52 votes

Topic deleted by author


  1. [14]
    Thanks for sharing. I’ve heard of bear blog before, I didn’t realize until just now that there’s a discover feed to see other blogs. It’s nice to have another finite feed of text-based content....

    Thanks for sharing. I’ve heard of bear blog before, I didn’t realize until just now that there’s a discover feed to see other blogs. It’s nice to have another finite feed of text-based content.

    Does anyone on tildes have a bear blog they write or follow they’d like to share?

    15 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I just recently discovered Bear as well, and started my blog there just over a month ago. My initial goal was to try to put something out there every day or two, though I’m posting a lot closer to...

      I just recently discovered Bear as well, and started my blog there just over a month ago. My initial goal was to try to put something out there every day or two, though I’m posting a lot closer to weekly now. Though, perhaps “advertising” it here is the push I need to post there more regularly!

      Please let us know if/when you start your own, and I’ll return the read in kind.

      10 votes
      1. [2]
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        I read your devlog; I love the premise for plots.club. I’m excited to read more about the challenges you’ll conquer on the road to implementation, and more excited to see the concept in action....

        I read your devlog; I love the premise for plots.club. I’m excited to read more about the challenges you’ll conquer on the road to implementation, and more excited to see the concept in action. Wishing you the best of luck.

        3 votes
        1. Shevanel
          Link Parent
          That's so very kind of you to say. This was about the biggest kick in the productivity pants I could have asked for; I'll be sure to keep the devlog updated as I discover more. Thank you!

          That's so very kind of you to say. This was about the biggest kick in the productivity pants I could have asked for; I'll be sure to keep the devlog updated as I discover more. Thank you!

          3 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      I've never heard of it, and was pleased to have an ObsidianMD–Tildes hybrid-type platform to move to if I need to get out of the WP umbrella. Unfortunately, some of the blogs themselves do not...

      I've never heard of it, and was pleased to have an ObsidianMD–Tildes hybrid-type platform to move to if I need to get out of the WP umbrella.
      Unfortunately, some of the blogs themselves do not inspire confidence (that's the case for many blogging sites, though).

      stop wasting time on productivity crap. just shut up and work 😤(BearBlog)

      This would be slightly funny if I didn't have prior knowledge of this:

      F*ck your productivity system. Seriously.(Reddit)

      On the other side of the coin there is this:

      Small Thoughts I: Indoctrination, Bookmarking, Human Image

      I like this one from the discover page. This blogger talks about "link rot", which is real, and terrifying.

      193. On writing and connecting

      I like these ones so far. I'm glad to have received this link. The discover section on the Jetpack app does not recommend insightful blogs.

      9 votes
      1. slashtab
        Link Parent
        Thanks for aggregating these links at one place :p I am also in productivity hell. PH filled with productivity and AI launches

        Thanks for aggregating these links at one place :p

        I am also in productivity hell. PH filled with productivity and AI launches

        3 votes
    3. scojjac
      Link Parent
      Yep! My site https://scojjac.com runs on Bearblog. I'm slowly migrating old posts over, too. I actually have other bearbloggers email me occasionally, which has been cool. The Discover page...

      Yep! My site https://scojjac.com runs on Bearblog. I'm slowly migrating old posts over, too. I actually have other bearbloggers email me occasionally, which has been cool. The Discover page surfaces some cool ones, too.

      4 votes
    4. [7]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      I have https://daviramos.com/. The discover feed is nice but it is very tech-focused. So if you are not writing about technology you're unlikely to get to the top positions. Within that subject,...

      I have https://daviramos.com/.

      The discover feed is nice but it is very tech-focused. So if you are not writing about technology you're unlikely to get to the top positions. Within that subject, the most popular posts are about blogging and Bear Blog itself. I've been thinking about removing the vote button from my blog. If I only ever get zero to two votes, it is an useless mechanic for me, and it's a little depressing.

