20 votes

Voters trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden to defend against threats to US democracy despite not thinking Trump will accept the results of the election if he loses

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  1. [11]
    Link to PDF of survey results in the first sentence. I'm really not sure this country is worth saving anymore. And people are people, and people are the same everywhere, so what's the point if...

    Link to PDF of survey results in the first sentence.

    I'm really not sure this country is worth saving anymore. And people are people, and people are the same everywhere, so what's the point if we're just a bunch of dummies?

    13 votes
    1. [9]
      Link Parent
      This is a poll that represents a minority of Americans (swing-state deciders). To say that we as a nation are beyond saving is wrong and does a great disservice to the millions of people who don’t...

      This is a poll that represents a minority of Americans (swing-state deciders). To say that we as a nation are beyond saving is wrong and does a great disservice to the millions of people who don’t want Trump as president and are opposed to him.

      34 votes
      1. koopa
        Link Parent
        Seriously, the guy has never won the majority of the vote in any election. The only reason he ever became president is a quirk of the electoral college not because that’s what people want. Even...

        Seriously, the guy has never won the majority of the vote in any election. The only reason he ever became president is a quirk of the electoral college not because that’s what people want.

        It found that 38 percent of “deciders” said Trump would do a better job of handling threats of democracy to the U.S.

        Even this poll doesn’t have a majority in support of the headline position. And I would understand this as just simple partisanship, the same way that Republicans will report in polls that this is the worst economy ever but will suddenly think the same economy is the most amazing in history if their guy wins.

        20 votes
      2. Halfloaf
        Link Parent
        It’s also worth noting that the sample set is also self-selecting for people that want to respond to an in-person mailing for an online survey and/or answer a phone survey. From the survey results...

        It’s also worth noting that the sample set is also self-selecting for people that want to respond to an in-person mailing for an online survey and/or answer a phone survey.

        From the survey results that u/updawg mentioned:

        A subset of 2,255 voters were classified as “Deciders” if they turned out in only one
        of the last two presidential elections, are ages 18 to 25, registered to vote since
        2022, did not definitely plan to vote for Biden or Trump this year or switched support for party candidates between 2016 and 2020. The error margin for results among Deciders is plus or minus 2.5 points. Questions 14-43 are based on a sample of 3,370 voters and 2,159 Deciders, with error margins of +/- 2.0 and 2.6 points, respectively.

        The sample was drawn from the L2 database of registered voters in each state; all selected voters were mailed an invitation to take the survey online, with additional
        contact efforts from live-caller interviewers, text message and email. The survey’s overall response rate was 8.5 percentage points (AAPOR RR3).

        Honestly, results with selections this potent are a little hard to take seriously, in my opinion.

        Edit: cleaning up the formatting of the quote a little.

        9 votes
      3. [4]
        Link Parent
        Quite right. I'll admit that many of the voters in that sample are likely beyond saving. But I care too much about my neighbors and fellow Americans who actually give a damn to give up. U.S....

        Quite right. I'll admit that many of the voters in that sample are likely beyond saving. But I care too much about my neighbors and fellow Americans who actually give a damn to give up. U.S. exceptionalism is a lie, but that doesn't mean we don't have amazing potential. This is my home. I'm not going to let the crazy (and often incompetent) authoritarians take it from us, if I have any say about it.

        Besides, I'm not sure the alternatives are all that great; I'm not really sure what giving up would do for us. And not just for Americans. Be it a blessing or a curse, our politics have significant impacts on the rest of the world.

        8 votes
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          Honestly, I don't think American exceptionalism is a lie. I do not think Americans are inherently better than everyone else, but I do think some combination of features present in American society...

          Honestly, I don't think American exceptionalism is a lie.

          I do not think Americans are inherently better than everyone else, but I do think some combination of features present in American society a long time ago set the country on a relatively unique path. I think America is exceptional in a lot of ways, good and bad. And I also think the good (innovation, economy) clearly cannot be had without the bad. I don't think there is one best combination of features for all countries, and I'm glad that the US is so unique.

          Idealistically, I'm glad that there is at least one developed country that does not have a universal healthcare system. As long as there are a bunch of countries (or states within a country), I don't think they should all be the same.

          Realistically, I think the US system leaves a lot of room for misery and that as long as there are people who cannot easily and affordably move to whichever country they like most ("easily" includes not feeling stuck due to family ties, etc), I think it's awful that there are people who don't have certain basic needs met.

          That's the same as how I think it would be outstanding if you could have a country that exclusively consists of people who think abortion should be illegal, and another country that exclusively thinks it should be legal, and both countries should be able to mutually think the other country will burn in hell after they die while being able to be compassionate with each other in this life.

          Of course, even more idealistically, I wish there was no need for people to get abortions or feel any other sadness, but ya gotta take the good with the bad.

