Lapbunny's recent activity

  1. Comment on Captain Beefheart’s ten commandments of guitar playing in ~music

    11. Pay your backup band shit, steal their credit, and be an enormous dickhead. If that fails, what's a flight of stairs between friends? (Mind you that's one Magic Band member's view of things,...

    11. Pay your backup band shit, steal their credit, and be an enormous dickhead. If that fails, what's a flight of stairs between friends?

    (Mind you that's one Magic Band member's view of things, but I refrain from mysticism with Beefheart...)

    1 vote
  2. Comment on How the hell do I clean a wok? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Oh! Christ, that would've saved me like an hour or two of my life over the last two years lmao. I do season it afterwards with a bit of oil, will go give it a proper wash... Thank you!

    Oh! Christ, that would've saved me like an hour or two of my life over the last two years lmao. I do season it afterwards with a bit of oil, will go give it a proper wash... Thank you!

    8 votes
  3. How the hell do I clean a wok?

    Tilderinos! I've been using a carbon steel wok for about two years. Whenever I have any recipe that involves throwing a sauce in - which is pretty much every stir fry I use it for - I suddenly...

    Tilderinos! I've been using a carbon steel wok for about two years. Whenever I have any recipe that involves throwing a sauce in - which is pretty much every stir fry I use it for - I suddenly have an awful time of trying to clean it afterwards. Last night after doing this it was still pretty crusty, and I'm still getting crud off as I wipe it.

    If you're not supposed to use soap to prevent ruining the patina, how do you clean it properly? I see all sorts of advice ranging from water to not using water...

    12 votes
  4. Comment on CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world in ~tech

  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I'm picking up Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. I'm three dungeons in, but like... Why don't I see or hear about this more as a better archetype for a 2D Zelda? The bar system discourages spamming...

    I'm picking up Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. I'm three dungeons in, but like... Why don't I see or hear about this more as a better archetype for a 2D Zelda? The bar system discourages spamming your items but encourages using them by keeping everything at full slot without the obsessive hoarding/bush refill game every game compulsively suggests as you use things, and the dungeons are so wonderfully structured around exploring each gimmick as far as they think it's engaging and interesting. It also feels really vertical at times, the aesthetic charm is impressive, it feels grand, and as a LttP enjoyer I'm wondering how the dark world mechanics will be. Hoping it keeps the momentum.

    7 votes
  6. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'd say it has to do with your tolerance to look up hints. The community is very willing to give gentle leads if you don't want the entire thing spoiled and you're on a right track, but you missed...

    I'd say it has to do with your tolerance to look up hints. The community is very willing to give gentle leads if you don't want the entire thing spoiled and you're on a right track, but you missed or misinterpreted something. I've had to look up two things so far, and I played the original - one I've chalked up to the shift from 2D to 3D and the lack of forced perspective making the existence of a button slightly unclear. One was a note that I misinterpreted because I thought a mark was aliasing.

    In Myst the aesthetic is arcane and the puzzles are... puzzles. In Riven they go into its aesthetic and environment as the puzzles itself. It's a lot less esoteric in puzzle structure and a lot more like Outer Wilds where the people are the puzzles.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on DuckDuckGo seems like a significantly worse search engine than Google despite SEO bloat, and I think community discussions mislead people by omitting that in ~tech

    (edited )
    I've been using DDG for about six months. A couple thoughts: I specifically switched off Google because the mix of SEO and sponsored results meant I would search for something and get the literal...

    I've been using DDG for about six months. A couple thoughts:

    • I specifically switched off Google because the mix of SEO and sponsored results meant I would search for something and get the literal exact opposite - eg look up "Android" and get a sponsored Apple result. Look up Lowes, get Home Depot. Look up vanilla, get chocolate etc etc. It's under the guise of "well HAVE you CONSIDERED" - no, and based on my search result I'll consider for my fucking self, thank you. Never had this with DDG. Until that's fixed - and you know this won't be "fixed" - I do not see how results could possibly be worse for most people on DDG.

    • That said, sometimes the first couple results are muddled from what I'd see on Google. It won't get a phrase that has two meanings and buckle down on a particular interpretation, so I need to clarify with another keyword - eg looking up part numbers for my BMW that breaks all the time. Hasn't really bothered me that much.

