42 votes

Patrick Stewart will reprise the role of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in a brand new "Star Trek" series

It is an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Read my full statement in the photo. #StarTrek @cbsallaccess Photo: @shervinfoto


  1. [45]
    (edited )
    It's not a reboot! (he screamed in excitement, not admonishing OP in any way) It's a post-TNG Star Trek Series!!!! I'm losing my shit a bit and almost typed this in all caps....

    It's not a reboot! (he screamed in excitement, not admonishing OP in any way) It's a post-TNG Star Trek Series!!!! I'm losing my shit a bit and almost typed this in all caps.

    Sir Patrick Stewart will reprise the role of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in a brand new “Star Trek” series on CBS All Access, Variety has learned.


    edit: clarity in first statement.

    13 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      *incoherent nerd noises* Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, this is going to be a Prime Universe series and not part of the JJverse?

      *incoherent nerd noises*

      Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, this is going to be a Prime Universe series and not part of the JJverse?

      5 votes
      1. [3]
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        CBS has no access to the JJverse, that's owned by Paramount (I think). Trek's IP ownership rights are a clusterfuck. Paramount got the rights to the Kirk era making the original Shatner-era movies...

        CBS has no access to the JJverse, that's owned by Paramount (I think). Trek's IP ownership rights are a clusterfuck. Paramount got the rights to the Kirk era making the original Shatner-era movies - but only the Kirk era, nothing since. CBS has everything else.

        The whole sordid story.

        8 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Not quite no access. If Paramount and CBS had no access to each other's IP, then the modern Star Trek movies simply couldn't exist. Instead, Paramount pays licence fees to CBS to use its IP - and...

          CBS has no access to the JJverse, that's owned by Paramount (I think).

          Not quite no access. If Paramount and CBS had no access to each other's IP, then the modern Star Trek movies simply couldn't exist. Instead, Paramount pays licence fees to CBS to use its IP - and CBS would have to pay licence fees to Paramount to use its IP.

          And, actually, Paramount has the full rights to make any and all movies in the Star Trek universe, not just the Kirk era. Case in point: the TNG movies are owned by Paramount, not CBS.

          Another version of the sordid story. ;)

          2 votes
          1. Amarok
            Link Parent
            Thank god someone figured out that morass. I've wondered for a long time. :)

            Thank god someone figured out that morass. I've wondered for a long time. :)

            1 vote
      2. Neverland
        Link Parent
        Yes, this is my understanding.

        Yes, this is my understanding.

    2. [33]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Ah. They finally got the bare minimum right to give trek a chance to become interesting again. Don't worry, I'm sure CBS will find a way to fuck it up. It's their superpower. Let's find out who...

      Ah. They finally got the bare minimum right to give trek a chance to become interesting again.

      Don't worry, I'm sure CBS will find a way to fuck it up. It's their superpower.

      Let's find out who the showrunner is first - it's not beyond them to put Uwe Boll in charge.

      Edit: Now we know who's in charge...

      The untitled series hails from Alex Kurtzman, James Duff, Akiva Goldsman, Michael Chabon, and Kirsten Beyer. Kurtzman, Duff, Goldsman, and Chabon will also serve as executive producers on the series along with Stewart, Trevor Roth, Heather Kadin, and Rod Roddenberry. CBS Television Studios will produce. The new series does not currently have a premiere date.

      Basically, a giant panel of milquetoast producers. My enthusiasm has been dampened. :/

      5 votes
      1. [32]
        Link Parent
        I don't really know the biz, I only know that Ron Moore and Rick Berman have made things I've liked. Out of curiosity, who would have gotten you excited?

        I don't really know the biz, I only know that Ron Moore and Rick Berman have made things I've liked. Out of curiosity, who would have gotten you excited?

        1 vote
        1. [31]
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          Frankly, anything but the usual CBS focus group BS will make me happy. I'd have been excited if it had been Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart. Their feuds with Berman were rather legendary. I also...

          Frankly, anything but the usual CBS focus group BS will make me happy.

          I'd have been excited if it had been Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart. Their feuds with Berman were rather legendary. I also hear JMS has a stellar trek treatment he's pitched numerous times, though I imagine they won't go for that since it'd involve wrecking the federation (something sorely needed imo).

          Anyone with a history of producing interesting material would do. Look at the credits for the people who are listed as the producers of the new franchise - it's all very bland material. No risks, no vision, and these things are rarely improved by committee. This network produces fifteen variations of CSI/NCIS and shows like Big Bang Theory. They aren't mentally equipped to bring trek's full potential to life. They make family dramas and repetitive crime show advertising bait aimed at the 50+ demo. Did anyone alive enjoy the soap-opera crap that was shoehorned into TNG? I love TNG, but only about half of it. The rest is schlock.

          Trek needs fresh vision, not stale retreads. It doesn't matter how good your actors are and how big your budget is if the story is a bland focus-group approved palette of bullshit (hi, Discovery).

          I can tell you what I'd do with a sequel to TNG but it'd end up being several pages by the time I'm done ranting about it. I'm just getting tired of seeing one of the most brilliant franchises wasted over, and over, and over again.