          1 vote
          1. nosewings
            Link Parent
            Why? Diversity may sound good in the abstract, but it condemns millions of actual people who have no real say in the matter to a life of sub-par healthcare for, as far as I can tell, no good...

            Idealistically, I'm glad that there is at least one developed country that does not have a universal healthcare system. As long as there are a bunch of countries (or states within a country), I don't think they should all be the same.

            Why? Diversity may sound good in the abstract, but it condemns millions of actual people who have no real say in the matter to a life of sub-par healthcare for, as far as I can tell, no good reason.

            That's the same as how I think it would be outstanding if you could have a country that exclusively consists of people who think abortion should be illegal, and another country that exclusively thinks it should be legal, and both countries should be able to mutually think the other country will burn in hell after they die while being able to be compassionate with each other in this life.

            Again, why? This sounds like a parody of liberal centrism, except you appear to be serious?

            8 votes
          2. GenuinelyCrooked
            Link Parent
            If we hadn't gotten extremely lucky and had the opportunity to move to a country with universal Healthcare, my husband would be slowly dying and I don't even know what we could do about it. His...

            If we hadn't gotten extremely lucky and had the opportunity to move to a country with universal Healthcare, my husband would be slowly dying and I don't even know what we could do about it. His underlying condition probably never would have been diagnosed, and he'd have two tumors sitting on his pancreas. Even if they found them, we wouldn't be able to afford to remove them. If they do that sort of treatment on credit we'd be in crushing debt for the rest of our lives.

            Instead we've spent about $200 (2000 SEK) on all of his treatment this year, and we're supposed to get some of that back. His tumors are gone and he's recovering. He hasn't worked for three weeks which has been no problem at all for his employer here, but is longer than he'd ever gone without working in the US. He's not going back for almost another month. He has plenty of time to heal here. We can still build a future together without debt here. Hell, here they bothered to run the expensive tests and get him a diagnosis at 33 that his father didn't get until his 60s. That his father only survived because of military Healthcare, and is in terrible health from. My husband doesn't have military Healthcare. He wouldn't have made it to his 60's. But now the chances of it are really good.

            People are suffering and dying because of the American Healthcare system, and there but for the grace of God go I. I'm certainly not glad that it's so broken.

            4 votes
            1. Removed by admin: 5 comments by 3 users
              Link Parent
      4. updawg
        Link Parent
        Well it also has swing state voters in general, but that's not the point. So many people can be so easily tricked by the most obvious con man in world history. Like...how are we supposed to ever...

        Well it also has swing state voters in general, but that's not the point. So many people can be so easily tricked by the most obvious con man in world history. Like...how are we supposed to ever make any sustained progress?

        6 votes
      5. Jordan117
        Link Parent
        The voters in that sample are definitely beyond saving though. You can't really square a double-digit plurality saying they trust Trump more to protect democracy while 75%+ of that same sample...

        The voters in that sample are definitely beyond saving though. You can't really square a double-digit plurality saying they trust Trump more to protect democracy while 75%+ of that same sample says he won't accept the results of the election if he loses. (And it's not just a "he didn't lose, it's rigged!" thing when nearly half also say he'd try to be a dictator on day one).

        6 votes
    2. GenuinelyCrooked
      Link Parent
      I can't speak to who or what is worth what, but I can absolutely say without any hesitation that my quality of life in Sweden is vastly better than it was in America. Even if everyone started...

      I can't speak to who or what is worth what, but I can absolutely say without any hesitation that my quality of life in Sweden is vastly better than it was in America. Even if everyone started voting as best as possible immediately, it would still take decades for America to catch up.

      13 votes
  2. [4]
    You can get like... 30% of Americans to fucking believe anything. It's lunacy

    You can get like... 30% of Americans to fucking believe anything. It's lunacy

    23 votes
    1. ebonGavia
      Link Parent
      It's amazing how the propagandists can just get them mad and lead them around by the nose. And no, I don't think this is a "both sides" issue. At all.

      It's amazing how the propagandists can just get them mad and lead them around by the nose. And no, I don't think this is a "both sides" issue. At all.

      11 votes
    2. R3qn65
      Link Parent
      Fixed that for you!

      You can get like... 30% of people to fucking believe anything. It's lunacy

      Fixed that for you!

      5 votes
  3. [3]
    I'm halfway convinced that most of the people they asked do not have a clear view of what democracy entails or even means.

    I'm halfway convinced that most of the people they asked do not have a clear view of what democracy entails or even means.

    11 votes
    1. boxer_dogs_dance
      Link Parent
      Civics should be taught better in schools however not everyone learns most school subjects well.

      Civics should be taught better in schools however not everyone learns most school subjects well.

      6 votes
    2. BeanBurrito
      Link Parent
      Neither does convicted felon Donald Trump.

      Neither does convicted felon Donald Trump.

      1 vote
  4. BeanBurrito
    Convicted felon Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

    Convicted felon Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

    6 votes