Howdily-doodly Tilderinos. I want to say "See Title." But I feel like that kinda defeats the purpose of this site, so I'll expound a bit. Looking around me now, I see couples walking around. I see...
Howdily-doodly Tilderinos.
I want to say "See Title." But I feel like that kinda defeats the purpose of this site, so I'll expound a bit.
Looking around me now, I see couples walking around. I see young men strutting down the street; rushing to and fro; or making their trek somewhere on a bike. I see young women on these rent-a-scooter things that Bird and other companies offer; walking beside their friends; or sitting with their books.
And I can't help but reflect on how much our adult lives are built around doing romantically isolating things. We sleep 8-hours a day; social progress here is only made in dreams that we occasionally wish to remain in. We work 8-hours a day; and as far as I understand it, relationships with colleagues are wholly discouraged. That leaves us 8 hours to cook, eat, maintain a home, relax, participate in hobbies, enjoy friends, and enjoy family.
Our society feels, to me, very live-to-work; not that I have an alternative to the status quo to offer.
That being said – Tilda Swintons, how did you meet your significant others?
edit: "howdilly" => "howdily"