OGWhales's recent activity

  1. Comment on Are there areas where the antivax crowd have a point? in ~health

    I think this is a really important point. It's something I have observed myself and find to be somewhat concerning, as it ends up driving people that are on the fence to the anti-vaxx side. Many...

    But it's really hard to ask about this on todays web, because everything is so polarized, with Antivax versus "debunkers" whose sole goal is to win the debate

    I think this is a really important point. It's something I have observed myself and find to be somewhat concerning, as it ends up driving people that are on the fence to the anti-vaxx side. Many fears people have, instead of being addressed considerately, often end up getting attacked due to strong anti-anti-vaxxer sentiment. This means the only people willing to actually listen to various fears people have are anti-vaxxers, which is not wonderful.

    5 votes
  2. Comment on Flipboard begins to federate in ~tech

    Link Parent
    No doubt most coins and NFTs are just ponzi schemes, but the creation of bitcoin was motivated by the same ideals as federated social media.

    No doubt most coins and NFTs are just ponzi schemes, but the creation of bitcoin was motivated by the same ideals as federated social media.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Game recommendations, specifically in ~games

    Link Parent
    Descenders is one of my favorite games of all times. It's a biking game that has both custom maps and procedurally generated maps. The campaign revolves around the procedurally generated maps and...

    Descenders is one of my favorite games of all times. It's a biking game that has both custom maps and procedurally generated maps. The campaign revolves around the procedurally generated maps and progressing through various biomes that will increase in difficulty. The reason I enjoy it and think you might too is that it has some of the best feeling physics/movement system of any game like it, by a mile, and it has a high skill ceiling. Unlike many games in the genre, where it sort of feels like your character is on rails and that any tricks you do are just pre-programmed, this one gives you a good fundamental movement system and the freedom to play how you want. For that same reason the game can be punishing when you are first learning how to control yourself, while still being fun, but stick with it and it is really rewarding to master the movement.

    There are a few scripted tricks you can do, but like I said the real joy is that the game doesn't make you feel like you are on rails, you are actually in control of your body, giving you a convincingly realistic feel. I play on controller, which I think is the best way to play (don't have one but the game sounds perfect for steam deck). The left joystick essentially controls your shoulders/upper body and the right joystick controls your hips/lower body, letting you tilt them and throw them around, doing things like throwing out your rear wheel to sort of drift, load and unload your shocks when going off jumps like you would on a real bike, and do flips, spins, wheelies and such.

    Modding community is great, tons of awesome maps and the community is friendly. Making your own maps is easy to do as well, using Unity. I had zero experience but was able to make a decent one (little ugly though haha, I wasn't great at doing the small details to make it pretty)

    Another thing you may enjoy is Momentum Mod, a stand alone game dedicated to surfing and other source-related movement tech on community made maps. I don't think it's officially out yet but you can still download and play it. I assume this would need to be on a PC/MnK but figured I'd mention it.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on The most enjoyable character builds in Baldur’s Gate 3 in ~games

    My favorite build so far has been my Monk build. I'm playing way of the open hand with the movement feat. I can move around the battlefield like nobody's business. The biggest downside is that it...

    My favorite build so far has been my Monk build. I'm playing way of the open hand with the movement feat. I can move around the battlefield like nobody's business. The biggest downside is that it makes playing as slower characters feel so frustrating, lol. It's not a very complicated build, but I find it very fun especially once you get some good magic items. I have been considering going 3 levels into roque to get the thief subclass for the extra bonus action, as mentioned in the article, but I haven't done it yet. It sounds quite good though.

    My other favorite build has been a light domain cleric, so many powerful options. Very fun.

    I have a gloomstalker/assassin build like the one mentioned in the article, but I have not enjoyed it as much as my other builds. Not that it's bad, it's pretty good actually... Not sure what it is exactly that turns me off from the build, it's a little boring to play I guess and I am somewhat frustrated at the pointlessness of the longbows in this game, when I really want to use longbows with my ranger. I get why Larian made longbows this way, but man is the lack of range frustrating and prevents them from operating in their own niche. It seems to me it's always better to use a crossbow, which confuses me and makes me not want to use a longbow. I guess there is no reason I can't just use a crossbow and be happy, but it kinda kills the character archetype I have in my mind.

    7 votes
  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    (edited )
    Ultrakill. I only just started playing this but it's been great, it scratches a very particular itch I have for games that I find oddly hard to satisfy (fast-paced fps with a great movement...

