sky_Pharaoh's recent activity

  1. Comment on A survey for those who don’t celebrate Christmas in ~life

    Link Parent
    Definitely the Josh Groban rendition of O’ Holy Night

    Definitely the Josh Groban rendition of O’ Holy Night

    3 votes
  2. Comment on A survey for those who don’t celebrate Christmas in ~life

    I never celebrated it My dad is muslim so growing up we never celebrated it Other family members don’t really mind, friends are always initially shocked but they’re fine with it Nothing really, we...
    1. I never celebrated it
    2. My dad is muslim so growing up we never celebrated it
    3. Other family members don’t really mind, friends are always initially shocked but they’re fine with it
    4. Nothing really, we do play Christmas music in the house but that’s about it
    12 votes
  3. Comment on No more alarm clocks in ~life

    Link Parent
    My room is almost completely dark aside from the low light from a digital clock on my nightstand, so I don’t think that’s the issue. It’s weird cause I’ve always been like this ever since I was a...

    My room is almost completely dark aside from the low light from a digital clock on my nightstand, so I don’t think that’s the issue. It’s weird cause I’ve always been like this ever since I was a kid and I just can’t seem to figure out what the issue is, and now that I’m in my 20s it’s starting to take a toll on me.

  4. Comment on No more alarm clocks in ~life

    I’m honestly envious of people who need alarm clocks to wake up cause they can sleep for 10+ hours at a time, meanwhile I’m a “morning person” only because I can’t seem to sleep for more than 5...

    I’m honestly envious of people who need alarm clocks to wake up cause they can sleep for 10+ hours at a time, meanwhile I’m a “morning person” only because I can’t seem to sleep for more than 5 hours before I wake up regardless of how tired I am the night before.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (November 2023) in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    To be honest I don’t have anything helpful or insightful to say, just that I wanted you to know that I 100% feel you and can relate to this because this is exactly how I have felt my entire life....

    To be honest I don’t have anything helpful or insightful to say, just that I wanted you to know that I 100% feel you and can relate to this because this is exactly how I have felt my entire life. Complete alienation with everything getting worse and absolutely nothing going my way.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~music

    Absolute madness, as a DnB lover this gotta be one of the best sets I’ve ever heard. I was a casual Chase and Status fan but now I wanna listen to their entire discography! Can’t imagine how mind...

    Absolute madness, as a DnB lover this gotta be one of the best sets I’ve ever heard. I was a casual Chase and Status fan but now I wanna listen to their entire discography! Can’t imagine how mind blowing this was to actually be there live.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Link Parent
    I don’t think the idea of love at first sight really interferes with the idea of polygamy because you could just experience it with multiple people at the same time, although I do agree that the...

    I don’t think the idea of love at first sight really interferes with the idea of polygamy because you could just experience it with multiple people at the same time, although I do agree that the entire concept of “love at first sight” is pretty much bs.

    But when you say “the slightest slip up in fidelity”, are you referring to cheating? Because I think that’s a bit more than just a simple slip up, your pretty much ruining the integrity of a relationship in my opinion.

    4 votes
  8. Comment on Apple announces the iPhone 15 launch event in ~tech

    Link Parent
    You mean the 6S Plus? Definitely a great phone, had some good improvements over the 6.

    You mean the 6S Plus? Definitely a great phone, had some good improvements over the 6.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on The body’s immune system responding to a COVID vaccine, and not the vaccine itself, is likely the cause of menstrual cycle changes experienced after vaccination in ~health

    Link Parent
    Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed that, I think they were just trying to avoid directly saying that the vaccine caused it maybe to avoid potential backlash.

    Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed that, I think they were just trying to avoid directly saying that the vaccine caused it maybe to avoid potential backlash.

    10 votes
  10. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the advice, as far as I know I never caught COVID but I do remember getting unusually sick at the very beginning of 2020 before people really knew what COVID was, so maybe that was...

    Thanks for the advice, as far as I know I never caught COVID but I do remember getting unusually sick at the very beginning of 2020 before people really knew what COVID was, so maybe that was something related. Never did get my hormones checked so that’s something I’ll definitely consider the next time I have an appointment. It’s just weird cause I remember all of this kinda started when I started drinking a bunch of coffee towards the end of 2021 and I got some pain in my lower abdomen and it just got progressively worse with random symptoms, completely out of no where. Doesn’t help that i always had some kind of mental issues that I didn’t really pay any attention to in the past that probably contributed to all this. Anyways I don’t want to go on another rant but just know that I’m really thankful that you responded, it means a lot!

    2 votes
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thank you for the comfort, I am also a woman and it’s real hard out here, never thought being an adult would be like this but here we are. At least there are people like you who bring positivity...

    Thank you for the comfort, I am also a woman and it’s real hard out here, never thought being an adult would be like this but here we are. At least there are people like you who bring positivity into this world, I appreciate it.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    Link Parent
    Just wanted to tell you and @Habituallytired that I appreciate you guys for posting this stuff. I have been going through something similar for the past year with similar symptoms and with all the...