    • The thing I do switch back to Google for is restaurant or location results and info. I find it doesn't give me stuff like a Call button with the right number all the time, or menu image results. My wife has Celiac, so maximum info about a restaurant menu or the review search it Google pulls from Maps for "gluten" is really important and DDG just doesn't have as powerful of a dynamic type of search result. When I DO want sponsored results - mainly shopping or to glance at prices between Amazon/Wal-Mart/Lowes/etc, eBay prices for old media, local results of things in stock - it's not as powerful.

    Generally I'm finding it's good enough for like 99% of my searches, and it's worth it to not get irate at Google trying to deliberately misdirect me. Fuck that.

    10 votes
  8. Comment on What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? in ~games

    (edited )
    I have played 1, 2, 4, 4 DS, 5, 6, 7, 7R, 8, 9, 10, 14, Tactics, A2, Crystal Chronicles, and Dissidia all in some regard. ... I have not completed a single one of those games. I adore the...

    I have played 1, 2, 4, 4 DS, 5, 6, 7, 7R, 8, 9, 10, 14, Tactics, A2, Crystal Chronicles, and Dissidia all in some regard.

    ... I have not completed a single one of those games. I adore the aesthetic. I love Amano's style. I love the music to pieces. I love the weird mixes of mechs and magic. I love the lofty plots. I just cannot sit through the ATB system long enough, I stopped playing at Zeromus in 4 because I Action Replayed a bajillion Elixers to get to the end and he would wipe me out in one Big Bang, I lost to some endgame boss in 5 and just stopped, I found A2 to be horribly designed with the rules system, I died of embarrassment wiping myself on a Bomb in 14 in front of my friend, and I tried playing CC by myself... Eugh. I only really got into it via Kingdom Hearts, and when my friend bounced off the games he sold them to me for like $10 each, so I'd play the PS1 games every Saturday mornings on my PS2, and then stop after like. The first disc. No idea why, I guess I just didn't like the games themselves enough.

    I still think 4's story is so wonderfully melodramatic (everyone's dead! everyone's alive!), 5's job system is the most fun thing within the ATB system, 7's aesthetic is unparalleled, Dissidia feels great, and I found 14's community to be so wonderfully social and easygoing. I'd say 7 purely out of nostalgia; I spent $25 on its soundtrack off iTunes (I wouldn't DARE keep the mp3 files off Galbadia Hotel for more than 24 hours, George Bush was watching), and I downloaded it over a period of 3 overnights on a 56k connection. Then I listened to the entire thing on repeat because I loved the soundtrack so much. Still do.

    11 votes
  9. Comment on Your favorite deeply unpopular music in ~music

    Link Parent
    Ooh, I love Wong's Vulfpeck/FF work - will check them out. Thank you!

    Ooh, I love Wong's Vulfpeck/FF work - will check them out. Thank you!

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Your favorite deeply unpopular music in ~music

    Link Parent
    Oh man, I just listened to Shouso Strip - it felt like she'd written an album that belonged in like 2006 six years too early. Really enjoyed it. Are there any particular other albums you'd suggest...

    Oh man, I just listened to Shouso Strip - it felt like she'd written an album that belonged in like 2006 six years too early. Really enjoyed it. Are there any particular other albums you'd suggest from her?

  11. Comment on Your favorite deeply unpopular music in ~music

    Link Parent
    Underscores is another good one there!

    Underscores is another good one there!

  12. Comment on What's a life lesson you've applied that has changed your life? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Think you're looking for fundimental attribution error? Spotlight effect is more about your biased assumptions of people's attention to yourself, but it's probably safe to say based on the former...

    Think you're looking for fundimental attribution error?

    Spotlight effect is more about your biased assumptions of people's attention to yourself, but it's probably safe to say based on the former that if you think you're getting some unkind attention after you accidentally cut someone off... You're probably correct :^)

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Summer Games Done Quick 2024, a week-long charity fundraiser featuring speedruns, is live (runs June 30 - July 6) in ~games

    Link Parent
    Copying this from a comment I made a few years ago: My favorite is that he released a mod fixing a popular Stepmania-style simulator for the bemani game SDVX, K-shootmania, because K-shoot was...