    Ultrakill. I only just started playing this but it's been great, it scratches a very particular itch I have for games that I find oddly hard to satisfy (fast-paced fps with a great movement system. Other games I enjoy are: titanfall, apex, and quake). The game is similar to Doom, except with less emphasis on resource management and more emphasis on movement and style. This games gives a lot of power to the player in terms of controlling the combat and how they want to handle the various situations they are thrown in. The combat system is really cool, so many of your weapons/abilities compliment each other in really satisfying ways that make you feel extremely skillful. While you don't have as many weapons options as you do in Doom, it makes up for it with the very cool interactions that are possible. I have to admit I was put off by the styling when I first saw this game, as I figured that was the main appeal, but I am so glad I picked it up as I have fallen in love with it for it's awesome movement and combat systems.

    Baldur's Gate 3. Truly a fantastic game, I have several campaigns going with different groups and have enjoyed playing all of them with different characters. I started playing table top DnD for the first time this year, which I found very helpful for understanding BG3. I find the opportunity to use the level design (especially the verticality) and environmental elements to my advantage to be a huge addition to the DnD combat experience that was missing from my experience with table top DnD. This is the first game I have played in this style, but it has been fantastic.

  6. Comment on Joe Biden wants the country to heal from its political divisions. But many people say they aren’t ready to reconnect with their estranged friends and family members. in ~life

    Link Parent
    Indeed, however I have noticed even amongst the more mild Republicans, there is a deep and visceral hatred for liberals/leftists. Even with people I know, really kind and caring people too, their...

    Indeed, however I have noticed even amongst the more mild Republicans, there is a deep and visceral hatred for liberals/leftists. Even with people I know, really kind and caring people too, their top lip curls in disgust when discussing liberals and it seems their political identity is now mostly about hating liberals. In general, the most in-depth policy understanding they have is: "taxes bad", "government bad", or some sort of single issue thing like gun-rights/pro-life. It can take me days of talking with a person I know well to get them to open up to some of the policy ideas from the left, since there is so much background information/misunderstanding I have to work through to get the person open minded—only for it all to be quickly forgotten.

    I think the pervasive hatred of democrats is an important key to mending these types of relationships. In some regards, I think the mistrust in democratic politicians is well-deserved and many on the left-hand side don't give that proper credit, but the absolute vitriol I have seen since the Trump era is just something else altogether.

    7 votes
  7. Comment on Volvo Cars to go fully electric by 2030 – it will phase out all car models with internal combustion engines, including hybrids in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I know that Formula E cars use gear boxes, some of them 5 speed (rules surrounding this change a lot). Turns out the rules require use of a single transmission, so I know one gear is required, but...

    I know that Formula E cars use gear boxes, some of them 5 speed (rules surrounding this change a lot). Turns out the rules require use of a single transmission, so I know one gear is required, but using a gearbox with multiple gears can still add efficiency.

    That said, spctrvl is right that the motors are able to operate efficiently without a gearbox, and any efficiency gains from a gearbox are outweighed by the increased cost and maintenance—unless you are a Formula E team. I'd imagine the only time you might be using a gearbox on an electric is in a race car at a track or something... which means it's not totally out of the question : )

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Alienware’s Concept UFO prototype imagines a gaming PC that’s shaped like a Nintendo Switch in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ooooh, that looks awesome! Thanks for letting me know it exists!

    Ooooh, that looks awesome! Thanks for letting me know it exists!

  9. Comment on Alienware’s Concept UFO prototype imagines a gaming PC that’s shaped like a Nintendo Switch in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yeah I am new to PC gaming and really need to break the mouse scroll wheel habit. I have big hands too so it's not even that I can't reach or another. When you press 1 or another number do you...

    Yeah I am new to PC gaming and really need to break the mouse scroll wheel habit. I have big hands too so it's not even that I can't reach or another. When you press 1 or another number do you lift your fingers off the WASD keys?

    I need more practice, cause the mouse wheel thing is a bad habit. The other thing I struggle with is using the ctrl button. That hurts my hand. But yeah I think all this is mostly because I'm new to PC gaming. Practice pratice pratice.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I would love to hear about who you do intend to vote for and if you would be willing to share the reasoning behind it! Just appreciated your replies and would like to hear more from you

    I would love to hear about who you do intend to vote for and if you would be willing to share the reasoning behind it! Just appreciated your replies and would like to hear more from you

    5 votes
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Link Parent
    How can you measure this? Consider to what extent powerful people could control the entity of media back then compared to now. Sure, my gut reaction would be that's its easier to spread propaganda...

