27 votes

Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly

New Thread

Server host: tildes.nore.gg (Running Java 1.21.1)
Bluemap: https://tildes.nore.gg
Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html
Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox (Desktop and Android) - Chrome
Verification site: https://verify.tildes.nore.gg
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TildesMC

Plugins and Data Packs Data Packs:
  • Terralith - Overworld terrain upgrade
  • Nullscape - End terrain upgrade
  • Armor Statues [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Bat Membranes [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Cauldron Concrete [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Husks Drop Sand [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Mini Blocks [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • More Mob Heads [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Player Head Drops [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Silence Mobs [Vanilla Tweaks]
  • Wandering Trades [Vanilla Tweaks]


  • Bluemap - Adds a live 3D web map
  • Clickable Links - Makes http URLs in chat clickable (only for registered players)
  • CoreProtect - Records all block/container/mob changes (Anyone can look up changes with /co inspect)
  • EasyArmorStands - GUI for editing armor stands
  • Hexnicks - Enables Tildes usernames to be displayed
  • LuckPerms - Locks down unregistered users
  • Nerfstick - Allows survival use of the minecraft:debug_stick item (requires admin to spawn in)
  • Rapid Leaf Decay - Increases the speed of leaf decay by 10x
  • WorldEdit - Used for occasional admin stuff
  • WorldGuard - Prevents unregistered users from changing anything in the world

The server operates on a soft whitelist. Anyone can log in and walk around, but you need a Tildes account to gain build access.

New Thread


  1. [5]
    I've built a drowned farm for Nautilus Shells and Tridents at 935 200 -810. It is very ugly, but very functional. For now there is a scaffolding tower to get to a small landing platform with the...

    I've built a drowned farm for Nautilus Shells and Tridents at 935 200 -810. It is very ugly, but very functional. For now there is a scaffolding tower to get to a small landing platform with the killing chamber, but I'll link a portal tomorrow to make the commute easier. There is also a defo not a mistake cobblestone spire to mark the location :)

    11 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I've done a bit of farming there and deposited a few tridents in the free gear chest in the town center

      I've done a bit of farming there and deposited a few tridents in the free gear chest in the town center

      2 votes
  2. [5]
    Server is back up! I had to roll back the world to its state on January 20th @ 1AM Pacific time. Bluemap now has a maximum render radius of 6000 blocks. I'll let that render and measure the...

    Server is back up!

    I had to roll back the world to its state on January 20th @ 1AM Pacific time.

    Bluemap now has a maximum render radius of 6000 blocks. I'll let that render and measure the increase in storage utilization to judge what the radius can be.

    7 votes
    1. [3]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      I'm pretty sure community storage was running at the time of the backup. I'm trying to check if anything is broken, but admittedly I don't know much about this particular system or what is...

      I'm pretty sure community storage was running at the time of the backup. I'm trying to check if anything is broken, but admittedly I don't know much about this particular system or what is expected to break and am instead just leaning on general redstone knowledge. So if anyone that knows more about storage wants to take a look that would probably be a good idea.

      It seems like the shulker it was unloading got mis-filtered in some way which caused it to start unloading the shulker contents into the shulker return chest, but it stopped doing that after a few stacks of items so I'm currently assuming it fixed itself when it switched to the next shulker.

      Edit: I pulled all the shulkers out of the input chest and the buffers behind, but as far as I can tell nothing is broken. I didn't see any stuck pistons or anything like that. Just to be safe though I manually sorted the input shulkers so maybe someone that knows more about the system can take a look. While I do think I generally understand it there are some oddities, such as dispensers in locations that I don't understand the purpose of being dispensers, that make it possible I'm missing something.

      3 votes
      1. TangibleLight
        Link Parent
        If you go behind the maintenance door and up the ladder to the top above the main hall - each slice of the storage system has a stack of several droppers all pointing into each other. These all...

        If you go behind the maintenance door and up the ladder to the top above the main hall - each slice of the storage system has a stack of several droppers all pointing into each other. These all must be empty. Of the main storage system, this is the thing most likely to break during unexpected world reload.

        It's tedious but the only way to ensure items don't go missing in the filter chests is to click through all those droppers and be sure they're empty. If you do find any items in those droppers, also look through the filter chests to be sure each filter item has a stack of 2. If there's a stack with more than 2 items, those extras can be removed from the filter chests.

        I'll probably be on tonight to check this but it might be good if anyone has a chance to do that before then.

        I haven't looked at the shulker unloaders in much detail so I don't really have advice there.

        1 vote
      2. j0hn1215
        Link Parent
        Thank you for putting in the debugging work on what could easily have been my shulker deposits!

        Thank you for putting in the debugging work on what could easily have been my shulker deposits!

    2. GravySleeve
      Link Parent
      Thanks for the fix tea! So glad I had to work yesterday! Luckily, I only have an hour or so of work to redo. :D

      Thanks for the fix tea! So glad I had to work yesterday! Luckily, I only have an hour or so of work to redo. :D

  3. [4]
    (edited )
    Some screenshots for this week starting out with @Gravysleeve being outfoxed by a fox. I decided to go exploring again. First by boat and later on with Pedro my mule. Pedro has since then passed...

    Some screenshots for this week starting out with @Gravysleeve being outfoxed by a fox.

    I decided to go exploring again. First by boat and later on with Pedro my mule. Pedro has since then passed away because I failed to see a cliff in time :( So in memory of Pedro all the beautiful landscapes I came across.

    6 votes
    1. GravySleeve
      Link Parent
      Ugggghhhhhh....so annoying, lol.

      Gravysleeve being outfoxed by a fox.

      Ugggghhhhhh....so annoying, lol.

      3 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Oo! Imma needs the coords for that mesa biome! Looks beautiful!

      Oo! Imma needs the coords for that mesa biome! Looks beautiful!

      1 vote
      1. creesch
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        I had a look at my map and I think it might be this "painted mountains" terralith biome. It also has the volcanic crater nearby as well. Edit: I thought I included the coordinates in the...

        I had a look at my map and I think it might be this "painted mountains" terralith biome. It also has the volcanic crater nearby as well.


        I thought I included the coordinates in the screenshot, but apparantly did not:

        • X: -7904
        • Z: -3873
  4. GravySleeve
    Heyo! I finally got around to making a video showcasing my haunted house build! See it here!

    Heyo! I finally got around to making a video showcasing my haunted house build! See it here!

    5 votes
  5. [19]
    Bluemap is live!

    Bluemap is live!

    4 votes
    1. [3]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        According to tea it uses fewer resources!

        According to tea it uses fewer resources!

        3 votes
        1. creesch
          Link Parent
          Which to some degree makes sense. The 3d rendering isn't done on the server but in the browser. The material that is being stores and send also likely is lighter. Dynmap just was sending a steady...

          Which to some degree makes sense. The 3d rendering isn't done on the server but in the browser. The material that is being stores and send also likely is lighter. Dynmap just was sending a steady stream of screenshots effectively. Where with this map it sends the 3d model and textures. Since textures can be reused (think grass, stone, etc) it makes for less data overal.

          2 votes
    2. [6]
      Link Parent
      Hrm, looks like bluemap is having some issues. Getting timeouts on it now.

      Hrm, looks like bluemap is having some issues. Getting timeouts on it now.

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        It also hilariously renders floating islands and hot air balloons!

