180bpm+ music recommendations?
Hey, y’all. I’ve been listening to basically the same song on repeat while I do my emails job, and have found that listening to something with a good tempo of 180bpm or higher really helps keep my energy high. Unfortunately finding music solely by bpm isn’t easy.
Any recommendations? I’m open to pretty much anything (though I’m not really a fan of “screamy” metal). My usual playlist is basically just EDM and remixes. 😅
Well, we have a genre in the Netherlands (and Europe for that matter), which is uhum unique to say the least.
Miss K8, Noize Suppressor - Slam
Dr. Peacock - Trip to Valhalla
Unexist - Attack (Mad Dog Remix)
Enjoy :D
EDIT: the genre is called Hardcore, but has spinoffs such as Hardstyle or even harder called Terror(core)
Venetian Snares has you covered, his 00s stuff is insane, fast and still coherent. stuff like "Cavalcade of Glee & Dadaist Happy Hardcore Pompoms" and his "Detrimentalist" EP will probably do it for you, but dig around a little, he's got a lot.
Another recommendation just for feel and energy, but not 180BPM is Paradox. He's been doing jungle for 30 years, it ranges from 150 to 180, but skews on the higher end. When I need to dial in I just play his entire artist profile on Spotify (but have been meaning to cop his entire discography)
It's not as fast as you want, but the energy should be there.
a couple others who live at like 172:
Phace and Misanthrop. Again, the vibe is there.
not great, but you'll find a lot of specific BPM with exercise playlists -- e.g. https://open.spotify.com/genre/running
Just be prepared for most of them to be wrong.
haha yeah. i was looking at a way to search by bpm — but that isn’t very accurate either.
this is why i only montage to a metronome.
Could always try genre-surfing RYM, starting at something like Hardcore EDM that fits the bill and branch off the other adjacent or sub-genres when you find something you like that fits. Machine Girl does it for me when I want something like that. (Though they're, uh, screamy. Often. Sometimes not.)
HiTech Psy also usually falls within the bpm range! And you can find a lot of 1-2 hour sets of it on the internets, because it's great nighttime music at festivals
A couple faster tracks I enjoy:
The Algorithm - Bouncing Dot
I really like speedhouse. Haus of Panda is good (I like Ignite). Also a fan of Henry Fong (64 Impala and What's the Move are good).
Perhaps a bit different from the other suggestions, but It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams apparently runs at 202 BPM.
Tunebat has an advanced search where you can enter a target or range of BPM and find songs.
I have no idea what BPM this is, but when I need music-delivered clockspeed, I find it does the trick:
Yuaru - Asu no yozora shoukaihan
This is the 'otaite' version, i.e. human cover of an initially synthetic song. Original. This whole subculture is a trip, if you're ever looking for an interesting rabbithole.
I highly recommend The Frozen Land by Fellowship. The band is a fun power metal group with strong fantasy themes, and while the lyrics are hard to understand it's purely due to speed, not due to any screaming.
I generally listen to video game music if I listen to anything while working.
I'm not a good judge of BPM, but the main thing that comes to mind that, on checking, has a 180+ BPM as far as I can find, are the battle themes from Bravely Default.
And while I can't say if they'd meet the BPM criteria, the soundtracks to Falcom's Ys games often have a lot of up-tempo energy (the game mechanics tend to encourage blasting through monsters as quickly as possible). Some that come to mind: