46 votes

What are your predictions for 2024?

It's 2024 (sometime) soon, and I'm curious - what are your predictions for the next year? I don't have any specific topic in mind, so feel free to predict whatever.

2023 post
2022 post


  1. [8]
    I predict continuation of 2023 trend of enshittification and consolidation in big tech space. I tend to frame things economically, so to me, this trend is directly tied to cost of capital and cost...

    I predict continuation of 2023 trend of enshittification and consolidation in big tech space. I tend to frame things economically, so to me, this trend is directly tied to cost of capital and cost of entry. During zero interest rate policy era, businesses could cheaply borrow to grow market share. There was a race for scale and users benefited tremendously. Now it appears the race is over, and higher cost of capital creates an effective moat preventing new entrants. The race "winners" can safely continue to extract value from users without outsized loss to market share. sad-trombone.wav

    51 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      Agree. I'm getting into self-hosting in 2024 for this reason.

      Agree. I'm getting into self-hosting in 2024 for this reason.

      11 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        Which services are you looking to self host? When I look at my tech life I don't see that much that I can self host besides NEW thing I don't currently do.

        Which services are you looking to self host? When I look at my tech life I don't see that much that I can self host besides NEW thing I don't currently do.

        4 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Aside from a media server (which will include books and audio books), I'm interested in using Mealie (recipe manager), home assistant, Language Tool, Vaultwarden, photoprism, and maybe Monica...

          Aside from a media server (which will include books and audio books), I'm interested in using Mealie (recipe manager), home assistant, Language Tool, Vaultwarden, photoprism, and maybe Monica (personal crm). I'd love to be able replace Mint with a self hosted option too. I'll probably use syncthing to sync (and then back up) Zotero, Anki, Obsidian and such so that I don't need to worry about losing data on their servers. If I'm ambitious, I'll set up my own receive-only email server.

          8 votes
          1. vord
            (edited )
            Link Parent
            Thanks for this list, some like Mealie look way better than some I've checked out in the past. For Mint, the only thing that I've found comes close is Firefly III. When I last looked at it, it...

            Thanks for this list, some like Mealie look way better than some I've checked out in the past.

            For Mint, the only thing that I've found comes close is Firefly III. When I last looked at it, it didn't suit my needs well, but it seems to have come a long ways since then. https://www.firefly-iii.org/

            Edit: Ugh doesn't really work stateside, only CSV imports....not really a surprise but still sad.

            1 vote
        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          Here's the thing: Every single service you use online, it is possible to self-host. Whether or not it is preferable to do that is another question, building and maintaining a user base is hard. It...

          Here's the thing: Every single service you use online, it is possible to self-host.

          Whether or not it is preferable to do that is another question, building and maintaining a user base is hard. It can be a lot of work insuring proper data integrity. But I can't think of a single service that doesn't have an equivalent you can run yourself.

          Small list of things I host or have hosted in the past:

          • Email
          • Chat
          • Video Conferencing
          • Game Servers
          • Password Managers
          • Pastebin alternatives
          • Image host
          • Photo manager
          • Backup service
          • Security scanner
          • Source control
          • Website caching/archiving service
          • VPN
          3 votes
          1. ThrowdoBaggins
            Link Parent
            With chat and video conferencing, I feel like those have the challenge of interoperability, and the people who I’d be communicating with having less tolerance or appetite for trying something they...

            With chat and video conferencing, I feel like those have the challenge of interoperability, and the people who I’d be communicating with having less tolerance or appetite for trying something they don’t currently use — it’s all well and good for me to have my own chat option, but if all the people I want to talk to can’t or won’t join, then I’m just SOL.

            Email is great because the standard is so old that it can easily be separated from the silos that big tech try to funnel everyone in to, and equivalents to password managers, photo backups, etc are fairly individual so it doesn’t matter if you can’t get anyone else on board.

            But I don’t know if think which facilitate communication can be as easily replaced without convincing people to join in.

            I’d be happy to be proven wrong, I’m not familiar with this space so maybe there’s more interoperability than I realise!

            1 vote
    2. gpl
      Link Parent
      Check out the book "Who Owns the Future?" by Jaron Lanier for a deeper dive into this type of economic argument. He calls those massive tech companies which lurch forward on the inertia of their...

      Check out the book "Who Owns the Future?" by Jaron Lanier for a deeper dive into this type of economic argument. He calls those massive tech companies which lurch forward on the inertia of their accumulated capital "siren servers". The book was written over a decade ago near the beginning of the social media boom but is terribly prescient in many ways.