        It also hilariously renders floating islands and hot air balloons!

        2 votes
        1. creesch
          Link Parent
          That's just when you are zoomed out (when the map is working, it currently seems to not work) once you zoom in the details will render in including the air under floating objects.

          That's just when you are zoomed out (when the map is working, it currently seems to not work) once you zoom in the details will render in including the air under floating objects.

          1 vote
      2. [2]
        Link Parent
        @teaearlgraycold the server just reset all my achievements after I logged out, & reset all of my inventory back to what it was 1 hour before I came online. Server's probably shitting the bed, SSH...

        @teaearlgraycold the server just reset all my achievements after I logged out, & reset all of my inventory back to what it was 1 hour before I came online. Server's probably shitting the bed, SSH into the VPS and check the storage and memory usage when possible

        2 votes
        1. creesch
          Link Parent
          Likely running out of space. As I said in game I am guessing bluemap is taking up more space than anticipated.

          Likely running out of space. As I said in game I am guessing bluemap is taking up more space than anticipated.

          4 votes
    3. [6]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Update: Server is down for a few hours while I reload from a backup Edit: Fixed!

      Update: Server is down for a few hours while I reload from a backup

      Edit: Fixed!

      2 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        Any insights in the cause? Pickles and I speculated it might be bluemap taking more space than anticipated?

        Any insights in the cause? Pickles and I speculated it might be bluemap taking more space than anticipated?

        1 vote
    4. [3]
      Link Parent
      Having looked at a few of the markers it has become clear that the transport lines do need some adjusting as some of them are missing a few corners and have wonky locations. To update the markers...

      Having looked at a few of the markers it has become clear that the transport lines do need some adjusting as some of them are missing a few corners and have wonky locations.

      To update the markers a few options came up already.

      • There is this plugin which seems quite okay. Permissions would need some figuring out. By default, the permission a player can get only allows to update their own sets for example but there seems to be a permission to override that.
      • Pickles mentioned setting up a simple pipeline. So having the config (or at least the marker sets) in a repo where I can push updates and these then get added to the map.
      • I can also keep updating the gists, but that would require you to take action every time I have an update and that would mean I need to get it perfect every time or it becomes tedious very fast.
      • Something else?

      The plugin if it works would be nice for simple markers. But to be honest, the pipeline approach would have my preference so I can just edit text files and don't have to wrangle a GUI.

      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        @teaearlgraycold probably got overshadowed by the server crapping out, but thoughts on the above? :)

        @teaearlgraycold probably got overshadowed by the server crapping out, but thoughts on the above? :)

        2 votes
  6. [3]
    (edited )
    I have started work on the last big piece for the arena itself (still want to do landscaping, extend the road and lime line but that is for later). I think I'll be able to finish it this weekend....

    I have started work on the last big piece for the arena itself (still want to do landscaping, extend the road and lime line but that is for later). I think I'll be able to finish it this weekend.

    But, I also think that somewhere along the line the scoring mechanism stopped working properly in some instances. Basically not all player "lockers" seem to register a dead anymore. Probably a dust line that got broken somewhere and I'll look into it at some point. But if someone else wants to double check the redstone related to the scoring board that would be appreciated as well.




    Bluemap link

    Still need to double check some redstone and start with landscaping + infrastructure but the arena itself is now done!

    Edit2: Did some Redstone debugging with the help of @TaylorSwiftsPickles and everything is now working properly as far as I can tell.

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I believe when us 4 tested the arena a long time ago, the scoring had some issues, so it may have been that way for awhile now.

      I believe when us 4 tested the arena a long time ago, the scoring had some issues, so it may have been that way for awhile now.

      1. creesch
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        I know eyechoirs made modifications afterward. This isn't that, it simply seems to be broken lines for some of the player locker rooms. Probably a result of me moving some things slightly when...

        I know eyechoirs made modifications afterward. This isn't that, it simply seems to be broken lines for some of the player locker rooms. Probably a result of me moving some things slightly when trying to finish the exterior.

        I'll investigate it properly once I am done with the exterior, but if someone before that has some time and the inclination to double check the redstone that would be appreciated as well :)

        Edit: Arena is done, started looking at the redstone faults I found. Broken lines indeed so far.

  7. [16]
    I finally have a few of my farms up and running in a start my slow takeover of some islands to the north. My vision is to turn the central island into a base and the outer islands into a variety...

    I finally have a few of my farms up and running in a start my slow takeover of some islands to the north. My vision is to turn the central island into a base and the outer islands into a variety of farms that hopefully I can eventually theme into some cohesive ways, such as a theme or biome per island.

    The initial ones probably seem a bit pointless and duplicate with existing farms, but were designed and built with a few extra constraints. The farms have the eventual goal of allowing playerless interconnected functionally, as well as turning off automatically and being reload safe because I'm bad about never remembering to turn things off manually.

    So far fully working are bone blocks, dried kelp blocks, bamboo, bamboo blocks, and bamboo planks. All of those are set up such that if you take some it will automatically turn the farms back on and run them until it fills back up, even if you leave.

    Partially working/next on the list is a cobble farm. This is in large part because community storage seems sorely lacking in cobble and I'd like to fix that. The farm does function and produces about a shulker of cobble every 2-3 minutes, but I've not set up the collection system at all yet. Not only does it all need to be collected and packed into shulkers, my intent is to hook it to the previously mentioned kelp farm. What I want is for the cobble farm to be capable of requesting dried kelp directly from the other farm, without player interaction, and to use that to also smelt and pack stone and smooth stone.

    3 votes
    1. [10]
      Link Parent
      I ended up too lazy to do all the smelting at the cobble farm. It ended up a bit too fast to be easy to deal with the items so adding smelting in would've made it more complex than I wanted....

      I ended up too lazy to do all the smelting at the cobble farm. It ended up a bit too fast to be easy to deal with the items so adding smelting in would've made it more complex than I wanted. Instead it is just packing all the cobble into shulkers and I've been dumping said shulkers into community storage. So far I've dumped in maybe 30 shulkers of cobble. Maybe later I'll set up a shulker smelter and just call that good enough for stone and smooth stone.

      Not quite sure what'll be next. On the fence about building my playerless wheat farm design to make target blocks easier. Its a pretty simple design that doesn't depend on random tick, but not sure if lots of wheat would actually be of that much value. I don't tend to need tons of target blocks, so unless someone else has a use for lots of wheat I'm not sure it would ever really be of that much value.

      3 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        wheat can also be useful for packed mud blocks, not sure if anyone is using that a lot though

        wheat can also be useful for packed mud blocks, not sure if anyone is using that a lot though

        2 votes
        1. zestier
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          So far the only case I heard about someone needing lots wheat for packed mud was Evie, but I'm too late to help with that now. Maybe more people would be interested in packed mud though if they...

          So far the only case I heard about someone needing lots wheat for packed mud was Evie, but I'm too late to help with that now. Maybe more people would be interested in packed mud though if they didn't have to go gather a ton of wheat.

          4 votes
      2. [6]
        Link Parent
        Feel free to dump as much cobble/stone into the community furnace as you want! There's always enough fuel. (Also, I should update that furnace to accept shulker inputs!)

        Feel free to dump as much cobble/stone into the community furnace as you want! There's always enough fuel.
        (Also, I should update that furnace to accept shulker inputs!)

