names attached to their comments.

        At least those people made some posts or comments, some level of effort to participate on the site. A reason to keep their names attached to their comments.

        7 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Look at examples like @Moderator, @ssh, @NICE, @User, and so on - zero activity. @dice lasted only one week. After specifically requesting Deimos to change their username after signing up with the...

          Look at examples like @Moderator, @ssh, @NICE, @User, and so on - zero activity.

          @dice lasted only one week. After specifically requesting Deimos to change their username after signing up with the wrong one, @asdf also lasted only one week.

          They're not meaningful names that people wanted to reserve for themselves. They're just shallow "I got here first" claims to fame.

          20 votes
          1. json
            Link Parent
            I like to give the benefit of the doubt. But yeah, if the only posts are "yo look at my username" then it's just squatting.

            I like to give the benefit of the doubt. But yeah, if the only posts are "yo look at my username" then it's just squatting.

            9 votes
      3. public
        Link Parent
        That's been about half the discussion I've seen among the terminally-online class about the new Instagram Threads. Sign up to reserve their prized usernames and kick tires. Who knows how many will...

        there are so many people there who were happy to get a "clever" or "unique" username

        That's been about half the discussion I've seen among the terminally-online class about the new Instagram Threads. Sign up to reserve their prized usernames and kick tires. Who knows how many will stay?

        4 votes
    3. liv
      Link Parent
      I feel you. The person who owns my company name .com doesn't use it for anything. It's been in expired/redemption like 3 times as well.

      I feel you.

      The person who owns my company name .com doesn't use it for anything. It's been in expired/redemption like 3 times as well.

      6 votes
    4. Kenny
      Link Parent
      I may make a Kenny upset, but at least I’m still active.

      I may make a Kenny upset, but at least I’m still active.

      5 votes
    5. earlsweatshirt
      Link Parent
      This pain is too real 😭

      It’s still an inactive account after 5 years.

      This pain is too real 😭

      4 votes
    6. [2]
      Link Parent
      I teach physics, and respect respect Feynman

      I teach physics, and respect respect Feynman

      4 votes
      1. json
        Link Parent
        He sure was a fine man.

        He sure was a fine man.

        4 votes
  5. [8]
    (edited )
    Reddit was the first place I developed a strong online presence (outside of Facebook). I created a generic user account for my initial forays there but, after a few weeks, I decided I wanted...

    Reddit was the first place I developed a strong online presence (outside of Facebook). I created a generic user account for my initial forays there but, after a few weeks, I decided I wanted something a bit more distinctive. So I chose this name because it represents quite a few things which are, or have been, important in my life:

    • Isaac Asimov is my favourite writer in any genre, but I came to him via his science fiction. Science fiction is my favourite genre.

    • Asimov was, at one point, the President of the American Humanists Association, and I'm a humanist.

    • I aspire to Asimov's clarity of writing, and his ability to explain things.

    • 'Flowers for Algernon' is my favourite story, in any genre, of any length.

    • I played the character of Algernon Moncrieff on stage. This represents my acting past.

    • Oscar Wilde, who wrote 'The Importance of Being Earnest' in which Algernon Moncrieff appears, is another favourite writer of mine (and he's gay like me).

    With such an appropriate username, that represents so many facets of who I am, I've come to identify with it quite strongly. Since creating it for Reddit, I've used it whenever I've branched out to other websites: I am "Algernon Asimov" pretty much everywhere I go on the internet. I've been "Algernon Asimov" now for 12 years.

    P.S. At this stage, if someone on the street called out "Algernon", I would probably turn around. :)

    33 votes
    1. [7]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        I don't think you have mentioned that you're an Isaac. Cute! I love it! I agree. As an adaptation, it failed dismally. What did you think of 'Bicentennial Man' with Robin Williams? I think it's...

        I don't think you have mentioned that you're an Isaac.

        I said, "My books!" — they were Isaac Asimov novels.

        Cute! I love it!

        I was incredibly disappointed with the Foundation television series

        I agree. As an adaptation, it failed dismally.

        What did you think of 'Bicentennial Man' with Robin Williams? I think it's the best adaptation of an Asimov work I've ever seen. This Canadian television production of 'The Ugly Little Boy' is the most faithful adaptation I've seen, but 'Bicentennial Man' beats it on production values.

        4 votes
        1. [4]
          Comment deleted by author
          Link Parent
          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            It is. Yes, it's clunky and low-budget, but it's a faithful adaptation. That's actually the true situation. It started out as a totally unrelated script, that got rebadged during development. I...

            It definitely felt - skipping through as that was the best I could do - like it tried to be an honest telling.

            It is. Yes, it's clunky and low-budget, but it's a faithful adaptation.

            The infamous I, Robot was irritating but it was a little better when I saw it as not I, Robot, but a story vaguely inspired by all of the stories in that collection of short stories, telling a story of its own.

            That's actually the true situation. It started out as a totally unrelated script, that got rebadged during development.

            I want a project like Neil Gaiman pulled off with Good Omens.

            I love that series (and the book)! It was so delicious. As you say, it was a faithful adaptation. And... it was well produced, well written, well acted, just generally well done.

            I saw an ad recently for a second season of this series. I'm skeptical, given that they're now inventing a plot out of thin air, but I'll give it a watch.

            3 votes
            1. [3]
              Comment deleted by author
              Link Parent
              1. Algernon_Asimov
                Link Parent
                I learned about Gaiman's involvement a few hours after writing the above comment.

                I learned about Gaiman's involvement a few hours after writing the above comment.

                2 votes
              2. freedomischaos
                Link Parent
                Gaiman claims that they talked about enough material for a sequel that was just never published. So I have to imagine we'll still see the legacy of Sir Terry Pratchett throughout the work even if...

                Gaiman claims that they talked about enough material for a sequel that was just never published. So I have to imagine we'll still see the legacy of Sir Terry Pratchett throughout the work even if he has no direct hand in the script material as if it were adapted.

                2 votes
      2. PossiblyBipedal
        Link Parent
        The greatest thing about the Foundation television series were the parts that were not in the books at all. The three emperor plot was my favourite. It was incredibly creative and I wish I thought...

        The greatest thing about the Foundation television series were the parts that were not in the books at all.

        The three emperor plot was my favourite. It was incredibly creative and I wish I thought of it. If only they had just made this the show and not call it Foundation.

        Because the rest was kind of meh.

        Also R Daneel Olivaw has been a favourite character of mine for a very long time.

        3 votes
      3. xRyo
        Link Parent
        Personally loving the foundation show. I loved isaacs novels while growing up but personally always disliked his characters, they were pretty boring for the most part and I could never really put...

        Personally loving the foundation show. I loved isaacs novels while growing up but personally always disliked his characters, they were pretty boring for the most part and I could never really put myself in their shoes. So I’m pretty excited at his concepts being adapted but with changed characters.

        1 vote
    2. curiosityLynx
      Link Parent
      Ah, I love The Importance Of Being Earnest! A not insignificant part is because I appreciate the wordplay. Plus, the same wordplay mostly works in German as well! "Ernst" in German is a name,...

      Ah, I love The Importance Of Being Earnest! A not insignificant part is because I appreciate the wordplay.

      Plus, the same wordplay mostly works in German as well!
      "Ernst" in German is a name, "ernst" means earnest/serious (tending mostly towards serious in modern usage, but I appreciate it nonetheless).

  6. [12]
    Because 1338 is superior to 1337. Also 1337 was taken

    Because 1338 is superior to 1337. Also 1337 was taken

    29 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I mean…you’re empirically correct, unless that’s a golf score, both would be really terrible in that case.

      I mean…you’re empirically correct, unless that’s a golf score, both would be really terrible in that case.

      8 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        My golf score would be somewhere in that ballpark.

        My golf score would be somewhere in that ballpark.

        3 votes
        1. rustyshackleford
          Link Parent
          Absolutely the same, and I live on one.

          Absolutely the same, and I live on one.

          2 votes
    2. [8]
      Link Parent
      Why would you have wanted "1337"? What's the significance of that number?

      Also 1337 was taken

      Why would you have wanted "1337"? What's the significance of that number?

      3 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        1337 is LEET in leet-speak, an old-ass pop culture hackery way to type. LEET was slang for "Elite" which meant cool. 1337 started popping up everywhere as a result, in usernames, graffiti, as...

        1337 is LEET in leet-speak, an old-ass pop culture hackery way to type. LEET was slang for "Elite" which meant cool. 1337 started popping up everywhere as a result, in usernames, graffiti, as easter eggs, etc.

        7h15 15 4n 3x4mp13 0f 1337 there's a little more info and a generator here

        33 votes
        1. LorenzoStomp
          Link Parent
          My extension at work is 1337. My job is community-based so I rarely give it out, but when they made me move to a new cubicle I insisted my extension move with me, which resulted in an epic...

          My extension at work is 1337. My job is community-based so I rarely give it out, but when they made me move to a new cubicle I insisted my extension move with me, which resulted in an epic eye-roll from my 15-yrs-younger supervisor when I explained why it was important that I keep it. I also once got a hilarious pitying look from her when I sang the Homer Simpson S-M-R-T song. The kids just don't know.

          11 votes
        2. Algernon_Asimov
          Link Parent
          That's why it's familiar! Thank you for the reminder. :)

          That's why it's familiar! Thank you for the reminder. :)

          5 votes
        3. lelio
          Link Parent
          More specifically, back in the BBS days "elite" was like a login class. Like you have elite permissions. You would have to talk an admin into giving it to you. It would basically let you see the...

          More specifically, back in the BBS days "elite" was like a login class. Like you have elite permissions. You would have to talk an admin into giving it to you. It would basically let you see the warez and other illegal stuff that they didn't want to be public facing.


          5 votes
      2. unkz
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        Because it spells “leet” which is a sort of hacker jargon that derives from “elite” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet

        Because it spells “leet” which is a sort of hacker jargon that derives from “elite”


        4 votes
  7. [7]
    Wouldn’t you like to know

    Wouldn’t you like to know

    59 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      Names like yours make me miss (to a certain extent) the novelty account period of time on reddit, around 2016-2018 was full of goofy-named individuals with some consistent quirk. I wouldn't want...

      Names like yours make me miss (to a certain extent) the novelty account period of time on reddit, around 2016-2018 was full of goofy-named individuals with some consistent quirk. I wouldn't want that kind of vibe for tildes, but it really was a hilarious time if you had your subs customized correctly to filter the excess crazy out.

      25 votes
      1. WouldntYouLikeToKnow
        Link Parent
        Haha thanks, I’m not a troll. Just had to use the opportunity

        Haha thanks, I’m not a troll. Just had to use the opportunity

        9 votes
      2. public
        Link Parent
        That's part of the backstory behind my reddit name. My name here is due to autocorrect changing my typical Q spelling out from under me when I pressed "create an account." Specifically, my reddit...

        That's part of the backstory behind my reddit name. My name here is due to autocorrect changing my typical Q spelling out from under me when I pressed "create an account." Specifically, my reddit name was a parody of people who used names like "secret_porn_account." The original intent was to be an incessantly horny-on-main corporate/2012 AI persona. However, it quickly became more fun than my normie reddit account and I dropped that identity in favor of variants of this one.

        3 votes
      3. rustyshackleford
        Link Parent
        I do miss that period of Reddit. It’s been going downhill for years but I didn’t expect at any point until this API nonsense cropped up that I’d not be visiting that place again.

        I do miss that period of Reddit. It’s been going downhill for years but I didn’t expect at any point until this API nonsense cropped up that I’d not be visiting that place again.

        2 votes
      4. xRyo
        Link Parent
        I thought it was really fun when someone’s username fit a situation, and that username wasn’t made for the purpose of fitting into that conversation.

        I thought it was really fun when someone’s username fit a situation, and that username wasn’t made for the purpose of fitting into that conversation.

        2 votes
      5. curiosityLynx
        Link Parent
        PoemForASprog was one of them. He made mostly great poem comments.

        PoemForASprog was one of them. He made mostly great poem comments.

        1 vote
  8. [9]
    I wanted something upbeat and positive. There are so many people around who are buying the whole 'end times' narrative (not in the religious sense - although I guess that too, for some - but in...

    I wanted something upbeat and positive.
    There are so many people around who are buying the whole 'end times' narrative (not in the religious sense - although I guess that too, for some - but in the 'wow there's a lot of not-great stuff going on' sense) and they often choose their names accordingly.

    So rather than be clever and bleak, I chose something straightforward, shiny, and cheerful.

    24 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      This is absolutely lovely. Rock on, my friend. Shiny forever!

      This is absolutely lovely. Rock on, my friend. Shiny forever!

      5 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        And now shiny happy people is playing in the Winamp in my head.

        And now shiny happy people is playing in the Winamp in my head.

        3 votes
        1. A1sound
          Link Parent
          Damn you! Now I'm gonna have to spend all night listening to all my R.E.M albums >:(

          Damn you! Now I'm gonna have to spend all night listening to all my R.E.M albums >:(

          2 votes
    2. PuddleOfKittens
      Link Parent
      Me too! Pick a name that brings you joy!

      I wanted something upbeat and positive.

      Me too! Pick a name that brings you joy!

      5 votes
    3. [3]
      Link Parent
      What was that? I couldn't hear you over your username, it's a little loud.

      What was that? I couldn't hear you over your username, it's a little loud.

      2 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Oh hey, someone who presumably had a similar thought to me back when I first came up with my username!

        Oh hey, someone who presumably had a similar thought to me back when I first came up with my username!

        1 vote
        1. CuriosityGobble
          Link Parent
          I get curious and then I hyperfocus, gobbling the information. Curiosity gobble

          I get curious and then I hyperfocus, gobbling the information. Curiosity gobble

    4. mie
      Link Parent
      Glad that you did this. Put up a slight smile to my face!

      Glad that you did this. Put up a slight smile to my face!

      1 vote
  9. [4]
    I was hungover and eating noodles to be honest.

    I was hungover and eating noodles to be honest.

    20 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I’ve definitely been in very similar situations. I hope it was a super hearty ramen or that Korean hangover soup.

      I’ve definitely been in very similar situations. I hope it was a super hearty ramen or that Korean hangover soup.