          8 votes
          1. [26]
            Link Parent
            By all means. I certainly wouldn't mind.

            it'd end up being several pages by the time I'm done ranting about it

            By all means. I certainly wouldn't mind.

            3 votes
            1. [25]
              Link Parent
              I knew that was coming. :P Ok, /geek mode on. You've been warned. First order of business, jump the timeline forward another 50 years or so. No more old villains. Klingons are fully...

              I knew that was coming. :P

              Ok, /geek mode on. You've been warned.

              First order of business, jump the timeline forward another 50 years or so.

              No more old villains. Klingons are fully federation-integrated at this point yet still retain sovereignty over their space because they wouldn't have it any other way. I'd have the Romulans integrated as well, but probably only just integrated. If we want to clean up the timeline mess, we say Spock did his red-matter thing but in the Prime universe, it worked, he saved Romulus, but was lost in the process. Now there's a statue of him sixty feet high somewhere on Romulus and the Romulans having had their asses saved are willing to go in on a deal much like the Klingons have - it's still their space, but it's open access, trade, and peace.

              I'd be interested to explore what's out there inside Romulan space, and see how their empire is treating worlds they've subjugated (parallels with modern human rights abuses would be apropos). Not really sure what I'd do with the Bajorans/Cardassians. I was never very keen on that storyline in the first place. I doubt it's resolved in any case, still an uneasy border region, and the Cardassians have surely been preparing for war.

              I do remember in one of the alternate timelines, the Bajorans were much worse than the Cardassians, maybe we tap into that, with them on a quest for revenge. Perhaps they are now using terrorist tactics that tie into what I'm describing below with the warp damage.

              All I know is if I see the same villains again I'm going to lose my shit. Move beyond Klingons, Romulans, Borg. Actually, we can bring the Borg back later once they have a makeover into something much more sinister and deadly. We can do better than Swedish bio-zombies with a malicious runaway super intelligence. ;)

              That's enough boring background.

              The Federation needs a shakeup, something that threatens their very existence. We got hints of that in the TNG episode "Force of Nature" and I would go all-in on this, with catastrophic consequences that have essentially made warp travel in any previously heavily traveled areas deadly and impossible. There's a great opportunity to tie this warp travel damage into our own climate change problems. I'd use that as the parallel. It's too damn easy to get around in the Trek universe, and this would make things suitably difficult and much more interesting.

              Newer engines and non-Warp travel methods would be under heavy development (and probably not going all that well). This could be expanded into catastrophic rifts opening into subspace (and each rift goes somewhere new, sometimes things come out of them, plenty of opportunity for new villains/dangers here). Basically, space is a LOT more dangerous now. Federation scientists are desperate to find ways to repair the damage. Bajorans are using rift-opening tech to shred the Cardassians. I think I'd have the Ferengi turning into a matriarchy, since their women now have equal rights, and it turns out they are better at business than their male counterparts. Fun times.

              There's your setting. The Federation is facing down an apocalypse of their own making and they know it. Now let's talk about the crew/cast/focus of the show. All of that is just backdrop.

              I'd start with a science vessel - not just any science vessel, but the most accomplished and infamous one in the fleet. Famous for 5+ year long deep space missions studying phenomena most people wouldn't dare to get close to. The ship itself is small, svelte, and has been mutated and hacked into something so far off book that it's now unique, with multiple advanced systems at the bleeding edge of whatever starfleet's standards are in this newer timeline.

              Why is it infamous? The captain has a problem with authority, despises rank, pomp, circumstance - he's there for the science. He's capable of diplomacy with the best of them, just considers it all a waste of time, and does not censor himself or his opinions. He'd chew out an admiral at an assembly in seconds, publicly, and viciously, with Churchill's wit. The only reason he gets away with this is because he's never around - always on mission, and because his results are untouchable. The entire admiralty groans when he walks into a room with them. He's also not big on rules, only results.

              He has an attitude that is quite literally 'fuck the prime directive', he's on the other side of that controversial decision. I think I would also give him a habit of experimenting with different drugs to alter his own perspectives, one that's gotten him in trouble before (nootropics, micro-dosing, cannabis plant in his quarters). It'd be shameful if he wasn't publishing papers on it that were pretty damn solid. He likes to create holo-novels, had a problem with holo-addiction in the past. Not flagship material, and certainly not well-rounded. Obsessive.

              He's assembled a crew that redefines what diversity is. He finds troublemakers by scouring fleet records, and he's on a mission to include every conceivable race in the mix just so he can get at their unique cultures and perspectives, because it pushes science into overdrive having so many different intellects on his team. Being assigned to his crew is like being in exile, starfleet is happy to send him their troublemakers and he will put them to good use. Engin Ro would be right at home there. Data's story may be over but Lore is still out there, and deserves far more than the 2d treatment he got in TNG.