        2 votes
        1. zestier
          Link Parent
          I'll probably do a few in the community smelter, but I don't want to run it dry or babysit it all day. My goal is to at least mostly fill community storage with stone, which means around 100...

          I'll probably do a few in the community smelter, but I don't want to run it dry or babysit it all day. My goal is to at least mostly fill community storage with stone, which means around 100 shulkers worth of smelting.

          2 votes
        2. [4]
          Link Parent
          Talking about fuel, I noticed there is now a little train line transporting the kelp. But it doesn't seem to want to do anything? Am I missing something or is it a bit broken?

          Talking about fuel, I noticed there is now a little train line transporting the kelp. But it doesn't seem to want to do anything? Am I missing something or is it a bit broken?

          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            There're some buried redstone lines that connect the furnaces to the the kelp farm. When it is full enough on fuel it switches the kelp farm to making bonemeal. Because I was causing the smelter...

            There're some buried redstone lines that connect the furnaces to the the kelp farm. When it is full enough on fuel it switches the kelp farm to making bonemeal. Because I was causing the smelter to get a bit low I brought over a couple shulkers of kelp blocks from my farm and refilled it such that it is probably back in bonemeal mode.

            1. [2]
              Link Parent
              I found that line, and it doesn't seem to be working. Hence, me wondering.

              I found that line, and it doesn't seem to be working. Hence, me wondering.

              1. j0hn1215
                Link Parent
                Just checked it out: a redstone torch near the factory end of the rail was broken. I have made it (ever so slightly) less fragile. There's about 50 stacks of blocks of dried kelp in the pipeline...

                Just checked it out: a redstone torch near the factory end of the rail was broken. I have made it (ever so slightly) less fragile. There's about 50 stacks of blocks of dried kelp in the pipeline to be delivered, so the train will likely be on for a while.

    2. [5]
      Link Parent
      Would you like me to expand the blue ice highway up to your islands? It should more or less just be a straight line from the intersection that goes to Shroomlandia, and I don't mind expanding it....

      Would you like me to expand the blue ice highway up to your islands? It should more or less just be a straight line from the intersection that goes to Shroomlandia, and I don't mind expanding it. It's a pretty chill thing for me to do.

      2 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        I'm not familiar with the blue ice highway. From context I'm guessing it's part of the below-roof nether hub? Admittedly I always just end up flying on the roof.

        I'm not familiar with the blue ice highway. From context I'm guessing it's part of the below-roof nether hub? Admittedly I always just end up flying on the roof.

        1 vote
        1. creesch
          Link Parent
          As @TaylorSwiftsPickles said we have a railway/transport system on the server on the regular world. We also have various canals and other bits and pieces of infrastructure. All of this can be...

          As @TaylorSwiftsPickles said we have a railway/transport system on the server on the regular world. We also have various canals and other bits and pieces of infrastructure.

          All of this can be viewed on the server dynmap but you do need to enable the transport layer in order to be able to view it:

          1. On the top left there is an option to show normally hidden layers, one of these shows transport stops and transport lines.
          2. On the right side of the map you will find a menu that can fold out, it allows you to select different worlds and shows the available markers. If some farms/factories seem far away, make sure to check if there might be a nether roof portal.

          As you can also see farms are also listed on dynmap. If you want yours added just give me a shout and I will add them.

          Just as a general reminder, that goes for everybody. If anyone wants their home added or if farms are missing leave me a message here as a reply or ping me.

          5 votes
        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          It's part of the railway system starting from Tildetown. Train station - Shroomlandia was noticeably faster than flying on the nether roof for me, when starting from the announcement board. I...

          It's part of the railway system starting from Tildetown. Train station - Shroomlandia was noticeably faster than flying on the nether roof for me, when starting from the announcement board.

          I originally constructed it because I had a shitty 4mbps average connection that would make crash my game when flying or when crossing between dimensions, but I still use it

          3 votes
          1. zestier
            Link Parent
            I just logged on to find it. Yeah, if you're looking for a chill project it would be cool to be connected to this.

            I just logged on to find it. Yeah, if you're looking for a chill project it would be cool to be connected to this.

            2 votes
  8. [11]
    Does everyone like my new house?
    3 votes
    1. [9]
      Link Parent
      I just finished making my map art for the museum, and I downloaded @Evie's schematic, so if you've got the materials all gathered I think we're ready to go! I'll let you start when you're ready...

      I just finished making my map art for the museum, and I downloaded @Evie's schematic, so if you've got the materials all gathered I think we're ready to go! I'll let you start when you're ready and I'll jump in to help if you leave the materials nearby.

      1 vote
      1. [7]
        Link Parent
        I pretty much just started gathering them, but I will let you know once I'm done & then we can begin!

        I pretty much just started gathering them, but I will let you know once I'm done & then we can begin!

        2 votes
        1. [6]
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          Today's update: Honestly, it was a really productive day. Thanks to Evie's help early in the (EU) morning, we now have almost all materials except for the following:...

          Today's update:

          Honestly, it was a really productive day. Thanks to Evie's help early in the (EU) morning, we now have almost all materials except for the following:

          | Birch Log             |  4097 |    4097 |                                             0 |
          | Warped Nylium         |  1041 |    1041 |                                             0 |
          | Warped Planks         |   519 |     519 |                                             0 |
          | Netherrack            |     1 |       1 |                                             0 |
          | Item                  | Total | Missing |                                     Available |

          I'll probably work on those tomorrow, starting with the end stone (unless someone else does until then, but please do let me know beforehand so I don't waste time doing something someone else already did).

          The materials are currently sitting on an ever-expanding chest monster in Shroomlandia.

          However what I suggest we actually do is build the map art "on top" of the giant mushroom island (3000 -1500) because the mobs spawning gets really annoying. I've already griefed that island to oblivion when gathering mushroom blocks anyway, so it's not like anyone would live there anyway.

          Edit: Now removed end stone from the matrix above

          Edit 2: All materials have now been gathered

          1. [3]
            (edited )
            Link Parent
            I have started digging up the endstone for this project. I will hopefully get the roughly three shulkers filled this evening and drop them off at Shroomlandia Edit: Four shulker boxes of endstone...

            I have started digging up the endstone for this project. I will hopefully get the roughly three shulkers filled this evening and drop them off at Shroomlandia

            Edit: Four shulker boxes of endstone has been brought to Shroomlandia. I also inputted a bit more than one shulker into community storage in case you end up needing more. Also, I feel like the ice boat tunnel needs a better staircase in Shroomlandia, and also a bit easier to refind the staircase back down

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              Thank you a lot! And that's true, I was gonna replace it with an elevator but I keep procrastinating that...

              Thank you a lot!

              And that's true, I was gonna replace it with an elevator but I keep procrastinating that...

              1. IsildursBane
                Link Parent
                I have procrastinated on several of my projects, so I understand

                I have procrastinated on several of my projects, so I understand

                1 vote
          2. GravySleeve
            Link Parent
            I'm off work tomorrow so I'll be able to put some time in on the project too! Let me know if you need help gathering all that Netherrack! :P

            I'm off work tomorrow so I'll be able to put some time in on the project too!
            Let me know if you need help gathering all that Netherrack! :P

            1 vote
          3. TaylorSwiftsPickles
            Link Parent
            Today's update: I have finished gathering all of the materials. At the moment of writing this message they're all stored at the Chest Monster of Doom in Shroomlandia. I'll start preparing an area...

