Hello everyone. I consider myself fairly competent when it comes to my work with LaTeX, but as everyone who uses it knows, it is definetely strange sometimes. And right now I have a problem which...
Hello everyone. I consider myself fairly competent when it comes to my work with LaTeX, but as everyone who uses it knows, it is definetely strange sometimes. And right now I have a problem which just irks me in the wrong ways:
I use XeTeX and a number of custom fonts for my documents, but when writing mathematical formulas I found out that the font I set for Greek letters (Gentium Plus) is used for letter commands like \alpha, \Alpha, ...
but not for commands like \sum, \prod
. As you can see in this example here. You can see XeTeX defaults to Computer Modern.
I've looked all over the net for solutions but I can't find one. I'm using mathspec, amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb
as my font related packages and I set my fonts like this:
\setmainfont{Charis SIL}
\setsansfont{Helvetica Now Display}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Fira Code Retina}
\setmathfont(Digits,Latin){Charis SIL}
\setmathfont(Greek){Gentium Plus}
I feel like I'm going insane not solving this problem. Should you require it, my entire LaTeX template is here on Github. Please help, thank you.