Australias's largest cycling lobby group calls for relaxed helmet laws australia law Article 475 words, published Oct 31 2018 4 votes
The haunting of Port Arthur: Australian MPs launch new push on gun laws australia politics law Article 6 votes
California abolishes cash bail, replacing with algorithmic based risk assessment law Article 1057 words 17 votes
New Orleans becomes first city in Southern US to axe court fees for delinquent youths orleans usa.deep south law.constitutional Article 582 words 10 votes
Gun law changes dropped by Tasmanian Liberals following community backlash australia.tas law politics Article 905 words 7 votes
Foreigners face ban on buying homes in New Zealand after apocalypse bolthole fad hikes prices new zealand law Article 55 words 7 votes
Concealed carry holder stops Florida shooter at back-to-school event usa.fl crime law.constitutional Link 17 votes
Cuba invites exiles to take part in debate for proposed changes to island’s Constitution cuba law politics usa Article 699 words 7 votes
Newly released documents reveal Memphis police have been spying on Black Lives Matter activists law.constitutional Article 1079 words 8 votes
'A huge win': New Zealand brings in paid domestic violence leave in world first new zealand law politics Article 894 words 7 votes
New Vermont legalization law sparks 'gift' delivery service usa.vt law politics Article 337 words 4 votes
Israel passes controversial 'Jewish nation-state law', stripping Arabs of self-determination right israel law politics Article 712 words 16 votes
Attorney-General poised to crack down on gaps in gun laws in wake of Pennant Hills murders australia law crime Article 474 words 3 votes
US Justice Department reopens Emmett Till murder investigation law crime Article 678 words 9 votes
Poland's supreme court constitutional crisis approaches a standoff. The government’s attempt to lower the mandatory retirement age of judges is due to come into effect this week poland politics law Article 932 words 8 votes
DOJ: Trump's immigration crackdown 'diverting' resources from drug cases law usa politics Article 884 words 6 votes
Overhaul for foreign interference laws in bipartisan deal australia politics law Article 171 words 5 votes
Can the UK Really Do This to Tommy Robinson? [UK ban on reporting on grooming gang, reporter imprisoned 13 months] law united kingdom Video 22:16 8 votes
Sex without explicit consent is now rape in Sweden sweden law crime politics Article 650 words 12 votes
US Supreme Court decides arbitration agreements overrule class-action rights usa law Article 833 words 8 votes
Houston police chief says he has ‘hit rock bottom’ on gun rights arguments politics usa.tx.houston law.constitutional Article 637 words 5 votes