      4 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        The concept and community of sorts behind Bear Blog is appealing to me. Casual blogging needs some sort of curation and method of discovery, because no one is going to find you through search...

        The concept and community of sorts behind Bear Blog is appealing to me. Casual blogging needs some sort of curation and method of discovery, because no one is going to find you through search engines anyways. I have considered trying it out, but need to bring my own domain to not become locked in. I like fully independent in principle, but platforms like Bear Blog that brings stuff together has the benefit of actually letting bloggers find each other. I think the voting system at least helps letting you know that someone has read it. I occasionally browse the recent posts and enjoy the casual reading, to sort of counterbalance reading long well researched articles from The Atlantic or The New Yorker. And I think it is nice to at least acknowledge in some form that you appreciated that.

        3 votes
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          Yes. I only wish there was a no-tech tab. Which is why I just suggested it on their suggestion board.


          I only wish there was a no-tech tab. Which is why I just suggested it on their suggestion board.

          1 vote
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            That would probably require people to properly tag and categorize their posts. But I agree, an index of sorts with blogs sorted into topics would be great compared to just having all the recent...

            That would probably require people to properly tag and categorize their posts. But I agree, an index of sorts with blogs sorted into topics would be great compared to just having all the recent posts unstructured.

            2 votes
            1. lou
              Link Parent
              Posts from free users already require manual approval to get into the Discover tab. And paying users are unlikely to maliciously tag their technology posts as "non tech". So I think that is pretty...

              Posts from free users already require manual approval to get into the Discover tab. And paying users are unlikely to maliciously tag their technology posts as "non tech". So I think that is pretty doable.

              3 votes
      2. [2]
        Link Parent
        It’s already been mentioned but I like your goal of compassionate interpretation. I haven’t had a chance to apply it since reading it but I’m keeping it in my back pocket for the next time I read...

        It’s already been mentioned but I like your goal of compassionate interpretation. I haven’t had a chance to apply it since reading it but I’m keeping it in my back pocket for the next time I read a comment that deteriorates my mood.

        I've been thinking about removing the vote button from my blog.

        Couldn’t agree with this more. I wish it was option on every platform.

        2 votes
        1. lou
          Link Parent
          Compassionate interpretation is a lifelong pursuit, I am very far from truly practicing it myself. I certainly try, though!

          Compassionate interpretation is a lifelong pursuit, I am very far from truly practicing it myself. I certainly try, though!

          2 votes
  2. [4]
    I especially like the founder's building software to last forever philosophy. We for sure could use more of that mindset.

    I especially like the founder's building software to last forever philosophy. We for sure could use more of that mindset.

    12 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I always try to use more open-source software much like the author for similar reasons. While there are some that I have used that are antiquated and use old/legacy systems, they stick around for...

      I always try to use more open-source software much like the author for similar reasons. While there are some that I have used that are antiquated and use old/legacy systems, they stick around for a long time and still work. I feel that open source software as a whole tends to make the world a better place while proprietary software tends to lean towards making it worse.

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        One point that's relevant here is that software is not a write-once-and-done-forever kind of thing. Software needs to be actively maintained because operating systems, APIs, even hardware change...

        One point that's relevant here is that software is not a write-once-and-done-forever kind of thing. Software needs to be actively maintained because operating systems, APIs, even hardware change over time. In general, I prefer teams and organizations that seem like they would stick around longer than others. In practice, for me this means sticking with mostly, but not exclusively, open-source software.

        However, I would not generalize it to the point of thinking that all proprietary software is bad. Open-source works in some contexts, and when it does it's great, but it only works in some contexts.

        4 votes
        1. Akir
          Link Parent
          Of course software needs to be maintained. But that is an aspect where open source excels. Proprietary software is dropped for whatever reason the people who own it want, and if there is a change...

