TheRTV's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman It's an Arthurian epic. I really liked The Magicians, so I tried this out. It's pretty good. The story builds a bit slowly for me, but I really like the...

    The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman

    It's an Arthurian epic. I really liked The Magicians, so I tried this out. It's pretty good. The story builds a bit slowly for me, but I really like the exploration of all the character's journeys.

  2. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Started reading Hunter X Hunter manga. Since I finished the show, I figured I pick up the manga. Started from where the show left off since I did but want to read the whole thing. It's pretty good...

    Started reading Hunter X Hunter manga. Since I finished the show, I figured I pick up the manga. Started from where the show left off since I did but want to read the whole thing. It's pretty good so far. The art is hit or miss. I like where this arc is going.

    Tomadachi Game's penultimate chapter released this month. I'm pretty excited to see how it ends. There's a few things to wrap up and I want to see what happens to everyone. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

    Just finished Mushoku Tensei season 2 and wow! A lot happened at the end. Felt like a good journey from the start of the season to where we're at. Can't wait for next season. I actually started listening to the audiobooks of the light novels. The narrator is pretty good. I'm looking the additional details the show left out. It seems like the show is a bit more humorous at times. But you get more lore from the LN.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I watch some of the big shows and also rarely saw really hateful comments. Plenty of criticisms of CR or the episode, but rarely anything truly hateful. I really enjoyed reading the comments. Even...

    I watch some of the big shows and also rarely saw really hateful comments. Plenty of criticisms of CR or the episode, but rarely anything truly hateful. I really enjoyed reading the comments. Even the simple ones talking about how they liked the epsiode or specific moments/lines.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The example of saw was certainly shocking, but I'm curious how prevelant it was. Was there that many shows being review bombed or bombarded with hateful comment? If it's so bad that you had to...

    The example of saw was certainly shocking, but I'm curious how prevelant it was. Was there that many shows being review bombed or bombarded with hateful comment? If it's so bad that you had to remove any form of user interaction, then that's really surprising to me

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This is a really good point. I guess part of my disappointment comes from growing up in that era of the internet. In some ways internet socializing has grown, but shrunk in others This is a good...

    ... It is, however, incredibly sad to watch the slow erosion of the social nature of the 2000s-era Web.

    Things were more social before the rise of social networking sites: people had personal blogs, comments, blogrolls of sites they read and commented on (trackbacks/pingbacks were a cool thing too). Larger publications were all adding comments...and now they've mostly went away or become tiresome to even look at.

    This is a really good point. I guess part of my disappointment comes from growing up in that era of the internet. In some ways internet socializing has grown, but shrunk in others

    I have pondered whether this is something machine learning or even simple Bayesian filters would help with: why not train a "spam filter" on some comments scraped from Fox News or Breitbart or such, and automatically nuke ones it matches? An API that can successfully banish those types to the shadow realm would be well worth paying for.

    This is a good idea. Done right, a service like this could do well. Offer an auto-filter or auto-flagging setting. It could cut down moderation costs.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    I support the removal of harmful messages. But removing all user content is ridiculous. This seems like a cost cutting measure. Can't afford proper moderation and less features to support. Whether...

    I support the removal of harmful messages. But removing all user content is ridiculous. This seems like a cost cutting measure. Can't afford proper moderation and less features to support.

    Whether binging or watching week to week, I enjoy reading the comments. I like leaving them even if it doesn't get read. This is really disappointing to me. I hope they reverse this decision

    Crunchyroll message

    10 votes
  7. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Yes, I do not understand the passion. Of course I understand the logic. They're basic points that can be made about a lot of things. If I understood the vitriol behind it, then I'd be a member of...

    Yes, I do not understand the passion. Of course I understand the logic. They're basic points that can be made about a lot of things. If I understood the vitriol behind it, then I'd be a member of one of those "fuck cars" communities.

    I might just be a but apathetic, but do you (the community) have the same passion for gun control, flight travel, modern manufacturing/distribution lines? I'm genuinely asking.

    A lot of the modern world comes at the cost of the environment, is not 100% accessible, and may cause deaths. If you're passionate about changing everything, then good for you (seriously). But that sounds exhausting.

    Everyone has their own problems to manage and cars + travel infrastructure is just not in my bandwidth. Could it be better, yes. Do I feel enough emotion to really join in the discussion and meme-ing(?), no.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    I like driving my car, so I never understood the passion for being anti-car either

    I like driving my car, so I never understood the passion for being anti-car either

    3 votes
  9. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I'm enjoying the show too. I don't think it's great or anything, but it's not that bad. I've watched the movies and a lot of the shows. There isn't any ideas too surprising from that respect, but...

    I'm enjoying the show too. I don't think it's great or anything, but it's not that bad. I've watched the movies and a lot of the shows. There isn't any ideas too surprising from that respect, but I like exploring a time and characters that are so distant from the other content

    3 votes
  10. Comment on An uncompromising guide to sleep masks (for side-sleepers) in ~health

    Link Parent
    For me it's somewhere in the middle. I don't want room to open my eyes, but it can't put too much pressure on my eyelids. I started using a sleep mask to help with my eyes drying out in my sleep....

