CannibalisticApple's recent activity

  1. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Agreed. Humans really don't need that much money, they're likely never going to spend it all anyway. I don't see anything changing anytime soon though, so for now, I'm open to any motivation for...

    Agreed. Humans really don't need that much money, they're likely never going to spend it all anyway. I don't see anything changing anytime soon though, so for now, I'm open to any motivation for them to use that money to actually help others.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Personally, I'm alright with rich people doing good things for vanity and recognition rather than pure goodness. The sad fact is that a lot of meaningful change and good requires a LOT of money to...

    Personally, I'm alright with rich people doing good things for vanity and recognition rather than pure goodness. The sad fact is that a lot of meaningful change and good requires a LOT of money to finance. The average person can only do so much, but billionaires can easily fund major research and conservation efforts. I'd much rather they do that, even for selfish reasons like having their names remembered positively, than just hoard their wealth. They'd have that money either way, so at least it can be used for something good.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on IOC enters a new era with the creation of Olympic Esports Games – first Games in 2025 in Saudi Arabia in ~games

    Link Parent
    It makes sense to me to some degree for people who can't practice real taekwondo for whatever reason, like a lack of nearby facilities, scheduling issues or lockdowns. Virtual matches, either with...

    It makes sense to me to some degree for people who can't practice real taekwondo for whatever reason, like a lack of nearby facilities, scheduling issues or lockdowns. Virtual matches, either with bots or other players online, would also be more motivating for some people to practice than just following YouTube tutorials. Overall seems like a neat way to try to stay fit.

    But as a serious esport event people watch? That's where it becomes ridiculous to me. The main value I'd see from watching virtual taekwondo would be for comedy value of people knocking stuff over or ridiculous stuff happening in-game, like fighting a dragon.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    True, and that also crossed my mind since we also have YouTube TV. I think I just have a higher tolerance for ads and commercials than most so long as it doesn't heavily disrupt the experience....

    True, and that also crossed my mind since we also have YouTube TV. I think I just have a higher tolerance for ads and commercials than most so long as it doesn't heavily disrupt the experience. Live programming has commercials/ads planned into them, so it's easy to just hit mute and ignore them compared to movies or YouTube videos.

  5. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Except that live content has the space for ads built into it. If you're watching a sports event live, there's going to be commercial breaks even if you pay for no ads. I guess they could just have...

    Except that live content has the space for ads built into it. If you're watching a sports event live, there's going to be commercial breaks even if you pay for no ads. I guess they could just have nothing on screen during those breaks, but since the break is unavoidable anyway, having commercials doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on IOC enters a new era with the creation of Olympic Esports Games – first Games in 2025 in Saudi Arabia in ~games

    Link Parent
    Tetris was my first thought too. Though it DOES have random chance involved with what pieces you get, so I suppose it would be banned from this one. I remember a big fuss at a tournament where...

    Tetris was my first thought too. Though it DOES have random chance involved with what pieces you get, so I suppose it would be banned from this one. I remember a big fuss at a tournament where someone didn't get any line clears or something similarly ridiculous because he was holding out for a straight line piece which just never came.

    6 votes
  7. Comment on Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ gaming staff votes to unionize in ~games

    Link Parent
    There has been an increasing push for unionization in recent years at least. I'm kind of surprised it didn't happen a little sooner, because I remember the calls seemed to be picking up momentum...

    There has been an increasing push for unionization in recent years at least. I'm kind of surprised it didn't happen a little sooner, because I remember the calls seemed to be picking up momentum around the time I attended GDC in 2019. That would have been in the wake of the Telltale closure in 2018 leading to all the sudden mass layoffs, which I think had added some extra momentum. I read some real horror stories about the industry while browsing the Telltale tags on Twitter.

    I kind of wonder if Covid may have put a pause on the unionization efforts just like everything else. I doubt the movement would have come to fruition in 2020, but with how bad the game dev industry is outside a pandemic, the efforts would have garnered more support just from people getting continually burnt. Instead, everyone just went into survival mode and we still aren't fully out of the woods yet.

    4 votes
  8. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Huh. I read the manga and enjoy it a lot, it's never struck me as sad. A bit odd, but there's more depth as it goes on. Without spoiling much, some more characters appear who add a LOT more depth...