      3 votes
  10. [4]
    (edited )
    I first joined in either 2018 or 2019? I had just discovered the word vivarium, and fell completely in love. Just look at the list of "-iums" on the Wikipedia page!! Plus, the Latin definition...

    I first joined in either 2018 or 2019? I had just discovered the word vivarium, and fell completely in love. Just look at the list of "-iums" on the Wikipedia page!! Plus, the Latin definition "place of life" felt like something that I wanted to represent me. Tildes was the first place I ever used the name. :)

    Originally, I had chosen the username "vivaria"? But, I sort of imploded a bit somewhere around 2020, after coming to conclusion that I had been using Tildes in an unhealthy way, so I asked Deimos to nuke my account. I ended up crawling back though after years of lurking logged-out, and when I rejoined I took the closest thing to my old username. (I really wish I had vivaria back? But I've been too shy to ask Deimos if some database magic is possible to let me recover the username.)

    A fun benefit -- the -ia part of "vivaria" led to a lot of folks reading me as feminine and calling me Viv, which I really loved as a transfem person? So much so that I've been playing with the idea of actually taking the name Viv/Vivian/etc. as my IRL name. It's been something I've been mulling over for years now (I tried it once with a brief FWB I had a few years back, but it felt a bit strange to hear it out of their mouth!) Even though I'm not 100% sure of it yet, the fact that I'm even considering it is all thanks to Tildes and the folks I've met along the way. :)

    18 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Honestly I didn’t know what a vivarium was until I played Hogwarts Legacy earlier this year 😂 Nice name :)

      Honestly I didn’t know what a vivarium was until I played Hogwarts Legacy earlier this year 😂 Nice name :)

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Likewise!! #FREEEARL ;>

        Likewise!! #FREEEARL ;>

        2 votes
        1. earlsweatshirt
          Link Parent
          Legend has it he never wanted to be freed. I wish I’d heard about the Doris anniversary show in time to grab a ticket for a reasonable price. EDIT: If you like Earl and haven’t read it, highly...

          Legend has it he never wanted to be freed. I wish I’d heard about the Doris anniversary show in time to grab a ticket for a reasonable price.

          EDIT: If you like Earl and haven’t read it, highly recommend this Pitchfork piece from a couple years ago: https://pitchfork.com/features/profile/earl-sweatshirt-does-not-exist/

          Maybe I’ll post it to ~music for some discussion on a slow day 😄

          2 votes
  11. [11]
    Tildes is the first place I’ve been able to get a username I actually like and wasn’t taken by someone else. I like books, so I wanted something from a book, and one of my favourites is Good...

    Tildes is the first place I’ve been able to get a username I actually like and wasn’t taken by someone else. I like books, so I wanted something from a book, and one of my favourites is Good Omens. It’s also sufficiently liked by enough people that it would be a character they’d recognise, which lets people know something about me - that I like books (to come full circle), I like funny books, and maybe I’m funny myself (I’m not really but it’s nice when people think I am).

    18 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Are you a witch though? You have to say if you are. No wait, that's cops

      Are you a witch though?

      You have to say if you are. No wait, that's cops

      7 votes
      1. AgnesNutter
        Link Parent
        Actually I’m both. Part of the witch watch. We go out naked at midnight looking for criminals… no wait, that’s witches written by men. I am nice and frequently accurate, and if I’m not accurate...

        Actually I’m both. Part of the witch watch. We go out naked at midnight looking for criminals… no wait, that’s witches written by men.

        I am nice and frequently accurate, and if I’m not accurate it’s just because you won’t understand until later

        9 votes
    2. [4]
      Link Parent
      Clearly it's time for me to reread Good Omens because I couldn't quite place where your name sounded familiar from. I'm ashamed!

      Clearly it's time for me to reread Good Omens because I couldn't quite place where your name sounded familiar from. I'm ashamed!

      4 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        It’s always a good time to reread Good Omens :) If you like audiobooks, audible just did a full cast with David Tennant and Michael Sheen. It’s fantastic!

        It’s always a good time to reread Good Omens :)

        If you like audiobooks, audible just did a full cast with David Tennant and Michael Sheen. It’s fantastic!

        3 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Hey there. Last week, I saw a trailer for 'Good Omens'... Season 2. Were you aware of this?

          Hey there. Last week, I saw a trailer for 'Good Omens'... Season 2. Were you aware of this?

          1 vote
          1. AgnesNutter
            Link Parent
            NO! Wow, thanks! I know Gaiman was very involved in season 1, so I hope he’s written this too. Will be interesting to see where they go with it

            NO! Wow, thanks! I know Gaiman was very involved in season 1, so I hope he’s written this too. Will be interesting to see where they go with it

            2 votes
    3. [2]
      Link Parent
      My regular VRChat avatar is a character from Genshin Impact. I don't like, never played and never will play Genshin Impact, and know nothing about its plot. But you'd be surprised by how much it...

      I’m not really but it’s nice when people think I am

      My regular VRChat avatar is a character from Genshin Impact. I don't like, never played and never will play Genshin Impact, and know nothing about its plot. But you'd be surprised by how much it influences people's behavior towards me. He's apparently a well beloved character! Every week, complete strangers strike up conversations with great friendliness and effusiveness.

      The first time I tried VRChat, years ago, I didn't give much thought to my choice of avatar, and the experience was really different as a result, even though it was the same person behind the mask.

      I love Good Omens by the way!

      2 votes
      1. AgnesNutter
        Link Parent
        That’s so funny and interesting. Really goes to show that it’s important to put thought into your name/avatar online!

        That’s so funny and interesting. Really goes to show that it’s important to put thought into your name/avatar online!

        1 vote
    4. [2]
      Link Parent
      More importantly, are you actually prophetic, or are you just nice and accurate (which are lovely enough, thanks for being here!)?

      More importantly, are you actually prophetic, or are you just nice and accurate (which are lovely enough, thanks for being here!)?

      2 votes
      1. AgnesNutter
        Link Parent
        Afraid not. More pathetic than prophetic, unfortunately, although I can always predict when I’m going to get a headache (usually involves the kids and/or gin)

        Afraid not. More pathetic than prophetic, unfortunately, although I can always predict when I’m going to get a headache (usually involves the kids and/or gin)

        1 vote
  12. [3]
    (edited )
    I really like tea, and it turns our there is an internationally agreed correct way to make it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3103

    I really like tea, and it turns our there is an internationally agreed correct way to make it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3103

    18 votes
    1. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      I enjoy tea, but had no idea there was an ISO standard for it. I can’t say I’m surprised, but that wasn’t info I had prior to reading this reply.

      I enjoy tea, but had no idea there was an ISO standard for it. I can’t say I’m surprised, but that wasn’t info I had prior to reading this reply.

      9 votes
    2. epitten
      Link Parent
      I love learning about ISO standards for things, and I love that you liked it so much you made it your username. But "internationally agreed correct way" isn't quite accurate. From the Wikipedia...

      I love learning about ISO standards for things, and I love that you liked it so much you made it your username.

      But "internationally agreed correct way" isn't quite accurate. From the Wikipedia article:

      This standard is not meant to define the proper method for brewing tea intended for general consumption, but rather to document a tea brewing procedure where meaningful sensory comparisons can be made.

      And obligatory Tom Scott video on trying ISO 3103 tea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAsrsMPftOI

      1 vote
  13. [8]
    I’ve been carrying this handle around for over 30 years, from back in the BBS days.

    I’ve been carrying this handle around for over 30 years, from back in the BBS days.

    17 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      what's bbs?

      what's bbs?

      4 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        @azaadi Through no fault of your own, I instantly felt old upon seeing your question! lol :-D More seriously, BBS were so much fun...and with smol internet, Gemini, and Tildes sorts of movements...

        @azaadi Through no fault of your own, I instantly felt old upon seeing your question! lol :-D

        More seriously, BBS were so much fun...and with smol internet, Gemini, and Tildes sorts of movements being in the zeitgeist nowadays in some circles...I wonder what other approaches - like BBS, etc. - might be relevant to bring back for new generations, or that newere generations might appreciate...Not necessarily bringing back the tech stack, but rather the "smallness" (maybe there's a better word, or like "intimacy"?) which was so enjoyed by many so many years (decades!?!) ago...?

        Anyway, i guess i am old technically, but feel young. ;-)

        8 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          You don't need to feel old. Even a Gen X-er like me is only vaguely aware of what "BBS" means - only because a few people on Tildes have mentioned it. I didn't know anything about "BBS" until...

          I instantly felt old upon seeing your question! lol :-D

          You don't need to feel old. Even a Gen X-er like me is only vaguely aware of what "BBS" means - only because a few people on Tildes have mentioned it. I didn't know anything about "BBS" until recently.

          So, it's not only young people who don't know! You can stop feeling old. :D

          2 votes
          1. mxuribe
            Link Parent
            Thanks, I feel relieved! :-)

            Thanks, I feel relieved! :-)

            2 votes
        2. grumble
          Link Parent
          Agreed! Thank you! I'm almost forty, but I have way fewer grey hairs than my wife, and she both dyes her hair and gets botox. I remember the local bbs. There was a signed/unsigned exploit in one...

          Agreed! Thank you!

          I'm almost forty, but I have way fewer grey hairs than my wife, and she both dyes her hair and gets botox.

          I remember the local bbs. There was a signed/unsigned exploit in one of the text games. I just dominated it.

          Anyway, that's probably for the same reason I'm good at what I do.

          2 votes
    2. zeda
      Link Parent

      a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings

      1 vote
  14. [6]
    Once upon a time, I knew a dealer. Nothing too scandalous, just weed (as far as I was concerned at least). Now this dealer was currently living in a long term motel with his girlfriend due to...

    Once upon a time, I knew a dealer. Nothing too scandalous, just weed (as far as I was concerned at least). Now this dealer was currently living in a long term motel with his girlfriend due to being kicked out of his house by his wife. This guy did not deliver. Ever. Didn't matter how much you wanted, you had to go to him. I didn't really know the guy directly being a teenager at the time but I hung out with an older guy who was good friends with him. More context: myself and this older friend had spent the week scrounging bottles and cans and a change jug my parents had kept. The bottles and cans money ended up in his gas tank and was used up driving around. The money from the change jug, all quarters, was to be used for the weed. Now due to the empty gas tank we could not get to the dealer. My friend begged, I mean hands and knees begged for this guy to deliver for us, just this once, pinky swear. The dealer conceided and he delivered, bringing his girlfriend along for the ride. Upon arrival he showed us the goods and asked for the cash, and I promptly handed him a sandwich bag of unrolled quarters. Jaws dropped, hearts raced, and the girlfriend laughed. Laughed and laughed. Finally catching her breath she said: "You're Quarters now, that's your name now." And the rest, so they say, is history.

    16 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Thats amazing! Do you still use the nick name in real life too?

      Thats amazing! Do you still use the nick name in real life too?

      3 votes
      1. Quarters
        Link Parent
        Thanks! Now that I'm in my mid thirties it's only my closest friends that call me quarters, but for the longest time it was the name I'd introduce myself as and only my good friends knew my real name.

        Thanks! Now that I'm in my mid thirties it's only my closest friends that call me quarters, but for the longest time it was the name I'd introduce myself as and only my good friends knew my real name.

        4 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      That is an excellent story. I’m not sure what country you’re in but at least the restrictions seem to be loosening in the US and Canada is wide open. Delta 8 has me covered until my backwards...

      That is an excellent story. I’m not sure what country you’re in but at least the restrictions seem to be loosening in the US and Canada is wide open. Delta 8 has me covered until my backwards state figures it out.

      2 votes
      1. Quarters
        Link Parent
        Thanks! And this was in the US but roughly 20 or so years ago. Weed is now legal in my state, I imagine it's only a couple of Democrat presidents away from being federally legal...at least I hope so.

        Thanks! And this was in the US but roughly 20 or so years ago. Weed is now legal in my state, I imagine it's only a couple of Democrat presidents away from being federally legal...at least I hope so.

        3 votes
      2. doors_cannot_stop_me
        Link Parent
        As someone from a backward state that is historically a perfect place for the industry to take off, I hear you.

        As someone from a backward state that is historically a perfect place for the industry to take off, I hear you.

        1 vote
  15. artvandelay
    Seinfeld is one of my favorite TV shows and the fake names the characters come up with have always made for great online usernames in my opinion. Art Vandelay, H.E. Pennypacker, Kel Varnson....

    Seinfeld is one of my favorite TV shows and the fake names the characters come up with have always made for great online usernames in my opinion. Art Vandelay, H.E. Pennypacker, Kel Varnson. George is my favorite character on Seinfeld so I just used his fake name as my username.

    14 votes
  16. [5]
    I wanted something that if you googled it, would be very difficult to tie to me as a person.

    I wanted something that if you googled it, would be very difficult to tie to me as a person.

    13 votes
    1. CosmicDefect
      Link Parent
      Nice try, I know you're the king of Ithaca.

      Nice try, I know you're the king of Ithaca.

      16 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      I'm lucky enough to have a name like that IRL. It's nice.

      I'm lucky enough to have a name like that IRL. It's nice.

      5 votes
      1. A1sound
        Link Parent
        Huh, didn't think there would be many other people called Curiosity Gobble ;)

        Huh, didn't think there would be many other people called Curiosity Gobble ;)

        3 votes
    3. tauon
      Link Parent
      Same. Also in addition to that, I kind of dig shorter identifiers (5, 6 letters, anything less is typically utopic due to being taken since day 1) and them looking "clean", i.e. no...

      Same. Also in addition to that, I kind of dig shorter identifiers (5, 6 letters, anything less is typically utopic due to being taken since day 1) and them looking "clean", i.e. no underscores/dashes, all lowercase, even without numbers if they are still avoidable. Dots can be fine depending on context (e.g. email: firstname.lastname, f.lastname and so on)

      3 votes
  17. [6]
    I'm not good at chess, and this was the only way I was able to say it.

    I'm not good at chess, and this was the only way I was able to say it.

    12 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      You can always use it if you want to pay after you've eaten at an Australian restaurant

      You can always use it if you want to pay after you've eaten at an Australian restaurant

      10 votes
      1. liv
        Link Parent
        Pretty sure they don't call it the check, though? Relates to my favourite trivia about US vs UK, though it's out of date now everyone's cashless. ("In the US they pay the check with a bill, in the...