          Of course software needs to be maintained. But that is an aspect where open source excels. Proprietary software is dropped for whatever reason the people who own it want, and if there is a change to the environment you are at their mercy with hopes they do that maintenance. You can get around that with support contracts but those are very expensive. With open source software, project maintainers may come and go, and sometimes they are outlived by forks led by others. While it may not be innately evergreen, it is often de facto as such.

          1 vote
  3. [3]
    I have my site on Bear Blog here: https://daviramos.com.

    I have my site on Bear Blog here: https://daviramos.com.

    10 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Chiming in to say that I greatly enjoyed your Compassionate Interpretation post, which is worthy of its own Tildes topic. Thank you!

      Chiming in to say that I greatly enjoyed your Compassionate Interpretation post, which is worthy of its own Tildes topic. Thank you!

      3 votes
      1. lou
        Link Parent
        Thanks! That article is an updated and expanded version of something I previously posted directly on Tildes: https://tildes.net/~talk/16zk/compassionate_interpretation


        That article is an updated and expanded version of something I previously posted directly on Tildes: https://tildes.net/~talk/16zk/compassionate_interpretation

        2 votes
  4. [6]
    I really like the concept of Bear blog. It creates a small ecosystem where it seems like people are actually reading each other posts, and I have the trending feed in my RSS reader. Some good...

    I really like the concept of Bear blog. It creates a small ecosystem where it seems like people are actually reading each other posts, and I have the trending feed in my RSS reader. Some good posts pop up once in a whole, though I should really try and contribute with voting and reading other stuff myself. My own blogs are very focused on a single topic, but Bear seems like a good place for the sort of personal ramblings that were common for blogs a decade or two ago.

    It seems like the guy behind it has gone to great lengths thinking about the longevity of the project, which is great, as if we have learned anything from the last two decades of internet services, it is that is dangerous to be very dependent on a platform you don't control. I do hope that this newfound interest in personal blogs doesn't come at the expense of writers become trapped within a single service that might go offline or become worse for whatever reason years down the line.

    While Bearblog seems to have a pretty good discover feed system with voting and a trending algorithm to highlight interesting posts, I haven't seen anything similar to that for just independent blogging in general. Kagi's Smallweb sort of has that feel of randomly browsing and discovering, but there is no curated index overview or any clear mechanism for the best posts to surface.

    It seems like there are a few bloggers here on Tildes, but we don't know each other. I was thinking, could there be interest in a weekly/bi-weekly thread for people to showcase their latest post and/or highlight the most interesting stuff we have read recently? For all the small stuff we don't feel like warrant a separate link topic.

    7 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Good idea. I think people posting their own blogs is fine, as long as they're participating on Tildes outside of that too. But I understand that even when they're doing everything right, sometimes...

      a weekly/bi-weekly thread for people to showcase their latest post and/or highlight the most interesting stuff we have read recently? For all the small stuff we don't feel like warrant a separate link topic.

      Good idea. I think people posting their own blogs is fine, as long as they're participating on Tildes outside of that too. But I understand that even when they're doing everything right, sometimes people can feel self conscious about whether their posts feel too much like self promotion. So a dedicated topic could get them to post where they might not otherwise.

      If someone consistently posts this weekly topic for a while and it's getting quality engagement, Deimos could eventually turn it into an automatic scheduled topic.

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I don’t think you’re “self promoting” if you regularly participate in tildes outside your blog posts. If you’re blogging everyday you don’t need to share every post. Go with your gut. I say this...

        I don’t think you’re “self promoting” if you regularly participate in tildes outside your blog posts. If you’re blogging everyday you don’t need to share every post. Go with your gut. I say this because I hope anyone on the fence about it will read this comment and feel encouraged to share.

        2 votes
        1. phoenixrises
          Link Parent
          I'm not trying to discourage writing blogs and sharing it here, but I do think there's definitely a headache in moderation sometimes. There was one instance maybe a year ago where a user was...