      3 votes
  2. [16]
    Come November, I expect real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from...

    Come November, I expect real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...MASS HYSTERIA!

    Seriously, and as unfortunate as it is to say, I feel like the best thing that could happen in the US is Trump having a heart attack and just dropping dead. I'm sure that will lead to all sorts of conspiracy theories, but that feels like nothing compared to what I imagine will happen regardless of who wins the election. It would basically just be a press of the reset button. No more worrying about court cases or coups or firing all of the GS employees or anything like that.

    But as long as the country doesn't implode, I predict more advances and technology enabling better lives for everyone while people keep thinking things are getting worse. Just the inevitable march of time.

    47 votes
    1. MartinXYZ
      Link Parent

      forty years of darkness!
      And that's just next year 😉

      20 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      Maybe I'm one of those "people thinking things are getting worse" but I do have serious concerns about affordable and equitable access to the latest and greatest in healthcare. The new sickle cell...

      I predict more advances and technology enabling better lives for everyone while people keep thinking things are getting worse.

      Maybe I'm one of those "people thinking things are getting worse" but I do have serious concerns about affordable and equitable access to the latest and greatest in healthcare. The new sickle cell cure costs over $2,000,000 per person right? While that will almost certainly come down in price eventually, it's getting harder and harder to believe that the treatments of the future are going to be accessible to anyone but the incredibly wealthy, further increasing the inequality gap.

      14 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        The problem with that logic (and the problem I always have with people who use economic inequality alone as proof that things are getting worse) is that just because someone else gets more than...

        The problem with that logic (and the problem I always have with people who use economic inequality alone as proof that things are getting worse) is that just because someone else gets more than you doesn't mean things can't get better for you. Inequality certainly is problematic, but it doesn't by itself mean that things aren't getting better for everyone. There may be more inequality now than 100, 200, 400 years ago, but I'd rather live today than in any of those times.

        9 votes
        1. kaylon
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          I'd rather live in today, but all things considered... Any time period with inequality is horrible. Incremental progress is marvellous, the inequality gap is being chopped at and if you look in...

          I'd rather live in today, but all things considered...

          Any time period with inequality is horrible. Incremental progress is marvellous, the inequality gap is being chopped at and if you look in the right places, you will find steps being made. Regardless, inequality is still inequality.

          In America especially, I find that what's worse than wealth inequality is the sheer... what is it, apologism of the behaviours behind our systems. Fuck competition... the encouragement of pressure may burn out lots of workers, contribute to worse health, lead to some kids under traditional "tough love" parenting to break away, cause brain drain... but either no one special knows how to tackle this, cannot tackle this, or just do not care. I find individualism to be worse than inequality at this point. Rich people, I can at least understand.

          8 votes
    3. [2]
      Link Parent
      It's pretty crazy that in my opinion, 'the country' you're referring to could be one of practically any these days (I'm Canadian fwiw). Things certainly don't feel very stable right now. Having...

      It's pretty crazy that in my opinion, 'the country' you're referring to could be one of practically any these days (I'm Canadian fwiw).

      Things certainly don't feel very stable right now. Having said that, I don't think 2024 will be much different than the last three decades years have been. Remember when 2020 started with huge Australian wildfires and people were saying the world was going off the deep end? For some reason I feel 2026 is when It's going to really accelerate downhill for the western world.

      I'm extremely grateful for my little pocket of stability I live in currently. And I ironically hope that technology can save us from ourselves and our misuses of technology, although I think things will get a lot worse before they get better.

      12 votes
      1. ThrowdoBaggins
        Link Parent
        I’m an Australian living in Australia, and I still don’t really know the overall scope of those fires, because once covid went international literally everything else got put aside. Are those...

        I’m an Australian living in Australia, and I still don’t really know the overall scope of those fires, because once covid went international literally everything else got put aside.

        Are those fires still burning? Who knows! Have those areas recovered? What about the floods that also devastated Queensland?

        Just everything from maybe October 2019 to covid is just gone from my memory, but not in a “I learned the details and it’s resolved” kinda way, just in a “bigger crisis took my attention, and time trudged on” kinda way.

        The one big thing I do remember is that while all these fires were becoming a huge deal in the media in Australia, they couldn’t find our prime minister to get a statement or anything, and then people found out he was not only holidaying in Hawaii at the time, but that he also refused to cut his holiday short to come back (which seemed to be the default expectation) and even worse, he left for this holiday after the fires were making the national news.

