d32's recent activity

  1. Comment on Texas secessionists win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step' in ~news

    Link Parent
    It has been even confirmed by the russians - at least in regards to Europe. I think it was Lavrov who said directly, about 10 years ago, that unstable Europe is good for russia and of course it is...

    It has been even confirmed by the russians - at least in regards to Europe. I think it was Lavrov who said directly, about 10 years ago, that unstable Europe is good for russia and of course it is in their best interests to try to make that happen.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on I am sick of "providing feedback" in ~life

    I consider providing the feedback a work. I don't usually work for free. Only for someone who needs it or who I like.

    I consider providing the feedback a work. I don't usually work for free. Only for someone who needs it or who I like.

    10 votes
  3. Comment on Will Microsoft want to introduce a subscription fee to their Windows OS in the future? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That no longer exists as a name of the product, it's "Microsoft 365" now. That may also point in the same direction?

    "Office 365"

    That no longer exists as a name of the product, it's "Microsoft 365" now. That may also point in the same direction?

    2 votes
  4. Comment on Mozilla is adding vertical tabs, profile management, and local AI to Firefox in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Won't lie to you, to get to this state of comfort wit the system (KDE for me too) may have taken me up to two years of daily usage. But I was using windows for about fifteen years before that, so...

    Won't lie to you, to get to this state of comfort wit the system (KDE for me too) may have taken me up to two years of daily usage. But I was using windows for about fifteen years before that, so that should not be surprising. But the best part of this hard process was that I was fighting rough edges of the system or - even more - my lack of understanding and experience instead of a corporation that is actually adversarial towards me, using all kinds of dark patterns against me.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Does anyone have experience or advice on cutting sugar consumption? in ~health

    Link Parent
    At the risk of not adding anything to the discussion, I (as a non-american) still have to express my surprise at the amount of "ifs" in this sentence:

    At the risk of not adding anything to the discussion, I (as a non-american) still have to express my surprise at the amount of "ifs" in this sentence:

    If you are in the US and have health insurance, find out if your insurance covers mental health, then find a therapist

    1 vote