    Huh. I read the manga and enjoy it a lot, it's never struck me as sad. A bit odd, but there's more depth as it goes on. Without spoiling much, some more characters appear who add a LOT more depth to AI and its evolution. And also some hints that Mina herself is more unique than even she knows.

    That said, it's overall a slice-of-life story so the pace is generally pretty slow and laid-back. The domestic daily life is the main focal point, with the deeper aspects of AI sentience being explored more gradually. So it may not be the sort of exploration you're craving.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on IT professionals and therapists in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    ...So basically, rubber duck debugging with mental health instead of code? More seriously, I second this advice. Mental health is a vast field that's different for everyone. Therapists tend to...

    I might suggest that the very process of helping them understand the problem might be helpful for you in understanding the angst and how you want to go about resolving it

    ...So basically, rubber duck debugging with mental health instead of code?

    More seriously, I second this advice. Mental health is a vast field that's different for everyone. Therapists tend to specialize in certain fields and even demographics to an extent, which makes them good fits for some patients but not others. They can be excellent at their jobs and knowledgeable about the general nature of your issues, but if the dynamic isn't right, then that can really impede progress. Looking for another therapist with more experience or knowledge of the IT field may be the best option.

    17 votes
  10. MILGRAM: An interactive Japanese music project

    So this is pretty different from the typical stuff on here. I want to share an interactive music project that showed up on my YouTube feed called MILGRAM. It's produced by Deco*27, a popular...

    So this is pretty different from the typical stuff on here. I want to share an interactive music project that showed up on my YouTube feed called MILGRAM. It's produced by Deco*27, a popular Vocaloid/Utauite, and Yamanaka Takuya, a member of the band The Oral Cigarettes who's also been a key figure in producing some anime and video games (Caligula Effect is a major one). This could probably fit into ~anime too, but this is specifically a music project so I figured this is the best place for it.

    To quote the MILGRAM wiki:

    MILGRAM, established April 2020, is an ongoing interactive music project by DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka.

    The premise is that there are 10 prisoners residing in the Milgram Prison; they have all committed "murder". Over time, their mental images will be projected into a music video, containing hints and clues hidden in it. With these videos in mind, it is up to you to find out the truth behind their actions and deem whether they should be forgiven (innocent) or not (guilty).

    In Milgram, there's a three trial system. Each prisoner will have 3 different MVs. For each video, you will be able to vote on their verdict (for the specific prisoner). Dependant on their previous verdict, their trial will change it's direction. Keep this in mind when you vote!

    I like songs that tell stories, and MILGRAM definitely fits that criteria. I haven't finished listening to all of the songs released yet, but it's fun to watch the music videos while searching for clues to whatever murders they committed. Sometimes it's fairly obvious from the first video and lyrics. Other times, we're doing a lot of extrapolation. If you didn't know the context of the overall project, a couple of the songs and videos seem pretty typical for their musical genre. Just look at the top comment of that one: "imagine my confusion clicking onto a seemingly cute and catchy song only to scroll down and see people talking about abortion, murder and death??"

    Even without that context though, I think all of the songs and music videos can stand on their own. I wouldn't have realized they were part of a series if they didn't mention "X Trial Music Video" in the title. The songs span multiple genres, ranging from rock to J-pop to metal to... I guess more jazzy and classical/blues? Not sure how exactly to classify that last one, the music video has my brain biased towards seeing it as a "musical theater song". Anyways, there's probably a little bit of something for everyone, and all of them are incredibly well done. I've been playing Undercover in particular on loop, and the melodies of a couple others have gotten stuck in my head.

    Currently, the second trial/season recently wrapped up, and no word on when the third season/trial will start releasing, so the interactive aspect is currently on pause. But I figured this might be a fun rabbit hole for some others to go into. And there's some emphasis on it being a rabbit hole. There's a lot of related content like voice dramas and a Japanese mobile app that provide additional context. The wiki I linked at least has translated transcripts for the voice dramas and interrogations, and some of the messages on the app. Meanwhile, the music videos have some Japanese text that's left untranslated, but have YouTube comments mentioning rough translations. Basically, the music videos are just the surface of the story.