        Pretty sure they don't call it the check, though?

        Relates to my favourite trivia about US vs UK, though it's out of date now everyone's cashless. ("In the US they pay the check with a bill, in the UK they pay the bill with a cheque")

        4 votes
      2. [3]
        Link Parent
        We get a bill after eating, not a check.

        We get a bill after eating, not a check.

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          In America? I've definitely heard people ask the waist staff for the check.

          In America? I've definitely heard people ask the waist staff for the check.

          1 vote
          1. Algernon_Asimov
            Link Parent
            In Australia. I was replying to a comment about Australian restaurants, explaining that we get a bill.

            In Australia. I was replying to a comment about Australian restaurants, explaining that we get a bill.

            2 votes
  18. Tryptaminer
    I used to be an MSHA-certified miner, now I'm an enjoyer of tryptamines 🤙

    I used to be an MSHA-certified miner, now I'm an enjoyer of tryptamines 🤙

    11 votes
  19. [8]
    It was my Reddit handle, and it's one I use across the internet.

    It was my Reddit handle, and it's one I use across the internet.

    10 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      A monster that doesn't knock before entering the house and devouring its victims? That seems impolite. :P And... it's only now that I realise it's a Spoonerism. d'oh!

      A monster that doesn't knock before entering the house and devouring its victims? That seems impolite. :P

      And... it's only now that I realise it's a Spoonerism. d'oh!

      4 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        Mockless knonster?

        Mockless knonster?

        1 vote
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          Before I get told off for explaining the obvious... again... Are you having a little joke of your own? Or are you sincerely trying to work out the Spoonerism?

          Before I get told off for explaining the obvious... again...

          Are you having a little joke of your own? Or are you sincerely trying to work out the Spoonerism?

          1 vote
          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            I don't understand the spoonerism.

            I don't understand the spoonerism.

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              Link Parent
              Ah. Knock Less Monster => Loch Ness Monster


              Knock Less Monster => Loch Ness Monster

              5 votes
              1. cutmetal
                Link Parent
                LOL, thanks! Definitely didn't notice that!

                LOL, thanks! Definitely didn't notice that!

                3 votes
    2. doors_cannot_stop_me
      Link Parent
      Heh, we could team up in a username heist, I think.

      Heh, we could team up in a username heist, I think.

      3 votes
  20. DialecticCake
    I <3 cake and I have a philosophy degree.

    I <3 cake and I have a philosophy degree.

    9 votes
  21. [2]
    Had this conversation with @Algernon_Asimov recently haha. To repeat what I put there: It's from some rather esoteric ideas in cosmology and topology. Also, it's bit of a self-burn about the...

    Had this conversation with @Algernon_Asimov recently haha. To repeat what I put there: It's from some rather esoteric ideas in cosmology and topology. Also, it's bit of a self-burn about the smallness of any one human's existence, but not in the depressing way, but kind of in the way Carl Sagan referred to the Earth as a Pale Blue Dot. I'm proud to be a cosmic mote of dust.

    9 votes
    1. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      I’ll have to read that thread when I get a chance to do so. I wish more people understood how small this little space rock we dwell on is in the grand scheme of things.

      I’ll have to read that thread when I get a chance to do so. I wish more people understood how small this little space rock we dwell on is in the grand scheme of things.

      2 votes
  22. [3]
    I wanted a short username since the fewer the characters, the less likely it is a username is available. I couldn't use single character usernames, and I don't think even two character names were...

    I wanted a short username since the fewer the characters, the less likely it is a username is available. I couldn't use single character usernames, and I don't think even two character names were allowed. "Null" was taken, I believe, so this is what I picked. Close enough to "null" and it's only three letters, so it's a tad unique in that aspect. I can't do the math, but there aren't a ton of 3 letter usernames you can make.

    9 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Counting letters and numbers and the underscore character (the only special character I know for sure is allowed), it's... (26 + 10 + 1)3 or 50,653 That's enough to service all current registered...

      I can't do the math, but there aren't a ton of 3 letter usernames you can make.

      Counting letters and numbers and the underscore character (the only special character I know for sure is allowed), it's...

      (26 + 10 + 1)3 or 50,653

      That's enough to service all current registered users on Tildes twice, with some left over. We could all have 3-character usernames if we wanted!

      Of course, some of those names would be meaningless combinations like "wzp", "8a_", and "_k3". But, they're available if we want them!

      7 votes
      1. nul
        Link Parent
        I appreciate you doing the math. You are correct with those names being meaningless combos, but a 3 character name is still rare. Then again, this platform is small so I guess it isn't quite the...

        I appreciate you doing the math. You are correct with those names being meaningless combos, but a 3 character name is still rare. Then again, this platform is small so I guess it isn't quite the same thing as having a three character name on, say, pre-Musk Twitter.

        3 votes
  23. [5]
    Because when I was 15, Raistlin Majere was the coolest man in the world.

    Because when I was 15, Raistlin Majere was the coolest man in the world.

    8 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Was? I think you'll find he's still the coolest in all of Krynn.

      Was? I think you'll find he's still the coolest in all of Krynn.

      3 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        Man, I still sometimes randomly pull out my old Dragonlance books. When my wife was in labour, when I was just in wait mode and couldn't sleep, of all the things in the world, I was reading...

        Man, I still sometimes randomly pull out my old Dragonlance books. When my wife was in labour, when I was just in wait mode and couldn't sleep, of all the things in the world, I was reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight. It's my comfortiest of comfort reads.

        1 vote
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Yeah, I can completely understand. I'm pretty sure Dragons of Autumn Twilight was the first novel I ever read, and I identif(ied/y) pretty strongly with Raistlin. And I still reeeeeeally want to...

          Yeah, I can completely understand. I'm pretty sure Dragons of Autumn Twilight was the first novel I ever read, and I identif(ied/y) pretty strongly with Raistlin. And I still reeeeeeally want to eat a huge plate of Otik's spiced potatoes... It has been too long; I should definitely read them again.

          2 votes
          1. Raistlin
            Link Parent
            Yeah, Raistlin was a bit of a hero for every sickly nerd out there. Kind of like the modern isekai craze before that was even a thing, now that I think about it. I think I must've had like 50...

            Yeah, Raistlin was a bit of a hero for every sickly nerd out there. Kind of like the modern isekai craze before that was even a thing, now that I think about it.

            I think I must've had like 50 Dragonlance books. When I moved to NZ, I brought with me the original trilogy, the twins trilogy, Dragons of Summer Flame and Second Generation. I actually really like how they set up that second generation, but sadly I didn't actually very much like then once their books started coming out.

            2 votes
  24. albinanigans
    I'm Albi. I will shenan once, and you bet I shenanigan.

    I'm Albi. I will shenan once, and you bet I shenanigan.

    8 votes
  25. [6]
    You might like this early thread: Why did you choose this username for your Tildes account?
    7 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      I actually did read through that one! I figured since that was five years ago and Tildes has had a substantial increase in users recently due to the Reddit situation it would be a nice topic to...

      I actually did read through that one! I figured since that was five years ago and Tildes has had a substantial increase in users recently due to the Reddit situation it would be a nice topic to revisit.

      1 vote
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        I wasn't trying to imply you shouldn't ask this question again! As you imply, we've got many thousands more Tildren now than when that earlier question was asked. But, if you're interested in...

        I wasn't trying to imply you shouldn't ask this question again! As you imply, we've got many thousands more Tildren now than when that earlier question was asked. But, if you're interested in meanings behind usernames, that old question also contains some answer you (and other people) might be interested in.

        3 votes
        1. [3]
          Comment deleted by author
          Link Parent
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            Who'd'a thought the opportunity would come up so soon? :P

            Who'd'a thought the opportunity would come up so soon? :P

            2 votes
            1. [2]
              Comment deleted by author
              Link Parent
              1. Algernon_Asimov
                Link Parent
                I'm glad you acknowledged that on your own, and I didn't have to point it out. :P

                "Tather" and "Tad" just don't work

                I'm glad you acknowledged that on your own, and I didn't have to point it out. :P

                2 votes
        2. rustyshackleford
          Link Parent
          I didn’t think you were, I appreciate the suggestion!

          I didn’t think you were, I appreciate the suggestion!

  26. aphoenix
    I've had this same username for well over 40 years. I like how it sounds; it's simple and easy to remember.

    I've had this same username for well over 40 years. I like how it sounds; it's simple and easy to remember.

    7 votes
  27. [2]
    streblo! I was into the whole snowboard scene growing up, and this was a local cult classic for reasons I’m still unsure of today. The 2000s were a weird time.


    I was into the whole snowboard scene growing up, and this was a local cult classic for reasons I’m still unsure of today. The 2000s were a weird time.

    6 votes
    1. rosco
      Link Parent
      Amazing! I never made the connection.


      Amazing! I never made the connection.

      3 votes
  28. [2]
    I think I was choosing a tumblr username for an unrelated account, used the random name generator to get a phrase similar to @an_angry_tiger, and modified it a little when joining here. It's...

    I think I was choosing a tumblr username for an unrelated account, used the random name generator to get a phrase similar to @an_angry_tiger, and modified it a little when joining here.

    It's different from usernames I use elsewhere, semi-recently I started using different usernames for every new site I join, unless I really want it tied to my older username. As life goes on I find it freeing to not have to worry as much about what I say or do on one site being tied together with the other ones, not that I say or do anything controversial, I barely post anywhere else anymore and live a boring life online.

    Does help with letting me troll and shitpost on tiktok without fear of someone finding my other accounts though.

    6 votes
    1. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. CuriosityGobble
        Link Parent
        Indeed. I've been cycling usernames since I realized how googlable my oldest persona was. That's just not for me. It's more important to have privacy than an online presence.

        Indeed. I've been cycling usernames since I realized how googlable my oldest persona was. That's just not for me.

        It's more important to have privacy than an online presence.

        4 votes
  29. [3]
    So that when the inevitable spelling mistake or bad autocorrection happens I don't get doxed by the grammar nazis

    So that when the inevitable spelling mistake or bad autocorrection happens I don't get doxed by the grammar nazis

    6 votes
    1. curiosityLynx
      Link Parent
      And here I thought you were a spell by Immanuel Kant 😜

      And here I thought you were a spell by Immanuel Kant 😜

      2 votes
    2. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      Duck! I wish I thought of that, that’s a sound strategy! I hope it werks gud for yew.

      Duck! I wish I thought of that, that’s a sound strategy! I hope it werks gud for yew.

      1 vote
  30. pum
    My usual username is "yamplum". There's no meaning behind it, it just sounds nice and is relatively easy to pronounce. One day I was having a commiseration session with my friends about the...

    My usual username is "yamplum". There's no meaning behind it, it just sounds nice and is relatively easy to pronounce. One day I was having a commiseration session with my friends about the pitfalls of YAML and someone pointed out that you couldn't spell "yamplum" without "yaml"... so I fixed that. ;)

    6 votes
  31. Fawxhox
    I've had the same username since I was like 8 or 9 and signed up for Neopets. It was a misspelling of faux-hawk (like a mohawk but without the sides of your head full shaved). I thought they were...

    I've had the same username since I was like 8 or 9 and signed up for Neopets. It was a misspelling of faux-hawk (like a mohawk but without the sides of your head full shaved). I thought they were just really cool. It then carried on in the 20ish years since. I've come to really appreciate it though. My username is never taken on websites or games, it doesn't have numbers or symbols, and it feels like a strong definite name. If you Google fawxhox every single result is directly related to me. Also if I ever became a pro gamer or a streamer or whatever people could call me Fawxhox and it wouldn't sound weird like "LasersRFun" or "Munchk1nBlaster" or whatever (not that I have any interest in becoming either). Plus it can be easily shortened to fawx.

    6 votes
  32. DumpsterGrackle
    Rusty, you giblet-head, it's already 110 in the summer, and if it gets one degree hotter, I'm gonna kick your ass! Dumpster Grackles have it all. Tenacity, beauty, vocals, rage, discarded french...

    Dale Rusty, you giblet-head, it's already 110 in the summer, and if it gets one degree hotter, I'm gonna kick your ass!

    Dumpster Grackles have it all. Tenacity, beauty, vocals, rage, discarded french fries, a regular colon, a will to survive that would inspire Beyonce... what's not to love?

    6 votes
  33. thelilyandthemoon
    I thought it sounded like a nice story. And now I’m writing the story, and it is, in fact, nice.

    I thought it sounded like a nice story. And now I’m writing the story, and it is, in fact, nice.

    6 votes
  34. dadsadangidy
    My younger one used to say that my real name was "Dadsadangidy Doodily Bangidy BaabaBaabaa". I found that to be very funny and brings me a smile every time it was said. So yeah it's a little...

    My younger one used to say that my real name was "Dadsadangidy Doodily Bangidy BaabaBaabaa". I found that to be very funny and brings me a smile every time it was said. So yeah it's a little pointer to that core memory.

    6 votes
  35. piotr
    I wanted a short, cool username but did not have an idea for one. So my current username means Peter in Polish, which is my actual name in my native language.

    I wanted a short, cool username but did not have an idea for one. So my current username means Peter in Polish, which is my actual name in my native language.

    6 votes
  36. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      As someone who was very into vampires for most of the 1990s and 2000s, I love the story about how you became Daychilde. And I also like reading about other people who get attached to their usernames.

      As someone who was very into vampires for most of the 1990s and 2000s, I love the story about how you became Daychilde. And I also like reading about other people who get attached to their usernames.

      2 votes
  37. [3]
    Am music nerd, so of course it's my favorite album.

    Am music nerd, so of course it's my favorite album.

    6 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Your taste in music is objectively correct. Love blasting Amarok on long road trips.

      Your taste in music is objectively correct. Love blasting Amarok on long road trips.

      1 vote
      1. Amarok
        Link Parent
        Make some time for this live version of Tubular Bells recorded a couple months ago for the 50th anniversary. It's excellent. :)

        Make some time for this live version of Tubular Bells recorded a couple months ago for the 50th anniversary. It's excellent. :)

        2 votes
  38. [8]
    I like tea. And it's one of my favorite forms of it. Visiting Uji was amazing.

    I like tea. And it's one of my favorite forms of it. Visiting Uji was amazing.

    5 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Well now it makes sense why people think my username is tea related.

      Well now it makes sense why people think my username is tea related.

