tanglisha's recent activity

  1. Comment on Inside Iron Mountain: It’s time to talk about hard drives in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Something tells me they haven't actually tested that in real time.

    Something tells me they haven't actually tested that in real time.

  2. Comment on Ford seeks patent for tech that listens to driver conversations to serve ads in ~transport

    Link Parent
    You can't take those on a road with a speed limit over 20 where I live. That essentially leaves me trapped on my street.

    You can't take those on a road with a speed limit over 20 where I live. That essentially leaves me trapped on my street.

    9 votes
  3. Comment on The rise of DIY, pirated medicine: Four Thieves Vinegar Collective has made DIY medicine cheaper and more accessible to the masses in ~health

    Link Parent
    From what I understand, it's even worse than that. Many people don't take the medication they're prescribed, or they stop taking it when they feel better. This article has some quotes in it that...

    Far, far too many people never bother to learn anything about their illnesses and simply defer mindlessly to whatever pills or procedures their doctors throw at them.

    From what I understand, it's even worse than that. Many people don't take the medication they're prescribed, or they stop taking it when they feel better.

    This article has some quotes in it that make me feel like I'm in an alternate timeline. Beyond Belief — How People Feel about Taking Medications for Heart Disease

    Patient disbelieves there's anything wrong with them. > A 56-year-old patient of mine has hypertension and hyperlipidemia. His electrocardiogram and echocardiogram suggest he's had a myocardial infarction. He refuses stress testing and cardiac catheterization but agrees to take an aspirin, a statin, and an angiotensin-converting–enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. On a follow-up phone call, though, he says he's changed his mind. “I feel fine,” he insists. > “I'm glad you feel fine,” I say, “but our tests suggest there's been damage to your heart.” > “You know computers often get things wrong,” he tells me. > > “I want to keep your heart working as long as possible,” I say. > “Doc,” he says. “No offense to you, but if it ain't broke, don't break it.”
    Having a heart attack is `too easy`.

    Although I assumed that the harrowing experience of having a heart attack would create emotionally resonant memories that favored medication taking, listening to people describe the event, I wondered: Has having a heart attack become too easy? Whereas historically, patients who survived myocardial infarction were placed on bed rest for 4 to 6 weeks and faced depression, bedsores, and sometimes lethal arrhythmias, patients now often leave the hospital after 24 hours. As one man told me, “I'm amazed how I felt coming in here and then what they did and how good I felt, say, right afterwards.” Unlike “the flu,” he pointed out, “which knocks you down for days or a week or two, the heart attack, once they do the thing, you're in good shape.”

    Patient feels statins are addictive. > Another haircut, a different hairdresser. He mentions that his triglycerides are “through the roof.” His internist has prescribed a statin, which he takes “intermittently” — such as when he overeats. When I say it doesn't work like that, he says he knows. He says the problem is that he was an alcoholic. I say I don't see the connection. What follows is a rush of sentiment: controlling his cholesterol or blood pressure feels like something he should be able to do on his own. He feels that relying on these medications is another form of addiction, that he has brought this on himself so it's his responsibility to get himself out of it, and that taking medications is a sign of weakness, a cop-out.

    I take medication for low blood sugar, people have expressed a similar concern about dependency. I think more education on the topic would help the people the information was able to reach.

    5 votes
  4. Comment on My experience buying a used low-range EV a year later in ~transport

    Something about this post made me realize that I had range anxiety when I bought my small ice. My previous car had been a hybrid and i would get half again as many miles out of a tank of gas.

    Something about this post made me realize that I had range anxiety when I bought my small ice. My previous car had been a hybrid and i would get half again as many miles out of a tank of gas.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Is my blue your blue? in ~design

    Link Parent
    If it was showing like a box, it's almost impossible to get good red printed on cardboard.

    If it was showing like a box, it's almost impossible to get good red printed on cardboard.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Is my blue your blue? in ~design

    Link Parent
    My score was 179 on my phone and 175 on my big monitor. I'm not entirely sure I wasn't picking reasonably, though.

    My score was 179 on my phone and 175 on my big monitor. I'm not entirely sure I wasn't picking reasonably, though.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on ‘Paper or plastic?’ will no longer be a choice at California grocery stores in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Well that's disappointing.

    Well that's disappointing.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Shooter kills four and injures at least nine at a high school outside Atlanta in ~news

    Link Parent
    A world in which news needs to make money. Shocking things make people pay attention, attention means money. Kids want to be famous.

    A world in which news needs to make money. Shocking things make people pay attention, attention means money. Kids want to be famous.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Consider SQLite in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I've used sqlite quite often as a testing database. I always end up having to use something else because of the lack of migration support.

    I've used sqlite quite often as a testing database. I always end up having to use something else because of the lack of migration support.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on ‘Paper or plastic?’ will no longer be a choice at California grocery stores in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I agree with the spirit of what you're saying. However, the only trash can in my house I know only has dry stuff on it is the recycle bin. Different people have different restroom needs. Hygiene...

    I agree with the spirit of what you're saying. However, the only trash can in my house I know only has dry stuff on it is the recycle bin. Different people have different restroom needs. Hygiene products aside, anyone who wears daily contacts is going to have at least some liquid in their trash. So will folks who use makeup remover and haven't yet switched to the reusable rounds.

    Anyway, this feels like it's going off topic. I apologize if I come across as argumentative, I like to help folks see things from different perspectives.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on ‘Paper or plastic?’ will no longer be a choice at California grocery stores in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Plastic and Styrofoam have been banned for takeout where I live for years. If you order pho takeout, you'll get a waxed paper container with a kid for the broth and either a waxed paper box or a...