        4 votes
    4. [9]
      Link Parent
      My partner and I have been (re-)watching Death Note lately and I'm ngl, stuff like this did come to mind when the "what would you do if you got a Death Note" convo inevitably came up.

      Seriously, and as unfortunate as it is to say, I feel like the best thing that could happen in the US is Trump having a heart attack and just dropping dead.

      My partner and I have been (re-)watching Death Note lately and I'm ngl, stuff like this did come to mind when the "what would you do if you got a Death Note" convo inevitably came up.

      6 votes
      1. [8]
        Link Parent
        Stupid side story: My oldest kid once asked me what super power I would pick if I ever had the chance. Being a fan of offbeat super hero shows like Misfits, my mind immediately went to the weird...

        Stupid side story: My oldest kid once asked me what super power I would pick if I ever had the chance. Being a fan of offbeat super hero shows like Misfits, my mind immediately went to the weird side of super powers. I settled on the power to control human bowel movements with my mind. For context I have Crohn's disease, so gastrointestinal stuff is always in the back of my mind.

        I mention it here because I think if I had this power I'd wield it as a sort of Death Note for politicians. Less deadly, but could still be very effective at ending political careers.

        8 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Honestly you could probably even push it to deadly extremes in serious cases. Would serve as a calling card even more effectively than Kira's heart attacks since "death by constipation" is less...

          Honestly you could probably even push it to deadly extremes in serious cases. Would serve as a calling card even more effectively than Kira's heart attacks since "death by constipation" is less common naturally.

          4 votes
          1. Mendanbar
            Link Parent
            Lets hope that if this hypothetical does come to pass my "L" is not a frequent reader of Tildes threads. 😂

            Lets hope that if this hypothetical does come to pass my "L" is not a frequent reader of Tildes threads. 😂

            5 votes
        2. updawg
          Link Parent
          I enjoy the thought of politicians cleansing the night before a big speech as if they were going to have a colonoscopy.

          I enjoy the thought of politicians cleansing the night before a big speech as if they were going to have a colonoscopy.

          4 votes
        3. [4]
          Link Parent
          I think depending on political party, even a perfectly mistimed bowel movement wouldn't move the needle on their support.

          I think depending on political party, even a perfectly mistimed bowel movement wouldn't move the needle on their support.

          1 vote
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            Sure, not by embarrassment, but if you wanted to be relentless, you could make sure that a given politician could never make a public appearance. Every time they get up on stage or stand in front...

            Sure, not by embarrassment, but if you wanted to be relentless, you could make sure that a given politician could never make a public appearance.

            Every time they get up on stage or stand in front of a press conference. Every time they’re about to meet with lobby groups or business representatives or constituents. Every time they hop on a plane, or arrive at an event, or walk out of congress. Or even just in the middle of the night.

            The only option would be if they become so jaded that they just go ahead with their life covered in shit (and even then, the people they’re meeting would have to try real hard to not be repulsed) or if they found a way to completely abstain from eating for like 24h before every event or appearance.

            4 votes
            1. Mendanbar
              Link Parent
              I think we might have the beginnings of an anime here... 😂

              I think we might have the beginnings of an anime here... 😂

          2. GenuinelyCrooked
            Link Parent
            Viviek Ramaswamy just peed with his mic on while on an "X Spaces" chat with some of the worst people you've ever heard of. I doubt he was ever going to be a contender anyway, but I also don't see...

            Viviek Ramaswamy just peed with his mic on while on an "X Spaces" chat with some of the worst people you've ever heard of. I doubt he was ever going to be a contender anyway, but I also don't see that really impacting the polls.

            2 votes
  3. [5]
    Here is last year's prediction topic. A fun thing to do is make a list of predictions and then go back in a year and see how well you did. For that to make sense, you need to write them so they...

    Here is last year's prediction topic.

    A fun thing to do is make a list of predictions and then go back in a year and see how well you did. For that to make sense, you need to write them so they will be easy to grade next year.

    If you want to get fancy, some people indicate confidence by putting a probability after each prediction.

    19 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Man, I gotta say there are a lot of pessimistic predictions in there and they pretty much all turned out wrong.

      Man, I gotta say there are a lot of pessimistic predictions in there and they pretty much all turned out wrong.

      11 votes
      1. SirNut
        Link Parent
        IMO that's a common trend amongst online forums

        IMO that's a common trend amongst online forums

        5 votes
      2. vord
        Link Parent
        December 2022 was a real dark time.

        December 2022 was a real dark time.

