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  • Showing only topics in ~tech with the tag "elon musk". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Elon Musk thinking of charging money for Twitter

      @Dave Lee: Elon Musk revisiting an idea apparently floated privately in the past -- charging *everyone* to use Twitter. A lower tier than premium. "We've moving to a small monthly payment for use of the X system," he just told Benjamin Netanyahu, saying it's only way to stamp out bots.

      48 votes
    2. Why is Elon Musk doing what he is to Twitter?

      From a non-MAGA’ers perspective; He took a perfectly fine (albeit starting to decline) social media platform with millions of users and derailed it completely from what it was before to a farce....

      From a non-MAGA’ers perspective;

      He took a perfectly fine (albeit starting to decline) social media platform with millions of users and derailed it completely from what it was before to a farce.

      Why even buy Twitter if you’re going to change the entire format, including the actual name of the brand? Why not build a competitor from the ground up and call it X?

      Unless you’re the melonhead billionaire your guess is better than mine, but I wonder if this bumbling incompetence is pre-orchestrated somehow or if he’s making it up as he goes.

      119 votes
    3. Twitter cuts off access for popular third party clients

      Starting on Thursday night, Twitter cut off API access for some of the biggest third party clients. From The Verge: It’s hard to tell whether the third-party client outage is due to the API....

      Starting on Thursday night, Twitter cut off API access for some of the biggest third party clients.

      From The Verge:

      It’s hard to tell whether the third-party client outage is due to the API. Attempting certain calls from my individual Twitter developer account seemed to work, while Twitter’s own API explorer tool is currently broken.

      It definitely seems like it is on purpose. For it to last this long without any update definitely makes it feel like it was done on purpose. Many developers' apps have started showing up as "suspended". In looking at my own account, I can see that both Tweetbot and Fenix are gone from my list of connected apps.

      The Icon Factory (makers of Twitteriffic) have a blog post about it as well.

      The complete silence from Twitter is completely baffling. Burning more than a decade of working with developers overnight seems incredibly stupid. As Paul Hadad, one of the makers of Tweetbot said:

      Even during the darkest Twitter 1.0 days they were pretty open about what they were doing. I remember getting a call prior to the 4 quadrants token limit where they explained what was going to happen and answered questions. I wasn't happy but at least felt there was respect.

      27 votes