            Today's update:

            I have finished gathering all of the materials. At the moment of writing this message they're all stored at the Chest Monster of Doom in Shroomlandia. I'll start preparing an area in the other mushroom island and then we should be able to begin.

            1 vote
      2. TaylorSwiftsPickles
        Link Parent
        To whom it may concern: Following Evie's approval, I have created a small platform (made of moss) on top of the giant mushroom island (3137, 230, -1334) as a base of operations for the project. On...

        To whom it may concern:

        Following Evie's approval, I have created a small platform (made of moss) on top of the giant mushroom island (3137, 230, -1334) as a base of operations for the project. On this platform we currently have:

        • The shulkers containing all(?) the materials for the project
        • A bed
        • A nether roof portal
        • A crafting table
        • An ender chest
        • A shulker with porkchops
        • A shulker with fireworks
        • A myself

        I have created a placement on my litematica, based on 6 maps I generated (stored in one of the aforementioned shulkers) and surrounded the placement on 3 sides with moss. On the north side, the placement has no moss; instead, it has cobblestone exactly as shown in the schematic. This means, when you load the schematic:

        • The schematic should be on the same y level as the surrounding moss blocks and cobblestone blocks
        • The schematic's west, south, and east sides should be surrounded by moss blocks, which should not overlap with the actual schematic
        • The schematic should face north, such that the line of cobblestone (as mentioned by Evie) is on the north side and overlaps with the cobblestone I've already placed
        • The only side of the map where the circumferential blocks cross a chunk boundary that is not rendered in any of the maps I've generated is the north side, and in specific the single row of cobblestone blocks (as mentioned by Evie)

        If you've downloaded the schematic from Evie's bitwarden link, the coordinates should be (3008, 226, -1601), but do double check just in case.

        For reference: The maps I've mentioned were generated in this pattern (these are their ids):

        711 712 714
        710 713 715
        2 votes
  9. [5]
    @j0hn1215 we have a serious issue! @TaylorSwiftsPickles raised the point that trucks might have trouble supplying the mall with the current loading area design. Having had a look at it myself and...

    @j0hn1215 we have a serious issue! @TaylorSwiftsPickles raised the point that trucks might have trouble supplying the mall with the current loading area design. Having had a look at it myself and consulted my inner traffic engineer I tend to agree.

    My proposal is to move the walls on at least the sides (marked green) or even on all three sides. I do realize that this brings down the amount of parking lots, but it would give supply trucks room to maneuver.

    Of course, this assumes that at some point we will have actual trucks on the off loading ramps ;)

    2 votes
    1. j0hn1215
      Link Parent
      Ugh, this is what I get for hiring sub-par contractors! Fewer parking spaces does hurt, but how are we meant to consume in bulk quantities if semis can't make deliveries!? The cheap disposable...

      Ugh, this is what I get for hiring sub-par contractors! Fewer parking spaces does hurt, but how are we meant to consume in bulk quantities if semis can't make deliveries!? The cheap disposable crap must flow!

      I'll look tonight for a solution: your suggestions look good, and relatively easy to implement. But, if American design has taught me anything, the solution will be either adding more lanes, or adding more parking (or reducing public transit frequency)

      3 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      The loading dock area has been expanded! Anyone else is free to add any more logistical infrastructure, including, but not limited to, the following: trucks, dumpsters, logistics people working or...

      The loading dock area has been expanded!

      Anyone else is free to add any more logistical infrastructure, including, but not limited to, the following: trucks, dumpsters, logistics people working or on break, any reasonable lighting (I need to see more streetlight designs before I light the actual parking area).
      I'm not great at detailing, so I might add some wall detail and/or bollards (Which fence would be best for a yellow painted concrete bollard?), but feel free to add any pavement markers or other details you'd like.

      1. GravySleeve
        Link Parent
        Bamboo probably.

        Which fence would be best for a yellow painted concrete bollard

        Bamboo probably.

      2. creesch
        Link Parent
        Awesome! Looks like it is up to code now ;) I'll think about some details.

        Awesome! Looks like it is up to code now ;)

        I'll think about some details.

  10. [18]
    (edited )
    I spent the last week gathering materials and placing so so many blocks. It wasn't until halfway through the build that I realised I also needed to place about 16k glass underneath it. I wonder...

    I spent the last week gathering materials and placing so so many blocks. It wasn't until halfway through the build that I realised I also needed to place about 16k glass underneath it. I wonder what all these people are looking at...

    The gallery in the mall is now open! You can find it on the top floor, directly above the jewellery store. Keeping on my theme of outsourcing collaborative building I've opened the gallery without covering all the walls in art. If there's anything you want to add to the gallery, feel free to do so. About the only restriction I'll put in place is that it can't disturb other people's additions, but otherwise pretty much anything is fair game.

    2 votes
    1. [13]
      Link Parent
      Wow! Really great work on the map art :) Wish I could port over my map art from the last server. I'd love to contribute to the gallery but not sure I could stomach the dozens of hours just now

      Wow! Really great work on the map art :)

      Wish I could port over my map art from the last server. I'd love to contribute to the gallery but not sure I could stomach the dozens of hours just now

      4 votes
      1. [12]
        Link Parent
        If you send me over a litematica schematic in a PM, I should be able to invest some time in them, as I'll have some free time during this and the next few weeks. I've already mostly-constructed...

        If you send me over a litematica schematic in a PM, I should be able to invest some time in them, as I'll have some free time during this and the next few weeks. I've already mostly-constructed two Taylor Swift album covers (go figure...) so I should be able to do that for you if we have the materials.

        2 votes
        1. [11]
          Link Parent
          It was a 2x3. I wouldn't inflict that on you! But I do appreciate the offer

          It was a 2x3. I wouldn't inflict that on you! But I do appreciate the offer

          2 votes
          1. [10]
            Link Parent
            What's a 2x3 among friends? I can help too if we have a schematic. As a matter of fact, I have the old server download still, I could just go make it myself. :P

            What's a 2x3 among friends? I can help too if we have a schematic. As a matter of fact, I have the old server download still, I could just go make it myself. :P

            2 votes
            1. [9]
              Link Parent
              True, if we split this into two 1x3 maps for each of us, it's definitely manageable! Or three 1x2 maps if someone else joins in as well.

              True, if we split this into two 1x3 maps for each of us, it's definitely manageable! Or three 1x2 maps if someone else joins in as well.

              2 votes
              1. [8]
                (edited )
                Link Parent
                Well if you INSIST here's the schematic: (bitwarden send) I do appreciate the offer but again please don't feel any obligation. In particular collecting the materials would be very onerous, since...

                Well if you INSIST here's the schematic: (bitwarden send)

                I do appreciate the offer but again please don't feel any obligation. In particular collecting the materials would be very onerous, since the main ingredients are terracotta and concrete. It's a flat schematic designed to be built at sea level btw
                @GravySleeve for you as well

                2 votes
                1. [2]
                  Link Parent
                  Hey @Evie! Considering the sea level thing you mentioned: As far as I know, map art only cares about the relative height between any block and the block directly north of it. I made a little test...

                  Hey @Evie!