              His ship, his rules (to borrow a line from Discovery). Starfleet dress code is suspended in favor of more culturated attire. Typical 'alert' systems and procedures have been redesigned, he's got his own codes and ways of doing things that are unique and generally an improvement on the rigid starfleet model. His brain is an encyclopedia that stores multiple disciplines of science, and one of his hobbies is reading/listening to the logs of every captain in history who ever encountered something interesting in space, so he's got a map of the galaxy in his head that is unrivaled. He knows every log that's been 'classified' and has been trying to add them to his collection, he's very interested in starfleet's dirty business.

              Now what kind of crew can we put together for this island of misfits? The possibilities are limitless. I think we need to tap some of the races that were so popular in TNG. It's been half a century, many more worlds have joined the federation by now.

              I think it's time for the first Romulan starfleet officer, likely head of security, we'll be needing a sketchy past she's hiding from, possibly ex-romulan security herself. Only in starfleet because the captain didn't even tell them until a couple years after he'd activated her commission on his ship. Putting that classic Romulan paranoia/preparedness to good use. I'd be tempted to go with the stock Vulcan science officer just to enjoy the friction between them and to contrast them off of each other (logic vs instinct).

              I definitely want to see a Tamarian on the crew. That's got miles of dramatic and cultural potential. Just because humans have a hard time communicating with them does not mean they can't internalize our literature and communicate with us (Juliet on her balcony etc). I'm also thinking Malcorian for chief engineer - remember Mirasta Yale? I think I'd go with having their race be able to sense energy fields with their strange hands, giving them a serious edge in engineering. Could be Mirasta or one of her descendants, and working on a new kind of warp drive that's prototyped on the ship.

              I'd comb back through the trek franchise and dredge up every possible interesting choice, put together a crew that way, with the captain intentionally selecting differing races as all of his officers and specialists.

              This post is a mile long and we're not at the opening credits yet. Grab some coffee and come back. :P

              I believe we'd open with this ship/crew studying one of the rifts, gathering data. That particular slice of science has been the crew's focus for several years, and they've made some real progress. I'm a bit ambivalent on what they are discovering/witnessing, but as we start the series we need the rifts getting worse, threats from the rifts themselves, and whatever is coming through them. I'm tempted to go with big bad invasion coming through one of the rifts, but we could probably do better (than repeating fluid space and the borg).

              I'd have the ship returning to the federation during the pilot with critical information that starfleet needs to know now. The crew has discovered whatever threat we're about to use to rock the federation's world. See, we're going to upset this terrible crew of misfits and throw them into a maelstrom of danger along with the rest of the fleet. Science playtime is over, it's time to survive.

              Meanwhile, I'd trot out the latest/greatest version of the federation's flagship (perhaps the Enterprise, perhaps that name has fallen into history's dustbin). This is the star trek we all know and love - top crew, top marks, everything by the book. I would so use this to fuck with trekkie expectations, giving them the classic they pine fore before blowing it all to hell.

              I think I'd go with a bit greener than normal for the crew, though, almost as if the flagship has become a cushy assignment. It really doesn't matter since the ship won't survive the pilot, though most of the crew will (not the captain/officers). Perhaps we're witnessing a christening, nice big ceremony with pomp and circumstance which is rudely interrupted by our band of misfits and shortly thereafter, reality going haywire.

              I am totally on board with tapping Admirals Janeway, Riker, Worf, Chakotay, though I think Picard would be better suited to ambassador. Get the old cast back on board, and if Frakes wants to direct so much the better. Put the gang back together, prior trek was only suffering from bad writing, not production/directing.

              I've been thinking about Janeway and what her PTSD-damaged mind would be up to after getting home. I've also been thinking about Section 31 and their mission. Considering Janeway's main focus would be preparing the federation to withstand the threats she got an up close and personal glimpse of, it seems to me Janeway and Section 31 would run afoul of each other in short order, and Section 31 will come out the worse in that exchange.

              I think I'd have Janeway take it over and turn it into a sort of startfleet-emergency-preparedness operation, top secret but known to the admiralty. We also need to answer the question of what the hell exactly Section 31 has been doing for nearly 300 years of unsupervised activity.

              I'm picturing a ship (probably built in secret, possibly in a subspace-bubble shipyard with corresponding Section 31 space station). That's going to become the new home for our crew (which will be the combination of the two crews I've mentioned above). This isn't just any ship. It's ancient and massive, and has been remodeled and upgraded so many times over the years that it's really five ships built on top of each other - we're going full Hogwarts here. This ship was created to prove out experimental technology and be a sort of emergency federation superweapon when it was under the guidance of Section 31 - a legit federation warship. That purpose fell by the wayside, though.

              Now it's basically a Warehouse 13-esque amalgam of technologies, stored there. It's functional and still cutting edge (armor systems, highly advanced shields, trans-phasic torpedoes, and that's just the 'standard' tech upgrades). The ship basically became a research lab for Section 31 and a place to store everything that the federation wasn't supposed to have (such as the fruits of Cytherian research, a functional trans-phasic cloak, etc - I'd toss a Genesis torpedo in one of the holds, never mention it, just let the fans notice it in the background). It's not ready for primetime anymore unless you want your crew crushed by crates the first time you hit turbulence.

