Asinine's recent activity

  1. Comment on DuckDuckGo seems like a significantly worse search engine than Google despite SEO bloat, and I think community discussions mislead people by omitting that in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I require the bangs now that I know about them. I can't leave DDG/Bing because of it.. Plus as already mentioned, !g is an option too.

    I require the bangs now that I know about them. I can't leave DDG/Bing because of it..
    Plus as already mentioned, !g is an option too.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Using digital platforms to make new friends in ~life

    Link Parent
    I grew up in a very religious setting. I actually have attended one specific church that seems like it'd mesh, but we never connect to folks (or more so, I never do because my SO rarely visits...

    I grew up in a very religious setting. I actually have attended one specific church that seems like it'd mesh, but we never connect to folks (or more so, I never do because my SO rarely visits these days... not that my attendance is stellar).
    But as I was raised in the church (Catholic at first, then Protestant), I'm hugely skeptical but still open... just churchy kinda stuff tends to grate. But thank you for reminding me, I suspect it's been over a year since I've been... and yet, even when I'd disappear for months on end, someone would notice me.
    And to me, that's a big key.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Richard Simmons, who believed fitness is for everyone, dies at 76 in ~health

    I saw this, and RIP you weird mfer! I love that he was so ... ambiguous because everyone wanted to focus on other stuff and he just wanted us to exercise.

    I saw this, and RIP you weird mfer! I love that he was so ... ambiguous because everyone wanted to focus on other stuff and he just wanted us to exercise.

    8 votes
  4. Comment on Using digital platforms to make new friends in ~life

    Link Parent
    Third spaces are sadly a dying thing. I am an introvert, but I've got online friends from the 90s. We recently moved to a new spot in the country for my job (okay, it's been over three years now),...

    Third spaces are sadly a dying thing. I am an introvert, but I've got online friends from the 90s. We recently moved to a new spot in the country for my job (okay, it's been over three years now), and the friends we've made are nice and all, but they get along with my SO way more. I would like a friend. The group we have loves the group aspect (as does my SO, being the extrovert), and I still try to find ways to find that third space. Sadly, my commute really kills my free time, so while my job is amazing and I love where we live, it's more feasible for me to "throw" money at places I would rather prefer to volunteer.

    All that being said, I guess I was addressing the OP, but also wanted to mention that I feel this is the best comment in the thread.

    4 votes
  5. Comment on The horse nerd’s review of Elden Ring – how Torrent satisfies gameplay needs but fails at horse movement in ~games

    Link Parent
    Thank you for writing it! It has been a long while since I have had interest in any blogs. But yours was quite enjoyable, and I shall be popping back in to catch up. Cheers!

    Thank you for writing it! It has been a long while since I have had interest in any blogs. But yours was quite enjoyable, and I shall be popping back in to catch up.


    2 votes
  6. Comment on Black magic chocolate cake made with condensed tomato soup in ~food

    Link Parent
    Gonna second the fact that I actually read the whole story when I typically just look for the "jump to recipe" link. Fun read, thanks OP!

    Gonna second the fact that I actually read the whole story when I typically just look for the "jump to recipe" link.
    Fun read, thanks OP!

    6 votes
  7. Comment on What's a life lesson you've applied that has changed your life? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Yep, but that's not the point of this thread. ;)

    Yep, but that's not the point of this thread. ;)

    4 votes
  8. Comment on What's a life lesson you've applied that has changed your life? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Well, the thing is... yeah I have done a lot of stupid shit that I was like "hold my beer"... That's what my actual reply was about. Not about the bad stuff I couldn't have foreseen: it's about...

    Well, the thing is... yeah I have done a lot of stupid shit that I was like "hold my beer"...
    That's what my actual reply was about. Not about the bad stuff I couldn't have foreseen: it's about you may or may not have realized this wasn't the best option, but you did it anyway.

    Here I am now, in my 40s, and I still do dumb shit. Sometimes I am an idiot, but most of the time I have learned enough. But I'm trying to state for most folks: sometimes we do stupid shit and we know better, but we're still dumbasses and do it anyway. I mean, this is coming from someone whose username is Asinine...

  9. Comment on What's a life lesson you've applied that has changed your life? in ~life

    Regret is only for mistakes from which you didn't learn anything.

    Regret is only for mistakes from which you didn't learn anything.

    39 votes
  10. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    That's exactly how I started the game. But I think you're generalizing the wrong aspect: it's not that people who find the game difficult need story mode to figure how survival works, it's more...

    Most new players picking up TLD for the first time are coming in mostly blind and don't have that mindset that survival needs. That's something that needs to be built up over time with confidence gained from story mode.

    That's exactly how I started the game. But I think you're generalizing the wrong aspect: it's not that people who find the game difficult need story mode to figure how survival works, it's more like people who don't like figuring things out on their own and want/need guidance (that's not an insult, it's just how people prefer to enjoy their gaming). I'm no Dark Souls fan, and I don't personally like hitting my head on my keyboard until I get things right. But TLD (survival) is definitely something that requires people to understand some perhaps not-so-intuitive mechanics. You can do the story mode and have it handed to you, or you can try to figure it out on your own. That's going to be a personal preference.

