4_sided_snow's recent activity

  1. Comment on The Reddit protest is finally over. Reddit won. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Extremely well said. For me, the lack of places to just "browse memes" after leaving reddit was a bit painful, but overall very worthwhile. When I first got to Tildes, someone had written how...

    Extremely well said. For me, the lack of places to just "browse memes" after leaving reddit was a bit painful, but overall very worthwhile. When I first got to Tildes, someone had written how blissful the effect of "continued boredom" can be. When I find myself bored, instead of reaching for the phone and scrolling for dopamine, now I find myself considering what is important for me to be doing.

    How can I improve the space around me? How can I find motivation in this moment to complete the things I want to? These are questions I ask myself less and less as I find ways to fill in that time with mindless content. Since I've left reddit, I've learned to embrace that. I find thoughtful content here, over less time. And the reclaimed time is used more thoughtfully than I could have known before I left.

    22 votes
  2. Comment on How do you build lasting habits? in ~life

    What kinds of habits OP? I've found that my problems with building habits of maintenance (cleaning, cooking, hygiene) are actually totally different than building more dynamic habits of, for lack...

    What kinds of habits OP? I've found that my problems with building habits of maintenance (cleaning, cooking, hygiene) are actually totally different than building more dynamic habits of, for lack of a better word, discipline (reading before bed, limiting screen time, study before exams, wake up earlier for work)

    1 vote
  3. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health.mental

    Hiya, ADHD here. I was diagnosed as a teenager and built several coping strategies, so it's honestly quite manageable nowadays. Im one of the lucky few to have a working medication/therapy support...

    Hiya, ADHD here. I was diagnosed as a teenager and built several coping strategies, so it's honestly quite manageable nowadays. Im one of the lucky few to have a working medication/therapy support network in place, so I manage to stay on the rails (depression issues aside).

    Last few days I've spent under a rock. I'm at a point in my life where I can do that, as I graduate university soon and my course load is low. The reason I spent 3 days talking to nobody? A new random fixation :p. I've been trying to take a deeper dive into Nintendo Switch modding, and a module that disables the TLS verification caught my eye. So I've spent the past few days scrounging up resources about Nintendo servers, and monitoring traffic to the resources that aren't so well documented. It's really neat, and I won't lie, it is tempting to try and implement my own version of this server infrastructure to "puppet" my switch. Maybe if by some miracle I find enough information. Could be cool.

    That said if anyone has valuable insight about this, feel free to chat, I'd love to talk about it. I can't simply dump these thoughts into a discord or something, as the culture of a "chat client" is different... Maybe I need to return to forums.

    4 votes
  4. Comment on What's something you want to understand the appeal of? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Hello! I might not be the most qualified to speak, but I think I have some perspective that may help. Once upon a time I never watched any sports say all. In fact, I was exactly the type to say...

    Hello! I might not be the most qualified to speak, but I think I have some perspective that may help.

    Once upon a time I never watched any sports say all. In fact, I was exactly the type to say mocking things like "sportsball" in reference to... well, ball sports. It took until I was an adult and I gained an interest in eSports to understand the appeal in watching a game.

    I think the appeal of watching a game is a little different to everyone. Some people feel regional pride, others want to bet money, and even others just simply love the game. All of them, however, share a similar trait: following a sport is exciting. You may want to bet on a player/team that is underrated in your eyes, or maybe you want to rally behind a player you think represents the "beauty" of the sport, or maybe you just want to see your home represented on the big screen.

    I think when I first started watching eSports, and then directly after "real" sports, it really hit me how differently these people see the game in front of them. You really get to see a slice of how they think and play, on an individual or on a team level. And in sports that don't appear that "mental", maybe you just get to see the hard work and dedication pay off in the form of physical strength. Either way, you're consuming the result of a lot of blood/sweat/tears and that's what I love about it.

    24 votes
  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I just purchased battlebit yesterday on a request from some friend who wanted to play with me, but I'm a bit concerned about the premise. As someone who has never played a battlefield game, I have...

    I just purchased battlebit yesterday on a request from some friend who wanted to play with me, but I'm a bit concerned about the premise. As someone who has never played a battlefield game, I have to ask: how does the ecosystem adapt to falling player numbers? I can't imagine such massive servers would be particularly sustainable after the initial release boom, no?

    1 vote
  6. Comment on What is your most important game? in ~games

    Kind of a tough question, but it's between two. I'll go with one for brevity. Super Smash Brothers: Melee. It has very varying reputation depending on who you ask, but I got into it as a teenager...

    Kind of a tough question, but it's between two. I'll go with one for brevity.
    Super Smash Brothers: Melee. It has very varying reputation depending on who you ask, but I got into it as a teenager and it was my first "real" competitive outlet when I decided to go to tournaments for it. Prior to that, I don't think I understood my competitive side very well.