              Whatever happens at our admiralty gathering that has thrown the federation into chaos results in the crews escaping together on our science vessel (not in very good shape), and the captain being told to go there by Janeway (with precious little info beyond that). Starfleet is trying to cope with the disaster, so the fleet's busy elsewhere. We'll have our crews discover the ship, and that's our new 'enterprise' going forward.

              The ship is being looked after by a highly advanced AI (possibly a result of Bruce Maddox's research into Data, some help from the Binars). It has a living computer. The security protocol dictates vetting the crew before just granting them access to the most powerful ship in the federation fleet, so they get a firsthand look at the new holo-security systems and have to fight their way to the bridge (and they are losing). Once the captain orders the self-destruct the AI concedes, because being willing to destroy this tech rather than let it fall into enemy hands is part of the protocol. Of course the AI can inhabit androids, so we've got our data-esque character here.

              Now we've got our ship of mystery, two crews with authoritarian/anti-authoritarian aspects working together, the federation fighting for its life, and that's plenty of fireworks for everyone to enjoy. Embrace the chaos.

              That's just the pilot movie. I think we can manage that in 2.5 hours.

              This is the kind of Trek people want to see - building on the past, with something to lose, and plenty of action/drama, multiple parallels to the real world and exploring moral philosophy.

              6 votes
              1. [15]
                Link Parent
                Not this person. I think I can do without the whole drug-taking rules-be-damned genius captain in charge of a crew of misfits. I assume your Section 31 warship is a descendant of the Vengeance,...

                This is the kind of Trek people want to see

                Not this person. I think I can do without the whole drug-taking rules-be-damned genius captain in charge of a crew of misfits. I assume your Section 31 warship is a descendant of the Vengeance, complete with black decor and lack of lighting (two things I hate about "edgy" science fiction movies and shows). And, of course, being a warship facing a Big Bad that threatens the existence of the Federation itself (Why is this necessary?) and stocked with super-weapons, it's going to do a lot of fighting.

                You're setting up a series full of battles and grimness and conflict.

                But that's not what I want from Star Trek. I hated DSC because of this. I like DS9 overall, but there are sections of it that just bore me (like the 6-episode arc at the beginning of Season 6, where the heroes have to retake the station). I want some happy-clappy, optimistic, non-violent, well-lit science fiction. That's what I like about TOS and TAS and TNG (and VOY, now that I'm watching it for the first time).

                If I want edge and grim and violent, I'll put 'Battlestar Galactica' in the Blu-ray player. Star Trek is different to that and should stay different to that.

                4 votes
                1. [5]
                  Link Parent
                  PLEASE! I don't want to need a flashlight to watch a damn TV series.


                  PLEASE! I don't want to need a flashlight to watch a damn TV series.

                  1 vote
                  1. [4]
                    Link Parent
                    I always think it's funny when people can build a spaceship with enough technology and power to travel faster than light, but they can't seem to install a few extra light globes around the place. :)

                    I always think it's funny when people can build a spaceship with enough technology and power to travel faster than light, but they can't seem to install a few extra light globes around the place. :)

                    3 votes
                    1. [3]
                      Link Parent
                      Do you know "The Expanse"? In the first episode, an officer on a long range ship goes "space crazy", locking himself in his quarters and talking to his plants. When he is confronted about this by...

                      Do you know "The Expanse"?

                      In the first episode, an officer on a long range ship goes "space crazy", locking himself in his quarters and talking to his plants. When he is confronted about this by the protagonist, he laments "We're so far from home, why couldn't we have brought more light?"

                      (He then tries to shoot out a window into space and has a mental breakdown when he realizes it was just a screen)

                      The crazy man gets it! Why can't the supposedly sane TV producers?

                      1. [2]
                        Link Parent
                        I know of The Expanse, but I haven't gotten around to reading the books or watching the series. They're definitely on my "to do" list, though. Cute! Of course, the irony is that the producers...

                        I know of The Expanse, but I haven't gotten around to reading the books or watching the series. They're definitely on my "to do" list, though.

                        In the first episode, an officer on a long range ship goes "space crazy", locking himself in his quarters and talking to his plants. When he is confronted about this by the protagonist, he laments "We're so far from home, why couldn't we have brought more light?"


                        Of course, the irony is that the producers could have eliminated that problem simply by ensuring that the sets were better lit... :) The writers were pointing out a problem that didn't even need to exist.

                        1 vote
                        1. sam4ritan
                          Link Parent
                          Bump the books up on your list. They're very worth it.The penultimate novel is coming out this December, so you'd have just about enough time to catch up ;-) Yeah, through how can you make sure...

                          Bump the books up on your list. They're very worth it.The penultimate novel is coming out this December, so you'd have just about enough time to catch up ;-)

                          The writers were pointing out a problem that didn't even need to exist.

