10,000 Tilders!
Right now, there are 10,000 subscribers to ~tildes.official, meaning that Tildes as a whole must have more than 10,000 users.
We've passed a milestone!
Congratulations to @Deimos for making this happen.
Congratulations to all of us, and thanks, everyone!
This is definitely a really big milestone, especially for a site that's always required an invitation to register, because it means that every single registration represents someone sending an invite. A small number of them are probably due to someone registering an alternate username or something similar, but on the whole, almost all of them are because someone had a legitimate interest in the site and requested an invite for it.
Many other sites with completely open registration never get anywhere close to this many users, so it's exciting that we've managed to get this far even though it's (deliberately) relatively difficult to register.
Congratulations! I haven't been here long, but I'm already really enjoying the community.
Yeah man, it's been a wild ride! I remember joining almost a year ago, and it's been amazing watching the community and the site grow and develop. I've only had the satisfaction of witnessing a project start near the very beginning a few times in my short life, so it's been extra special. Looking forward to the hopefully many years ahead of us! :)
Indeed. It's a special thing. I'm looking forward to be wise and grumpy when this inevitably implode like everything else on the internet :)
I think the sustainable growth is a good deal in part due to fantastic job you did designing the goals/philosophy/vision behind tildes which:
A. Gives people an intrinsic reason to be interested in the project & stick around.
B. Encourages a pretty cool community.
C. Promotes an actually user friendly site (boring tech is a huge relief from the heavyweight shit everywhere else)
Had you gone with the typical "move fast, break shit, webscale asap" method, I don't think we'd be where we're at right now.
Couldn't have been without you, well done on creating something amazing!
Literally just joined and I really like the cut of this place. I'm excited to be a part of it. Especially in its infancy.
So you're the one who changed the number of subscribers from 10,000 to 10,001 to spoil my announcement!
Welcome anyway, number-spoiler!
I feel a fool. I joined two days ago. I was a bit too loose with my comment! I'll still gladly take your welcome however!
Congrats! The Patreon page claims that there are about 100 patrons (at the time of writing this), so it's an over 1% “conversion rate”, which is pretty good in my opinion. I hope the network effect will accelerate the growth at a steady pace.
We did it Tildes!
Does the screenshot in my post not work for you?
oh im so sorry i didnt see yours 😞
It's all good. :)
Since a reaction gif is already off topic(ish), I gotta be honest, your username is one of my favorites. It always trips me up whenever I see it cuz it makes me think you're actually suspended, props for keeping me on my toes.
Reaction gifs on Tildes? Really?
No fun allowed.
Every 10,000 subscribers, there's an exception!
Would it fall under the Joke label? I'd think so, tho I almost never see that one used (ever).
The only visible comment label is the "Exemplary" label: that results in a visible "Exemplary" label being displayed on the exemplary comment (and the exemplary comment being pushed higher in sorting).
All other comment labels act more discreetly:
The "Offtopic" label affects sorting. Comments labelled "Offtopic" will be sorted lower than other comments (all other things being equal).
The "Joke" label affects sorting
and visibility. Comments labelled "Joke" will becollapsed andsorted lower than other comments.The "Noise" label affects
sorting andvisibility. Comments labelled "Noise" will be collapsedand sorted lower than other comments.The "Malice" label sends a notification to Deimos.
So, you won't ever see a comment labelled "Joke" (or "Offtopic" or "Noise" or "Malice"). Instead, you'll see a stub indicating a hidden comment, which you have to manually expand to view the comment.
p.s. Just FYI, Noise appears to both collapse the comment and lower the sort. Offtopic and Joke only lower the sort. And Exemplary labels are a weighted multiplier to the sort (in case you were wondering).
I am still trying to get a grasp on it all myself, but my understanding of python is somewhat limited and I only got the full Dev environment set up a week ago, so it's a WIP. ;)
Thanks. I'm actually in the middle of writing the "Comment labels" section of the "how to" guide, so this is very timely and useful.