      4 votes
      1. PossiblyBipedal
        Link Parent
        Imagining your confusion every time someone asks you about your favourite way of consuming Matcha is hilarious.

        Imagining your confusion every time someone asks you about your favourite way of consuming Matcha is hilarious.

        2 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      What style do you like? I never got into Koicha, the texture just feels very weird to me, so I always stick with thin Usucha. Got some tea from Uji at home, it’s awesome that you got to visit the...

      What style do you like? I never got into Koicha, the texture just feels very weird to me, so I always stick with thin Usucha. Got some tea from
      Uji at home, it’s awesome that you got to visit the place :)

      1 vote
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Thin has been my daily but koicha can work with the right one. Over in Japan they use a smaller water to tea ratio than me making it taste almost like a beer. Here's my recommendation for a daily....

        Thin has been my daily but koicha can work with the right one. Over in Japan they use a smaller water to tea ratio than me making it taste almost like a beer.

        Here's my recommendation for a daily.


        2 votes
        1. Wulfarweijd
          Link Parent
          Thanks, I’ll give that a try!

          Thanks, I’ll give that a try!

          2 votes
  39. NaraVara
    This has been my name on forums since the early aughts. It’s a Sanskrit term meaning that basically means “foremost among men” referring to people who are esteemed pillars of the community.

    This has been my name on forums since the early aughts. It’s a Sanskrit term meaning that basically means “foremost among men” referring to people who are esteemed pillars of the community.

    5 votes
  40. ClintBeastwood
    I saw this name on call of duty when I was like 15 (also funny enough that was 15 years ago) and I absolutely loved it. Made me laugh pretty hard. So I stole it shamelessly as my own.

    I saw this name on call of duty when I was like 15 (also funny enough that was 15 years ago) and I absolutely loved it. Made me laugh pretty hard. So I stole it shamelessly as my own.

    5 votes
  41. wesolve4
    I have a unique username with a simple morphing algo related to the name of a site, and also morphing password. it's secure and i never forget.

    I have a unique username with a simple morphing algo related to the name of a site, and also morphing password. it's secure and i never forget.

    5 votes
  42. [8]
    Well it is Dutch and the smoon means Simone, the tjes means girl. However I am neither Dutch nor is my name Simone nor am I a girl lol - I am Danish and my name is Sofie and I am 30 so that's...

    Well it is Dutch and the smoon means Simone, the tjes means girl. However I am neither Dutch nor is my name Simone nor am I a girl lol - I am Danish and my name is Sofie and I am 30 so that's pretty far from girl-territory and well into woman-territory.

    I may or may not have stolen it from a Dutch singer that I really liked at the time 😅

    5 votes
    1. [7]
      Link Parent
      I hope I'm not bursting some bubble but it's a diminutive and not specifically gendered. It's also used to make an adjective adverbial. The Dutch make everything diminutive. Seriously, everything.


      I hope I'm not bursting some bubble but it's a diminutive and not specifically gendered. It's also used to make an adjective adverbial.

      The Dutch make everything diminutive. Seriously, everything.

      4 votes
      1. [3]
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        Is Dutch capable of forming the diminutive of a verb? In Swiss German you can do that by umlauting the verb root and adding ɘl. Example: (1) /baː.dɘt/ = (he/she/we/they/y'all) is/are taking a bath...

        Is Dutch capable of forming the diminutive of a verb? In Swiss German you can do that by umlauting the verb root and adding ɘl.


        • (1) /baː.dɘt/ = (he/she/we/they/y'all) is/are taking a bath
        • (2) /baː.dɪʃ/ = (you) are taking a bath
        • /bæ.dɘ.lɘt/ = same as (1), but diminutive
        • /bæ.dɘ.lɪʃ/ = same as (2), but diminutive

        Edit: Or as I just used a minute ago: "es rägelet", diminutive of "es rägnet" = "it rains"/"it's raining"

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Yes it's possible, although it's less common and not always possible. Everything else is fair game and will end on "tje" at some point. Interesting to see how diminutives are different across...

          Yes it's possible, although it's less common and not always possible. Everything else is fair game and will end on "tje" at some point.

          Interesting to see how diminutives are different across languages. I didn't know Schweizerdeutsch had that capability with verbs.

          1 vote
          1. curiosityLynx
            Link Parent
            Well, German doesn't, so it's not surprising you didn't know. It's one of the arguments for calling Schwiizerdüütsch its own language rather than just a German dialect.

            Well, German doesn't, so it's not surprising you didn't know. It's one of the arguments for calling Schwiizerdüütsch its own language rather than just a German dialect.

      2. [3]
        Link Parent
        I don't know what a diminutive is but no worries, no bubble burst! I think that's just what Google Translate once told me

        I don't know what a diminutive is but no worries, no bubble burst! I think that's just what Google Translate once told me

        1 vote
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          It's the smaller form, so Dog <> Doggy. We use it for everything so Simone <> Simoontje, Zon (Sun) <> Zonnetje, Auto <> Autootje.

          It's the smaller form, so Dog <> Doggy.

          We use it for everything so Simone <> Simoontje, Zon (Sun) <> Zonnetje, Auto <> Autootje.

          3 votes
          1. Chimera
            Link Parent
            The -s in -tjes makes it multiple, so you're a bunch of little Simones!

            The -s in -tjes makes it multiple, so you're a bunch of little Simones!

            1 vote
  43. PossiblyBipedal
    When I come up with usernames, I usually like playing with a variation of me being human but also maybe not human. I've had many identity crisis growing up about everything. Race, gender,...

    When I come up with usernames, I usually like playing with a variation of me being human but also maybe not human.

    I've had many identity crisis growing up about everything. Race, gender, nationality, sexuality, many other things. Always worrying about what and why I'm doing something. What is the purpose? Who am I? I didn't even feel human. I couldn't relate to anyone.

    But then I got older and figured out many things and am more comfortable with being who I am. But, all my usernames have some variation of reminding me that I am human or I am an organic being. An animal just like the rest of nature.

    I always have to remind myself that I am human, just like everyone else. Always. I am human. That's okay.

    But when I made this username, I wasn't feeling too good. So the most I could muster was well, eh. I'm bipedal, just like everyone else. Probably. That's a factual statement. That's good enough for me.

    This username is unique to Tildes. I don't like using the same username in different sites because I don't want to be followed. I like being anonymous. Having said that, I've revealed so much information here about myself on Tildes, anyone who knows me would figure it out immediately. This does not bode well. I don't do this on other sites. Tildes feels weirdly safe somehow even though I know it's still the internet and open for anyone to see.

    5 votes
  44. [5]
    I wanted a small, unremarkable username that just blended in.

    I wanted a small, unremarkable username that just blended in.

    5 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      And, then... you use it often enough to make it stand out. ;)

      And, then... you use it often enough to make it stand out. ;)

      5 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Me too. Also it's quick to type.

      Me too. Also it's quick to type.

      2 votes
      1. epitten
        Link Parent
        Out of curiosity, how often are you typing your username? (As a username - if that's your real name typing it often makes sense.)

        Out of curiosity, how often are you typing your username? (As a username - if that's your real name typing it often makes sense.)

  45. [2]
    My username just makes fun of a certain tweet by a certain US president. Also I like cheeseberders

    My username just makes fun of a certain tweet by a certain US president.

    Also I like cheeseberders

    5 votes
    1. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      I too enjoy a good cheeseberder, do you also drink a cup or 10 of covfefe to start your day off?

      I too enjoy a good cheeseberder, do you also drink a cup or 10 of covfefe to start your day off?

  46. [2]
    Long ago I watched Network (great film, highly recommend) and loved the rant that ends with the classic line „I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore“ so I thought madashell would be a...

    Long ago I watched Network (great film, highly recommend) and loved the rant that ends with the classic line „I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore“ so I thought madashell would be a cool username, but then I noticed my name is in there backwards, so I went for llehsadam and just use it everywhere, including Tildes.

    5 votes
    1. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      When I first saw your name, it reminded me of a great Aussie satirical news comedy program called 'Mad As Hell', which sadly finished production last year. According to that Wikipedia page, its...

      When I first saw your name, it reminded me of a great Aussie satirical news comedy program called 'Mad As Hell', which sadly finished production last year. According to that Wikipedia page, its title was inspired by the same quote as your username, so it's not even a coincidence!

      2 votes
  47. [2]
    In homage to my Sámi ancestry.

    In homage to my Sámi ancestry.

    5 votes
    1. boxer_dogs_dance
      Link Parent
      As an american of swedish descent (on one side of the family) I learned about the Sami thanks to National Geographic magazine. I later saw them again in Nansen's book the first crossing of...

      As an american of swedish descent (on one side of the family) I learned about the Sami thanks to National Geographic magazine. I later saw them again in Nansen's book the first crossing of Greenland. Thanks for sharing your background. I hope to visit Sweden and other nordic countries someday.

      Edit, conversation about any indigenous identity is fraught with historic wrongdoing and conquest, but I hope we can all be friends here.

      2 votes
  48. [2]
    Unable to choose a username, I wrote down its quantum state, | ψ>. Unfortunately the registration process observed my username state and found it decoherent, forcing me to branch-out to my current...

    Unable to choose a username, I wrote down its quantum state, | ψ>. Unfortunately the registration process observed my username state and found it decoherent, forcing me to branch-out to my current handle, psi.

    5 votes
    1. Zealousideal_Fox_900
      Link Parent
      Probably would interfere with HTML code. A train operator had this problem in the 2000s. And wikipedia had it too.

      Probably would interfere with HTML code. A train operator had this problem in the 2000s. And wikipedia had it too.

      1 vote
  49. Macha
    I needed a username in the mid-00s and had just watched .hack//sign and thought the cat character was pretty cute. It was my primary username then for about 10 years (with variants) until I...

    I needed a username in the mid-00s and had just watched .hack//sign and thought the cat character was pretty cute.

    It was my primary username then for about 10 years (with variants) until I switched to a new one that is a made up real sounding word because I was tired of it being taken everywhere.

    But I used it here again for continuity with my Reddit name and because I was early enough to get the plain version.

    5 votes
  50. PositiveNoise
    1 - I wanted to remind myself to focus on creating positive posts and comments, and avoiding too much social media negativity and doomscrolling. 2- 'noise' is mostly a reference to contributing...

    1 - I wanted to remind myself to focus on creating positive posts and comments, and avoiding too much social media negativity and doomscrolling.

    2- 'noise' is mostly a reference to contributing stuff in a large social circle, and I was kind of thinking about all these new people joining the Fediverse. I don't think of 'noise' as negative in the context of my username, more like 'blade of grass'...being one humble person in a much larger community.

    5 votes
  51. Not_Enough_Gravitas
    I am a big fan of the Culture series of books written by Iain M. Banks, there is a running gag in the series where the ships names include the word Gravitas.

    I am a big fan of the Culture series of books written by Iain M. Banks, there is a running gag in the series where the ships names include the word Gravitas.

    5 votes
  52. [2]
    I chose my username for a couple reasons. 1: I studied Byzantine history for my master's degree because it was a fascinating subject to me. One of the first Byzantine history texts I read put one...

    I chose my username for a couple reasons.

    1: I studied Byzantine history for my master's degree because it was a fascinating subject to me. One of the first Byzantine history texts I read put one particular emperor into a positive, if tragic, light that really stuck with me. His name was Romanos Diogenes.

    This guy was fascinating because he kinda represented a turning point in history. He went into battle against the sultan Alp Arslan and had he won (which he might have, had there not been backroom politicking that saw a large contingent of his army betray him) the whole history of the Eastern Mediterranean might have been radically different and there might still be a Roman empire in the world. Afterwards he ended up being blinded by the reigning dynasty and died shortly thereafter from an infection and the way it was described in the history was very gruesome, so another reason why he stuck with me (and also the genesis of the blind bit).

    1. A kind of reminder to myself. This guy was at one point on top of the world and really fell to the bottom quickly thereafter. Kind of a reminder to be humble and not take things for granted. But also the blind bit symbolizes a bit for me that I really don't know it all and don't see everything clearly so I should keep that in mind when I try to communicate to folks or understand other points of view.

    Online discourse is fraught and tense enough without automatically assuming the worst of people so I think having a username that pushes me to keep my own limits in perspective is good.

    5 votes
    1. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      Fascinating story! Thanks for sharing it.

      Fascinating story! Thanks for sharing it.

      1 vote
  53. Nifty
    I just think it's neat.

    I just think it's neat.

    5 votes
  54. zipf_slaw
    i like word play (particularly spoonerisms) and i like interesting and subtly pervasive mathematical phenomenon.

    i like word play (particularly spoonerisms) and i like interesting and subtly pervasive mathematical phenomenon.

    4 votes
  55. CannibalisticApple
    Well, I like eating apples. And my full name has "apple" in it. I've always had a kinda dark sense of humor, so I enjoy joking about being a cannibal whenever I eat an apple.

    Well, I like eating apples. And my full name has "apple" in it. I've always had a kinda dark sense of humor, so I enjoy joking about being a cannibal whenever I eat an apple.

    4 votes
  56. VoidSage
    (edited )
    I chose mine because I love the Cradle series by Will Wight and had just finished reading the final book

    I chose mine because I love the Cradle series by Will Wight and had just finished reading the final book

    4 votes
  57. Oodelally
    I guess I just love the robin hood movie.

    I guess I just love the robin hood movie.

    4 votes
  58. thereticent
    I've been "the reticent" since my AOL days, my web log I started in 1999-2000, so I just hung with it.

    I've been "the reticent" since my AOL days, my web log I started in 1999-2000, so I just hung with it.

    4 votes
  59. Biscuit
    Mine was inspired by Hello From The Magic Tavern. There's a wizard that goes by many names (won't type his full name out, look up Usidor), and one of his secret names is Biscuit Meniscus. Figured...

    Mine was inspired by Hello From The Magic Tavern. There's a wizard that goes by many names (won't type his full name out, look up Usidor), and one of his secret names is Biscuit Meniscus. Figured I'd try just Biscuit first, and here we are!

    4 votes
  60. tomatomater
    Boring answer: I just decided to reuse my Reddit username. I have handles that I use elsewhere that I prefer but, ultimately, I chose for more anonymity.