        3 votes
    2. kwl
      Link Parent
      Thanks for the link to last year's post, I added the last two prediction threads to the post body.

      Thanks for the link to last year's post, I added the last two prediction threads to the post body.

      6 votes
  4. [4]
    Neither Doors of Stone nor Winds of Winter will be published nor have a release date announced. Some details of a screen adaptation of at least one of Brandon Sanderson's books will be announced....

    Neither Doors of Stone nor Winds of Winter will be published nor have a release date announced.

    Some details of a screen adaptation of at least one of Brandon Sanderson's books will be announced.

    Stormlight 5 will be received as "overall I was disappointed but wow that ending" or something along these lines.

    The Mean Girls musical adaptation (as a movie) will be amazing but will ultimately flop.

    19 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      But Adrian Tchaikovsky will probably release two more novels🤗

      Neither Doors of Stone nor Winds of Winter will be published nor have a release date announced.

      But Adrian Tchaikovsky will probably release two more novels🤗

      2 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        The same way all months have 28 days - he'll release two more novels, but he'll also release 3 more novels!

        The same way all months have 28 days - he'll release two more novels, but he'll also release 3 more novels!

        1 vote
        1. MartinXYZ
          Link Parent
          Yes, you're probably right.

          Yes, you're probably right.

  5. Raspcoffee
    Mmmm, interesting kind of thread. Let's see in a year how 'right' I'll be. China: I think China's economy will continue to stagnate, but won't collapse. It may start to shrink next year though I...
    • Exemplary

    Mmmm, interesting kind of thread. Let's see in a year how 'right' I'll be.


    I think China's economy will continue to stagnate, but won't collapse. It may start to shrink next year though I doubt greatly. Demographics, water distribution, housing market and local corruption will hurt their ability to turn the tide - but their centralisation of economic power will most likely also prevent immediate collapse(for better or worse, as it could also make things worse under the surface). Western investors will most likely begin to diversify the industrial output, slowly but surely pulling out capital. Speaking off which...


    The EU will continue it's perpetual identity crisis, though some re-industrialisation will happen as China's economic woes will make it clear we can't keep relying on them. I'm expecting the far-right to continue to rise but also stumble, in a similar way Brexit has made the Tories stumble. Whether that means actual left-wing ideologies will rise again(not progressive with neo-liberal economics) is still up in the air.

    United States:

    Honestly, I don't know. US political seasons are damn long meaning that it can still go lots of ways, and both Trump and Biden are old enough to kick the bucket. With the oligarchic media there and the Internet's trend to centralise I'm expecting the culture around politics to remain the same. Policies regarding minorities will differ a lot though.


    With Putin having roughly 150% chance to win the next election, there's a decent chance he'll call upon a general mobilisation as he'll run out of blood. Both countries are having their future stolen from them the more the longer the conflict goes on.

    The US election will matter a lot but before that happens Ukraine will get more relative air and artillery strength. If they manage to break through at the southern front using that there's a chance they can strangle Russian logistics.


    Often the region where conflicts are ignored for sanity reasons and to ignore neo-colonialism (looking at you in particular France) - anti-French sentiments will probably continue to increase and might result in another coup or two. Whether such coups will actually be justified or whether they're opportunistic power grabs is impossible to say in advance.

    Sudan will continue to bleed, the world will stand by. The country will break further destabilising that part of Africa in particular.


    I was not going to talk about Venezuela because it's still ongoing but... If not this year yet, I am expecting them to invade Guyana. If there is any prediction in this comment I hope I'm wrong about it's this one. Venezuela has the means, the motives and Guyana does not have the international support needed to fend them off.

    It won't help Venezuela at all incidentally, their economy is absolute garbage, and while a few different resources could stabilise their economic woes with such mismanagement it won't matter a single damn.

    Argentina, I'm not entirely up to speed with matters. From what I recall the new President can't enact all policies without greater support. Given how, according to a Dutch news article I just read he's planning to give a shock therapy and even said that initially the economy will get hurt though? Good chance he'll push through some extreme reforms he can, other reforms will get blocked, making an already faulty policy get Frankensteined.

    In other words, Argentina's economy will continue to be Argentina's economy. /s (But really, best of luck to you guys there. Christ it sounds depressing.)

    9 votes
  6. [3]
    (edited )
    Mine from last year, analyzed and amended: While I'm glad food prices have stabilized a bit here in the US, the trends don't look good worldwide. I'll amend this prediction for this year more...

