MartinXYZ's recent activity

  1. Comment on Help: Similar songs to Back to Black? Funk, pain and bravery. in ~music

  2. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Iain M. Banks - Use of Weapons

    Iain M. Banks - Use of Weapons

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Denmark's Queen Margrethe II will abdicate on January 14 next year after fifty-two years on the throne – succeeded by her eldest son Crown Prince Frederik in ~news

    Link Parent
    I think most people are positive. He's relatively young and both he and his wife are very popular. I personally think monarchy should be abolished, but since that's not what's happening this time,...

    I think most people are positive. He's relatively young and both he and his wife are very popular. I personally think monarchy should be abolished, but since that's not what's happening this time, I think we could have done worse.

    9 votes
  4. Comment on Denmark's Queen Margrethe II will abdicate on January 14 next year after fifty-two years on the throne – succeeded by her eldest son Crown Prince Frederik in ~news

    I just watched her televised speech, which is a Danish tradition - she gives a speech every NYE, and most families gather around the screen to watch every year. This year it was obviously extra...

    I just watched her televised speech, which is a Danish tradition - she gives a speech every NYE, and most families gather around the screen to watch every year. This year it was obviously extra exciting 😀

    8 votes
  5. Comment on What was your first computer game? (Soundcheck question 2023) in ~games

    (edited )
    CivII on Dos, I think.

    CivII on Dos, I think.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I have only read Consider Phlebas before Player of Games, so I don't have any feelings about the other books in the series. How do you feel about Use of Weapons?

    I have only read Consider Phlebas before Player of Games, so I don't have any feelings about the other books in the series. How do you feel about Use of Weapons?

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What are your predictions for 2024? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Yes, you're probably right.

    Yes, you're probably right.

  8. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, second book in my read-through of The Culture novels.Im considering starting The Chanur Saga or Laundry Files when I'm done with the whole series, but that's...

    Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, second book in my read-through of The Culture novels.Im considering starting The Chanur Saga or Laundry Files when I'm done with the whole series, but that's probably a year out still.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on What are your predictions for 2024? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    But Adrian Tchaikovsky will probably release two more novels🤗

    Neither Doors of Stone nor Winds of Winter will be published nor have a release date announced.

    But Adrian Tchaikovsky will probably release two more novels🤗

    2 votes
  10. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I loved Consider Phlebas as well! I started it the day after finishing the final book of The Expanse,"Leviathan Falls", which was, again a completely different animal and had a very different...

    I loved Consider Phlebas as well! I started it the day after finishing the final book of The Expanse,"Leviathan Falls", which was, again a completely different animal and had a very different pace, so it took me a while to get into Consider Phlebas as well, but once I was, it was a wonderful experience.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on How many of you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for modern medicine? in ~talk

    I've got brain cancer and the doctors found the tumor when it was the size of a baseball. I only had some light symptoms, like dizzyness and headaches, so if it hadn't been for an MR-scanning...

    I've got brain cancer and the doctors found the tumor when it was the size of a baseball. I only had some light symptoms, like dizzyness and headaches, so if it hadn't been for an MR-scanning showing what was actually growing inside my brain, they probably wouldn't have guessed before it was too Late...

    4 votes
  12. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I'm just reading them in order of publication.

    I'm just reading them in order of publication.

  13. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    I'm reading The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, I started reading the Culture series about a month ago with Consider Phlebas, which has a somewhat different pace than Player, so it took me...

    I'm reading The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, I started reading the Culture series about a month ago with Consider Phlebas, which has a somewhat different pace than Player, so it took me awhile to get into the rhythm of The Player of Games, but now that I've found the rhythm, I'm really loving Player of Games as well!

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Danish parliament has voted to ban the burning of religious scriptures after a series of Qur’an desecrations in the country and neighbouring Sweden in ~humanities

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I'm Danish and most people I've talked to about this new law agree that the guy who's been doing the Q'uaran burnings here, Rasmus Paludan, is deranged. Some people think his views have merit, but...

    I'm Danish and most people I've talked to about this new law agree that the guy who's been doing the Q'uaran burnings here, Rasmus Paludan, is deranged. Some people think his views have merit, but very few think burning books is helping his case. On the other hand banning any desecration of religious books is taking it a bit too far, I think. One politician (from a party I usually disagree with) commented that this might prove to be a problem for heavy metal bands, who have a long tradition of dececrating the bible. As far as I've understood, there's no clause about artistic expression in this new law. Of course if there was, Paludan and his ilk would just call their "demonstrations" "art happenings" a couple of his followers are already doing dumb "art" in the name of freedom of expression.

    3 votes
  15. Comment on What are your predictions for 2024? in ~talk

    Link Parent

    forty years of darkness!
    And that's just next year 😉

    20 votes
  16. Comment on It looks like Facebook will be forcing me to switch to Messenger. What are my options? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Incidentally, I discovered this comment because of a notification in Three Cheers as well!

    Incidentally, I discovered this comment because of a notification in Three Cheers as well!

    1 vote
  17. Comment on The Xmas music playlist at my job is awful; give me your best non-traditional holiday songs! in ~music

    I was introduced to Corey Taylor's "X-Ma$" recently, if you like hard rock and punk that's pretty good .

    I was introduced to Corey Taylor's "X-Ma$" recently, if you like hard rock and punk that's pretty good .

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Introducing Beeper Mini - get blue bubbles on Android in ~tech

    I'm still on the waiting list for Beeper Cloud. I signed up when it was announced it would be free. Has anybody here been signed up via the waiting list? How long does i normally take?

    I'm still on the waiting list for Beeper Cloud. I signed up when it was announced it would be free. Has anybody here been signed up via the waiting list? How long does i normally take?

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI | Trailer 1 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I thought that was FarCry 5?

    This game is going to be the most American thing ever made.

    I thought that was FarCry 5?

    3 votes
  20. Comment on Fallout | Teaser trailer in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Very subtle. I didn't realize until my second watch.

    Also subtle Kyle Maclachlan reveal? Yes please.

    Very subtle. I didn't realize until my second watch.

    4 votes