    Just wanted to tell you and @Habituallytired that I appreciate you guys for posting this stuff. I have been going through something similar for the past year with similar symptoms and with all the other things in my life going on I genuinely don’t think I have the strength to continue at this point. I’ve been to so many doctors and none of them can figure anything out as my symptoms and tests keep fluctuating, and now my primary care doctor is just throwing everything under “anxiety”. Plus I have a bunch of mental issues that I can’t get any help or diagnosis for because I don’t have time to go to the doctor a million times a week any more and I spent all the money I saved two years ago on meaningless doctors appointments and now I can’t afford to go so I need to start work again to build up more money. I get looked at as a joke now since no one thinks anything is wrong with me and they think I’m just making stuff up, and everything outside of my mental/physical health is going to shit too, like my social life. I’m sorry I just went on a rant but I have to keep everything on the inside cause no one cares. Im only 23 but im already done for.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Tildes and identity politics in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    This is pretty much exactly why I only subscribe to relatively small communities on Reddit and mostly post when I need help with something or I want to share my art, once a subreddit gets big...

    This is pretty much exactly why I only subscribe to relatively small communities on Reddit and mostly post when I need help with something or I want to share my art, once a subreddit gets big enough civil discussion is no longer a thing apparently.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on The internet’s richest fitness resource is a site from 1999. is little changed since the days of GeoCities yet beneath its bare-bones interface is a deep physiological compendium. in ~tech

    Been into fitness for a long time and I somehow never heard of this site, great find!

    Been into fitness for a long time and I somehow never heard of this site, great find!

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (September 2022) in ~health.mental

    I didn’t think my mental health could get any worse than it already was, but now so much more is going wrong with my life and I don’t know how much longer I can keep feeling this way.

    I didn’t think my mental health could get any worse than it already was, but now so much more is going wrong with my life and I don’t know how much longer I can keep feeling this way.

    4 votes
  16. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Just beat Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order last night. I really enjoyed the characters and the plot, and the different planets you explore are so beautiful. But the navigational aspect of the game was...

    Just beat Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order last night. I really enjoyed the characters and the plot, and the different planets you explore are so beautiful. But the navigational aspect of the game was so poorly designed in my opinion and it really hampered my enjoyment of the game. Would it have been so hard to maybe put fast travel into the game? In the beginning I was having a lot of fun and couldn’t put the controller down but by the end I was kinda tired of it and was relieved it was over.

    Still a really good game but it got kinda tedious so I can’t give it more than an 8/10.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on What's one weird thing about yourself? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Pretty interesting stuff, I used to make a lot of ambient/drone tracks but I started to move more towards club songs. A lot of those tracks on that jungle beat battles page are really good, can't...

    Pretty interesting stuff, I used to make a lot of ambient/drone tracks but I started to move more towards club songs. A lot of those tracks on that jungle beat battles page are really good, can't believe I haven't heard of it until now. Definitely feel you on the whole "producer music" thing, sometimes it seems more like there are more artists than casual listeners in these spaces lol.

    Here's my soundcloud if your interested, haven't posted anything in a couple months cause I've been busy but I got a couple of tunes I want to release soon.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on What's one weird thing about yourself? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    BRO are you literally me??? This is so similar to my journey in music I actually thought I wrote this lmao. I always drum on things and make beats in my head and it grew into a love for jungle and...

    BRO are you literally me??? This is so similar to my journey in music I actually thought I wrote this lmao. I always drum on things and make beats in my head and it grew into a love for jungle and other forms of electronic music and I started to make my own music when I was 18. Drum programming and writing bass lines is like therapy to me lol. Original Nuttah is such a banger and helped me discover a lot of that old school sound, Venetian Snares and Autechre also influenced a lot of my sound. A lot of contemporary artists in the hardcore scene like Thugwidow, Sewerslvt, Bakground, etc all add their own flavor to the genre and makes it feel so fresh despite how old/unpopular it is now.

    Is there anywhere I can hear any of your music? It’s so hard finding other fans/artists in these genres, especially cause I’m American and these genres were never popular here.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Finally started going back to the gym after a 3-4 month long hiatus, I was simply too busy to go but now I have a bit more free time so I’m happy about that. Gonna be focused entirely on trying to...

    Finally started going back to the gym after a 3-4 month long hiatus, I was simply too busy to go but now I have a bit more free time so I’m happy about that. Gonna be focused entirely on trying to just be healthy and in shape rather than powerlifting and PRs. I slacked off on my diet as well but I’m getting back into my older, healthier eating habits. I’m going to be trying low carb, moderate fats rather than the other way around and see how I feel about it.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    After a lot of anticipation I finally beat Shin Megami Tensei 5 and I was very disappointed. I was really hoping that Altus would improve the alignment system from SMT 4, which was one of the...

    After a lot of anticipation I finally beat Shin Megami Tensei 5 and I was very disappointed. I was really hoping that Altus would improve the alignment system from SMT 4, which was one of the aspects of that game that I felt really fell flat, but they somehow made it even worse. Instead of the ending you receive being a culmination of all the choices you made throughout the game, it’s literally just a choice you make at the last minute, which takes the fun out of wondering which ending you’ll get. The story isn’t interesting at all, even with all the side quests, and the characters are boring and super predictable. Also, the music in these games are very important to me, and I felt like even though it had some good tracks, overall it wasn’t as good as it’s predecessors in my opinion.

    I don’t want to rant too much more but even though I had my issues with SMT IV, I at least had a lot of fun with it, plus the soundtrack was phenomenal. This game in my opinion has nothing good about it at all, not particularly bad but just very average.

    5 votes