    Boring answer: I just decided to reuse my Reddit username. I have handles that I use elsewhere that I prefer but, ultimately, I chose for more anonymity.

    4 votes
  61. patience_limited
    (edited )
    Like /u/Algernon_Asimov, I borrowed from science fiction. But it originated in an undeservedly obscure book by Joan Slonczewski, A Door Into Ocean. One of the important rituals of the book's...

    Like /u/Algernon_Asimov, I borrowed from science fiction. But it originated in an undeservedly obscure book by Joan Slonczewski, A Door Into Ocean.

    One of the important rituals of the book's Sharer culture is taking on a self-name. And the self-name you choose is generally taken in reference to a character flaw or bad habit. When you've gained enough maturity and self-awareness, your peers will acknowledge you've outgrown your originally chosen self-name. The main character (who eventually accomplishes this feat publicly) is Usha the Impatient.

    I have no expectations that I'll ever outgrow this one, though.

    4 votes
  62. [2]
    By far my favourite cartoon character of all time. I’m a simple man.

    By far my favourite cartoon character of all time. I’m a simple man.

    4 votes
  63. cheeky_green
    I used the same one I did on Reddit ^^; maybe I should have created a new identity haha I created it when I lived with my ex best friend, and I helped her pick out a bird, which ended up being a...

    I used the same one I did on Reddit ^^; maybe I should have created a new identity haha

    I created it when I lived with my ex best friend, and I helped her pick out a bird, which ended up being a Maroon bellied green cheek conure. She (the bird) was a cheeky thing, and I just... Wanted to honour her I guess! Over the years I've just grown fond of it and stuck to it.

    I use other monikers online in other places, but this is my "forum" type one that just stuck.

    I miss that bird <3

    4 votes
  64. neio
    I rarely go with the same name twice. This one I like because it's very easy to type on my keyboard.

    I rarely go with the same name twice. This one I like because it's very easy to type on my keyboard.

    4 votes
  65. [4]
    (edited )
    I've only ever gone by 2 handles. The first is Arcane, which is usually taken. So that spurns ArcKane which generally isn't and allows for me to fill in my full name as Arc Kane. This came around...

    I've only ever gone by 2 handles.

    The first is Arcane, which is usually taken. So that spurns ArcKane which generally isn't and allows for me to fill in my full name as Arc Kane. This came around because I wanted something a bit more unique when I was a young teenager, and it was just about the time I was getting in to wearing a black hat and entering the world of piracy and 5cr1p7 k1dd13 fun. At the time I was listening to a band called Therapy? and the album of choice was Infernal Love. The song was "A Moment of Clarity" and the lyric that stood out and I didn't understand until I broke out the dictionary was "Coquettish and arcane, but I need it all the same." Cue new username handle.

    After a while I was chatting with others like me on BackBurnerforums.com (now long longlooonnnggg gone) where we used to do fun stuff like long form chat, post warez, and exploits, patches for PS1 games and do console modding. I was speaking to a person that wore both hats. He said I should have two handles, one for black and one for white. That's when I moved to a grey area and come up with something more 1337 speak and became g33kphr33k which has slowly become geekphreek (Geek Freak).

    And there we go, a history of my user handle/name.

    4 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Honestly, the first couple of times I read this, I thought you were telling us that your name was so arcane that it was usually taken, and I wondered how an esoteric and specialist name would be...

      The first is arcane, which is usually taken.

      Honestly, the first couple of times I read this, I thought you were telling us that your name was so arcane that it was usually taken, and I wondered how an esoteric and specialist name would be taken so often. It took me far too long to realise that "arcane" was the name you were referring to, not that you were referring to an arcane name. :)

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I've fixed it to make it more readable. The joys of mobile editing and typing. Sorry for breaking your brain.

        I've fixed it to make it more readable. The joys of mobile editing and typing.

        Sorry for breaking your brain.

        3 votes
        1. Algernon_Asimov
          Link Parent
          It's okay. I wasn't criticising your writing. I was commenting on my reading skills. But thanks, anyway.

          It's okay. I wasn't criticising your writing. I was commenting on my reading skills.

          But thanks, anyway.

          2 votes
  66. boxer_dogs_dance
    Childhood experience with a couple of amazingly fun and energetic and bouncy boxer dogs.

    Childhood experience with a couple of amazingly fun and energetic and bouncy boxer dogs.

    4 votes
  67. BelleRog
    This is my roller derby name! It's a huge hobby for me so I enjoy bringing the name with me.

    This is my roller derby name! It's a huge hobby for me so I enjoy bringing the name with me.

    4 votes
  68. FishFingus
    It rhymed with something else that I've already forgotten, but I have the feeling it could've been Bungus Dingus. I have a remarkably simple sense of humour sometimes.

    It rhymed with something else that I've already forgotten, but I have the feeling it could've been Bungus Dingus. I have a remarkably simple sense of humour sometimes.

    4 votes
  69. Thrabalen
    This is a surname I invented from whole cloth, for a fantasy character in chat-based roleplay. It's my name everywhere, so it's my name here. I've been using it in one form or another for thirty...

    This is a surname I invented from whole cloth, for a fantasy character in chat-based roleplay. It's my name everywhere, so it's my name here. I've been using it in one form or another for thirty years now, dating back to the Red Dragon Inn rooms on AOL. So yeah, it's kind of grown on me.

    4 votes
  70. awitchandherdog
    I have a dog! That, and it was originally a book title for a WIP that sort of never went anywhere. I still want to work on it one of these days.

    I have a dog! That, and it was originally a book title for a WIP that sort of never went anywhere. I still want to work on it one of these days.

    4 votes
  71. Muffin
    I think I had a muffin in front of me when I was signing up.. so..

    I think I had a muffin in front of me when I was signing up.. so..

    4 votes
  72. [3]
    Well, like you and most, I have a reason for why I chose my name. I believe that language is the fulcrum we use to catapult us into elevated thought, and equally important, our understanding of...

    Well, like you and most, I have a reason for why I chose my name. I believe that language is the fulcrum we use to catapult us into elevated thought, and equally important, our understanding of language is simultaneously static and relative and I enjoy playing with that idea.

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      As somebody who was absolutely in a rabbit hole of reading Chomsky’s works in high school, I get it.

      As somebody who was absolutely in a rabbit hole of reading Chomsky’s works in high school, I get it.

      1 vote
      1. GnomeChompski
        Link Parent
        Yeah, no kidding! There's so much depth and breadth to his work. I did the same in my undergrad years and I have to admit that some of his ideas made me completely rethink my perception of modern...

        Yeah, no kidding! There's so much depth and breadth to his work. I did the same in my undergrad years and I have to admit that some of his ideas made me completely rethink my perception of modern life as a whole.

        1 vote
  73. [6]
    I've always liked plants, but outside of helping my grandparents with their gardening when I still lived at home, I never really had plants of my own. When I moved out, I was able to start my own...

    I've always liked plants, but outside of helping my grandparents with their gardening when I still lived at home, I never really had plants of my own. When I moved out, I was able to start my own garden and even had limited success with indoor vegetable plants, but succulents were my first foray into proper houseplants. With its pointy leaves and the nice contrast between red and green, Echeveria agavoides ended up becoming one of my favourite plants.

    Also, on Reddit my usernames (I had multiple accounts because I tended to account-hop every year or two) were always completely irrelevant to my regular usernames, and I decided to continue doing that here too, although I don't think I'll feel the need to regularly nuke accounts here.

    4 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      I've been having fun keeping succulents alive for the last year or so, so I think your username is awesome :)

      I've been having fun keeping succulents alive for the last year or so, so I think your username is awesome :)

      3 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Thanks! Succulents are pretty fun and rewarding to grow. My first few grew pretty slow, and I lost some to overwatering and etc. when I was first getting into them (I think we all make that...

        Thanks! Succulents are pretty fun and rewarding to grow. My first few grew pretty slow, and I lost some to overwatering and etc. when I was first getting into them (I think we all make that mistake), but I learned from my mistakes over time. Now I have a pretty good setup with grow lights and such, and it helps a lot. I have a couple that are 4 or 5 years old at this point - I'd have more than just those two, but ~3 years ago I lost a lot of plants after a fire in my old apartment building. I got my favourite plants out in time, but the rest didn't survive the smoke and humidity from all the water pumped into the building. :(

        My shelves are a little crowded, partially because I sometimes knock leaves off by accident and then they start sprouting roots... then I feel bad for them and plant them all because I can't bear to let them die hahah. I often trade/give away plants to relatives (mostly my grandma and my aunt) and with some friends too. Another thing that crowds the shelves is that I kinda let my plants do whatever they want - unless they're tangling themselves up onto other plants (which my string of hearts loves to do...) or I'm getting a cutting for someone, I don't tend to cut/trim them much beyond getting dead leaves off. I tell myself that if they're healthy and growing, I'm doing something right, and I don't want to mess with that.

        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          That's so cool! I also almost killed off my very first one (it's still struggling, but I think it'll make it), and some of the next few that I got died (SO got them online for me and the seller...

          That's so cool! I also almost killed off my very first one (it's still struggling, but I think it'll make it), and some of the next few that I got died (SO got them online for me and the seller didn't prep them to be propagated very well). Overall, though, I've learned a lot and was able to keep the remaining ones alive all winter with a little grow light setup. I think it's amazing how resilient they are - pretty sure one of mine was managing to grow without having a functional root system for about 6 months!

          I'm sorry you lost so many in the fire, too. Glad you were able to save your favorites, though!

          1 vote
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            I have a couple that I almost lost because they were planted in poorly-draining soil at the nursery I bought them from. Unfortunately I lost one before I realised the problem, but I replanted the...

            I have a couple that I almost lost because they were planted in poorly-draining soil at the nursery I bought them from. Unfortunately I lost one before I realised the problem, but I replanted the other two I bought that day in larger pots with proper cactus soil hoping it would leech some of the water away, and it worked! Now they won't stop growing!

            Yeah, I've neglected mine at times too, but being desert plants, they're used to extreme conditions, so they're a lot more hardy than you'd expect. I still try not to overdo it, though. The grow lights have made a big difference with mine and I'm happy I invested in that setup.

            2 votes
            1. sqew
              Link Parent
              Similar problem for me with some of mine. My original one was a Trader Joe's purchase that I adopted from my mom, and it was in one of those "plastic insert in a non-draining terracotta pot" ones....

              Similar problem for me with some of mine. My original one was a Trader Joe's purchase that I adopted from my mom, and it was in one of those "plastic insert in a non-draining terracotta pot" ones. Got root-rot fast, but I was able to save it.

              The grow light was definitely a great addition for mine, too, although I did screw up and leave it on too much for the first month or so. Was like "why aren't they growing" until I realized that succulents use CAM photosynthesis and need darkness for a while every day. Oops haha.

              1 vote
  74. DeadlyClass
    I was reading the fuck out of the deadly class books by Rick Remender.

    I was reading the fuck out of the deadly class books by Rick Remender.

    3 votes
  75. idiotheart
    It’s a song by Sunset Rubdown that I really like! I also just think it sounds cool lol.

    It’s a song by Sunset Rubdown that I really like! I also just think it sounds cool lol.

    3 votes
  76. earlsweatshirt
    (edited )
    I like his music. Actually I have a couple accounts, just to test random stuff. I don’t really use this username anywhere else. Didn’t really mean to make my first post on this account in...

    I like his music.

    Actually I have a couple accounts, just to test random stuff. I don’t really use this username anywhere else. Didn’t really mean to make my first post on this account in particular, but I did, so now I keep using it.

    3 votes
  77. MetaMoss
    Made this name back when I was about 12 and obsessed with Meta Knight from Kirby, and Moss is just my last name. Originally, I was thinking of coming up with something new for Tildes, but it just...

    Made this name back when I was about 12 and obsessed with Meta Knight from Kirby, and Moss is just my last name. Originally, I was thinking of coming up with something new for Tildes, but it just reminded me so much of what I loved about the internet back then, so I figured I'd keep the name just as it was.

    3 votes
  78. WrathOfTheHydra
    (edited )
    It's been my username for everything for some time now, so picking it for Tildes was an extension of that. Also someone already took Hydra. Unlike some in this thread, they actually use their...

    It's been my username for everything for some time now, so picking it for Tildes was an extension of that.

    Also someone already took Hydra. Unlike some in this thread, they actually use their account so I'm fine with it!

    3 votes
  79. [2]
    Hello fellow Rustyfarian. Mine was much simpler. I'm old. I support Manchester United. I like technology. And I kind of like the rhythm of a 3-word user name. I'll dig out the AI picture of my...

    Hello fellow Rustyfarian.

    Mine was much simpler.

    I'm old. I support Manchester United. I like technology.

    And I kind of like the rhythm of a 3-word user name.

    I'll dig out the AI picture of my username later.

    3 votes
    1. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      Interestingly enough…my Reddit account of 11 years also starts with Rusty. I honestly just made that connection now. On Reddit I was “RustyTrainTrackTies” which is part of a lyric from a song by...

      Interestingly enough…my Reddit account of 11 years also starts with Rusty. I honestly just made that connection now.

      On Reddit I was “RustyTrainTrackTies” which is part of a lyric from a song by the former Winnipeg based band The Weakerthans.

      2 votes
  80. Decapitat3d
    This has been my username on so many platforms at this point. I remember the first time I used this name was when I was creating a World of Warcraft account in 2007. I had been listening to...

    This has been my username on so many platforms at this point. I remember the first time I used this name was when I was creating a World of Warcraft account in 2007. I had been listening to Nihility by Decapitated and was rifling through band names I thought sounded cool. I was playing a undead warrior and it made sense to me at the time.

    I've never felt very creative with usernames, so I just keep using this username as a sort of digital trail of my life throughout the internet.

    3 votes
  81. SleepySheepy
    I have insomnia (so I'm always Sleepy), my IRL name means ewe (hence Sheepy), and rhyming is cute!

    I have insomnia (so I'm always Sleepy), my IRL name means ewe (hence Sheepy), and rhyming is cute!

    3 votes
  82. mr-death
    Man, if my life were like King Of The Hill, I'd do everything I could to change that. I cannot imagine a life so drab, boring and without laughter. I chose my user name because you have to have a...

    Man, if my life were like King Of The Hill, I'd do everything I could to change that. I cannot imagine a life so drab, boring and without laughter.

