33 votes

The US Park Service wants to ban all rock climbing in designated wilderness


  1. [5]
    I've been a trad climber for many years, and I've often been put off at finding bolts and pitons on a route, especially one I had previously climbed without any fixed gear. I do think it a bit...
    • Exemplary

    I've been a trad climber for many years, and I've often been put off at finding bolts and pitons on a route, especially one I had previously climbed without any fixed gear.

    I do think it a bit much to ban slings, rap rings, and pickets. That said, if I had to choose for the pendulum to swing too far one way, it would be on the side of leave no trace. I also question the actual enforcement of descent slings and rap rings.

    I also think this can challenge climbers to find descent routes and through climbs, or other creative problem solving that is the heart of climbing. Rappelling down the face is just the easiest and fastest descent, not necessarily the only option.

    The article also seems to imply that this would apply to emergency descent which is laughable. I've rescued climbers in the PNW; no one gets issued a littering citation in life or death situations without aggravating conditions.

    Also, the avalanche filled couloirs reference is just weird. I'm AIARE 2 certified because avalanche's are an objective hazard in the mountain environment that needs to be mitigated. If a climber lacks the skills to safely ascend and descend, they need to work on skill development. I've descended many such couloirs. I've also climbed many of Fred Becky's routes.

    So while I would rather not see slings and rap rings lumped in with pitons and bolts, I'm also weary of unimaginative climbers using easy outs instead of more creative or committed problem solving.

    35 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I was thinking that too, really hyperbolic, park rangers are rarely assholes in my experience. National parks in general has always felt to me to be one of the better run areas of federal...

      The article also seems to imply that this would apply to emergency descent which is laughable. I've rescued climbers in the PNW; no one gets issued a littering citation in life or death situations without aggravating conditions.

      I was thinking that too, really hyperbolic, park rangers are rarely assholes in my experience. National parks in general has always felt to me to be one of the better run areas of federal government. It's not perfect, but in context it's pretty great.

      It makes sense that they'd want to default to leave no trace as a matter of policy, and then make exceptions on a case by case basis.

      16 votes
      1. krellor
        Link Parent
        It will be interesting to see how the exceptions play out. Will they look at what other reasonable options exist, and allow minimally invasive protection on routes with no other descent options? I...

        It will be interesting to see how the exceptions play out. Will they look at what other reasonable options exist, and allow minimally invasive protection on routes with no other descent options? I hope they take a balanced approach, but am also happy to see effort to protect our wild spaces.

        9 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      If there are good placements, sure, but is it really so bad to have lines bolted? I'm certainly someone who thinks you know, cutting down hundred year old trees is pretty awful, or desecrating...

      If there are good placements, sure, but is it really so bad to have lines bolted? I'm certainly someone who thinks you know, cutting down hundred year old trees is pretty awful, or desecrating ruins....but something in me thinks that rock is just....so vast and so benign that putting bolts in, especially if it improves safety......Is it truly defacing something? Climbing a route is certainly the most intimate way to experience a rock face, if you're looking from the ground as long as people clean the routes properly are you even going to see the bolts? Has anything of value really been lost? I guess I'm unconvinced of a the slippery slope aspect of it. I don't want chipping, I don't want autobelays. But I'm also a climber that enjoys the physical part of climbing more than the environment, but the crags I have access to are not exactly scenic lol.

      1. krellor
        Link Parent
        I learned to climb in the Cascade range in the pnw, the slot canyons of Utah, and the Canadian Rockies. I climbed trad, mountaineering, and mixed water ice and rock routes in really remote places....

        I learned to climb in the Cascade range in the pnw, the slot canyons of Utah, and the Canadian Rockies. I climbed trad, mountaineering, and mixed water ice and rock routes in really remote places. The effect of seeing a bolt is different between a common community crag that has had bolted routes since the 70s and hand holds painted on with chalk marks, and suddenly seeing a bolt on a descent line 300 miles from the nearest town on a route you've done yearly for over a decade.

        There are some truly remote, untouched or lightly touched places in the world that are only accessible by climbing or helicopter. I think those places should be kept untouched, and that includes not bolting a route that multiple generations of climbers and canyoneers have been able to navigate without leaving a trace.

        I get that not everyone appreciates beauty of the lonely places of the world. But that doesn't make it ok to deface them for those who do.

        4 votes
  2. [3]
    For years I was indoctrinated against the use of pitons and told “Leave no trace.” So I’m not sure how to align with opponents.

    NOTE: The deadline for public comment period has now passed. But you can still support wilderness climbing by supporting the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act, which is currently in congress and includes language overtly protecting wilderness climbing and fixed anchor use.

    For years I was indoctrinated against the use of pitons and told “Leave no trace.” So I’m not sure how to align with opponents.

    24 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I'm really on the fence about the EXPLORE act. I like the expansion of recreation, but it feels like a friendly way to deregulate and roll back wilderness protections.

      I'm really on the fence about the EXPLORE act. I like the expansion of recreation, but it feels like a friendly way to deregulate and roll back wilderness protections.

      10 votes
      1. post_below
        Link Parent
        I read a bit about the EXPLORE act, it seems to be supported by legitimate organizations and I agree with the broad goals, but I didn't read the fine print. What sort of deregulation does it propose?

        I read a bit about the EXPLORE act, it seems to be supported by legitimate organizations and I agree with the broad goals, but I didn't read the fine print. What sort of deregulation does it propose?

        1 vote
  3. [2]
    Wilderness areas are special areas that are supposed to be as untouched as reasonably possible. Trail crews can't even use a wheelbarrow, bikes aren't allowed, so why should we allow climbers to...

    Wilderness areas are special areas that are supposed to be as untouched as reasonably possible. Trail crews can't even use a wheelbarrow, bikes aren't allowed, so why should we allow climbers to use specialized tools?

    Wilderness areas are a small percentage of public lands. Climbers can use their gear in all the other public land, so why can't we preserve a small portion of it for non-climbers?

    7 votes
    1. Weldawadyathink
      Link Parent
      I don’t know about the actual percentage of public land, but take a look at the map of Yosemite with the wilderness area marked. It is nearly all wilderness area. So for areas like Yosemite, this...

      I don’t know about the actual percentage of public land, but take a look at the map of Yosemite with the wilderness area marked. It is nearly all wilderness area. So for areas like Yosemite, this is effectively a ban on new sport climbing routes. Whether you are for or against it, let’s not pretend that this doesn’t affect a lot of potential climbing areas.

      1 vote