                  Considering the sea level thing you mentioned: As far as I know, map art only cares about the relative height between any block and the block directly north of it. I made a little test in a test world to see if I'm wrong but I can't see any difference in shading between the one I placed at roughly y=256 and the one I placed at roughly y=-60

                  If you don't see any difference either (well, apart from me misaligning them by one block because of the cobblestone part at the north side in both cases), I'd like to build it in the sky over the enormous mushroom island northwest of your base.

                  2 votes
                  1. Evie
                    Link Parent
                    Hey! Thanks for checking. If I was mistaken, and there's no absolute difference between the heights, then the alternate build height and location are APPROVED. Edit for clarity: the cobblestone is...

                    Hey! Thanks for checking. If I was mistaken, and there's no absolute difference between the heights, then the alternate build height and location are APPROVED. Edit for clarity: the cobblestone is a guide line only and should go outside of the map area in the real build

                    2 votes
                2. [5]
                  Link Parent
                  Concrete will not be hard considering that we have a concrete powder duplication farm & a datapack that allows us to convert it to solid concrete by just yeeting it into a cauldron. The stained...

                  Concrete will not be hard considering that we have a concrete powder duplication farm & a datapack that allows us to convert it to solid concrete by just yeeting it into a cauldron. The stained clay should also not be a problem because we have plenty of mesa and mesa-like biomes. The only thing that makes the build process inefficient (in my view) appears to be the dithering.


                  Might also be cool to add a copy of this map art to @joeglen's museum once/if it is complete

                  1 vote
                  1. Evie
                    Link Parent
                    That's why I wanted to build it, haha! When I originally made it last year, I rebound "pick block" to left click. Since you can pick a Litematica schematic the dithering was essentially a...

                    That's why I wanted to build it, haha! When I originally made it last year, I rebound "pick block" to left click. Since you can pick a Litematica schematic the dithering was essentially a non-issue for me

                    2 votes
                  2. [2]
                    Link Parent
                    I'd ask that you avoid strip mining the mesa at ~-1600, ~1150 if possible. Theoretically, I'm planning on building a desert city build over there (assuming, of course, that I somehow get more time...

                    I'd ask that you avoid strip mining the mesa at ~-1600, ~1150 if possible. Theoretically, I'm planning on building a desert city build over there (assuming, of course, that I somehow get more time in the day.)

                    2 votes
    2. [3]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Some behind the scenes details Here's the map art build in the end. And from above. The most obvious difference to me are the froglights, which are bright in-game but dull on the map. The glass...
      Some behind the scenes details
      • Here's the map art build in the end.
        • And from above. The most obvious difference to me are the froglights, which are bright in-game but dull on the map.
        • The glass underneath makes the background transparent instead of grey.
      • I could not have built this without both Litematica and MapartCraft
        • I went with Bayer dithering rather than the default Floyd-Steinberg because it left the blacks blacker.
      • The first schematic I generated used nearly 500 raw iron blocks. After a couple of hours digging out the large iron vein under my house I came to two conclusions:
        1. Digging for raw iron sucks.
        2. I wasn't going to get enough.
      • For the second schematic I removed the raw iron, which changed other parts of the schematic so I had to gather a bunch of extra blocks.
      • I had a separate copy of the placement above the storage room for material list reasons. This saved a lot of time.
        • You can see it has redstone blocks where it should be transparent. The schematic generator doesn't handle transparency and requires a solid background. Redstone blocks don't appear anywhere else, so I used a solid red background and later modified the schematic to remove them all.
      • Tweakermore has an option called autoCollectMaterialListItems which will pull resources out of shulker boxes based on the material list.
        • Using this with Render Layers in the X or Z direction and the material list in Render Layers mode made building it in segments much easier.
        • Depending on which slice I was building, I could usually fit about 5-6 rows of blocks in a single inventory (the number will differ depending on what you're building, since I had a lot of item types to deal with).
      2 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Nice work, and good on you for going with the 3d option! I can't bring myself to do the extra work to go that route. It's hard to tell from the pics, but I'm assuming this is a single map not a...

        Nice work, and good on you for going with the 3d option! I can't bring myself to do the extra work to go that route. It's hard to tell from the pics, but I'm assuming this is a single map not a 2x2?

        an option called autoCollectMaterialListItem which will pull resources out of shulker boxes based on the material list.

        Also, that sounds incredible! Gonna have to look into that.

        1. secret_online
          Link Parent
          Correct. It's also almost exactly to-scale with the real-life painting (the map art, not the blocks in The End. You'd need a really big museum for that one).

          It's hard to tell from the pics, but I'm assuming this is a single map not a 2x2?

          Correct. It's also almost exactly to-scale with the real-life painting (the map art, not the blocks in The End. You'd need a really big museum for that one).

          1 vote
    3. GravySleeve
      Link Parent
      I didn't quite finish my art project for the exhibit yet! I thought I'd be able to finish it today, but I'm gonna need another day or two probably.

      I didn't quite finish my art project for the exhibit yet! I thought I'd be able to finish it today, but I'm gonna need another day or two probably.

      1 vote
  11. [3]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. TangibleLight
      Link Parent
      You can do the same with right click to spam bonemeal etc.

      You can do the same with right click to spam bonemeal etc.

      1 vote
    2. GravySleeve
      Link Parent
      The tree farm design we have utilizes that feature. You can stock up on bonemeal and autogrow the trees while afk.

      The tree farm design we have utilizes that feature. You can stock up on bonemeal and autogrow the trees while afk.

      1 vote
  12. [8]
    (edited )
    @GravySleeve, is there a reason we have a guardian in the waters near town? It is slightly annoying dealing with mining Fatigue... Edit: This is highly annoying to deal with. I am trying to get...

    @GravySleeve, is there a reason we have a guardian in the waters near town? It is slightly annoying dealing with mining Fatigue...

    Edit: This is highly annoying to deal with. I am trying to get stuff done and am not about to carry around buckets of milk just to do stuff near town.

    I also don't think it is very newbie friendly.
    It simply is too close to the route to the iron farm, the lime line, a player house, the canal locks, etc. So I am honestly of the opinion that it either gets moved or disposed of.

    2 votes
    1. [7]
      Link Parent
      Ha! Pranked! You can kill him. I just put him there for fun since I had an extra.

      Ha! Pranked! You can kill him. I just put him there for fun since I had an extra.

      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        I am honestly just annoyed by it, but that might just be me having had a long day. Anyway, the thing is no more.

        I am honestly just annoyed by it, but that might just be me having had a long day. Anyway, the thing is no more.

        1 vote
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          Yeah, mining fatigue blows. I waited to put one under the volcano for a good reason. :P

          Yeah, mining fatigue blows. I waited to put one under the volcano for a good reason. :P

          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            I kind of enjoyed having him there. I am tempted to put a regular guardian in there now

            I kind of enjoyed having him there. I am tempted to put a regular guardian in there now

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              Can we not? It is also a boating route. I honestly don't get the appeal of putting hostile mobs "for the lols" in central areas. Specifically when they are ranged mobs with potential to hurt...

              Can we not? It is also a boating route. I honestly don't get the appeal of putting hostile mobs "for the lols" in central areas. Specifically when they are ranged mobs with potential to hurt players.

              As I said in game, I really think it comes close to breaking the only rule this server has.