    I chose my user name because you have to have a name online, and so I chose my own. I've been mr-death for decades, no sense denying that now.

    3 votes
  83. reshape
    Just the name of a card on my first MTG deck I thought looked sick.

    Just the name of a card on my first MTG deck I thought looked sick.

    3 votes
  84. [2]
    I like Rush, I like astronomy, and I wanted a different handle from the one I used on reddit. I'd been using that same handle for like 20 years anyway, it was long past time to find a new one

    I like Rush, I like astronomy, and I wanted a different handle from the one I used on reddit. I'd been using that same handle for like 20 years anyway, it was long past time to find a new one

    3 votes
    1. PositiveNoise
      Link Parent
      (mostly unrelated) I really like Rush, and I have a game on Steam I created and develop called Outpost on Syrinx, with Syrinx being a reference to the greek nymph, but also the title track of...

      (mostly unrelated) I really like Rush, and I have a game on Steam I created and develop called Outpost on Syrinx, with Syrinx being a reference to the greek nymph, but also the title track of 2112's lyrics.

      3 votes
  85. Yoghurt
    I was hungry and honestly I think I'm gonna go buy some right now.

    I was hungry and honestly I think I'm gonna go buy some right now.

    3 votes
  86. mat
    Literally my actual name

    Literally my actual name

    3 votes
  87. [2]
    When curious, I gobble up information. It can be problematic. Om nom nom nom.

    When curious, I gobble up information. It can be problematic.
    Om nom nom nom.

    3 votes
    1. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      I’ve been down some wild Wikipedia wormholes that start in one topic and end with 40 tabs open about things that have nothing to do with the initial topic.

      I’ve been down some wild Wikipedia wormholes that start in one topic and end with 40 tabs open about things that have nothing to do with the initial topic.

      2 votes
  88. lackofaname
    I hate trying to think up clever user names. I've fallen back on different iterations of the same concept on a couple other accounts. Also, not a deadmaus reference, it's just a coincidence.

    I hate trying to think up clever user names.

    I've fallen back on different iterations of the same concept on a couple other accounts. Also, not a deadmaus reference, it's just a coincidence.

    3 votes
  89. Laihiriel
    I ran my real name into a Lord of the Rings Sindarin name generator back in high school and have stuck with it since then.

    I ran my real name into a Lord of the Rings Sindarin name generator back in high school and have stuck with it since then.

    3 votes
  90. darreninthenet
    I'll give you one guess...

    I'll give you one guess...

    3 votes
  91. Savaaq
    I was playing a lot of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom when I signed up, specifically the Gerudo section, and their word for “Good day” was stuck in my head

    I was playing a lot of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom when I signed up, specifically the Gerudo section, and their word for “Good day” was stuck in my head

    3 votes
  92. tech10
    tech10 is a shortened version of "LeoTech10", i use tech10 in most places since it's shorter and it's way easier to pronounce

    tech10 is a shortened version of "LeoTech10", i use tech10 in most places since it's shorter and it's way easier to pronounce

    3 votes
  93. debleb
    Debleb has been my username almost everywhere for as long as I remember. I don't even know what it means or how I came up with it, but it's cute and fun to say, and normally available everywhere.

    Debleb has been my username almost everywhere for as long as I remember. I don't even know what it means or how I came up with it, but it's cute and fun to say, and normally available everywhere.

    3 votes
  94. xstresedg
    I'm in a constant state of stress and always feel like I'm teetering at the edge of sanity. So I'm e(x)tremely (stres)sed and on the (edg)e. I just wanted something different than my usual...

    I'm in a constant state of stress and always feel like I'm teetering at the edge of sanity. So I'm e(x)tremely (stres)sed and on the (edg)e. I just wanted something different than my usual username.

    Though I'd probably prefer my usual username these days, but alas, no username change service lol

    3 votes
  95. mxuribe
    For the early several years of my being online, I was able to use the username of "mxu" most places...But it seems in the last decade - maybe even the last 2 decades - it seems to often be taken...

    For the early several years of my being online, I was able to use the username of "mxu" most places...But it seems in the last decade - maybe even the last 2 decades - it seems to often be taken by someone else (or maybe I'm often late to arrive at new website parties?). So, nowadays I just go by "mxuribe" which is my first initial, a fake middle initial, and my last name/surname. This username is rarely taken...So meh, i got used to it, and simply use it online - like here on Tildes.

    I use "mxuribe" for whenever I want to project "the real me" online...but since so many places can tie it back to me, i have started to dabble in creating alter egos with different usernames....Partly for OpSec on certain platforms, but more so to have some safe fun. I had not done this sort of thing (creating alter egos with no true negative consequences to anyione)) since like the early 2000s. But, i do avoid having both my "real" and alter personas on the same platforms at the same...since i don't want to break any sorts of rules or EULAs on platforms. Nowadays, either my real user or my fake one lives on a platform - but never both at the same time.

    3 votes
  96. meatrocket
    I picked something stupid under the assumption that this community would stay tiny forever. Boy do I look goofy now

    I picked something stupid under the assumption that this community would stay tiny forever. Boy do I look goofy now

    3 votes
  97. EMSAqueen
    I wanted something that was really obscure to the average person but works as a great calling card to those in the know. I work in the field of molecular biology and in my lab I'm known as the...

    I wanted something that was really obscure to the average person but works as a great calling card to those in the know. I work in the field of molecular biology and in my lab I'm known as the expert of running EMSA experiments (electrophoretic mobility shift assays). Since it's a less widely used technique now a days I made my username hoping to find other people that relate to it and appreciate seeing the reference the same way I love recognizing odd references in usernames.

    3 votes
  98. xixoxixa
    It came from combining the words for man/husband and woman/wife in the military phrasebook for some language I can't remember I was issued on my way to Afghanistan in 2003. I thought it was...

    It came from combining the words for man/husband and woman/wife in the military phrasebook for some language I can't remember I was issued on my way to Afghanistan in 2003. I thought it was Pashto, but looking into it over the years, I don't think that's correct. (it is possible that the phrasebook was wrong, or it was for a different language, but I have no clue anymore).

    It's been my username on just about everything since I got back from Afghanistan.

    3 votes
  99. bktk
    Because I'm not that creative and the other character on the tilde key is the backtick `

    Because I'm not that creative and the other character on the tilde key is the backtick `

    3 votes
  100. Diff
    It's a shortened version of the name I've used elsewhere for the past 20 years. I grab it if it's available, which is pretty rare except for federated things like Mastodon. But after 20 years of...

    It's a shortened version of the name I've used elsewhere for the past 20 years. I grab it if it's available, which is pretty rare except for federated things like Mastodon.

    But after 20 years of using the longer version on forums and across different sites, it's about as identifying as my real name, so I'm trying to get away from it a bit. Keep more separation between my random online interactions and my actual identity. Diff works pretty well for that, being basically unsearchable if you're looking for Diff the person. Meanwhile searching the longer version in any engine basically hands you a consolidated listing of all of my online activity since I first got online.

    3 votes
  101. Narry
    It’s short for Narrator, I’ve never used the name anywhere else, and it’s not even kind of like my other usernames elsewhere. Someone else made the same point that I would: I value my privacy and...

    It’s short for Narrator, I’ve never used the name anywhere else, and it’s not even kind of like my other usernames elsewhere. Someone else made the same point that I would: I value my privacy and don’t really want to be followed around the Internet. I don’t know why I chose it, it just sprang to mind and was available.

    3 votes
  102. Pavouk106
    I take this username everytime and everywhere. It is kinda unique by itself. It has a backstory: In my teens I frequently went into PC gaming room/corner/shop (whatever, bunch of PCs powerful...

    I take this username everytime and everywhere. It is kinda unique by itself. It has a backstory:

    In my teens I frequently went into PC gaming room/corner/shop (whatever, bunch of PCs powerful enough to run modern games at the time connected into LAN and you could play there for some money per hour). When I first stepped in, admin asked me what my nickname would be there. On the spot I immediatelly thought "spider", because of the badass plasma shooting mech in Earth 2140. Yet, spider was taken. Me, still thinking the badass mech, just translated to my nativelabguage, Czech, which is "pavouk". To nobody's surprise, this one wasn't taken. And since then, for around 22 years, I'm known as Pavouk. For some time, I actually used tilde before the nickname - ~Pavouk. You may still find me here and there in his older format. Tilde became nuisance on a few sites not accepting it in username, so I went for adding number 106 which is some kind of friends/group favorite number since school. So Pavouk106, that's me. And that is why I use this username here too.

    3 votes
  103. HellsBells
    I don't use the same name across platforms. This time I decided it was AC/DCs turn to inspire and it's one of my favourite tracks.

    I don't use the same name across platforms. This time I decided it was AC/DCs turn to inspire and it's one of my favourite tracks.

    3 votes
  104. Chaosphoenix_28
    It's just the name i use pretty much everywhere (except in games where it is the name of the character, there i usually just go for Phoenix). I created it forever ago as a mix of the names of two...

    It's just the name i use pretty much everywhere (except in games where it is the name of the character, there i usually just go for Phoenix). I created it forever ago as a mix of the names of two youtubers I liked watching (neither of which i watch today) and a random number. And the most random number I could come up with was 28. And i just stuck with it.

    There might be better ones, but i'm happy with it.

    3 votes
  105. lmnanopy
    I have had the same username across everywhere for nearly 20 years ^ ... I think I use it more than my own name. I don't even think about it

    I have had the same username across everywhere for nearly 20 years ^ ... I think I use it more than my own name. I don't even think about it

    3 votes
  106. mezze
    I greatly enjoy little Middle Eastern appetizers. It's also easy to spell and say, not too short nor long, and completely different from all my other online handles which is a nice bonus for the...

    I greatly enjoy little Middle Eastern appetizers. It's also easy to spell and say, not too short nor long, and completely different from all my other online handles which is a nice bonus for the anonymity.

    3 votes
  107. Arsinoe
    I just like the name; it doesn't have any special meaning to me. Also, I wanted something different from my reddit user name, just for a fresh start.

    I just like the name; it doesn't have any special meaning to me. Also, I wanted something different from my reddit user name, just for a fresh start.

    3 votes
  108. terr
    I just had mine changed from my old Reddit name to terr. Terr Grey was my main character in Star Wars Galaxy. I picked the name Terr because you would send tells to characters' first names and...

    I just had mine changed from my old Reddit name to terr.

    Terr Grey was my main character in Star Wars Galaxy. I picked the name Terr because you would send tells to characters' first names and Terr can easily be typed with just the left hand on qwerty keyboards. Since I was playing an Image Designer who relied on human players as clientele I wanted to be easy to contact, so that's where it comes from!

    Since those days, Terr's been my gaming personality for more humanized characters, hard workers, people intending to form a relationship with NPCs, basically a personification of my least edgelord-y tendencies, which are reserved for my Zeitghast gaming persona. I figured the friendly humanizing persona was the better hat to wear with this community.

    3 votes
  109. Humblemonk33
    It reminds me to be my best self. A lot of times I’ll get way too caught up to see the forest for the trees and even roleplaying as my username helps to bring the calm vibe into my real life. 33...

    It reminds me to be my best self. A lot of times I’ll get way too caught up to see the forest for the trees and even roleplaying as my username helps to bring the calm vibe into my real life. 33 helps to remind me I am not the first or last person to think the ways I do.

    3 votes
  110. JuDGe3690
    Mine is one I've used across the internet for years. It's (perhaps unwisely) a combination of my initials and my birthday, but it also works because I'm in law school at the moment.

    Mine is one I've used across the internet for years. It's (perhaps unwisely) a combination of my initials and my birthday, but it also works because I'm in law school at the moment.

    3 votes
  111. DefinitelyNotAFae
    Because I am definitely not a fae. Not in the slightest. (I tend to make larp/D&D characters that have fae/faerie like backgrounds and I'm a hopeless fantasy nerd that would love there to be...

    Because I am definitely not a fae. Not in the slightest.

    (I tend to make larp/D&D characters that have fae/faerie like backgrounds and I'm a hopeless fantasy nerd that would love there to be hidden magic around us if I could JUST. FIND. IT.)

    3 votes
  112. doors_cannot_stop_me
    I created this username for my first Reddit account as I had just become a locksmith. As it happens, people on Reddit around 10 years ago were very excited to find a locksmith on Reddit, and asked...

    I created this username for my first Reddit account as I had just become a locksmith. As it happens, people on Reddit around 10 years ago were very excited to find a locksmith on Reddit, and asked me to do an AMA, which is where a bunch of that account's karma came from. I was young and dumb and barely knew anything, but it was a fun first experience on the site.
    When I came here, I figured I'd keep the name since I 1) generally try really hard not to say things I'll regret on the internet and 2) think it would be nice if another Reddit escapee recognized the name and felt even a bit more welcome here because of it.
    I'm still a locksmith, I'm still pretty dumb (but in new, exciting ways!) and I feel more than ever that there is much for me to learn. At least I'm not still young ):

    3 votes
  113. [2]
    Mine also came from KOTH! It was just a small throwaway line that I thought was too funny- Bobby and Joseph are getting ready for their first hunting trip with Hank and Dale and they're chatting...

    Mine also came from KOTH! It was just a small throwaway line that I thought was too funny- Bobby and Joseph are getting ready for their first hunting trip with Hank and Dale and they're chatting about something or other, I don't remember what exactly, and Bobby mentions you have to be careful or you'll get stuck with an awful nickname, and Joseph pipes up "like pork pockets?"

    God that show is so good for little random things like that

    3 votes
    1. rustyshackleford
      Link Parent
      I watched it as it aired in real time and have rewatched it entirely about 4 times. One of the best animated shows ever made.

      I watched it as it aired in real time and have rewatched it entirely about 4 times. One of the best animated shows ever made.

      1 vote
  114. LetsBeChooms
    Because I have isolated myself since the start of COVID and have successfully earned my Hermit patch. And I can't take it anymore. I need friends that I didn't meet at work. The username won't do...

    Because I have isolated myself since the start of COVID and have successfully earned my Hermit patch. And I can't take it anymore. I need friends that I didn't meet at work.

    The username won't do anything to make friends -- it's just what was on my mind while I was brainstorming new names.

    3 votes
  115. DesktopMonitor
    It was, and is, what's in front of me.

