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    1. Public shooting in Vienna (Allegedly terror attacks)

      Short Summary: On Monday, approximately 20:00 local time, public shootings occured at multiple places in Vienna, Austria. 4 deaths in total, one perp, 3 civilians. 15 people are severely injured,...

      Short Summary:

      • On Monday, approximately 20:00 local time, public shootings occured at multiple places in Vienna, Austria.
      • 4 deaths in total, one perp, 3 civilians. 15 people are severely injured, including one member of the police.
      • Attacker(s) is/were armed with a rifle and several handguns, and were wearing a dummy explosive vest.
      • The dead perpetrator has been investigated over the night, identified as a sympathisant of IS ("Islamic State"). There have been multiple arrests and house searches of the people surrounding this person by Austrian SWAT (Kobra).
      • Schools are closed on Tuesday (today).
      • In total, six places have been hit: Morzinplatz, Salzgries, Seitenstettengasse, Graben, Bauernmarkt und Fleischmarkt
      • The police is still currently working with military support.
      • Locals are urged to stay home today and it's difficult to get reliable updates.
      • The police has asked the public to refrain from posting videos/pictures on social media, and instead send it to them, as posting material could endanger the police and military working.
      • Multiple perpetrators are possible, but not confirmed.
      • The attack is currently considered to be an Islamic terror attack.

      Best place to get news: @LPDWien (local police department Vienna) on Twitter: https://nitter.net/lpdwien They post relevant information in both English and German.

      18 votes