                          Yeah, through how can you make sure the audience knows who the villain is, if you don't put him on an impractically large, understaffed and dangerously unlit starship bridge? Clever writing and characterization that engages the audience and makes them question the merits of a binary hero/villain nomenclature in a world defined by moral shades of grey, thus providing a potential basis for a discussion applicable to modern day politics where irrational partisanship within political factions is becoming more common and extreme again? Nah. Just give him another convoluted and ultimately inefficient space laser.

                          1 vote
                2. [9]
                  (edited )
                  Link Parent
                  I think the main draw with that captain/crew is putting them into a role where their anti-authoritarian behavior is no longer acceptable and playing on those dynamics. They are used to being in...

                  I think the main draw with that captain/crew is putting them into a role where their anti-authoritarian behavior is no longer acceptable and playing on those dynamics. They are used to being in charge of a tiny ship far from the federation where they can do what they like, not in charge of a galaxy-class ship and massive crew. I like the idea of placing them in charge of a much larger, greener crew, and in a warship-style vessel which is something the federation is against, so it ends up becoming a science vessel with attitude instead. That sets the plot up to explore every angle of politics and command.

                  My main issue with the federation is that it's boring as fuck. No conflict, no challenges on an existential scale, a fairy tale utopia. I want to see the federation as a whole working together to overcome challenges. I don't care if it's a big-bad or enviropocalypse, as long as the federation itself is being challenged. That's the sort of backdrop I'd use for a long-term multi-season story arc.

                  Definitely not the vengeance, though. Remember, this ship was rebuilt five times over 300 years, so you have to start with early designs and then mutate that design four times, into something unique. It was meant to be a cutting edge ship in the beginning, but got pressed into being a junkyard science lab. There's going to be nothing sleek about it.

                  1. [8]
                    Link Parent
                    What you see as a flaw, I see as a benefit. :) I like seeing a utopia. It makes a difference to the normal stuff I get subjected to under the banner of "science fiction". I didn't mean it was...

                    My main issue with the federation is that it's boring as fuck. No conflict, no challenges on an existential scale, a fairy tale utopia.

                    What you see as a flaw, I see as a benefit. :) I like seeing a utopia. It makes a difference to the normal stuff I get subjected to under the banner of "science fiction".

                    Definitely not the vengeance, though. Remember, this ship was rebuilt five times over 300 years

                    I didn't mean it was literally the Vengeance. I meant that its design would be influenced by the Vengeance, and be all black and dark and weaponised - closer to the Battlestar Galactica than the U.S.S. Enterprise.

                    This makes me wonder why you like Star Trek. You don't like its utopian vision, you want to weaponise the starships, you want an anti-authoritarian crew. Why aren't you watching some other show, rather than wishing that Star Trek was something different than it is?

                    1 vote
                    1. [7]
                      Link Parent
                      I like the vision just fine, but I also like the idea that the Federation lives in a universe like the one we live in - hostile, challenging, where you have to fight for what you believe in. That...

                      I like the vision just fine, but I also like the idea that the Federation lives in a universe like the one we live in - hostile, challenging, where you have to fight for what you believe in. That fight has always been a part of Trek. If there's nothing there to challenge the Federation, then their principles exist in a vacuum and lose all meaning or relevance. I want to see them fight for their utopia and the things they believe in, see what they are willing to do, where they draw the line.

                      I want a captain and officers who have spent their entire lives running away and hiding from being a real part of the federation, thrust in control of the flagship. Fringe to spotlight instantly. I want to see them cope with that responsibility. That's the reason for the anti-authoritarian captain and officers inheriting the flagship's crew. That drama writes itself.

                      1. [6]
                        Link Parent
                        Fine. But, don't say that your personal vision of Star Trek is "the kind of Trek people want to see". I've been a fan of Star Trek for over 30 years, and I don't want to see your proposed series.

                        Fine. But, don't say that your personal vision of Star Trek is "the kind of Trek people want to see". I've been a fan of Star Trek for over 30 years, and I don't want to see your proposed series.

                        1 vote
                        1. [5]
                          Link Parent
                          That begs the question, what kind of Trek would you create for a new series? :)

                          That begs the question, what kind of Trek would you create for a new series? :)

                          1. [4]
                            Link Parent
                            Here's what I wrote about this yesterday: Keeping in mind that the context of this discussion is that Patrick Stewart is returning to do a series as Jean-Luc Picard. We're not just creating a...

                            Here's what I wrote about this yesterday:

                            I think it would be nice to see a show about Federation Ambassador Picard, with an ongoing mission to visit trouble spots. He could have a ship permanently assigned to him, with its own Captain and crew, to take him to his various assignments. There could be one-off episodes, some mini-arcs, and some recurring plot lines (for example, negotiations with one species might be ongoing). He's travelling around, so it retains an aspect of exploration and discovery. There might be a few first contact missions along the way.

                            And, of course, there's lots of opportunity to bump into old friends and familiar faces.

                            Keeping in mind that the context of this discussion is that Patrick Stewart is returning to do a series as Jean-Luc Picard. We're not just creating a random series under the "Star Trek" banner.

