19 votes

Which magazines do you read?

This about sums it up. I'm looking for good magazines to read. I'm probably going to do a Vogue from Italy, UK, etc, some sort of techy magazines... a wide variety. I've been out of the magazine world for a time, though, so all I seem to know are Conde Nast titles.. which is depressing.

Stuff available in PDF is ideal, since I'll be pulling these from a library. The magazines don't have to be available in Libby or whatever, though.

some quick titles I've found that I'll queue up
  • Vogue (intl one)
  • The New Yorker
  • Harpers
  • Cooks Illustrated
  • Bon Appetit
  • Variety
  • Frankie
  • GP Racing (UK)


  1. [2]
    I recently-ish subscribed to HackSpace physical issues for a few months when they had a promotion where you get a free Raspberry Pi Pico W with the sub. It's a cool looking mag but I didn't renew...

    I recently-ish subscribed to HackSpace physical issues for a few months when they had a promotion where you get a free Raspberry Pi Pico W with the sub. It's a cool looking mag but I didn't renew because I found most of the articles to be a little shallow--I'd typically spend less than 10-15 minutes with each issue and feel like there was nothing more worth looking at. And I guess it's been discontinued now anyway (or rolled into MagPi, which I have less interest in).

    Other than that I rotate between a few different sci-fi/fantasy fiction magazines since I enjoy reading short stories on my Kobo, and have a pipe dream of some day getting a story published in one of them. Usually one of Asimov's, Analog, or F&SF, but I also hopped on the free 3-month Lightspeed subscription that someone posted about here a few days ago.

    In another life I used to subscribe to Fortean Times because I was into that weird shit--it was back when I also religiously listened to Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell. I've kind of grown out of it now, but have fond memories of curling up with those and having my mind blown when I was younger.

    4 votes
    1. tomf
      Link Parent
      Fortean Times looks fun... these are all great picks

      Fortean Times looks fun... these are all great picks

  2. [2]
    Currently just The New Yorker, which still has quality journalism but is shrinking more and more. Used to subscribe to Current Affairs as well, which I enjoyed, but had to quit after the incident.

    Currently just The New Yorker, which still has quality journalism but is shrinking more and more.

    Used to subscribe to Current Affairs as well, which I enjoyed, but had to quit after the incident.

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. ebonGavia
        Link Parent
        Yes indeed. What makes it worse is that he had promised them he would do it, then went back on his word at the last moment.

        Seems pretty hypocritical of a socialist magazine if it's true.

        Yes indeed. What makes it worse is that he had promised them he would do it, then went back on his word at the last moment.

        2 votes
  3. chocobean
    My local library offers free newspaper and magazine access to a digital magazine thingy called PressReader. It has many magazines in a bunch of languages. It does not, sadly, have National...

    My local library offers free newspaper and magazine access to a digital magazine thingy called PressReader. It has many magazines in a bunch of languages.

    It does not, sadly, have National Geographic magazine, which I was a subscriber to for many years.

    I like browsing Japanese magazines such as Utsukushii Kimono, Waraku, and occasionally Non-no, CanCam. I only have a very basic level of Japanese so actually buying these wouldn't do me much good. This is probably my favorite use of the app: for things I would otherwise not spend money on.

    English ones, I flip through Hobby Farm, Popular Woodworking, Wallpaper*, Adjusters,

    Proper reading like The Economist and newspapers I don't like using the PressReader app but there there. Magazines are for visual speed consumption, mostly

    Looking forward to seeing what others like to flip through.

    3 votes
  4. alden
    I mostly go to magazines for current events/news. Here are my subscriptions: Harper's Current Affairs Jacobin Jewish Currents

    I mostly go to magazines for current events/news. Here are my subscriptions:

    • Harper's
    • Current Affairs
    • Jacobin
    • Jewish Currents
    3 votes
  5. [2]
    My library offers tons of magazines through Libby, so I just browse through whatever is interesting on my tablet. The articles are generally much more substantive than a lot of online articles...

    My library offers tons of magazines through Libby, so I just browse through whatever is interesting on my tablet. The articles are generally much more substantive than a lot of online articles because if I’ve bought or borrowed the magazine then I’ve already done what they need me to do so they can do their job properly. Novel concept in 2024.

    Anyway, I read Wired, The New Yorker, The Guardian magazine, some Newsweek, some photography and outdoors magazines, and occasionally pick up a 2600 zine.