    Mine from last year, analyzed and amended:

    Due to crop failures food continues to get more expensive, despire all measures to combat inflation. (80%)

    While I'm glad food prices have stabilized a bit here in the US, the trends don't look good worldwide. I'll amend this prediction for this year more in-line with the real problem: Crop failures will continue to get worse due to instability of the climate, and food security will get worse worldwide. 95% confidence.

    Stock market has a bottoming out that makes 2022's declines look mild. (60%)

    Glad I was wrong. I'm not gonna play the 'time the market' anymore, but I still got those bad vibes. We're not going to see a meaningful improvement to the average person's economic status until wages and taxes increase. We need to improve the public social safety nets, and unless we raise taxes, that ain't happening...especially not in an election year. I predict average person is same or worse than they were this time next year. 80% confidence.

    Society fails to meaningfully decrease energy consumption to mitigate global warming. (90%)

    Nailed it. We're seeing conversion to green, which is nice...but global energy demand continues to march upward at 3-4% per year. By my math, that means we need to be not just all new power as renewable/nuclear, but also need to be converting existing power on top of that. Considering the USA's green generation held flat at 22%, that tells me renewables are still nowhere near ready to scale up to meet the ever-increasing demand and eat into the base load in 2024. 90% confidence.

    I'll amend later with new predictions.

    • Democrats will take the 2024 presidency, but only because of infighting by Republicans. (70%)
    • Republicans will win way more seats than they should, given all of the treason happening. Including being too close for comfort for taking the presidency (100%). This is cheating a bit because I think the Republican party winning any seats at all is more than they should. But at a bare minimum, I think it would be reasonable to expect them to lose at least 3 Senate seats and 10+ House seats....but I'm almost certain that won't happen.
    • I celebrate the death of at least 3 monsters bastards dying of natural or self-inflicted causes (80%). Fingers crossed for Mitch McDonnell and/or a few Supreme Court justices!
    10 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      One interesting thing about the loss of free money is that it presents an opportunity for conservation. Some groups are working with countries that have a high cost of capital/borrowing...in...

      One interesting thing about the loss of free money is that it presents an opportunity for conservation. Some groups are working with countries that have a high cost of capital/borrowing...in exchange for co-signing the dept to garner lower rates, the benefiting country invests the savings into climate and conservation projects.

      It's an interesting tact that I heard about recently. It doesn't last forever as interest rates decline, but it's an approach I haven't seen before.

      1. vord
        Link Parent
        I think having interest rates so low in perpetuity is an actively bad thing. Too much of our society relies on being deeply in debt, and I think it's part of the reason that we have periodic...

        I think having interest rates so low in perpetuity is an actively bad thing. Too much of our society relies on being deeply in debt, and I think it's part of the reason that we have periodic crashes, as the person holding the hot-potato of bad debt goes bust and takes a bunch down with them.

        Pair low interest rates with banks not needing to maintain much cash on hand to lend out more, and you've got a nasty inflation driver that lets even the slightest tweaks by the fed to multiply multiple thousands of times in unpredictable ways.

        Making debt expensive will make it less of a default tool. Which should (in theory) drive more upward pressure on wages.

        1 vote
  7. [4]
    (edited )
    Technology: Google releases a new chat product / messaging app Google shuts down an existing chat product, or removes chat features from an existing product YouTube, with the help of Google...


    • Google releases a new chat product / messaging app
    • Google shuts down an existing chat product, or removes chat features from an existing product
    • YouTube, with the help of Google Chrome, successfully blocks most third party clients and browsers running ad-blockers from accessing its videos. As a result, video hosting alternatives such as Peertube briefly get a large influx of users, but they aren't ready for prime time, so while Peertube and other alternatives have a permanent increase in use, uptake plateaus and does not snowball. At least one new YouTube competitor is launched by some startup bro, but gets no traction and either limps along with a tiny userbase or shuts down.
    • Apple removes some feature (software or hardware) from its smartphones, tablets or laptops that was previously considered essential. Nerds like me are furious, but the computing industry realizes they can make more money this way, and soon everyone else copies Apple and it becomes almost impossible to buy a computing device with this vital feature. If I have to guess, I bet they eliminate all external ports & openings, resulting in an iPhone that is a smooth featureless block, and go all-in on wireless charging and data. (Would this violate the EU's law requiring USB-C charging? If yes, then please ignore that prediction and assume some other important feature is eliminated.)
    • A (previously) respected figure in tech, such as Linus Torvalds, abruptly begins publicly promoting right-wing conspiracy theories and absurdly harmful ideologies, such as "effective accelerationism". They were previously thought to have left-wing views, or were considered apolitical.
    • LLMs lose steam as a fad, like NFTs before them. Because people still need a way to use the hardware they bought for cryptocurrency and LLMs, some new fad using the same hardware becomes popular and VCs require all tech companies to include this fad in their products.
    • The GHG emissions of the tech sector continue to increase.