No prob, and nice! If you have any questions about mechanics that can only be answered by inspecting the code, let me know... it will be good practice for me to figure this stuff out along with you, too. :)
I believe heretic wasn't speaking literally. You can't "see" the joke label but you can deduce when it's likely been used when a comment with a joke in it is below where it should be on the sort based on the votes it has received. And the vast, vast majority of joke comments I have seen have been incorrectly labeled noise, and IMO that's a problem that will need to be addressed eventually.
I'm not so sure. It seemed like a literal observation.
How can you tell the difference? A collapsed joke comment is indistinguishable from a collapsed noise comment.
AFAIK, joke labels don't collapse comments... they just lower their position in the sort.
And also AFAIK, only noise labels collapse comments.
Ah. Thanks for that.
But, often jokes are noise. I labelled this gif as both noise and a joke. The surface text is clutter, hence: noise. The underlying link is silliness, hence: joke.
Yeah, a lot of jokes can probably be justifiably labeled both a joke and noise, but not all. And I definitely think this place could use some more levity since it's often dry as hell here, so IMO jokes that are straddling the line should probably be given the benefit of the doubt and simply labeled joke. Noise is meant for stuff that has no real value whatsoever and humour does have value.
And this feels like a good place for a feature suggestion. Over time the group subsciber numbers are going to be more and more inaccurate, as some users stop using Tildes (or create a new account on Tildes for whatever reason and stop using their old account), but don't unsubscribe from groups first. How about users who have been inactive for a time (for example 6 months) get unsubscribed from all groups, so the group subscriber number only includes active users? What groups the user is subscribed to at that time could be saved to their user profile somehow, so if they log in to Tildes again after that time, they get automatically resubscribed to all groups they previously subscribed to.
I don't think users should ever be unsubscribed from groups due to inactivity, even if there is a re-subscription option when they log back in, but there could perhaps be a separate "active subscriber" count (perhaps only visible in the groups themselves) that subtracts users from the base subscriber number after a certain period of them not logging in.
I probably wouldn't unsubscribe people (though the save/restore method would be an interesting way to do it), but I agree overall that subscriber numbers aren't a good metric, and they only get more useless over time. I don't think it would hurt to still leave the total visible somewhere minor, but it definitely shouldn't continue to be used as the main indicator of how large a group is. I'd probably like to use ones more like "average number of comments posted daily" that say more about the group's actual activity level.
You're probably better off posting a separate topic for a feature suggestion, for better visibility and more engagement.
Wow, I just joined, and everythings so cool!
Congrats indeed!
Minor note: I only see 9949 subscribersDerp, thanks.
I see 10k. That's... strange. Something cached maybe?
You (and @Algernon_Asimov) are looking at ~tildes.official, and @Neverland is looking at ~tildes.
Thanks, sorry.
So here is a statistical question given that (in theory) not everyone subscribes to ~tildes.official: when did Tildes reach 10K users (excluding banned/deactivated/etc.)? ~tildes.official reached 10K at least an hour ago (the proof can be found in ~test) but maybe you can get the exact timestamp from the database.
If you exclude banned/deleted users, we're not at 10,000 yet (7 short). If you don't exclude them, the 10,000th registration happened about 2 days ago, at
2019-03-19 20:54:13.259053
(UTC).Can I ask how many users have been banned/deleted? All these stats are super interesting and I'd love to see them on some kind of near-real-time dashboard page eventually (not as a transparency measure, purely as someone who enjoys statistics).
Sure - there are 38 accounts banned (some are multiple accounts belonging to the same people), and 27 accounts deleted (which is something people have to request from me).
How are there 10,000 accounts subscribed to ~tildes.official if there aren't 10,000 accounts on Tildes? Does this imply that a deleted account still shows as a subscriber? What about a banned account?
This leads me to consider that deleted/banned accounts should be removed from subscriber counts.
Deleted users' data is cleaned up, but I haven't been doing anything with banned ones. I should probably do at least some cleanup on those too, but it's just not something I've done any work on yet.
Woo! New guy here and happy to be here! This seems like an awesome group with a great goal.