    Plastic and Styrofoam have been banned for takeout where I live for years. If you order pho takeout, you'll get a waxed paper container with a kid for the broth and either a waxed paper box or a compressed paper clamshell for the rest. Everything will easily smash flat for recycling or composting.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on ‘Paper or plastic?’ will no longer be a choice at California grocery stores in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Are you suggesting using those in a garage can? I would worry they'll break down before the bag is full. I don't use bags for compost, I just use a container I can run through the dishwasher.

    Are you suggesting using those in a garage can? I would worry they'll break down before the bag is full.

    I don't use bags for compost, I just use a container I can run through the dishwasher.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on ‘Paper or plastic?’ will no longer be a choice at California grocery stores in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I was very annoyed at having to buy small bag liners for the first time. Once I got used to it I realized that they did a better job of not dumping soiled kitty litter all over the floor if you...

    I was very annoyed at having to buy small bag liners for the first time. Once I got used to it I realized that they did a better job of not dumping soiled kitty litter all over the floor if you overstuffed them a little.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on ‘Paper or plastic?’ will no longer be a choice at California grocery stores in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    The city council banned plastic bags in grocery stores pre COVID on Seattle, after failing to do so via a vote. I think the training had something to do with turtles or orcas. Outside of grocery...

    The city council banned plastic bags in grocery stores pre COVID on Seattle, after failing to do so via a vote. I think the training had something to do with turtles or orcas.

    Outside of grocery stores plastic bags were still used. Restaurants, clothing stores, I can't remember if target still had them or not.

    This did indeed get people using reusable bags at the grocery store, but I wasn't the only one who was cranky about it. If you forgot your reusable bags or didn't bring enough of them, you were stock with paper bags you had to pay for. In an area with a rainy season, this is a terrible backup, especially in a city where they're trying to get folks to drive less. Paper bags gradually melt in the rain.

    During lockdown of course reusable bags weren't allowed on most stores because we didn't yet know how COVID spread. So folks got out of the habit of bringing bags again. Now the stores have those heavy plastic bags for 8 cents or something that are supposed to be reusable.

    The entire thing feels like a huge mess to me.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Meat and poultry is wildly expensive now — and it could be due to price fixing in ~food

    Link Parent
    I'm guessing this has a lot to do with environment. I lived in a very small town in the Midwest growing up. Many of the people in the area were dairy farmers, cows were incredibly important to the...

    I'm guessing this has a lot to do with environment. I lived in a very small town in the Midwest growing up. Many of the people in the area were dairy farmers, cows were incredibly important to the local economy.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Meat and poultry is wildly expensive now — and it could be due to price fixing in ~food

    Link Parent
    Yes, though that was more noticeable to me as egg prices rocketing.

    Yes, though that was more noticeable to me as egg prices rocketing.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Meat and poultry is wildly expensive now — and it could be due to price fixing in ~food

    Link Parent
    What do you mean about consumer behavior, though? At the moment folks are looking for more affordable sources of meat, like the $1/2/3 menus at McDonald's. I haven't seen a thing showing that the...

    I am not sure that I agree there is actually a difference. At least not as far as the end result of these high prices is on consumer behavior.

    What do you mean about consumer behavior, though? At the moment folks are looking for more affordable sources of meat, like the $1/2/3 menus at McDonald's. I haven't seen a thing showing that the average person is eating less meat.

    I'd rather see that extra profit going toward teaching people how to eat differently. When my brother turned vegetarian my mom took him to a psych saying he was anorexic. A lot of people don't know how to eat without meat as the primary focus.

    6 votes
  18. Comment on Where do you fit in the US political typology? in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I feel pretty strongly that we don't spend enough time talking about what our overall goal is for prisons. We talk about rehabilitation, but really the system is set up for punishment. Then, once...

    I feel pretty strongly that we don't spend enough time talking about what our overall goal is for prisons. We talk about rehabilitation, but really the system is set up for punishment. Then, once the person is adequately punished, we dump them back into society, often without the ability to get a job or rent an apartment with the same ease as they did before. We never really stop punishing them, it just takes a different form. And that's in the "best case" scenario where the person actually is guilty of something rather than having been coerced into a plea bargain when they did nothing wrong.

    How much time a person spends in prison feels to me like a distraction.

    6 votes
  19. Comment on The pot farm next door: Black market weed operations inundate California suburb, cops say in ~news

    They wouldn’t be doing it if it weren’t profitable. I was wondering how they managed to turn a profit at this, one of the houses looked very nice. I’m guessing housing costs are less there than in...

    They wouldn’t be doing it if it weren’t profitable.

    Illegal operators ignore the rules and fees of California’s highly regulated system under which marijuana can be legally produced and sold. They also skirt taxes and can thus undercut the prices of the legal market, which in California is struggling – in part because of the surplus flowing from the black market.

    I was wondering how they managed to turn a profit at this, one of the houses looked very nice. I’m guessing housing costs are less there than in other areas, and it sounds like they’re stealing/siphoning utilities from their neighbors. Between taking up housing and water - a limited resource in California- this must be really hard on those neighborhoods.

    Is it hard to turn a profit as a legal grower in California? My understanding is that it’s an issue in places with federal water for irrigation because the Feds won’t let them use it.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on The pot farm next door: Black market weed operations inundate California suburb, cops say in ~news

    Link Parent
    Does someone need to be physically present in an operation like this all of the time? I had my plants set up last winter so that I was able to leave town for almost a week and they were fine. I’m...

    Does someone need to be physically present in an operation like this all of the time? I had my plants set up last winter so that I was able to leave town for almost a week and they were fine. I’m not a pro at this, with some kind of automatic watering system (or hydroponics) and some cameras I’ll bet they only need to be there for planting, harvesting, and occasional checkups.

    3 votes