    • COVID deaths in the United States continue to average at least one thousand (1000) deaths per week, according to official statistics. The average may be much higher if a nasty variant gets out of control. The same is true in almost every other country in the world, COVID deaths remain steady or increase when averaged over the year. There continue to be indications that official death counts from COVID are a severe undercount, as the Economist pointed out actual COVID deaths may be double or quadruple the official number, but it becomes increasingly difficult to demonstrate this as mass death from COVID continues to be normalized and ignored, and governments continue to refuse to collect or release data.
    • Some previously defeated infectious disease, like polio or measles, becomes a major threat again in developed countries including the United States, due to the rise of anti-vaxxers and the decline of public health. The disease achieves unchecked community spread, authorities shrug and give up, this death toll also becomes normalized & ignored. In 1952, one of the worst polio outbreaks in the US killed 3,145 people. If our society does nothing the face of an illness that continuously kills more than that every month, and also disables people through long COVID, what hope do we have for addressing lesser diseases?
    • A novel disease, something like monkeypox, achieves unchecked community spread in developed countries including the USA. No effective policies are put into place to prevent this, the harm from the new disease is normalized & ignored.
    • Life expectancy in the USA continues to decline.
    • A major technological advancement for preventing infectious disease is made available to the US public, perhaps a vaccine that addresses all COVID variants or an MRNA vaccine for a different disease. Few people take advantage of it, partly because many people cannot easily access it (probably due to affordability, but maybe due to e.g. shortages) and the gov't does not do enough to help them, partly because of general disdain for public health. The technological advancement has little real effect on death tolls life expectancy, or quality of life of the population as a whole, even though it greatly helps the people who use it.
    • Some public health infrastructure we take for granted, such as clean drinking water without pathogens in it, or maternity wards in hospitals, suffers catastrophic failure in a major US city. No effective policies are put into place to remedy this, and people just live without that infrastructure for the rest of the year.


    • Global temperature briefly reaches more than 2.5°C above 1850-1900 (or pre-industrial) levels. (The world already briefly exceeded the 2°C limit in 2023.)
    • A major coral reef is discovered to be completely, 100% dead. Attempts to reintroduce coral in that location do not succeed in 2024.
    • At COP29, the president-designate of the climate talks spews blatant fossil fuel propaganda that has no basis in reality. The number of fossil fuel lobbyists at COP29 once again increases from the previous year. COP30 is planned to be held in yet another petrostate that is hostile to meaningful climate action.
    • A US state that votes for the Democratic nominee in the 2024 election widens a freeway (adding lanes intended for car traffic), even though it is well-known that induced demand prevents this from improving traffic.
    • The US federal government approves a major project increasing fossil fuel production.
    • A major piece of fossil fuel infrastructure in the USA fails catastrophically, resulting in something like an explosion, oil spill, or toxic gas requiring the evacuation of a town.
    • The USA continues fossil fuel subsidies. Globally, fossil fuel subsidies increase.

    US Democracy:

    • Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for president. None of his criminal prosecutions have any significant effect on his ability to run for president (although they may influence public opinion).
    • Donald Trump does not accept the results of the 2024 election. Even if he wins the presidential election, he cries voter fraud, and asserts that election results were rigged, including his own. He also campaigns to overturn other election results throughout the USA.
    • Win or lose, Donald Trump encourages violence, either through his followers or through the state apparatus. Either he and his followers attempt a coup, or he issues orders to brutally repress protesters and kill or jail people he dislikes.
    • A US journalist employed by a mainstream news organization is killed by a representative of the state on US soil (most likely police, but I also include military, intelligence agencies, etc.). The killer(s) suffer(s) no significant repercussions, and remain(s) employed in the same or a similar role.
    • A violent attack on a piece of electoral infrastructure (such as people waiting in line to vote) is successfully carried out by a self-described fascist / white supremacist. At least one person is killed.
    • SCOTUS continues to advance a blatantly right wing agenda, disregarding precedent. SCOTUS actively harms fair elections in at least one US state, such as by approving a blatantly racially motivated gerrymander. It overturns at least one government function or civil right previously taken for granted, such as the ability of the federal government to charge income tax, or no-fault divorce. The Democrats continue to have no plan for dealing with SCOTUS, aside from waiting for the Republican justices to die.
    • Republicans regain control of the Senate, so if a Supreme Court justice does die, even if the president is a Democrat, they will never be able to seat the justice of their choice. This means that the Democrats' only "plan" for dealing with the stolen seats on SCOTUS will not work.
    7 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Big doomer energy on the US politics side. Praying that you’re wrong.