                            1 vote
                            1. [3]
                              Link Parent
                              If the new series takes that shape I'll be just fine with it. I would like to see Trek take a deeper dive into long-arc storytelling, though. Discovery went a bit off the deep end with that, but...

                              If the new series takes that shape I'll be just fine with it. I would like to see Trek take a deeper dive into long-arc storytelling, though. Discovery went a bit off the deep end with that, but the story was pretty silly so it really didn't pay off. I like not just the occasional 2-3ep story, but also some stories that go on throughout the show, popping up every now and then.

                              1. [2]
                                Link Parent
                                I think DS9 and 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer' had the balance right: some ongoing arcs, but lots of stand-alone episodes.

                                I think DS9 and 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer' had the balance right: some ongoing arcs, but lots of stand-alone episodes.

                                1. Amarok
                                  Link Parent
                                  Yep, I loved the way B5 handled it too. There were lots of great one-offs, but in almost every episode, there were moments where you'd overhear a news report or conversation that quietly updated...

                                  Yep, I loved the way B5 handled it too. There were lots of great one-offs, but in almost every episode, there were moments where you'd overhear a news report or conversation that quietly updated the backstory of the world around the characters, giving everything a persistent sense of progression. That helps make the setting feel more like a living, breathing world.

              2. [5]
                Link Parent
                Yes! I'm Sold! Can we make fun of the crazy notion of a mushroom network that holds the multiverse together while we're at it? Sadly, since I was very much not a fan of Discovery, I can't imagine...

                Yes! I'm Sold!

                Newer engines and non-Warp travel methods would be under heavy development (and probably not going all that well).

                Can we make fun of the crazy notion of a mushroom network that holds the multiverse together while we're at it? Sadly, since I was very much not a fan of Discovery, I can't imagine CBS writing anything as good as what you laid out here.

                2 votes
                1. [4]
                  Link Parent
                  Honestly, it was hokey as hell but I did enjoy watching it. At least they tried to do something creative there. I just can't get behind any Trek set in the past. Trek moves forward never backward....

                  Honestly, it was hokey as hell but I did enjoy watching it. At least they tried to do something creative there.

                  I just can't get behind any Trek set in the past. Trek moves forward never backward. That's the core of the franchise.

                  1. [3]
                    Link Parent
                    Discovery was kind of enjoyable at times ... in a least common denominator SF romp kind of way ... but it never really was Trek, and that's what I wanted. I agree that moving forward is the...

                    Discovery was kind of enjoyable at times ... in a least common denominator SF romp kind of way ... but it never really was Trek, and that's what I wanted. I agree that moving forward is the correct way to go, but there is a problem with power creep. Once the Federation has every capability we can imagine, they're no longer something 21st century humans can relate to. That's why I really like your idea of focusing on the notion of warp travel causing ecological damage.

                    2 votes
                    1. Amarok
                      Link Parent
                      That's also why I like the idea of the ship being a proto-science junkyard. There's probably a very good reason why most of those technologies never made it into production-land starfleet. All of...

                      That's also why I like the idea of the ship being a proto-science junkyard. There's probably a very good reason why most of those technologies never made it into production-land starfleet. All of them have risks, and aren't fully cooked.

                      The other way you balance out the tech is with energy. All that newer tech takes a lot of power, along the lines of only enough power to run one at a time for the fancy toys.

                      1 vote
                    2. Algernon_Asimov
                      Link Parent
                      Exactly. It would have been better if 'Discovery' hadn't been branded as "Star Trek", and instead been honest about being its own entity.

                      Discovery was kind of enjoyable at times ... in a least common denominator SF romp kind of way ... but it never really was Trek

                      Exactly. It would have been better if 'Discovery' hadn't been branded as "Star Trek", and instead been honest about being its own entity.

                      1 vote
              3. [2]
                Link Parent
                I regret asking, because it breaks my heart to know that this will never happen. I didn't get around to checking my notifications until right at bedtime, so I can't dissect your concept in detail...

                I regret asking, because it breaks my heart to know that this will never happen.

                I didn't get around to checking my notifications until right at bedtime, so I can't dissect your concept in detail right now, but I'll definitely geek out over this properly tomorrow.

                1 vote
                1. Amarok
                  Link Parent
                  That's only about a third of what's in my head. Triple nacelle design (or at least, something different than the double), functional trans-warp (though it has serious precision destination...

                  That's only about a third of what's in my head.

                  Triple nacelle design (or at least, something different than the double), functional trans-warp (though it has serious precision destination problems, you only get 'near' your destination and it's hard on the hull). Multiple warp cores, engineering section that's more lab/research than actual engineering. AI isn't telling them half of what's on the ship/what it can do, has trust issues. Combine the transporter/holodeck/replicator tech into precision matter-energy conversion, ship can regenerate itself. Transporter surgery beds. More nooks and hidden systems/compartments than you can suss out in ten seasons.

                  I want a Q crew member, John/Guinan can pass the torch, tagging along because the ship has an Omega power source hidden away and even prototype time travel capability (we are getting close to when the federation develops that tech after all). Seems pretty clear to me that the Q are to the Federation what the Federation is to fledgling members on individual planets. I'd go with a Q who is as much a renegade as the captain is, someone outside the continuum.