    It was, and is, what's in front of me.

    3 votes
  116. catdad
    I foster a LOT of kittens.

    I foster a LOT of kittens.

    3 votes
  117. Stumpdawg
    Because it's me.

    Because it's me.

    2 votes
  118. Markrs240b
    I joined Discord an Steam way after joining Reddit (I was really poor for a while) and so my Tildes name is the same as it is on those platforms. I chose this name for those platforms because it's...

    I joined Discord an Steam way after joining Reddit (I was really poor for a while) and so my Tildes name is the same as it is on those platforms.

    I chose this name for those platforms because it's a combination of a nickname I got along with my favorite machine gun. Oddly it's always been available for me.

    2 votes
  119. strv103
    I wanted something that signaled I was a swede with a faiblesse for tanks and that wasn't my old reddit-username.

    I wanted something that signaled I was a swede with a faiblesse for tanks and that wasn't my old reddit-username.

    2 votes
  120. [2]
    It's just my name!

    It's just my name!

    2 votes
    1. dani
      Link Parent
      Same. Boring, but got fed up of thinking up usernames over the years. I always ended up not liking them anyway. Pleasantly surprised that it was available.

      Same. Boring, but got fed up of thinking up usernames over the years. I always ended up not liking them anyway. Pleasantly surprised that it was available.

      2 votes
  121. [4]
    I'm Dangerous Dan McGrew, bare fist fighter extraordinaire!
    2 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I thought you might have been referring to this work of art. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45082/the-shooting-of-dan-mcgrew

      I thought you might have been referring to this work of art. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45082/the-shooting-of-dan-mcgrew

      1 vote
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I actually never heard of it but it is an interesting read, thanks for the link.

        I actually never heard of it but it is an interesting read, thanks for the link.

        1 vote
        1. boxer_dogs_dance
          Link Parent
          Robert Service is a favorite poet of mine generally, and more accessible than a lot of poets.

          Robert Service is a favorite poet of mine generally, and more accessible than a lot of poets.

          2 votes
  122. [3]
    one of my first and favorite console games was MGS4, I thought the big cow robots were cool

    one of my first and favorite console games was MGS4, I thought the big cow robots were cool

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I noticed your name elsewhere here, and thought it was a nod to those cute little wall-dwelling lizards. It's interesting to see how different people's minds make different connections.

      I noticed your name elsewhere here, and thought it was a nod to those cute little wall-dwelling lizards.
      It's interesting to see how different people's minds make different connections.

      1 vote
      1. Gekko
        Link Parent
        Nowadays, all of my icons and stuff in other places are the little wall lizards. I named myself after the videogame enemy years ago, but have since embraced the 🦎and that's how all of my current...

        Nowadays, all of my icons and stuff in other places are the little wall lizards. I named myself after the videogame enemy years ago, but have since embraced the 🦎and that's how all of my current online friends know me, as Gecko but spelled "Gekko"

        2 votes
  123. pekt
    Needed a name for Neopets or RuneScape when I was a kid. I was a big Star Wars fan and went into the Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds internal encyclopedia thing and picked a name that was short...

    Needed a name for Neopets or RuneScape when I was a kid. I was a big Star Wars fan and went into the Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds internal encyclopedia thing and picked a name that was short and sounded cool. I've been using some form of it, usually with 99 because I thought that sounded cool since it was the max skill level in Runescape, since then.

    My friend saw my name on Reddit awhile ago and said "whoa you have a 4 letter name!" I didn't realize those were uncommon or anything since I've been using it for so long and honestly forget to look at people's usernames a lot of the time when I'm a platform like this or Reddit.

    2 votes
  124. DefaultWizard
    I really like playing wizards in games. That and I'm of the opinion that adjective/verb noun (or vice versa) is generally the best way of making usernames that are less common to not be taken...

    I really like playing wizards in games. That and I'm of the opinion that adjective/verb noun (or vice versa) is generally the best way of making usernames that are less common to not be taken everywhere and not long enough to breach 20ish characters that some places have as a limit.

    2 votes
  125. Tonstie
    I was adding random names to be used in Smash Bros Ultimate and added Tosti. After a while I added some letters and ended with Tonstie

    I was adding random names to be used in Smash Bros Ultimate and added Tosti. After a while I added some letters and ended with Tonstie

    2 votes
  126. Hollow
    So, I pick a different name each time for each site, and try to make them meaningful. Sometimes it's a character from some media I'm enjoying, other times like this I'm in an introspective mood. I...

    So, I pick a different name each time for each site, and try to make them meaningful. Sometimes it's a character from some media I'm enjoying, other times like this I'm in an introspective mood. I don't tend to participate much, nor do my comments attract much attention, so all I am is a ghost, an insubstantial vapour, drifting on the wind.

    2 votes
  127. A1sound
    It's actually a Beastie Boys reference. Comes from the song Body Movin'. Also appears pretty soon in alphabetical order, which might be benificial.

    It's actually a Beastie Boys reference. Comes from the song Body Movin'.

    Also appears pretty soon in alphabetical order, which might be benificial.

    2 votes
  128. MonkeyFeathers
    It's something Aang says in AtlA at some point. I don't know if it's a curse, the equivalent of "dang" or maybe something a bit more potent like "goddammit", but for some reason that expression...

    It's something Aang says in AtlA at some point. I don't know if it's a curse, the equivalent of "dang" or maybe something a bit more potent like "goddammit", but for some reason that expression stuck and I'm using it regularly. And of course feathered monkeys are cool and are something you would expect in that world.

    2 votes
  129. [2]
    Well, it's my name. I've historically used "jonahisadev" to describe not only my name but my occupation, but I find that my name on its own is a little cleaner and a bit more personal which I feel...

    Well, it's my name. I've historically used "jonahisadev" to describe not only my name but my occupation, but I find that my name on its own is a little cleaner and a bit more personal which I feel is the vibe of the site. I was surprised to see that it was available, so I took it. I do tend to lurk more than I post, so I'd be willing to give up the username someday if it became a nuisance to others.

    2 votes
    1. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      Deimos wouldn't allow that. Even if you voluntarily gave up this username, and deleted your account, he will never re-assign this username to another person, not even in 10 years' time. (He said...

      I'd be willing to give up the username someday if it became a nuisance to others.

      Deimos wouldn't allow that.

      Even if you voluntarily gave up this username, and deleted your account, he will never re-assign this username to another person, not even in 10 years' time. (He said this in a comment a while ago, but I don't know how to track it down.)

      There's a literal rule against handing your account over to to someone else, so your successor could end up banned.

      Looks like you're stuck with this username! :)

      2 votes
  130. slug
    My username on Tildes relates to my username on Reddit: something I came up with when I was 13 and which doesn't accord with something I would come up with from scratch now. Hmm... perhaps I...

    My username on Tildes relates to my username on Reddit: something I came up with when I was 13 and which doesn't accord with something I would come up with from scratch now. Hmm... perhaps I should have went for a clean break as this website is a new leaf. If I were to ask Deimos for a new username it would probably be some silly geological concept... but ultimately 'slug' is fine by me too.

    2 votes
  131. R1ch
    Cause I'm riiiiiiiich bitch!!!!!

    Cause I'm riiiiiiiich bitch!!!!!

    2 votes
  132. NonoAdomo
    It's my FFXIV character name, which has since transcended to be my universal online user name. It's unique and I know it'll always be available.

    It's my FFXIV character name, which has since transcended to be my universal online user name. It's unique and I know it'll always be available.

    2 votes
  133. [2]
    A few years ago, I stopped using consistent usernames across any services. My usernames are completely random.

    A few years ago, I stopped using consistent usernames across any services. My usernames are completely random.

    2 votes
    1. simplify
      Link Parent
      This is a great way to maintain some privacy on the internet and provides some security for your other logins if there’s a data breach on a site.

      This is a great way to maintain some privacy on the internet and provides some security for your other logins if there’s a data breach on a site.

      2 votes
  134. just_another_guy
    This is me, as succinct as I can possibly make it. There's very little to differentiate me from anyone else you might encounter online.

    This is me, as succinct as I can possibly make it. There's very little to differentiate me from anyone else you might encounter online.

    2 votes
  135. Juan
    It's my name :D

    It's my name :D

    2 votes
  136. NSMichael
    I've been using a variation of this since my sophomore year of college. It or something very much like it has been my username for 20+ years now. Because I see no reason to use something else,...

    I've been using a variation of this since my sophomore year of college. It or something very much like it has been my username for 20+ years now. Because I see no reason to use something else, here I am.

    2 votes
  137. caninehere
    Same as my reddit username. I don't really use social media and used different handles before joining up for Reddit. I've been aware of Tildes for years but only joined up recently to get away...

    Same as my reddit username. I don't really use social media and used different handles before joining up for Reddit. I've been aware of Tildes for years but only joined up recently to get away from Reddit, and figured I would use the same username so that the occasional person might remember seeing me around.

    2 votes
  138. guts
    I like Berserk manga.

    I like Berserk manga.

    2 votes
  139. thecardguy
    Mine is kinda simple. Among my hobbies is magic- the sleight-of-hand kind, though i also play Magic: the Gathering. My personal favorite kind- to both do and watch- is card magic. There are guys...

    Mine is kinda simple.

    Among my hobbies is magic- the sleight-of-hand kind, though i also play Magic: the Gathering. My personal favorite kind- to both do and watch- is card magic. There are guys out there 10000x more knowledgeable about playing cards, but they also don't appear to be on this site- or Reddit (and they often use their real names for usernames). So, I made it.

    2 votes
  140. Thomas-C
    In general I deliberately use inconsistent/silly shit for all sorts of accounts, and I've gotten rid of really all my social media. This username is my first name. It's the only piece of myself I...

    In general I deliberately use inconsistent/silly shit for all sorts of accounts, and I've gotten rid of really all my social media. This username is my first name. It's the only piece of myself I broadcast online, I don't have other social media accounts and I don't use authentic information where it's possible. I want most of what's out there about me to be hard to find and messy. But in this one way, this one place, I do want to be a little more authentic. The one account where I do share online, what I'm about/what I've got/etc.

    2 votes
  141. johansolo
    Because this has been my internet moniker for nearly three decades now.

    Because this has been my internet moniker for nearly three decades now.

    2 votes
  142. [3]
    Spent embarrassingly long time on picking the name, as all the nicknames I've been using were available. Decided that I wanted something short, and that sounds nice in English when proncouned by...

    Spent embarrassingly long time on picking the name, as all the nicknames I've been using were available. Decided that I wanted something short, and that sounds nice in English when proncouned by anglos (So I think!), it also gives a hint where I live.

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      How is it pronounced? According to English pronunciation rules, there are two different correct ways to pronounce "mie": "my", to rhyme with "tie" and "die" and "lie" "mee", using the vowel sound...

      that sounds nice in English when proncouned by anglos

      How is it pronounced? According to English pronunciation rules, there are two different correct ways to pronounce "mie":

      • "my", to rhyme with "tie" and "die" and "lie"

      • "mee", using the vowel sound from "piece" and "chief"

      2 votes
      1. mie
        Link Parent
        Latter is the one I thought of. But the actual correct way would be pronounce it as "me-e" in my language. This Romanian voice example is the closest example (Wiktionary)

        Latter is the one I thought of. But the actual correct way would be pronounce it as "me-e" in my language.
        This Romanian voice example is the closest example (Wiktionary)

        2 votes
  143. randomguy
    Because that's who I am.

    Because that's who I am.

    2 votes
  144. Underpromoted
    I always used my real name for my usernames but I decided I want to get some anonimity. I wanted to get a chess related one but didn't want to steal youtuber ones or have something like En passant...

    I always used my real name for my usernames but I decided I want to get some anonimity. I wanted to get a chess related one but didn't want to steal youtuber ones or have something like En passant even if it's epic. So I thought and I decided to get one of the big flexes to beat an opponent, underpromoting the pawn.

    2 votes
  145. marcellerusu
    I am extremely uncreative with words, I have spent months/years trying to come up with band names with practically 0 success. I wish it weren't the case I had my name because of internet, but here...

    I am extremely uncreative with words, I have spent months/years trying to come up with band names with practically 0 success.

    I wish it weren't the case I had my name because of internet, but here I am.

    2 votes
  146. Dragonpants
    I’ve tried this name once before and happened to remember it at the right time here. And what an image it brings to mind. Hopefully it makes people a little happier to see such a silly name.

    I’ve tried this name once before and happened to remember it at the right time here. And what an image it brings to mind.
    Hopefully it makes people a little happier to see such a silly name.

    2 votes
  147. xavdid
    This is my username for everything, so it was an easy choice. The name itself was a reference to Kingdom Hearts, where characters have an evil(?) duplicate who shares their name, but with an x in...

    This is my username for everything, so it was an easy choice.

    The name itself was a reference to Kingdom Hearts, where characters have an evil(?) duplicate who shares their name, but with an x in it. My friend came up with this years ago and I've used it for basically everything since.

    2 votes
  148. eggpl4nt
    My Tildes username is the same as my Reddit username that I've had for 11 years. What spawned me picking "eggplant" (the "4" for an "a" is because eggplant was taken, not sure why I specifically...

    My Tildes username is the same as my Reddit username that I've had for 11 years. What spawned me picking "eggplant" (the "4" for an "a" is because eggplant was taken, not sure why I specifically picked to replace that character with a number) was a memory of me and my best friend hanging out at a camp when we were teens, getting bored, and deciding that the names of vegetables in Russian sounded hilarious. So we went back and forth enunciating vegetable names in Russian. We were also recording the audio on a cellphone. I started with "eggplants" (баклажаны) and after a bit of back and forth, it was my turn again and I ran out of vegetables names and said eggplants again. The audio ended with us both laughing since I had already said eggplants. It was innocent fun, a happy memory.

    2 votes
  149. Jarvis
    Just my name! Honestly I’m pretty happy since I’ve never had a ‘simple’ username before and it’s nice just to be know on mute internet by my name. Here’s hoping I represent the other Jarvis’ nicely :)

    Just my name!

    Honestly I’m pretty happy since I’ve never had a ‘simple’ username before and it’s nice just to be know on mute internet by my name. Here’s hoping I represent the other Jarvis’ nicely :)

    2 votes
  150. Expertbacon
    I was a kid who liked bacon and modified a auto generated username to reflect that.