      Big doomer energy on the US politics side. Praying that you’re wrong.

      5 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        What hope have we really seen for anything different? I want to believe things won't turn out this way, but the dems have been looking weak and ineffectual. The fact that they continue to run with...

        What hope have we really seen for anything different? I want to believe things won't turn out this way, but the dems have been looking weak and ineffectual. The fact that they continue to run with Biden is telling - he isn't the candidate anyone really wants, he's just the Devil we know at this point.

        As for SCOTUS - I've heard nothing to show that OP is wrong in their prediction.

        FWIW I firmly believe Trump will win this election and that he will pave the way for the eradication of American Democracy and the institution of expanded executive power wielded through a subordinate Judicial branch. The Legislative branch will continue to rumble on as a rubber stamp at best and a canary in the coal mine at worst.

        I want so badly to be wrong.

        6 votes
        1. JesusShuttlesworth
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          I think a lot of people were dooming prior to the 2020 election (including myself) and saying that Biden couldn't beat an incumbent president. People thought Biden would lose the swing states (he...

          I think a lot of people were dooming prior to the 2020 election (including myself) and saying that Biden couldn't beat an incumbent president. People thought Biden would lose the swing states (he didn't). People said that two democrats couldn't win in Georgia (both did). It was well known that Trump had a plan to overthrow democracy in 2020 (which failed). People predicted that the dems would lose the house and Senate by a landslide in the mid terms (they didn't). Even recently, a lot of people were dooming about the election in Poland and look at what happened there.

          People forget that good things can happen too. Too many believe that a Trump dictatorship is inevitable but that is a dangerous defeatist belief. I may be naive, but I choose to believe in the American people. I will be out there doing my part and I believe that we shall overcome.

          4 votes
  8. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. nbschock
      Link Parent
      The Chicago Bears will sneak into the playoffs as the 7th seed. They will make it to the Super Bowl, but will get blown out by the Miami Dolphins. (30%)

      The Chicago Bears will sneak into the playoffs as the 7th seed. They will make it to the Super Bowl, but will get blown out by the Miami Dolphins. (30%)

  9. [3]
    I guess this is a great place to plug one of my favorite podcasts, Bad Voltage. It's just about time for their 2024 predictions and the results of their 2023 predictions. The show, and their...

    I guess this is a great place to plug one of my favorite podcasts, Bad Voltage. It's just about time for their 2024 predictions and the results of their 2023 predictions. The show, and their predictions, are hilariously entertaining.

    The following were their predictions for 2023.

    • Stuart: the Texas HB20 social media law will come before the US Supreme Court, and the US Supreme Court will uphold it as constitutional

    • Stuart: Global daily Twitter users will drop a minimum of 10% by the end of 2023

    • Stuart: A song claimed to be composed and performed entirely by AI will get in the charts

    • Stuart (Bonus): Apple will either allow sideloading or allow third-party browser engines on iOS

    • Stuart (Bonus): Someone buys Netflix

    • Jeremy: Tiktok gets banned in the USA

    • Jeremy: At least one traditional financial institution will have taken on substantial crypto risk that wasn't fully disclosed

    • Jeremy: Netflix is acquired

    • Jeremy: The rapid advances in AI slow down in a very obvious way

    • Jeremy (Bonus): the web starts fragmenting into 3 distinct blocs: sino, euro, americano

    • Jeremy (Bonus): Mastodon usage peaks in the first half and drops steadily from there

    • Jeremy (Bonus): someone takes a large equity stake in Canonical

    • Jono: Meta will announce significant (1000+ peolpe) layoffs in their Metaverse division

    • Jono: Twitter will launch a YouTube competitor. Users will be able to upload long-form videos (1hr+), monetize their videos with ads, and see a video view

    • Jono: There will be at least 1 legal regulatory requirement be put into practice in the US or EU that restricts the use of ChatGPT and/or Large Language Models

    • Jono (Bonus): Apple will release their AR/VR headset, will garner positive reviews for the product, but press will still question the viability of AR/VR

    • Jono (Bonus): Donald Trump will drop out of the election for one of two reasons: (1) claims of persecution, or (2) a legal decision prevents him from running

    • Jono (Bonus): Bing will launch with ChatGPT-like functionality and see significantly increased growth. Significantly increased = 30%+

    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      What is their reasoning for their prediction on Mastodon?