    Mainly though? I just want to share some cool music and music videos. So I hope someone here enjoys this as much as I am!

    6 votes
  11. Comment on The magic of tabletop crowdfunding is dying in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    That same logic can be applied to video games, movies, novels and all sorts of media. There's no need to develop new games, but it's still fun for players to have more options and for developers...

    That same logic can be applied to video games, movies, novels and all sorts of media. There's no need to develop new games, but it's still fun for players to have more options and for developers to work on new ideas.

    18 votes
  12. Comment on Movie of the Week #39 - Barbie in ~movies

    I saw it in theaters with my mom and had fun, but I think the hype set my expectations a bit too high. It was definitely fun though! That chase scene at the Mattel offices was great, we need more...

    I saw it in theaters with my mom and had fun, but I think the hype set my expectations a bit too high. It was definitely fun though! That chase scene at the Mattel offices was great, we need more goofy sequences like that in films again.

    My mom, meanwhile, LOVED it. Loved it enough to go see it again with her friends, and kept raving about it. I ended up getting her the DVD for Christmas so she can watch it whenever she wants. (Well, almost. My PS4 is now the only working DVD player in our house, so... Yeah. Still gotta ask me to get it playing xD)

    4 votes
  13. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I started playing Let's Build a Zoo yesterday. At around 11 I messaged a friend and went back to playing for a bit. Later checked the clock and did a double-take because it was already 2:30. So I...

    I started playing Let's Build a Zoo yesterday. At around 11 I messaged a friend and went back to playing for a bit. Later checked the clock and did a double-take because it was already 2:30.

    So I think that's a sign that it's a decent game? My main complaint is that the music doesn't loop, might be something with Steam Deck since another game (Recettear) has the same problem.

    5 votes
  14. Comment on Internet mysteries: The website you can only open once in ~tech

    Was split between sharing here and ~comp, so feel free to move this if it feels more fitting there! I stumbled across this video today and found it pretty interesting. If you don't want to watch...
    • Exemplary

    Was split between sharing here and ~comp, so feel free to move this if it feels more fitting there!

    I stumbled across this video today and found it pretty interesting. If you don't want to watch the video, it's about a website based on the Trolley Problem. You have three seconds to choose between saving your mother or an unfamiliar child. I recommend checking out the video just to see it in action, as it might be the most impactful implementation I've seen of it to date.

    The tricky part is that once you choose, you can't choose again. Refreshing the page just brings up the message "There won't be a second time." While other sites and games have done the same (One Chance comes to mind), this one seemed to be particularly stubborn. Using different browsers or incognito mode, trying to change IP address, even use other devices on the same wifi, etc., you'd get the same message. The video's creator and some of the comments say it's likely checked Flash's history rather than your browser.

    Which brings up the reason I didn't just link the site: this site operated through Flash. Since Flash is now defunct, the site isn't functional anymore, though the page is still online. Someone in the comments said they found an archived version on Flashpoint, but that it included a hacked version that could bypass the one-time limit. So, not exactly the same experience.

    This just struck me as a neat little snapshot of a now-defunct part of the internet.

    15 votes
  15. Comment on Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Given the doom and gloom of the past few days, for once I don't mind. The initial reaction to the shooting was just seemingly everyone saying Trump was guaranteed to win, which... To call it...

    Given the doom and gloom of the past few days, for once I don't mind. The initial reaction to the shooting was just seemingly everyone saying Trump was guaranteed to win, which... To call it disheartening is an understatement. That air of doom and gloom was everywhere online, the future felt so unspeakably bleak.

    That sort of barrage of negativity can just lead to people prematurely accepting defeat. They'd still vote for Biden, but they won't be as vocal about it since they expect all the fence sitters to vote for Trump no matter what now.

    This poll is definitely premature, but this is one of the first rays of hope I've seen since Saturday. I think it can help reinvigorate people and remind them that the fight isn't over yet. There's still time to avoid the worst-case scenario, and we need to fight tooth and claw to make sure Trump doesn't get into office.