              1. [2]
                Comment deleted by author
                Link Parent
                1. IsildursBane
                  Link Parent
                  I had almost all of those disarmed, and then the server got rolled back

                  I had almost all of those disarmed, and then the server got rolled back

                  1 vote
      2. secret_online
        Link Parent
        I was wondering what you'd do with the extras. I now wonder if we could set up a "how did we get here?" advancement farm somewhere. It's one of the few advancements I still haven't earned across...

        I was wondering what you'd do with the extras. I now wonder if we could set up a "how did we get here?" advancement farm somewhere. It's one of the few advancements I still haven't earned across all my various playthroughs of the game.

        1 vote
  13. [3]
    @joeglen, I dropped a shulker with contributions in the basement of the museum ;)

    @joeglen, I dropped a shulker with contributions in the basement of the museum ;)

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      :D excellent! Many thanks for your patronage

      :D excellent! Many thanks for your patronage 🫡

  14. [4]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. GravySleeve
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      The debug stick let's you alter the block state of certain blocks. It's mostly a tool used for decorating. You know how fences and stairs can look different depending on what they are connected...

      The debug stick let's you alter the block state of certain blocks. It's mostly a tool used for decorating. You know how fences and stairs can look different depending on what they are connected to? With the stick you can manually pick what shape the block takes regardless of what it connects to. It's also handy for glazed terracotta blocks which are tricky to position the way you want. I also just learned today you can use it on redstone blocks. So when you need an observer to face a certain way, but you can't quite get the angle right, you can just set it down however and then change it with the stick.

      Edit: Another interesting use I learned, you can make furnaces appear to be lit even when they aren't actually being used!

      3 votes
    2. chewonbananas
      Link Parent
      You could jump around until your hunger bar starts taking your health bar away leading to starvation.

      You could jump around until your hunger bar starts taking your health bar away leading to starvation.

      2 votes
    3. TaylorSwiftsPickles
      Link Parent
      Just ask someone to come kill you or ask creesch/tea to tp you out

      Just ask someone to come kill you or ask creesch/tea to tp you out

  15. [2]
    Fyi for everyone enjoying the new and shiny blue map. All markers have been transferred including the transport lines. Just like before they don't show by default to prevent clutter, but you can...

    Fyi for everyone enjoying the new and shiny blue map. All markers have been transferred including the transport lines. Just like before they don't show by default to prevent clutter, but you can enable them easily.

    In the top left corner of the map you'll find a so called "hamburger menu" icon. Clicking on it will open the menu giving you all sorts of options for the map. One of them is called "Markers" and allows you to turn on or off sets. As you can see in the screenshot there is also a "players home" marker set which is not enabled by default.

    2 votes
  16. TaylorSwiftsPickles
    @Evie thank you so much for the help with gathering clay & concrete today! I've returned your beacon box and xp bottle box to your base. I didn't know where you store them so for now I placed them...

    @Evie thank you so much for the help with gathering clay & concrete today!

    I've returned your beacon box and xp bottle box to your base. I didn't know where you store them so for now I placed them on your floating island, on the stone shore directly west of your cathedral. However, if you'd like me to transfer them somewhere else, just let me know :)

    2 votes
  17. [7]
    So I am thinking my next project is going to be an airship. I have not picked an exact spot, but I am considering either doing it above Town Square or near the villager trading hall. Part of my...

    So I am thinking my next project is going to be an airship. I have not picked an exact spot, but I am considering either doing it above Town Square or near the villager trading hall. Part of my reasoning for those locations is to partially disrupt the areas and encourage new development around there. I feel like those areas have stagnated a bit, and it would be cool to see some later game builds pop up around there. Let me know if anyone has concerns with either of those areas

    2 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      Airships are fun!, they also have a lot of room inside. This was my airship on the previous server iteration where we had a harbor where I could make it fit nicely. Anyway, I don't think you can...

      Airships are fun!, they also have a lot of room inside. This was my airship on the previous server iteration where we had a harbor where I could make it fit nicely.

      Anyway, I don't think you can force new development, but both locations work nicely either way for an airship.
      I'd put my vote on above the trading hall as sort of a supply vessel bringing all the goods the villagers have up for trade.


      Just throwing this here as a third option, because I think the tree farm looks like the empire state building a bit.

      2 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        It is not so much forcing development, so much as introducing a new building style in that area. Town center is kind of has a prescribed building style, which has the effect of cohesion but also...

        It is not so much forcing development, so much as introducing a new building style in that area. Town center is kind of has a prescribed building style, which has the effect of cohesion but also can be limiting in preventing people from building in their preferred style. I am not advocating for having people build cyberpunk skyscrapers right in the center of town, but having a bit more variance could be beneficial.

        My idea for the airship cabin was to have an adventurer's lounge, with some maps of the server. Therefore, your idea of a supply vessel for the trading hall does not work with my vision. The idea of it being docked to a scyscraper is a solid idea, and I was considering potentially having it connected to the nether portal tower.

        1 vote
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          If you want to tie it to my structurally-unsafe room (as if it's what's pulling the room away from the tower), I'm all for it :P

          potentially having it connected to the nether portal tower.

          If you want to tie it to my structurally-unsafe room (as if it's what's pulling the room away from the tower), I'm all for it :P

          2 votes
          1. [3]
            (edited )
            Link Parent
            Not a bad idea, although I am leaning towards having a ladder to the ground now. I have placed some scaffolding in the rough area I am thinking to try and figure out placement and height Edit: I...

            Not a bad idea, although I am leaning towards having a ladder to the ground now. I have placed some scaffolding in the rough area I am thinking to try and figure out placement and height

            Edit: I scaffolded a second potential location after checking out the sightlines of my first proposed spot. I will need to play around a bit with sightlines some more to try and figure it out.

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              I don't know which one you placed first, but I think the one I pointed an arrow at works best. As far as sight lines go as the one I crossed out would block the other side of the river for people...

              I don't know which one you placed first, but I think the one I pointed an arrow at works best. As far as sight lines go as the one I crossed out would block the other side of the river for people coming down the central path in town. If you like that location more I think placing it along the green line's orientation there might work a bit better?

              I also marked three other possible locations using the green lines (without the arrow tip). Each line representing how the airship would be aligned. I think that the viewing platform would make for a really neat airship dock with a few modifications.

              Anyway, just my thoughts, your build obviously :)

              1. IsildursBane
                Link Parent
                Actually, the one you prefer is the one I don't like. The spot you prefer I feel would just awkwardly interrupt the sightlines of the nether portal tower, which I feel is more of a landmark for...

                Actually, the one you prefer is the one I don't like. The spot you prefer I feel would just awkwardly interrupt the sightlines of the nether portal tower, which I feel is more of a landmark for the town square. Whereas, the one that does interrupt the views of across the river would not actually impact that view too much except for those running distant horizons, since on foot there actually isn't too many viewpoints that the tower is visible from. I am still playing around with positions though, and have not finalized on anything yet

                1 vote
  18. [6]
    How does one join? Do I need any client-side mods or plugins or is vanilla enough?

    How does one join? Do I need any client-side mods or plugins or is vanilla enough?

    2 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      You do not need any client-side mods, but it is restricted to the Java version of minecraft. Without verification you can explore the world but will not have build access. To have build access,...

      You do not need any client-side mods, but it is restricted to the Java version of minecraft. Without verification you can explore the world but will not have build access. To have build access, you will need to do the verification steps here

      3 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Java version is the best version :) I presume there is no limitation on client-only mods?