                  But we all know we'll just be getting NCIS in space. Such a waste.

                  3 votes
              4. [2]
                Link Parent
                Thanks for writing this! Very interesting. I'd love to see this come to life.

                Thanks for writing this! Very interesting. I'd love to see this come to life.

                1. Amarok
                  Link Parent
                  It's just my take on a flashy start. It definitely has room for improvement. If you want to really kick Star Trek up to its full potential, I'd form a panel of super-trekkies as showrunners...

                  It's just my take on a flashy start. It definitely has room for improvement.

                  If you want to really kick Star Trek up to its full potential, I'd form a panel of super-trekkies as showrunners (preferably with diverse views on what they want in their Trek), and invite the entire internet to write episodes. If one is accepted, fly them the author(s) out to meet the cast and be part of the filming.

                  The showrunners can weave all of that into a massive tapestry of episodes and hang that tapestry on the long-term story arc. We'd get more diversity and creativity out of that model than any prior scifi show has ever seen.

          2. [4]
            Link Parent
            <checks self for signs of life> Yes: me. I love TNG, warts and all.

            Did anyone alive enjoy the soap-opera crap that was shoehorned into TNG?

            <checks self for signs of life> Yes: me. I love TNG, warts and all.

            2 votes
            1. [3]
              Link Parent
              Man, I flinched every time Lwaxana appeared - flinched like I was punched in the face. Eesh. Btw, scroll up, you should read my war and peace pilot.

              Man, I flinched every time Lwaxana appeared - flinched like I was punched in the face. Eesh.

              Btw, scroll up, you should read my war and peace pilot.

              2 votes
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                I enjoyed Lwaxana! She was fun! It can't all be spatial anomalies and Borg.

                I enjoyed Lwaxana! She was fun! It can't all be spatial anomalies and Borg.

                1. Amarok
                  Link Parent
                  It did not work for me. Most of Worf's child-related stuff also did not work for me. Felt too daytime-soap opera. I'm all for drama and taking breaks from spatial anomalies and borg, but let's aim...

                  It did not work for me. Most of Worf's child-related stuff also did not work for me. Felt too daytime-soap opera. I'm all for drama and taking breaks from spatial anomalies and borg, but let's aim for a higher standard. Majel Barrett did just fine on B5 so I blame the writing. ;)

    3. [2]
      Link Parent
      Sorry! I deeply am. I only read the tweet no other details. I updated my tag at least...

      Sorry! I deeply am. I only read the tweet no other details. I updated my tag at least...

      1 vote
      1. Neverland
        Link Parent
        Don't be sorry! You made me google it more and find out. Thanks for the info. edit: oh, I see how my first statement above could have read like an admonishment. I was just excited, sorry for any...

        Don't be sorry! You made me google it more and find out. Thanks for the info.

        edit: oh, I see how my first statement above could have read like an admonishment. I was just excited, sorry for any confusion.

        1 vote
    4. [4]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Finally! I was not on board with Discovery due to it's characters, tone, and the era in which it was set in. I'm so-so on the JJTrek even though I'm sick of retreading old Trek eras and timelines...

      Finally! I was not on board with Discovery due to it's characters, tone, and the era in which it was set in. I'm so-so on the JJTrek even though I'm sick of retreading old Trek eras and timelines and have been hoping for a series set after TNG, DS9, and VOY. It's about time dammit.

      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        Problem is that setting a post-VOY is difficult since we've essentially become technological gods at that point, not the Borg or species 8472 are really a huge concern anymore. Short of trying to...

        Problem is that setting a post-VOY is difficult since we've essentially become technological gods at that point, not the Borg or species 8472 are really a huge concern anymore. Short of trying to figure out how to do a series on the temporal integrity division I'm not sure there is much further for them to go without looking like another Voyager/SGU series.

        Personally I would really like to see them base a series on a character that gets recruited into Section 31 at any stage up to DS9 era and struggingly to come to terms with the moral grey/ends justify the means area they operate in.

        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          This assumes that the show is about warfare and conflict - and, by overpowering the Federation, there's no scope for threats from warfare any more. Meanwhile, most of TNG showed us a Federation...

          Problem is that setting a post-VOY is difficult since we've essentially become technological gods at that point, not the Borg or species 8472 are really a huge concern anymore.

          This assumes that the show is about warfare and conflict - and, by overpowering the Federation, there's no scope for threats from warfare any more.

          Meanwhile, most of TNG showed us a Federation and Enterprise-D that did out-gun its antagonists (the Borg being just about the only exception to that), and that managed to provide 7 years of science fiction enjoyment to many of us.

          1 vote
          1. Amarok
            Link Parent
            The thing that's missing is weapons technology never stands still. The Federation gets better tech, so does everyone else, and it's always more interesting if it's unique technology with moral...

            The thing that's missing is weapons technology never stands still. The Federation gets better tech, so does everyone else, and it's always more interesting if it's unique technology with moral implications rather than just a boring 'bigger gun'. TNG handled that really, really well in episodes like "The Pegasus" and "Gambit."