    Beyond how fun the game is (and how great the people are that I've met through tournaments!), the reason it lands this spot in my heart is because of how much I've grown alongside it. It has been almost 10 years since I first decided to attend my first tournament, and I've become a very different person multiple times through that time. I graduated highschool, went through all of college, and found my passions and values during that time. I don't think I could effectively be the same person if the competition provided by these events didn't force me to take close looks at myself. Thanks to Melee, I understand myself, how my brain works, and the learning strategies that work for me. These are lessons I'll almost certainly hold on for a very very long time and I appreciate it deeply.

    As of late, my passion for playing the game has died down, and I don't enter events as much anymore. My skill has declined, and damnit, these new kids are too good. But I'll always be thankful for the "me" that Melee helped me become, and I'll likely move on from this game, but the wisdom I've gained will remain.

  7. Comment on Humble Choice - July 2023 in ~games

    Pleasantly surprised to see Shotgun King here! Fun little game if you're into chess and roguelikes. There are a bunch of fun plays you can make with the soul, jump, and throw mechanics you find in...

    Pleasantly surprised to see Shotgun King here! Fun little game if you're into chess and roguelikes. There are a bunch of fun plays you can make with the soul, jump, and throw mechanics you find in that game.

    This is my first time hearing of Ozymandias, but it looks pretty good and I'm very interested in giving it a shot.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Have you ever thought about suicide? How did you cope? in ~health.mental

    It's tough, and I often feel pretty unqualified to comment due to how "lucky" I am to have the support network that I do. But I do (actively, depression is a forever job) struggle with these...

    It's tough, and I often feel pretty unqualified to comment due to how "lucky" I am to have the support network that I do. But I do (actively, depression is a forever job) struggle with these things, and it was at the peak a few years ago.

    To answer your question directly: antidepressants, therapy, and a lot of mental refactoring is what helped me. I was only able to do this given the time and means, but that's what it took for me.
    That time of my life was categorized by difficulty justifying my existence, and the solution developed into re learning why I value life, and how I use this gift.
    I hope you can put some time into considering your passions, and how they can help drive your reason to fight. And I hope your fight doesn't prove unreasonably difficult.

  9. Comment on Any modded Minecraft players around here? in ~games

    A little bit of a necropost buuut, I've been playing Minecraft with mods since beta, when risugami's modloader was the big thing. Since becoming more of an adult with less time, the concept of...

    A little bit of a necropost buuut,
    I've been playing Minecraft with mods since beta, when risugami's modloader was the big thing.

    Since becoming more of an adult with less time, the concept of making a new Minecraft world every month or so became less and less appealing to me. I don't have that kind of time to play on a world for a week non-stop anymore.

    Nowadays, I host a 24/7 GT: New Horizons server for a couple of friends and I. It has been going for about 3 years, and Im about halfway into LuV. It's nice to have such a long running world to come back to, it's like a second home.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on I’ve fallen into a deep gaming rut lately. What helped “get you back into” gaming and rediscover the magic of video games? in ~games

    So this topic is of course extremely personal, and like everyone else, the best I can do is throw my hat into the ring and give some experience that maybe you relate to. I can relate to the idea...

    So this topic is of course extremely personal, and like everyone else, the best I can do is throw my hat into the ring and give some experience that maybe you relate to.

    I can relate to the idea of having to step back from gaming as a hobby, simply as your priorities in life change. It makes sense that, as your priorities shift again, gaming is re-entering the possible ways to spend your time. But I find when this happens I have to be aware of the fact that not only has gaming changed, but I have changed.

    Usually when I want to "feel that magic" again, I have to almost reevaluate what kind of gamer I am nowadays. When I was a teen, I was significantly more competitive. I played a lot of fighting games, shooters, any way I could exert skill onto others and feel good about it. However nowadays, a bit later, I find I'm a lot more into logistics. I play a lot more Factorio, modded Minecraft (lol), I recently picked up Dyson sphere program, etc.

    In short, I suppose what I'm saying is that if you want to feel that magic again, maybe the material you're picking has to have magic that matches the person you are now. Otherwise, it'll feel forced or boring.

  11. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Trying my hand at a few different methods of process injection on Windows. Since I graduate uni soon, I wanted to take advantage and take some courses I found interesting before I head out of...

    Trying my hand at a few different methods of process injection on Windows.

    Since I graduate uni soon, I wanted to take advantage and take some courses I found interesting before I head out of studenthood. An offensive security engineering course caught my eye, and here I am. I always felt like I had a poor understanding of Windows internals (Linux is where I have done most of my exploratory computing as a young adult), and it's neat to get this knowledge and perspective from the lens of something that aims to pull the strings from the background.

    I'm not sure if this information will be very useful to me in this light, but there is a certain satisfaction in learning via seeing what's possible.