      What is their reasoning for their prediction on Mastodon?

      1. mattw2121
        Link Parent
        I don't believe Jeremy gave a specific reason. It was one of his "bonus" predictions which are typically used for flippant predictions or long shots. Link to the episode: https://youtu.be/XmX7qyr1nV4

        I don't believe Jeremy gave a specific reason. It was one of his "bonus" predictions which are typically used for flippant predictions or long shots. Link to the episode: https://youtu.be/XmX7qyr1nV4

        1 vote
  10. scroll_lock
    Politics: Pennsylvania will go blue in November by an impossibly small margin. Biden retains the presidency but Democrats lose control of the Senate. Transportation: Amtrak's new Acela trainsets...


    • Pennsylvania will go blue in November by an impossibly small margin.
    • Biden retains the presidency but Democrats lose control of the Senate.


    • Amtrak's new Acela trainsets will have another delay, pushing their release to at least 2025.
    • Brightline West high-speed rail construction will begin unimpeded.
    • The California High-Speed Rail Merced–Bakersfield IOS is not delayed. Phase 1 cost increases.
    • Unnecessary plans to widen I-95 continue at several locations.
    • Asian Maglev technology breaks the 375 mph speed record. American uptake is nonexistent.


    • The levelized cost of solar electricity generation drops faster than expected projections.
    • Global renewable energy nameplate capacity increases faster than projections, but below Paris levels.
    • Electric automobiles break 13.5% of new auto sales in the United States by Q4.
    • Geothermal electricity generation sees a breakthrough meaningfully reducing its levelized cost.
    • Northern rockhopper penguin populations decline further.
    3 votes
  11. kwyjibo
    Somewhat low stakes given the other responses in this thread, but I expect there will be some management shake-up at Google that could very well reach up to Pichai himself. Relatedly, I also...

    Somewhat low stakes given the other responses in this thread, but I expect there will be some management shake-up at Google that could very well reach up to Pichai himself.

    Relatedly, I also expect LLM progress to plateau, though not because of any technological limitations.

    3 votes
  12. ThrowdoBaggins
    I’m going to go with a very different scope than most predictions I’ve seen here so far… I’ll be given (and I’ll accept) the opportunity to become permanent staff instead of the long-term casual...

    I’m going to go with a very different scope than most predictions I’ve seen here so far…

    1. I’ll be given (and I’ll accept) the opportunity to become permanent staff instead of the long-term casual position I’ve been in for the past year

    2. I’ll use my VR headset more than I do currently, but still less than I’d really like to, to justify the cost

    3. I’ll try once again to lose weight, but rather than simply failing, I’ll at least make progress in overall self-discipline and reducing self-indulgence. (Real human behaviour change is hard!)

    4. My savings will grow larger and faster than I’ve ever achieved in my life so far, and home ownership will go from an impossibility, to a distant but achievable dream.

    And I guess I should throw a large scope one in here, just clarifying this is for Australia:
    5) Cost of living increases will plateau, household debt for below-median households will increase, the median house price will increase, home ownership as a percentage of the population will decrease substantially, but long term rentals will still be non-existent.

    3 votes
  13. [2]
    I expect we all turn into robots and forget about being human….

    I expect we all turn into robots and forget about being human….

    2 votes
    1. Minty
      Link Parent
      Hyperoptimist, eh?

      Hyperoptimist, eh?

      3 votes
  14. Rocklobster
    I'm going to eat a really good burger and fries

    I'm going to eat a really good burger and fries

    1 vote
  15. [2]
    If Biden lives through the election: he loses the presidency to Trump. If Biden dies before the election: Biden is replaced by Newsom, Newsom narrowly defeats Trump.

    If Biden lives through the election: he loses the presidency to Trump.

    If Biden dies before the election: Biden is replaced by Newsom, Newsom narrowly defeats Trump.

    1. Hobofarmer
      Link Parent
      Can we have Trump die instead? I really think it would be best for everyone.

      Can we have Trump die instead? I really think it would be best for everyone.

      7 votes
  16. BeanBurrito
    I think politically, for the USA, it is going to be a very scary year. I'm sure "journalists" will make it worse.

    I think politically, for the USA, it is going to be a very scary year.

    I'm sure "journalists" will make it worse.

    3 votes