    16 votes
  16. Comment on Save Point: A game deal roundup for the week of July 14 in ~games

    Link Parent
    From what I know, it's pretty poorly received and has received a LOT of criticism. I don't even pay much attention to live service games or participate heavily in any gaming scene, but I've heard...

    From what I know, it's pretty poorly received and has received a LOT of criticism. I don't even pay much attention to live service games or participate heavily in any gaming scene, but I've heard a lot of negative things about it in passing. Typical complaints like being a blatant money grab, bugs and server issues, and also just being bland and dull. Lots of critique of it being repetitive.

    They're probably offering it for free in hopes they'll get new players who will like it enough to buy the in-game skins or whatever microtransactions it has. The people who get it from this sale probably wouldn't buy the game anyway, so this gives an opportunity to make some money.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on A wife’s revenge from beyond the grave in ~life

    This is just sad and disturbing. I never heard of the case before, but an entire family was ruined by it. Those poor girls are just... Damn. Allan lost his job and is struggling to get another,...

    This is just sad and disturbing. I never heard of the case before, but an entire family was ruined by it. Those poor girls are just... Damn. Allan lost his job and is struggling to get another, meaning they'll likely lose their house soon. Though it'd be wise to move anyway, since everyone knows where they live and who they are. But even if they move, thanks to social media, people at those girls' school are guaranteed to find out at some point.

    I sincerely wonder if they can move to another country and get a new name. That might honestly be the only way for the family to really recover. He was absolutely right: once the first version of the narrative is out, it becomes fact in public opinion. Even the apology video from Harvey won't help, because it's basically guaranteed it won't get as many views as the entire campaign against him.

    This is why I always hate people trying to paint situations as black and white. There's always two sides to every story, and in this day and age, it's far too easy to ruin lives.

    13 votes
  18. Comment on DuckDuckGo seems like a significantly worse search engine than Google despite SEO bloat, and I think community discussions mislead people by omitting that in ~tech

    Looks like I might be going against the tide when I say I generally agree. Maybe it's because I search for fandom- and media-related stuff more than the average person, but DDG tends to be kind of...

    Looks like I might be going against the tide when I say I generally agree. Maybe it's because I search for fandom- and media-related stuff more than the average person, but DDG tends to be kind of dodgy for me.

    The most recent (and bizarre) example: just last night I wanted to look up the character Kyros from One Piece. I typed in "One Piece Kyros", and the top result was the OP wiki's page on the Riku family. Then videos, then his page on MyAnimeList, then an article from Sportskeeda, and then... the wiki's article on Episode 675? Kyros's page on the OP wiki just doesn't show up on the first page of the search results at all. Or the second. Honestly I have no clue what's up with that, because that doesn't happen with any other One Piece characters I've looked up.

    Fandom results are the easiest example for me to mention, but I'm used to adding the "!g" bang because Google does bring up more relevant results. There have been multiple cases where I was trying to jog my memory about some event or information, and DDG just never brought it up no matter how I organized the search terms. As soon as I'd add the !g bang though, it would be in the top five results, if not the top result. I don't have any specific examples off the top of my head, but it happens fairly often.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on What are some fun/interesting websites that don't involve news or current events? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    These are exactly the kinds of sites and rabbit holes I was hoping to show up! I can already tell I can spend hours on Molten Sulfur and JSTOR Daily. I love weird bits of obscure history and...

    These are exactly the kinds of sites and rabbit holes I was hoping to show up! I can already tell I can spend hours on Molten Sulfur and JSTOR Daily. I love weird bits of obscure history and folklore, and the front pages of both sites have pretty intriguing article titles right now.

    I'll have to share New Elementary with some friends who are into LEGO. Seems like a fun site even as someone who's not heavily into LEGO myself. I just like sites run by clear enthusiasts like that. One of my favorite subreddits is r/HobbyDrama because I love seeing people's enthusiasm for their hobby in their write-ups, even if I know nothing about the hobby. The enthusiasm can be infectious!

    And speaking of Let's Play, I just remembered I have this page for a Limbo of the Lost LP open on my phone. Can't even remember when or how I found it, it's been open for a while now. Really need to get around to reading it... Maybe after I read up on the North Rona Island Rat Apocalypse.

    4 votes