  11. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    That's exactly how I feel in retrospect. I am rather active on the discord, so I know there are a ton of folks who love the story mode, and more power to them... But as it was originally pitched...

    It felt deeply rewarding to figure out how to play and what to do, instead of being spoonfed everything.

    That's exactly how I feel in retrospect. I am rather active on the discord, so I know there are a ton of folks who love the story mode, and more power to them... But as it was originally pitched to me as a survival game, it did absolutely great at that aspect.
    And honestly, it took 3 chapters of Wintermute before I decided that story mode sucked. The first was seriously brutal, but they ended up redoing the whole thing and making it super easy (now you can walk almost directly to the house after the plane crash; before you had to walk to the bridge at Spruce Falls and all around).

    1 vote
  12. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    TLD, as previously mentioned. :)

    TLD, as previously mentioned. :)

    1 vote
  13. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Valheim is great, I'd definitely recommend it, but it has some features I just didn't like. Granted, I got over them (and also found some console commands :) - I think I just felt it was a...

    Valheim is great, I'd definitely recommend it, but it has some features I just didn't like. Granted, I got over them (and also found some console commands :) - I think I just felt it was a building/management sim and the regular critter attacks definitely made me start growing in the game, but definitely put a twist on it (honestly I got the game knowing absolutely nothing about it, and I think I skipped through the intro/tutorial the first time I tried it out). Went back a couple years later and got into it. Also played with a friend, and honestly it was almost better... except I, like OP, am not a fan of playing with others.

  14. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Unpopular opinion: story mode seriously sucks if you want survival mode. I had the game years before the story mode was released. Honestly learning your surroundings is probably the #1 thing, and...

    Unpopular opinion: story mode seriously sucks if you want survival mode.

    I had the game years before the story mode was released. Honestly learning your surroundings is probably the #1 thing, and having the story mode just hand that to you on a silver platter made the game feel so devalued. Despite Raph's visions and whatnot, the game is amazing as a survival game... which should imply it's about surviving, not a walkthrough story. And, unfortunately through the years, the story mode has done nothing to impress me. I just wish the last segment would come out so I can play it and be done with that and say I played it all and just go back to survival.

  15. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I started it before the story mode was available. It had a pretty steep learning curve, but honestly if you play on the easiest mode and learn the maps (or find them online - when I started there...

    I started it before the story mode was available. It had a pretty steep learning curve, but honestly if you play on the easiest mode and learn the maps (or find them online - when I started there were options but not the in-game mapping feature). Knowing the layout is a huge key. Personally, I feel the story mode just hands you everything on a platter - the game should be difficult, because it's about being thrown into a mode "you" (the character) wasn't expecting or acclimated to.
    Honestly, I hate the story mode. It's been meh at best (and when they revamped the first chapter and made it WAY easier, I was quite disappointed), and I'm not the type who likes difficult games for difficult sake. I don't even like the cold, so I was shocked the game was so appealing.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Please convince me to like Fallout 76, I beg you in ~games

    I'd rather try to convince you to play FO or FO2. Granted, they're a bit of a hard pill to swallow nowadays, but if you loved FONV, that is what FO3 should have been and 4 should be the one coming...

    I'd rather try to convince you to play FO or FO2.
    Granted, they're a bit of a hard pill to swallow nowadays, but if you loved FONV, that is what FO3 should have been and 4 should be the one coming out next.
    (I may or may not be snobby when it comes to Bethesda messing games up... :)

    7 votes
  17. Comment on Linux gaming and the Steam Summer Sale: What are your favorites? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I distrohopped a lot back in '19/2020, and you can (if your USB can handle it) install whole large stuffs - I had a Steam install that I was able to play actual Steam games on... granted, all was...

    I distrohopped a lot back in '19/2020, and you can (if your USB can handle it) install whole large stuffs - I had a Steam install that I was able to play actual Steam games on... granted, all was lost on a reboot, but that was a huge sell for me.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Linux gaming and the Steam Summer Sale: What are your favorites? in ~games

    Link Parent
    You can try out many of the distros on a USB and see what you think about it. They're pretty intuitive and user friendly these days - just as "difficult" as installing Windows and most take way...

    You can try out many of the distros on a USB and see what you think about it. They're pretty intuitive and user friendly these days - just as "difficult" as installing Windows and most take way less time.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Linux gaming and the Steam Summer Sale: What are your favorites? in ~games

    Link Parent
    If OP (or anyone) tries Divinity: Original Sin, don't start with 2. I did and I just can't get into 1 now. It feels so clunky story-wise.

    If OP (or anyone) tries Divinity: Original Sin, don't start with 2. I did and I just can't get into 1 now. It feels so clunky story-wise.

  20. Comment on Linux gaming and the Steam Summer Sale: What are your favorites? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yea, I tried the demo for Factorio... just didn't mesh for my brain I guess. I do love Mindustry being FOSS and that Anuken is so active! (Also have it on the phone... after I had both computer...

    Yea, I tried the demo for Factorio... just didn't mesh for my brain I guess.

    I do love Mindustry being FOSS and that Anuken is so active! (Also have it on the phone... after I had both computer and phone versions for free, I had to actually buy it and was happy to pay full price. Great stuff!) I just wish there was a hippy version where I could code and farm and not worry about attacks.

    3 votes