cyberdwarf's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are your top three video game soundtracks? in ~games

    NEOTOKYO° GSDF disc and NSF disc Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Undercover Cops

    GSDF disc and NSF disc

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

    Undercover Cops

    6 votes
  2. Comment on Do you have a favorite YouTube video? I want to know! in ~talk

    It was a tough call, but this is probably the most underrated of my top picks: Inside Lens - Game Preservation, the Quest

    It was a tough call, but this is probably the most underrated of my top picks:

    Inside Lens - Game Preservation, the Quest

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Best Buy is discontinuing physical media in Q1 2024 in ~tech

    This seems very strange to me. Wouldn't the type of people who physically visit a Best Buy store be exactly the type of people who want to purchase a movie, TV show, or video game on physical media?

    This seems very strange to me. Wouldn't the type of people who physically visit a Best Buy store be exactly the type of people who want to purchase a movie, TV show, or video game on physical media?

    4 votes
  4. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

  5. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Seems weak. Put in the correct spelling of a generic name that I happen to own a simple typo for, but my typo domain wasn't returned (while many obviously unrelated names featuring hyphens and...

    Seems weak. Put in the correct spelling of a generic name that I happen to own a simple typo for, but my typo domain wasn't returned (while many obviously unrelated names featuring hyphens and additional words were included in the results).

    3 votes
  6. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~society

    Subscription only, so I guess we'll never know why. My no-subscription-required opinion: There are people on all sides making obscene amounts of money and ensuring their grip on political power...

    Subscription only, so I guess we'll never know why.

    My no-subscription-required opinion: There are people on all sides making obscene amounts of money and ensuring their grip on political power through conflicts in the middle east. Should those conflicts be resolved that wealth and power would be in jeopardy, so as long as these people and their like-minded successors are around there will be no breakthroughs.

    Maybe I could come up with something more nuanced if I was getting paid, though.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Your creative ways to say "none of your business"? in ~talk

    "Oh who can remember"

    "Oh who can remember"

    4 votes
  8. Comment on US national debt tops $33 trillion for first time in ~society

    Ah yes, that number we never hear about when someone with an R next to their name is president.

    Ah yes, that number we never hear about when someone with an R next to their name is president.

    22 votes
  9. Comment on Oh dear, George Lucas! Why the Star Wars universe is going from bad to worse in ~tv

    Link Parent
    In that case don't miss Tales of the Jedi which makes a good chaser.

    In that case don't miss Tales of the Jedi which makes a good chaser.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Chaos, comedy, and ‘crying rooms’: Inside Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ in ~tv

    The most striking thing in this article is how there is none of the industry standard glad-handing from former employees. Nobody would speak on the record -- even to complement Fallon or give the...

    The most striking thing in this article is how there is none of the industry standard glad-handing from former employees. Nobody would speak on the record -- even to complement Fallon or give the type of press-agent-generated happy talk statement that even the most monstrous sex offenders in the entertainment industry were regularly feted with.

    This silence really speaks volumes.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Oh dear, George Lucas! Why the Star Wars universe is going from bad to worse in ~tv

    So far Ahsoka is an extrusion of some of the best parts of Rebels and (to a lesser extent) Clone Wars; Basically it's a reward for kids who grew up with these CG shows and adults who stuck it out...

    So far Ahsoka is an extrusion of some of the best parts of Rebels and (to a lesser extent) Clone Wars; Basically it's a reward for kids who grew up with these CG shows and adults who stuck it out through all the weak writing they contained (particularly early on). No big surprise that someone so trapped in the 80's that they are trying to draw a line between George Lucas and Star Wars as it exists in 2023 hates it.

    Don't get me wrong: There's a lot of bad Star Wars out there (don't get me started). But this ain't it, boss.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on How would you rewrite the ending of a show that had an unsatisfying finale, or imagine an ending to a show that was canceled prematurely? in ~tv

    In the spirit of SHE-HULK S01E09 - PROPER ENDING ELONGATED MUSKRAT injects the serum and JESSICA HULK turns to the camera. JESSICA HULK Are you feeling this? 'Cause I'm not....

    In the spirit of


    ELONGATED MUSKRAT injects the serum and JESSICA HULK turns to the camera.

    Are you feeling this? 'Cause I'm not.

    JESSICA then looks back at ELONGATED just in time to see him DIE HORRIBLY.

    I-I can feel it working!

    (panics and flees into the night)

    Wait! Come back! I need deets so I can sue you all!

    Oh that's not a problem, I've got credit card receipts for all of them.



  13. Comment on Naomi Klein on following her ‘doppelganger’ down the conspiracy rabbit hole – and why millions of people have entered an alternative political reality in ~society

    Between influencers making bank pushing conspiracies and nation states using conspiracies to poison the content wells of countries without government controlled media I feel like we have a long...

    I don't know, it's all frustrating. I do believe that people are collectively smart enough to move on past this difficult period and put all this conspiracy theory crap behind us. That's why I've disengaged with it all. I'm just waiting for the critical mass to realize that they've been duped by a bunch of nacho cheesier stained neckbeards, and for them to get past that sticking period I explained before where they have to explain it away to erase it from their identites and all that. I have faith that will eventually happen.

    Between influencers making bank pushing conspiracies and nation states using conspiracies to poison the content wells of countries without government controlled media I feel like we have a long row to hoe here.

    That said, this paragraph did make me consider how we might get started. Conspiracies are fun in fiction, right? And there's a lot of fiction out there with a very pro-(fictional)-conspiracy bent; In The X-Files the truth was always out there, but it was similarly obscured in the Apple TV+ series Silo and hundreds of other dramas on the timeline in between. Can taking the wind out of fictional conspiracies be made just as entertaining as discovering that they are all true? Something for the screenwriters to ponder while they strike, I suppose.

    9 votes
  14. Comment on The manufacturing backlash: No factory in my backyard in ~life

    Everybody wants to build a new factory (particularly in places where they will be the sole large employer) but nobody wants to use the empty facilities and lots previously occupied by factories....

    Everybody wants to build a new factory (particularly in places where they will be the sole large employer) but nobody wants to use the empty facilities and lots previously occupied by factories. Maybe we don't need more industrial wasteland sprawl when the current crop of robber barons have moved on? Maybe if these megacorps want a company town so badly they should have to clean up an old paper mill or screen door factory first?

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Something wrong with new game reviews (Dave the Diver) in ~games

    I know people IRL who seem to legitimately enjoy Dave the Diver, with their only complaint being that the QTE are too much of a jump scare and an unwanted distraction from the fishing. While I...

    I know people IRL who seem to legitimately enjoy Dave the Diver, with their only complaint being that the QTE are too much of a jump scare and an unwanted distraction from the fishing. While I have not personally played this game and know almost nothing about it: My assumption based on your description (and knowing a little about my friends) is that this game may be best played while high.

    7 votes