    I was a kid who liked bacon and modified a auto generated username to reflect that.

    2 votes
  151. Ellecram
    I've used the same online name since 1998 everywhere I go with some minor additions if necessary because oddly enough this one is occasionally taken LOL!

    I've used the same online name since 1998 everywhere I go with some minor additions if necessary because oddly enough this one is occasionally taken LOL!

    2 votes
  152. BusAlderaan
    I love space, I love Star Wars.

    I love space, I love Star Wars.

    2 votes
  153. spikederailed
    I have had this same screen name, which i have used for everything since GameFaqs started their webforum in 2000. I just dont see a reason to switch at this point, im not aiming for online anonymity.

    I have had this same screen name, which i have used for everything since GameFaqs started their webforum in 2000. I just dont see a reason to switch at this point, im not aiming for online anonymity.

    2 votes
  154. Island
    I've had this (or variations of this name) for the past 20 years. No special meaning besides the fact that I live on an island. What has surprised me over the years is when the name is taken...

    I've had this (or variations of this name) for the past 20 years. No special meaning besides the fact that I live on an island. What has surprised me over the years is when the name is taken already (which seems to happen more and more over the years.) But make no mistake, I am the original.

    2 votes
  155. Synistra
    I’ve never been on a site developing from the ground up so most things are usually taken. I wanted a single-word name for an adult so I went with a mix of synthesis (for its multitude of relevant...

    I’ve never been on a site developing from the ground up so most things are usually taken. I wanted a single-word name for an adult so I went with a mix of synthesis (for its multitude of relevant definitions) and sinistra (Latin for “on the left” e.g. piano music notations and dexterity)

    2 votes
  156. milkbones_4_bigelow
    I feel like mine is a deep cut, but I'd happily be proven wrong :) any guesses???

    I feel like mine is a deep cut, but I'd happily be proven wrong :) any guesses???

    2 votes
  157. [4]
    I believe that, objectively, short usernames denote high status and long usernames denote low status. For instance if I made some name like IWantKonataToBeMyOtherWaifu I am mashing together two...

    I believe that, objectively, short usernames denote high status and long usernames denote low status. For instance if I made some name like IWantKonataToBeMyOtherWaifu I am mashing together two jokes and many people won't get the first. Any username that has a lot of digits in it is starting to look like SomeUnremarkableRando82615246719.

    I picked UP8 when I was playing League of Legends a long time ago, because it had the merits of being (1) short and (2) coming across as basically positive, e.g. "UP" is positive in western culture and "8" is a lucky number in Chinese culture which you can rub shoulders with a lot in that kind of gaming.

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      As someone with a not-short username... Bah! Humbug!

      I believe that, objectively, short usernames denote high status and long usernames denote low status.

      As someone with a not-short username... Bah! Humbug!

      3 votes
    2. JAG
      Link Parent
      Objectively correct in every aspect.

      Objectively correct in every aspect.

      2 votes
  158. Gamemaster
    I think I hardly ever use the same name on anything. But coming to tildes I was very interested in the tabletop role playing game community here. Definitely seems to need more activity if the...

    I think I hardly ever use the same name on anything. But coming to tildes I was very interested in the tabletop role playing game community here. Definitely seems to need more activity if the username Gm wasn’t taken! Now if I could just think of something interesting to post a topic about…

    2 votes
  159. synsofhumanity
    It's been my user name everywhere for the last decade and a half. I use it for almost everything

    It's been my user name everywhere for the last decade and a half. I use it for almost everything

    2 votes
  160. Rance_Muhammitz
    Rance Muhammitz is a character played by Theodore Bickel in the Movie 200 Motels (featuring Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention). Rance owns Centerville. Is he a man? Mysteries abound.

    Rance Muhammitz is a character played by Theodore Bickel in the Movie 200 Motels (featuring Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention). Rance owns Centerville. Is he a man? Mysteries abound.

    2 votes
  161. fartsman
    I tried signing up for my first Hotmail account as fartman like 25 years ago but I accidentally added an 's'. The little typo made it unique enough so that until recently I always able to use it...

    I tried signing up for my first Hotmail account as fartman like 25 years ago but I accidentally added an 's'. The little typo made it unique enough so that until recently I always able to use it for all of my accounts.

    2 votes
  162. Sprung2048
    I wanted a unique username that was quirky aswell

    I wanted a unique username that was quirky aswell

    2 votes
  163. Bananaman
    Thought it would be funny.

    Thought it would be funny.

    2 votes
  164. sqew
    I've always liked words with interesting sounds involved in them, so I picked mine based on liking words with "sq" in them and how the word "skew" sounded. Kinda odd, but kinda fun to me at least.

    I've always liked words with interesting sounds involved in them, so I picked mine based on liking words with "sq" in them and how the word "skew" sounded. Kinda odd, but kinda fun to me at least.

    2 votes
  165. Takodachi
    Big weeb username but I am lowkey regretting it

    Big weeb username but I am lowkey regretting it

    2 votes
  166. [2]
    I just pick a different username per account, allows me to contribute in discussions without having people stalk my profile across platforms.

    I just pick a different username per account, allows me to contribute in discussions without having people stalk my profile across platforms.

    2 votes
    1. Fog
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      This is good security practice. The cybersecurity blog run by Brian Krebs will often discuss the digital paper trails used to track down online presence. Reused emails, old social media posts,...

      This is good security practice. The cybersecurity blog run by Brian Krebs will often discuss the digital paper trails used to track down online presence. Reused emails, old social media posts, forum usernames, even timestamp analysis to guess which timezone you're usually active in.

      2 votes
  167. dr_frahnkunsteen
    I just wanted people to know the correct pronunciation

    I just wanted people to know the correct pronunciation

    2 votes
  168. [7]
    I picked the handle since I gotten fed up with my previous one. I carry this one on multiple socials now and got a matching tattoo. If the three character one is taken I switch to its six...

    I picked the handle since I gotten fed up with my previous one. I carry this one on multiple socials now and got a matching tattoo. If the three character one is taken I switch to its six character sibling, which I also have the domain for.

    1 vote
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      Does this handle mean anything, or is it just random characters?

      Does this handle mean anything, or is it just random characters?

      2 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        X stands for the unknown in math, things we do not know (yet). 0 is a circle, referring to things coming back to its original state and zero is also nothing. 8 is my lucky number and went turned...

        X stands for the unknown in math, things we do not know (yet). 0 is a circle, referring to things coming back to its original state and zero is also nothing. 8 is my lucky number and went turned 90 degrees it's also the symbol for infinity ^_^

        The unknown, nothing and everything.

        And here's the logo accompanying it.

        2 votes
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          That's deep. But the logo hurt my eyes!

          That's deep.

          But the logo hurt my eyes!

          2 votes
          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            Maybe the basic one is more to your taste https://i.imgur.com/HJRfFWT.jpg

            Maybe the basic one is more to your taste https://i.imgur.com/HJRfFWT.jpg

            2 votes
            1. [2]
              Link Parent
              Maybe? At least with that version, I can see how it's a stylised version of "X08".


              At least with that version, I can see how it's a stylised version of "X08".

              2 votes
              1. X08
                Link Parent
                That's the goal ^_^

                That's the goal ^_^

                2 votes
  169. Acorn_CK
    I started using this handle online a little ways back when I was occasionally streaming on Twitch. Slowly it spread to most of my gaming / online accounts, so it's just kind of what I use now....

    I started using this handle online a little ways back when I was occasionally streaming on Twitch. Slowly it spread to most of my gaming / online accounts, so it's just kind of what I use now.

    Acorn actually came from my first random Xbox Live gamer tag, SlushiestAcorn. I let that one go or something, then it was RebornAcorn, and then Mammothly Acorn (inside joke), and finally I just reduced it to Acorn when I switched from console to PC gaming.

    1 vote
  170. ignorabimus
    It comes from a speech by David Hilbert which turned out to be hilariously wrong.

    It comes from a speech by David Hilbert which turned out to be hilariously wrong.

    1 vote
  171. Mopeybloke
    It describes me well and I use it all over the internet [don't look for it].

    It describes me well and I use it all over the internet [don't look for it].

    1 vote
  172. BobEWise
    Because it's, uh, me?

    Because it's, uh, me?

    1 vote
  173. anti-theft-device
    It was my Reddit username, and it's a Mix Master Mike reference.

    It was my Reddit username, and it's a Mix Master Mike reference.

    1 vote
  174. im_prison_mike
    Because do you really expect me to not push you up against the wall, beeyotch!!!

    Because do you really expect me to not push you up against the wall, beeyotch!!!

    1 vote
  175. Ywein
    Literally a variation of my name in one of the languages.

    Literally a variation of my name in one of the languages.

    1 vote
  176. linaceae
    Because I like cloth…And music. (And reverse Teen Girl Squad references.)

    Because I like cloth…And music.
    (And reverse Teen Girl Squad references.)

    1 vote
  177. Buzwell
    Nothing special, it's just unique to me! Usually the straight "Buzwell" is taken, so I go with a variation.

    Nothing special, it's just unique to me! Usually the straight "Buzwell" is taken, so I go with a variation.

    1 vote
  178. intoxicated_diver
    My username is pretty much one massive reference to Grand Blue, which is a diving manga.

    My username is pretty much one massive reference to Grand Blue, which is a diving manga.

    1 vote
  179. Asinine
    I have a couple handles I've been using since the mid 90s. This is one, after reading Dr. ML King's quote “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious...

    I have a couple handles I've been using since the mid 90s. This is one, after reading Dr. ML King's quote “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”, when I realized that I say a lot of stupid stuff online. And in general, but that's unrelated...
    So I embraced the flaw and the name keeps me reminded that maybe I shouldn't hit "post" this time...

    1 vote
  180. GrundleFace
    Been using it for years. Was originally my brother's tag when used to play Halo 1 online through GameSpy. He doesn't use any sites like this and doesn't use the name anymore either so I've stolen it.

    Been using it for years. Was originally my brother's tag when used to play Halo 1 online through GameSpy. He doesn't use any sites like this and doesn't use the name anymore either so I've stolen it.

    1 vote
  181. JAG
    (edited )
    This is the ideal version of my handle from my PS2 online days. I've had an iteration or another of it for more than 15 years & I've finally been able to nail it in it's purest form and no, it's...

    This is the ideal version of my handle from my PS2 online days.
    I've had an iteration or another of it for more than 15 years & I've finally been able to nail it in it's purest form and no, it's not Judge Advocate General.

    1 vote
  182. JamaicanSpiderman
    A student at a school I used to work at called me it, after she found out where I have family from (she was like 12 maybe) and I remembered it and went with that.

    A student at a school I used to work at called me it, after she found out where I have family from (she was like 12 maybe) and I remembered it and went with that.

    1 vote
  183. jamrock_shuffle
    Cause I like Disco Elysium.

    Cause I like Disco Elysium.

    1 vote
  184. JoeyTurncoat
    My username is from Impractical Jokers about Joey Turncoat, the man who kidnapped the vice president and was exiled from Jamaica

    My username is from Impractical Jokers about Joey Turncoat, the man who kidnapped the vice president and was exiled from Jamaica

    1 vote
  185. space_cowboy
    It works on multiple levels: I'm a space nerd, a space case, and I love space games, especially space combat.

    It works on multiple levels: I'm a space nerd, a space case, and I love space games, especially space combat.

    1 vote
  186. Woeps
    The word woeps is similair in use to the English word: whoops. It became my nickname IRL as I'm known to use the word when things reeeeealy get bad (think car crash bad) instead of cursing. So...

    The word woeps is similair in use to the English word: whoops.

    It became my nickname IRL as I'm known to use the word when things reeeeealy get bad (think car crash bad) instead of cursing.

    So yeah... guess it just stuck

    1 vote
  187. curiosityLynx
    I chose my username because I love learning new things. First I considered something with the word inquisitive but deemed it too easily misunderstood (didn't want to come across as nosy)....

    I chose my username because I love learning new things.

    First I considered something with the word inquisitive but deemed it too easily misunderstood (didn't want to come across as nosy). Something with curious was considered, but I didn't want an association with Curious George. Curiosity was better and invited something about cats, which are my favourite animal, but cats are generally associated with female personas, partly because Cat can be short for Catherine, so that was out.

    Lynx on the other hand are my favourite wild animals and years before I'd combined a German nickname containing "Lux" with a profile picture of a lynx (lynx in German is "Luchs", which isn't all that far from "Lux" in terms of pronunciation). Lynx are also felids, so something like "curiosity killed the cat" might also be stretched to include lynx, and they don't have the association with female personas.

    So that's how I arrived at my nickname.

    As a bonus, I can easily pretend to be a feline if the context invites such silliness and I'm in the mood for it. Kind of the opposite of the "on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog" comic. Mostly riffing on curiosity killed the cat plus cats have multiple lives myths. I had fun visiting talesfromcavesupport@kbin.social to ask in the welcome post if I can sleep and hide in the cave when it rains if I promise not to harm any hominids and asking if leaving a paw print instead of a hand print in the guestbook on the guestwall would also be okay.

    1 vote
  188. RIFrefugee
    Came here when RIF shut off.

    Came here when RIF shut off.

    1 vote
  189. TheVerySpecialK
    Why settle for special when you can be very special?

    Why settle for special when you can be very special?

    1 vote
  190. Insouciance
    Casual indifference.

    Casual indifference.

    1 vote
  191. Pitchfork
    I was PitchforkAssistant on Reddit, but just Pitchfork was available here, so I went with that.

    I was PitchforkAssistant on Reddit, but just Pitchfork was available here, so I went with that.

    1 vote
  192. asuka
    Because Asuka is best girl. It's pretty simple when it comes down to it.

    Because Asuka is best girl. It's pretty simple when it comes down to it.

    1 vote
  193. Zorniac
    I've had this user name for decades, I came up with it for a game I started at the time, can't recall the name but it was around the time of warcraft/StarCraft era

    I've had this user name for decades, I came up with it for a game I started at the time, can't recall the name but it was around the time of warcraft/StarCraft era

    1 vote
  194. 1984
    To watch over all of you.

    To watch over all of you.

    1 vote
  195. Fenikso
    New name is same as the old name.

    New name is same as the old name.