    3 votes
    1. Fog
      Link Parent
      Thank you for this reminder! I had installed Libby a year ago without opening it but you supplied ample reason to do so

      Thank you for this reminder! I had installed Libby a year ago without opening it but you supplied ample reason to do so

      2 votes
  6. rosco
    Great question! The only one I subscribe to anymore is Jacobin. I like to support their reporting and the magazines themselves are gorgeous. Plus they have a great payments system that lets you...

    Great question!

    The only one I subscribe to anymore is Jacobin. I like to support their reporting and the magazines themselves are gorgeous. Plus they have a great payments system that lets you opt in to paying more if you are financially able or pay less if you aren't. I've been on both side of the coin and love the accessibility of the model.

    Buuut, I used to be quite the magazine head. For years I ran the gambit of the Transworld options - Surf (bought by Surfing Mag in 2019), Snow (bought by Snowboarder in 2019), and Skate. I'd say those pages shaped more of my outlook and personality from ages 12-20 than I would care to admit. There are still tons of awesome publications for board sports and while I still participate, I only really dip my toe every now and then.

    In my twenties I put away boards for the most part and dove head first into rock climbing. I had a subscription to Rock and Ice from 22-30 and only recently found out they merged with Climbing Magazine. It's kind of a bummer that print media has fallen out of favor, but I'm also saying that as someone who doesn't subscribe either so... huh I should rethink that.

    2 votes
  7. SpruceWillis
    My partner is subbed to Nat Geo so I sometimes read that when it's in but I'm subscribed to Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical news magazine with a focus on politics. I find it to have some of...

    My partner is subbed to Nat Geo so I sometimes read that when it's in but I'm subscribed to Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical news magazine with a focus on politics.

    I find it to have some of the best investigative journalism in the UK (for example, they were all over the Royal Mail Horizon scandal here in the UK well before other news sources picked up on it) and their at times scathing political humour generally gets a smile out of me. Plus, their front covers are generally always pretty funny as well.

    2 votes
  8. [2]
    I've subscribed to Asimov's recently, as I crave regular doses of short fiction.

    I've subscribed to Asimov's recently, as I crave regular doses of short fiction.

    2 votes
    1. tomf
      Link Parent
      I think I'm going to double down on magazines like this. I'd love to get one with short detective stories, too.

      I think I'm going to double down on magazines like this. I'd love to get one with short detective stories, too.

      1 vote
  9. BeanBurrito
    What is a magazine? :-)

    What is a magazine? :-)

    2 votes
  10. RheingoldRiver
    I recently resubscribed to GAMES magazine for the first time since I was in high school. Enjoying having it around again!

    I recently resubscribed to GAMES magazine for the first time since I was in high school. Enjoying having it around again!

    1 vote
  11. BeardyHat
    Only two subscriptions here and I'm currently behind on reading them, though I have been trying to catch up. Retro Gamer Pretty obvious what this one is about. Most recent issue has a...

    Only two subscriptions here and I'm currently behind on reading them, though I have been trying to catch up.

    Retro Gamer

    Pretty obvious what this one is about. Most recent issue has a retrospective on the PSP which was pretty interesting. Haven't read much more than that yet.

    Wargames: Soldiers & Strategy

    All things miniature wargames, generally excluding Games Workshop. Heavy focus on historical wargames, which I like.

    1 vote
  12. kingofsnake
    Have an off and on again Atlantic subscription. Their features are always super well written and I find that they've always got a balanced, well reasoned hot take about the Zeitgeist of the west...

    Have an off and on again Atlantic subscription. Their features are always super well written and I find that they've always got a balanced, well reasoned hot take about the Zeitgeist of the west months or even years before it enters full swing.

    ...and it's older than the USA. How cool is that?

    1 vote
  13. bushbear
    I kinda tries to get back into magazines a while ago. I had a sub for Huck magazine which is a culture mag of sorts. Really like it so might re sub. I also used to get the national geographic but...

    I kinda tries to get back into magazines a while ago. I had a sub for Huck magazine which is a culture mag of sorts. Really like it so might re sub. I also used to get the national geographic but I think that's stopped now.

    I also bought an independent conflict journalism mag but the name escapes me right now. That's was actually very interesting. I might dip back into all these at some point as I did enjoy the physical medium. Also gonna keep an eye on suggestions here.

    1 vote