    Copying this from a comment I made a few years ago: My favorite is that he released a mod fixing a popular Stepmania-style simulator for the bemani game SDVX, K-shootmania, because K-shoot was really poorly optimized and ran like crap. His mod made it way more playable.

    ... And then the creator, not one day later, released a patch fixing everything anyway. But he's still a hero to me. <3

    4 votes
  14. Comment on Metallica - St. [b]Anger (Cover) (2024) in ~music

    (edited )
    As someone who never listened to the original full album, but who occasionally listens to a few minutes of the title track for a laugh or two... I was tolerating the vocals until St Anger, eugh....

    As someone who never listened to the original full album, but who occasionally listens to a few minutes of the title track for a laugh or two... I was tolerating the vocals until St Anger, eugh. "yuh fuorce it uUAOught!" We can tell, James. I thought this came out in the 90's and was about to say at least they were progressively looking towards crappy 00's rap rock/nu-metal cut enunciation singing garbage. But no, it's just crappy 00's rap rock/nu-metal cut enunciation singing garbage. Can't fix that.

    Anyway - I DO find the rerecording here and the music itself great. Feel like they could've also taken a crack at the vocals and done better. (Reminds me of the attempts to fix the bass on ...And Justice for All, something always retains that weird tinny feel like it's coming out of a K-Mart speaker.)

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Do any Tilderinos play Flesh and Blood the TCG? in ~games

    (edited )
    What's the feel and pacing compared to Magic? I'm always interested in hearing about TCGs when they're in a healthy state. I'm generally a Golgari/Sultai midrange player looking to eek out every...

    What's the feel and pacing compared to Magic? I'm always interested in hearing about TCGs when they're in a healthy state.

    I'm generally a Golgari/Sultai midrange player looking to eek out every smidgen of value to close out or drag out the game. Is there a particular character/deck I should check out if I want to try?

    Is there a good draft/limited scene?

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Japan's mini kei truck sales surge in US despite safety concerns in ~transport

    Link Parent
    This has especially frustrated me with interior space. Even though cars get bigger, as someone with rear-facing child seats they're getting awful on the inside. Mazda is the worst; a Mazda 3 just...

    This has especially frustrated me with interior space. Even though cars get bigger, as someone with rear-facing child seats they're getting awful on the inside. Mazda is the worst; a Mazda 3 just does not fit a rear seat or tall adult in the back, and I couldn't really sit comfortably in front of my baby in my CX-5. All the slanted rear hatch windows are terrible for cargo, too.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Japan's mini kei truck sales surge in US despite safety concerns in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I tried a hail mary with my wife to, instead of getting a Sienna for the dogs and kids, get a 90's HiAce with SUPERIOR INTERIOR CONFIGURATION OPTIONS. she politely declined

    I tried a hail mary with my wife to, instead of getting a Sienna for the dogs and kids, get a 90's HiAce with SUPERIOR INTERIOR CONFIGURATION OPTIONS.

    she politely declined

    9 votes
  18. Comment on Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells in ~science

    Link Parent
    It's iteration. Get this down and the next step of skin cells may be easier. Here's another one that made rounds in my friend group - sure, it's uh. Yeah. But it's a start!

    It's iteration. Get this down and the next step of skin cells may be easier.

    Here's another one that made rounds in my friend group - sure, it's uh. Yeah. But it's a start!

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Japan's mini kei truck sales surge in US despite safety concerns in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Maybe you haven't seen it in its truest, most beautiful form...... With a lift, small wheels, and a paint-matched matching topper, where it looks like it may have come from the 1930s but with an...

    Maybe you haven't seen it in its truest, most beautiful form...... With a lift, small wheels, and a paint-matched matching topper, where it looks like it may have come from the 1930s but with an MSPaint scale tool?

    2 votes
  20. Comment on Summer Games Done Quick 2024, a week-long charity fundraiser featuring speedruns, is live (runs June 30 - July 6) in ~games

    Link Parent
    I haven't been able to watch it yet, but he was trying to get that run in for years, too, even after DDLC blew him up.

    I haven't been able to watch it yet, but he was trying to get that run in for years, too, even after DDLC blew him up.

    2 votes