          I'm not trying to discourage writing blogs and sharing it here, but I do think there's definitely a headache in moderation sometimes. There was one instance maybe a year ago where a user was sharing a bunch of their work and talking about it in their comments and such, but when people called them out on some inconsistencies about their writing style they ended up writing a more mean spirited blog post and got banned.

          6 votes
      2. [2]
        Link Parent
        Yeah, that was my thinking. I can try and get that thing going and see what kind of traction it gets. Either in ~talk or ~misc , not sure...

        Yeah, that was my thinking. I can try and get that thing going and see what kind of traction it gets. Either in ~talk or ~misc , not sure...

        1 vote
  5. [6]
    I'd be tempted to join this, but I don't think I have anything interesting to blog about.

    I'd be tempted to join this, but I don't think I have anything interesting to blog about.

    5 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      This isn't true. A major facet of the human experience is sharing, and I can absolutely promise you, as long as you are attentive and receptive to the situations life presents you, you will have...

      …but I don't think I have anything interesting to blog about.

      This isn't true. A major facet of the human experience is sharing, and I can absolutely promise you, as long as you are attentive and receptive to the situations life presents you, you will have something to talk about.

      You don't even have to write for an audience, or for your current time. I strongly doubt the generation comprised of our future grandchildren will know what a snow day is, or what it's like to use a rotary phone during a power outage.

      If you want a good starting place, you can talk about the media you consumed growing up that made you who you are, or small stories from your life.

      4 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        It's more like the ideas I do have are either shrouded in negativity or aren't expansive enough to focus an entire blog around. If I were to do a gaming blog, I'd most likely do game reviews,...

        It's more like the ideas I do have are either shrouded in negativity or aren't expansive enough to focus an entire blog around. If I were to do a gaming blog, I'd most likely do game reviews, critiques of mobile game advertising bad practices or detailed field reports of how Riot have allowed players in my League of Legends games to run it down with impunity.

        An online dating blog could work, except I'm a 33 y/o virgin who gets no attention other than from blatant love scammers, e-girls using their platform to plug their OnlyFans, or ladies from entirely different continents trying to use online dating as a cheaper means to a spousal visa. I mean a post like tips for how to avoid blatant love scams could work as an individual post.

        Political blogging could work, except I live in the UK and our politics are a complete mess and discourse has turned too toxic for me to really feel comfortable writing about. We have a two-party system with the two main parties being somewhat milder versions of the US Democrats & Republicans, while the third party that looks increasingly likely to disrupt are right wing populists.

        I work in commercial finance, but accountancy isn't really something you can blog about.

        6 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Looks like you have 4 different topics you can blog about. Good blogging covers a lot of different bases, so you've got dating in an era of OF and scammers, gaming and the industry...

          Looks like you have 4 different topics you can blog about.

          Good blogging covers a lot of different bases, so you've got dating in an era of OF and scammers, gaming and the industry run-down/wear/fatigue from developers/publishing houses, and UK politics talking about the polarization of the masses. This is all prime material. I envy you a little bit.

          discourse has turned too toxic for me to really feel comfortable writing about.

          Perhaps it is necessary to develop an attitude for being comfortable in discomfort, then (or continue to enjoy the fair weather at Tildes. It is refreshing after all.) Your blog doesn't have to be associated with your name or your other aliases online. Name it "Wumbo's Gossip Gumbo" for all that it matters, my friend.

          6 votes
          1. Bullmaestro
            Link Parent
            I caved and made myself a blog yesterday. Been halfway through writing a post titled "Online dating sucks." And ohhhh boy is this one gonna be a doozy. I kinda wish I took screenshots from back...

            I caved and made myself a blog yesterday. Been halfway through writing a post titled "Online dating sucks." And ohhhh boy is this one gonna be a doozy.

            I kinda wish I took screenshots from back when Okcupid gifted me a month of Premium, because I wanted to show all the likes I was getting from Filipina, Indonesian, Malaysian, Taiwanese, Ghanaian, Tanzanian, Nigerian, Kenyan, etc women who were just changing their location all the time to show just how endemic the whole issue of users falsifying their location was. Showing evidence of fake users and blatant scammers is a bit tougher, but I definitely have old WhatsApp convos still saved of love scammers trying to lull me into crypto schemes.