        Java version is the best version :)
        I presume there is no limitation on client-only mods?

        1 vote
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          To add onto what Pickles said, the general consensus is quality of life mods are normally considered fine to use. The relatively normal map mods, freecam, minihud, litematica, and even some...

          To add onto what Pickles said, the general consensus is quality of life mods are normally considered fine to use. The relatively normal map mods, freecam, minihud, litematica, and even some inventory management mods are pretty common amongst us. Something like an xray mod used to find diamonds would be frowned upon. If you are unsure, you can always throw in a comment about a specific mod in the weekly thread here and get others feedback before you use it

          5 votes
          1. d32
            Link Parent
            Got it. Convenience mods are OK, cheating is not.

            Got it. Convenience mods are OK, cheating is not.

            4 votes
        2. TaylorSwiftsPickles
          Link Parent
          As long as you're not using actual hacks then no. Pretty much everyone and their grandma on the server uses map mods, freecam, and various other clientside mods

          As long as you're not using actual hacks then no. Pretty much everyone and their grandma on the server uses map mods, freecam, and various other clientside mods

          4 votes
  19. [12]
    @teaearlgraycold we had a ghast spawn on the roof and burn down some of j0hns map art. Can we core protect restore that?

    @teaearlgraycold we had a ghast spawn on the roof and burn down some of j0hns map art. Can we core protect restore that?

    2 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Yeah I can do it. You can too now that you're a op. Edit: Done

      Yeah I can do it. You can too now that you're a god op.

      Edit: Done

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Sure hope nobody writes a holy book and creates a religion out of this

        Now that you're a god op.

        Sure hope nobody writes a holy book and creates a religion out of this

        5 votes
        1. creesch
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          Yeah, that would be nuts. Something the @secret_online agency then would need to look into, making it an entire thing. Imagine that happening...

          Yeah, that would be nuts. Something the @secret_online agency then would need to look into, making it an entire thing. Imagine that happening...

          4 votes
      2. creesch
        Link Parent
        Thanks! And yeah, figured I could probably also do it but wasn't quite sure how and wanted to double check with you anyway.

        Thanks! And yeah, figured I could probably also do it but wasn't quite sure how and wanted to double check with you anyway.

        2 votes
    2. [7]
      Link Parent
      Followup Question: Does BlueMap have a nether roof view? Also, I've been meaning to expand the map to cover more area (and play around with color variations). How large an area does a ghast need...

      Followup Question: Does BlueMap have a nether roof view?

      Also, I've been meaning to expand the map to cover more area (and play around with color variations). How large an area does a ghast need to spawn? I could build a glass roof over everything to prevent fires!

      2 votes
      1. [6]
        Link Parent
        Not right now, I think it can be setup to have one but am not 100% sure on that. As far as your ghast spawning question goes, please no :P That would making flying really annoying. It is rare that...

        Does BlueMap have a nether roof view?

        Not right now, I think it can be setup to have one but am not 100% sure on that.

        As far as your ghast spawning question goes, please no :P That would making flying really annoying. It is rare that they even spawn.

        2 votes
        1. [5]
          Link Parent
          Oh, I forgot about flying... Why wouldn't you want to fly at high speeds in a constrained space full of obstacles??

          Oh, I forgot about flying...
          Why wouldn't you want to fly at high speeds in a constrained space full of obstacles??

          2 votes
          1. IsildursBane
            Link Parent
            Sounds like fun to me. We can even add some hoops for people to fly through and make it a fun game

            Sounds like fun to me. We can even add some hoops for people to fly through and make it a fun game

            3 votes
          2. [3]
            Link Parent
            If we ever get to a third season we could actually build all portals at +2 from the roof. That would leave room for carpet and a layer glass above the carpet.

            If we ever get to a third season we could actually build all portals at +2 from the roof. That would leave room for carpet and a layer glass above the carpet.

            1 vote
            1. TaylorSwiftsPickles
              Link Parent
              If we ever get to a a third season, I'll set up base next to the tildetown and build a nuclear power plant, a bunch of commie blocks, and a realistic electricity distribution grid as a base ;)...

              If we ever get to a a third season, I'll set up base next to the tildetown and build a nuclear power plant, a bunch of commie blocks, and a realistic electricity distribution grid as a base ;)

              ...But also add more potion villagers to the villager hall. I really love them XP potions.

              2 votes
            2. chewonbananas
              Link Parent
              Why not just move all the existing portals two blocks up?

              Why not just move all the existing portals two blocks up?

  20. [4]
    So are we still switching to that dynmap replacement @creesch @teaearlgraycold? Been looking forward to seeing it in action!

    So are we still switching to that dynmap replacement @creesch @teaearlgraycold? Been looking forward to seeing it in action!

    1 vote
    1. creesch
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      No clue, I did convert the markers. The rest is up to tea. Edit: I made sure to update the converted markers in the gist.

      No clue, I did convert the markers. The rest is up to tea.


      I made sure to update the converted markers in the gist.

      2 votes
    2. j0hn1215
      Link Parent
      And will it cover more area? I'd love it if it were the whole of the explored map, but understand if server constraints prevent this.

      And will it cover more area? I'd love it if it were the whole of the explored map, but understand if server constraints prevent this.

      2 votes
    3. Bront
      Link Parent
      Dynmap = Old and busted Bluemap = New hotness

      Dynmap = Old and busted
      Bluemap = New hotness

      1 vote
  21. [6]
    @Arknata I have disarmed one pillager, but still working on disarming the captain.

    @Arknata I have disarmed one pillager, but still working on disarming the captain.

    1 vote
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      I have since disarmed the captain that I am reserving for Arknata at my port, as they expressed interest in wanting to use it. I have other pillagers in my port that are up for grabs if anyone...

      I have since disarmed the captain that I am reserving for Arknata at my port, as they expressed interest in wanting to use it. I have other pillagers in my port that are up for grabs if anyone needs some, but they still need to be nametagged before you break the boats.

      1 vote
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        Important question: can one dispense mob heads onto pillagers as you can with villagers?

        Important question: can one dispense mob heads onto pillagers as you can with villagers?

        2 votes
        1. chewonbananas
          Link Parent
          Possibly. I do remember the HC crew dispensing heads onto zombies.

          Possibly. I do remember the HC crew dispensing heads onto zombies.

          1 vote
        2. GravySleeve
          Link Parent
          I don't think so, but definitely worth testing!

          I don't think so, but definitely worth testing!

      2. Arknata
        Link Parent
        Yoo, thank you! Sorry I haven't been able to play in a while, IRL caught up with me (may or may not be because @creesch keeps telling me to waste time sleeping). Haven't been keeping up with...

        Yoo, thank you! Sorry I haven't been able to play in a while, IRL caught up with me (may or may not be because @creesch keeps telling me to waste time sleeping). Haven't been keeping up with Tildes either. Hopefully I can play a bit this week.

        I actually have tamed 3 of them, someone murdered 2 of them. i stashed the other one near my gazebo. The plan is to put them in the forest and the village, so more is definitely better. Please don't go out of your way to pacify them though, it is very time consuming. I'll just do that slowly when I'm afk.