    For me it's somewhere in the middle. I don't want room to open my eyes, but it can't put too much pressure on my eyelids. I started using a sleep mask to help with my eyes drying out in my sleep. Too much pressure causes a red bump on the front of my eyelid (not a stye). But when I loosened it a bit, it worked good with no issue.

    So the straps and nose being adjustable would by an important thing for me. Just so it conforms to my face better.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on One Million Checkboxes - a silly little game where (un)checking a box (un)checks it for everyone in ~games

    Idk what the colored checkboxed mean, but I clicked them. So don't any of you touch them!

    Idk what the colored checkboxed mean, but I clicked them. So don't any of you touch them!

    5 votes
  12. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Just finished Hunter X Hunter. I really enjoyed this series! The Chimera Ant Arc dragged a bit for me and the ending was kind of underwhelming. I enjoyed a lot of it, but there were some parts...

    Just finished Hunter X Hunter.

    I really enjoyed this series! The Chimera Ant Arc dragged a bit for me and the ending was kind of underwhelming. I enjoyed a lot of it, but there were some parts that didn't feel crucial to the overall plot. The Chairman arc might be my favorite of the series. A lot of the stuff with Ging cracked me up 😆.

    The ending was satisfactory for the most part. I feel pretty good about the whole thing.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Database schema for project management app in ~comp

    Link Parent
    That's what I was thinking too. Have tags as a separate table and maybe a join table for a many-to-many relationship. That way you could resue existing tags or add new ones. Then you could format...

    Having tags as simply text irks me a bit. Would be hard to manage individual tags if it is just a string with commas. At the very least could be an array type or a separate table for more flexibility.

    That's what I was thinking too. Have tags as a separate table and maybe a join table for a many-to-many relationship. That way you could resue existing tags or add new ones. Then you could format the tags after you query them however you want.

    6 votes
  14. Comment on Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played in ~games

    Link Parent
    I guess that's me lol. I would rather buy a game at full price that I know I'll play. I would consider it a waste to buy games that I most likely would never play. Instead I make a list of games...

    I guess that's me lol.

    I would rather buy a game at full price that I know I'll play. I would consider it a waste to buy games that I most likely would never play. Instead I make a list of games to buy later that caught my interest. So if it turns out that the game sucks, I can take it off the list. Conversely, a game on the list may be on discount later.

    In my small library, the only games I haven't beaten or played a lot are the ones I got for free. Exception being Homeworld because I didn't like it and it was too late for a refund.

    That being said, I don't judge people who do have huge libraries. It's just not my thing

    16 votes
  15. Comment on Science fiction or fantasy recommendations for children in ~books

    A good series might be the Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson. It's a SF YA novel. It has Sanderson's usual approach to storytelling, but in a more YA format. Far future, distant planet where...

    A good series might be the Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson. It's a SF YA novel. It has Sanderson's usual approach to storytelling, but in a more YA format. Far future, distant planet where humanity is fighting for it's survival. Protagonist is a young girl determined to make it as a pilot.

    4 votes
  16. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Like @psi said, it's not some typical tournament arc. You're not going to be drawing up some bracket, betting on who will win it all. Or watching the characters compete to be the best. Instead you...

    Like @psi said, it's not some typical tournament arc. You're not going to be drawing up some bracket, betting on who will win it all. Or watching the characters compete to be the best. Instead you really get to know some interesting characters, expand upon the magic system, and the world. It's really just a part of the overall journey. Not to mention the animation is still really good.

    Also, it's not actually a tournament. I'm not going to spoil it anymore than that.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Any good auto or renters insurance companies? in ~finance

    Link Parent
    I like Progressive's loyalty rewards as well. It's partly why I stick with them. The new policy quote is a great idea. My buddy is an insurance adjuster for Geico and said that's the best way to...

    I like Progressive's loyalty rewards as well. It's partly why I stick with them.

    The new policy quote is a great idea. My buddy is an insurance adjuster for Geico and said that's the best way to get a deal anywhere. Get price quotes from different companies and your company will match the lowest.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Still watching Hunter X Hunter. I'm in the Chimera Ant Arc and holy crap! This arc is dark! I mean people have died and been killed before, but this is different. There was a part of me that was...

    Still watching Hunter X Hunter. I'm in the Chimera Ant Arc and holy crap! This arc is dark! I mean people have died and been killed before, but this is different. There was a part of me that was hoping they would just drop a nuke lol. Really enjoying it though.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom | Announcement trailer – Nintendo Switch in ~games

    I love Legend of Zelda. I'm so hype for a Zelda based game more focused on puzzle mechanics. I really appreciate them taking the franchise in different directions with the last several releases. I...

    I love Legend of Zelda. I'm so hype for a Zelda based game more focused on puzzle mechanics. I really appreciate them taking the franchise in different directions with the last several releases. I still want a Twilight Princess remake or port though. That's the only mainline game I never finished. I also don't want to touch my old Wii lol

    3 votes