            I guess I'll just have to settle for how many of these women appear in my feed. Or how jank the website and app are.

            But also I want to put the moderators of a few subreddits like r/hingeapp and r/swipehelper on blast for how they've handled my attempts to get profile reviews and just been condescending power tripping pricks.

            6 votes
    2. crulife
      Link Parent
      For me this is a symptom of not being in a quiet place (both physically and mentally) enough. When I get there, thoughts start happening every time.

      For me this is a symptom of not being in a quiet place (both physically and mentally) enough. When I get there, thoughts start happening every time.

  6. Flother
    Thank you for sharing this. I've been considering getting back into blogging purely because it helped me maintain a longer-term interest in my hobbies before, and allowed me to document progress...

    Thank you for sharing this. I've been considering getting back into blogging purely because it helped me maintain a longer-term interest in my hobbies before, and allowed me to document progress over time with studies.

    This seems like a simple interface with a decent community, will definitely give it a go.

    3 votes
  7. vildravn
    I thought this was related to the Bear note-taking app on Apple devices (kinda like how Obsidian has Publish) but turns out it’s just the same name. Thanks for sharing, the Discover feed looks...

    I thought this was related to the Bear note-taking app on Apple devices (kinda like how Obsidian has Publish) but turns out it’s just the same name.

    Thanks for sharing, the Discover feed looks interesting.

    2 votes
  8. 0x29A
    My blog/site is on bear blog inward.garden Been considering moving all other pages except the blog portion off of bearblog for more flexibility though. Sometimes I want a bit more control. But I...

    My blog/site is on bear blog inward.garden

    Been considering moving all other pages except the blog portion off of bearblog for more flexibility though. Sometimes I want a bit more control.

    But I also want to retain the lack of friction for posting via the bearblog UI

    2 votes
  9. Johz
    I used to use bear blog for my blog, and I did quite like it. In the end, it was slightly too much friction to use (always one more click to get anywhere than I felt was necessary), and didn't...

    I used to use bear blog for my blog, and I did quite like it. In the end, it was slightly too much friction to use (always one more click to get anywhere than I felt was necessary), and didn't give me the fine-grained control I wanted, so I ended up migrating to my own static blog, but it's a nice way to get started.

    1 vote
  10. [3]
    Bearblog was great and easy to use while I used it. I still think about going back and posting somewhat regularly again. The only thing stopping me is I found that I wanted my ideas to be more...

    Bearblog was great and easy to use while I used it. I still think about going back and posting somewhat regularly again. The only thing stopping me is I found that I wanted my ideas to be more polished when I was posting them somewhere that was my "own page" even if it was anonymous, and found myself spending a lot more time on it than I had originally planned.

    Awesome platform and glad to see it continue to be used.

    1 vote
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      What are you using now? I've used Ghost and WP in the past, but I'm looking for something less finicky and with mobile editing support.

      What are you using now? I've used Ghost and WP in the past, but I'm looking for something less finicky and with mobile editing support.

      1 vote
      1. pekt
        Link Parent
        I'm not currently using another platform. I like the idea of blogging, and hopefully will start writing somewhat frequently again. Good luck finding a platform that fits your needs!

        I'm not currently using another platform. I like the idea of blogging, and hopefully will start writing somewhat frequently again.

        Good luck finding a platform that fits your needs!

        2 votes
  11. hedy
    Bearblog is awesome for those who want to quickly get started with blogging and people who don't want to deal with too much customization or the technical side of things. I've recently started a...

    Bearblog is awesome for those who want to quickly get started with blogging and people who don't want to deal with too much customization or the technical side of things. I've recently started a more loosely-organized blog, separate from my main online presence on Bear: https://hedy.bearblog.dev.