    How can you measure this? Consider to what extent powerful people could control the entity of media back then compared to now. Sure, my gut reaction would be that's its easier to spread propaganda today but at the same time isn't it also easier to find not-propaganda?

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Alienware’s Concept UFO prototype imagines a gaming PC that’s shaped like a Nintendo Switch in ~games

    Link Parent
    I've played on console most of my life, but found the switch to feel dinky and annoying to use. Xbox controllers are the only ones I like. I got one that is basically an xbox controller (came with...

    I've played on console most of my life, but found the switch to feel dinky and annoying to use. Xbox controllers are the only ones I like. I got one that is basically an xbox controller (came with two flush buttons on the back, which should be a new standard) for the switch and use that most of the time.

    I do find a mouse easier to do just about everything with. Only thing I am bad with is games that heavily use the number buttons for a hot bar. I miss too frequently so have the bad habit of using the mouse wheel to select things instead. Just feels awkward reaching for those in the middle of an intense PvP battle.

    Overall though I liked being able to sit literally wherever with the switch or even the PSP back in the day. I find that benefit to be well worth being uncomfortable with the controller. I think especially for kids that would be awesome.

    4 votes
  13. Comment on reCAPTCHA: Is there method in monotony? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The "keep answering until none are left" can be terrible. I did it until exactly zero traffic lights were left and it simply wouldn't let me confirm. So I just spam clicked a bunch of random tiles...

    The "keep answering until none are left" can be terrible. I did it until exactly zero traffic lights were left and it simply wouldn't let me confirm. So I just spam clicked a bunch of random tiles as I didn't know what else to do and that worked for whatever reason...

    1 vote
  14. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Gotcha. I was just asking since I only learned about it from this thread. I was still pulling up the snipping tool via windows key and then typing 's' and was content with that. Only thing else...

    Gotcha. I was just asking since I only learned about it from this thread. I was still pulling up the snipping tool via windows key and then typing 's' and was content with that.

    Only thing else I'd like is a scrolling screenshot. But I just use the browser screenshot functionality to do this as I only occasionally need this for web pages.

  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Link Parent
    What's the major difference? From what I can tell it's basically the same thing in a new skin but I can now do multiple screenshots at once and deal with them later. Otherwise seems mostly the same

    What's the major difference? From what I can tell it's basically the same thing in a new skin but I can now do multiple screenshots at once and deal with them later. Otherwise seems mostly the same

  16. Comment on Software disenchantment in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    One problem I see is that there is such a focus on making things easy to use (which is a good thing) that we tend to ignore the possibility of being extremely efficient with something. One thing...

    One problem I see is that there is such a focus on making things easy to use (which is a good thing) that we tend to ignore the possibility of being extremely efficient with something. One thing in particular that bugs me is just how often I have to use a mouse. Keyboards have so many keys and they are simply forgotten in most software today, especially function keys. Mice are excellent for a lot of the complex software we use, but they are slow. You can only get so fast with a mouse. Primarily keyboard based interfaces can be blazing fast and can be used without even thinking. Even hyper specific software today fails to take advantage of this.

    Ideally it's best to use both, but modern software is almost entirely centered around using a mouse, even when it isn't necessary. This translates poorly to a good keyboard interface. Granted, touchscreens only make this more common in order to keep common interfaces between platforms. I guess I just miss feeling like the flash every time I'm forced to use software with a slow interface. Some productivity software in particular bugs me in this regard, as it seems trivial to improve upon.

    Edit: @Akir below mentioned that the beautification of software affects performance and efficiency. I couldn't agree more.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    My list: C - always wanted to learn it in and out, but never have done anything major with it. Shell scripting - seems rather useful Assembly - :)

    My list:

    C - always wanted to learn it in and out, but never have done anything major with it.

    Shell scripting - seems rather useful

    Assembly - :)

    3 votes
  18. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Glad to see someone else who appreciates the em dash! I have the alt-code memorized: alt-0151

    Glad to see someone else who appreciates the em dash! I have the alt-code memorized: alt-0151

    3 votes
  19. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Anyone have suggestions for a decent alternative to Haskell? I always see it being the one suggested. I don't know much at all about functional programming but would like to dip my toes.

    Anyone have suggestions for a decent alternative to Haskell? I always see it being the one suggested. I don't know much at all about functional programming but would like to dip my toes.

    3 votes