        2 votes
  22. [6]
    @mendanbar, look what I found browsing the new fancy map! Even fits with the lore for the concordat ;)

    @mendanbar, look what I found browsing the new fancy map! Even fits with the lore for the concordat ;)

    1 vote
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Hmm, that link loads a blank section of map for me. :/ Side note: The new map is awesome! The first person view is almost as good as being in game. :) Side side note: I love Godzilla's new...

      Hmm, that link loads a blank section of map for me. :/

      Side note: The new map is awesome! The first person view is almost as good as being in game. :)

      Side side note: I love Godzilla's new accoutrement. 😂

      4 votes
      1. creesch
        Link Parent
        Gravy already explained. Anyway, it is the same biome as the concordat is build on :)

        Gravy already explained. Anyway, it is the same biome as the concordat is build on :)

        2 votes
      2. GravySleeve
        Link Parent
        That's because when creesch made that link, the new bluemap was enabled for the entire server, but it became too much for the server to handle, so tea had to reduce the render distance back down.

        Hmm, that link loads a blank section of map for me. :/

        That's because when creesch made that link, the new bluemap was enabled for the entire server, but it became too much for the server to handle, so tea had to reduce the render distance back down.

        1 vote
    2. [3]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        That likely will be a while. As you might have noticed it is still busy doing the initial render of the entire map for the overworld. After that it also does need to do the end and the nether....

        That likely will be a while. As you might have noticed it is still busy doing the initial render of the entire map for the overworld. After that it also does need to do the end and the nether.

        Once the initial render passes are done I expect it will start rendering updates and updates to show up fairly quickly.

        2 votes
        1. GravySleeve
          Link Parent
          Aha! I was wondering last night why I couldn't see anything on the map for the end/nether!

          Aha! I was wondering last night why I couldn't see anything on the map for the end/nether!

  23. [14]
    Looks like something ate up all the storage again. Not sure if it is bluemap, though I see the config for the world map was changed yesterday.

    Looks like something ate up all the storage again. Not sure if it is bluemap, though I see the config for the world map was changed yesterday.

    1 vote
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Bluemap is really cool, but it seems like it is causing more issues than it is worth. We really haven't had trouble until it was added. I wouldn't be upset if we went back to Dynmap.

      Bluemap is really cool, but it seems like it is causing more issues than it is worth. We really haven't had trouble until it was added. I wouldn't be upset if we went back to Dynmap.

      4 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        That's was mostly just Tea toying around with the render distance of the map. The first time we ran out of storage it was because it was set to cover all of the map. This time, I guess Tea changed...

        That's was mostly just Tea toying around with the render distance of the map. The first time we ran out of storage it was because it was set to cover all of the map. This time, I guess Tea changed it from 9000 blocks out to 10000 blocks out, because until today we didn't run out of storage since the range was dropped back to 5000 blocks out.

        We could as well have had the same issues on dynmap too. It's just that Tea never went above 5000 blocks out, mostly due to storage reasons.

        2 votes
      2. creesch
        Link Parent
        It's mostly a storage issue, not even sure it is Bluemap causing it. I have only limited access to the server so can't say for sure.

        It's mostly a storage issue, not even sure it is Bluemap causing it. I have only limited access to the server so can't say for sure.

        1 vote
    2. [7]
      Link Parent
      I've been having unusual lag the past few days. I thought it was just me, but I confirmed with @annemaricotta and @IsildursBane just now, they are also experiencing issues with the server.

      I've been having unusual lag the past few days. I thought it was just me, but I confirmed with @annemaricotta and @IsildursBane just now, they are also experiencing issues with the server.

      2 votes
      1. creesch
        Link Parent
        I am not sure if that lag is related, this is simply the server running out of disk space again. Which I just checked by sshing into it.

        I am not sure if that lag is related, this is simply the server running out of disk space again. Which I just checked by sshing into it.

        1 vote
      2. trim
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        I've been breaking a very great deal of long grass and it's been a bit strange over the last couple of days.

        I've been breaking a very great deal of long grass and it's been a bit strange over the last couple of days.

        1 vote
      3. [4]
        Link Parent
        I just noticed this morning (North America) the lag. Last night it was fine for me. So it seems more sudden to me, but for Gravy it seems like it has been gradually getting worse. Not sure if that...

        I just noticed this morning (North America) the lag. Last night it was fine for me. So it seems more sudden to me, but for Gravy it seems like it has been gradually getting worse. Not sure if that information helps Tea in troubleshooting or not

        1 vote
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          To add onto this, I joined a bit later when it was just myself and AFK j0hn. The lag was significantly worse, where when walking around town I would and teleport back a few blocks. I started...

          To add onto this, I joined a bit later when it was just myself and AFK j0hn. The lag was significantly worse, where when walking around town I would and teleport back a few blocks. I started building but after a bit, I logged off due to the lag being too bad. In that session I gathered materials from storage and placed them in shulkers and reorganized my inventory. I just joined back on and the shulkers I placed were there with materials I gathered in them, the materials were no longer in storage so they did not duplicate, however my inventory was reset back to the previous session. I feel like this may be a bit hard to follow, so I will point form it:

          1. Logged on

          2. Took items out of my inventory and put them into shulkers

          3. Grabbed items out of storage, put some in shulkers and some in my inventory

          4. Built a bit

          5. Logged off

          6. Logged on later

          7. Inventory was the same as in step 1, but also the items were also placed in the shulkers as placed in step 2

          8. Step 3 items were taken out of storage and placed in shulkers correctly

          I want to say, the items duped and lost were low value. I am not concerned about the actual items, it is a couple stacks of wool that was lost, and a couple stacks of dark oak logs that were duped.

          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            The disk of the server is full, I already said that ;) It means nothing you currently do on the server sticks properly.

            The disk of the server is full, I already said that ;)

            It means nothing you currently do on the server sticks properly.

            2 votes
            1. trim
              Link Parent
              I'll hold off working on my mob grinder , I can procrastinate for England.

              I'll hold off working on my mob grinder , I can procrastinate for England.

              2 votes
    3. teaearlgraycold
      Link Parent
      I had actually lowered the render distance

      I had actually lowered the render distance

      1 vote
  24. [4]
    I know I've been slacking at my afk duties, and I'm down to ~14 days of play time! However, I check the playtime tracker, and: WHO/WHAT is DuckShapedCactus and WHY are they ahead of me in...

    I know I've been slacking at my afk duties, and I'm down to ~14 days of play time!

    However, I check the playtime tracker, and: WHO/WHAT is DuckShapedCactus and WHY are they ahead of me in playtime!

    I'M (not actually) FURIOUS!!!!

    1 vote
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      That's definitely a mistake. Duck hasn't been online in over a month because of her university exams. Also it should be showing her Tildes name on the tracker anyway, no?

      That's definitely a mistake. Duck hasn't been online in over a month because of her university exams. Also it should be showing her Tildes name on the tracker anyway, no?

      1 vote
      1. j0hn1215
        Link Parent
        The time played was 29 days 14 hours ish. I figured it was a bug of some sort related to server issues, I was just very confused for a moment and thought that someone had surpassed me! Tell her I...

        The time played was 29 days 14 hours ish. I figured it was a bug of some sort related to server issues, I was just very confused for a moment and thought that someone had surpassed me!

        Tell her I say thanks for putting the time in on the server!

        2 votes
      2. creesch
        Link Parent
        Might be acting up because of the server disk issues.

        Might be acting up because of the server disk issues.

        1 vote