  2. Fin
    (edited )
    edit for clarity, here is what his actual tweet says and below is what his longer thing says: It is an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to...

    edit for clarity, here is what his actual tweet says and below is what his longer thing says:

    It is an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Read my full statement in the photo. #StarTrek @cbsallaccess Photo: @shervinfoto

    If you can't read it for whatever reason, here is what he says in his tweet.


    2 votes
  3. [8]
    Do we know yet if it's going to be a reboot or a proper sequel to TNG? Really hope it's the latter, this constant reimagining of the TOS-era we've been stuck in for the past decade has really done...

    Do we know yet if it's going to be a reboot or a proper sequel to TNG? Really hope it's the latter, this constant reimagining of the TOS-era we've been stuck in for the past decade has really done nothing for me.

    1 vote
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      As I understand this breaking news, it is a proper TNG sequel. Admittedly that's only from my reading of:...

      As I understand this breaking news, it is a proper TNG sequel. Admittedly that's only from my reading of:

      Sir Patrick Stewart will reprise the role of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in a brand new “Star Trek” series on CBS All Access, Variety has learned.

      The exact plot details are being kept mostly under wraps, though the series is said to tell the story of the next chapter of Picard’s life. That indicates that it will take place after the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” rather than being a prequel or reboot.


      Could "...the series is said to tell the story of the next chapter of Picard’s life." mean anything else?

      2 votes
      1. Fin
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        again! sorry for posting it was a reboot. I feel I let all you trekies down

        again! sorry for posting it was a reboot. I feel I let all you trekies down

        1 vote
      2. [3]
        Link Parent
        Ah, the tweet OP linked didn't have that information. Good news then, this is the first time I've been excited for Trek in a long time!

        Ah, the tweet OP linked didn't have that information. Good news then, this is the first time I've been excited for Trek in a long time!

        1 vote
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Me too! I wonder if the success of The Orville had any influence on the development of this show.

          Me too! I wonder if the success of The Orville had any influence on the development of this show.

          1 vote
          1. Amarok
            Link Parent
            It probably triggered a panic attack in the CBS board room. I can promise you that it had nothing to do with any kind of intelligence or creativity on the part of the CBS executives. They are...

            It probably triggered a panic attack in the CBS board room. I can promise you that it had nothing to do with any kind of intelligence or creativity on the part of the CBS executives. They are literally the dumbest people in television and have proven that decade after decade. Everything they make is focus-group schlock.

            1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      It will apparently take place after TNG and Nemesis. The wording makes it seem like it won't really be TNG 2.0, but rather how Picard's life unfolds after retiring? Just a guess. Or perhaps as an...

      It will apparently take place after TNG and Nemesis.

      The exact plot details are being kept mostly under wraps, though the series is said to tell the story of the next chapter of Picard’s life. That indicates that it will take place after the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” rather than being a prequel or reboot.

      The wording makes it seem like it won't really be TNG 2.0, but rather how Picard's life unfolds after retiring? Just a guess. Or perhaps as an Ambassador?

      1 vote
      1. Algernon_Asimov
        Link Parent
        He'd be too young to retire. Given the seemingly longer lifespan of Humans (Leonard McCoy was over 130 years old when he met Data on Enterprise-D), it's more likely that this would be a second...

        rather how Picard's life unfolds after retiring?

        He'd be too young to retire. Given the seemingly longer lifespan of Humans (Leonard McCoy was over 130 years old when he met Data on Enterprise-D), it's more likely that this would be a second career of Picard's rather than post-retirement. Probably, as you say, his career as an Ambassador.

  4. EscReality
    I grew up watching TNG with my dad (as well as Voyager and DS9). I would be very excited to return to that universe.

    I grew up watching TNG with my dad (as well as Voyager and DS9).

    I would be very excited to return to that universe.

    1 vote
  5. [4]
    I'm a HUGE Trek fan. Old school, but like most of the stuff post-TOS. I'm not excited about this. Stewart is just too old to be a main character. He's 78 for pete's sake.

    I'm a HUGE Trek fan. Old school, but like most of the stuff post-TOS.

    I'm not excited about this. Stewart is just too old to be a main character. He's 78 for pete's sake.

    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Chenza at court, the court of silence. I think this could be very interesting. Picard is a brilliant character, and Stewart is a phenomenal actor. His role as Professor X in Logan was great, and...

      Chenza at court, the court of silence.

      I think this could be very interesting. Picard is a brilliant character, and Stewart is a phenomenal actor. His role as Professor X in Logan was great, and that was filmed in 2016. If the writing is good, and proper care is taken for the character, I think it has a lot of potential.

      2 votes
      1. Fin
        Link Parent
        Have totally forgot about Logan. Man what an awesome movie. I'm sure there will be threads but I'd like to know what I'd need to know about jean-luc if I were to watch the new star trek. Like...

        Have totally forgot about Logan. Man what an awesome movie. I'm sure there will be threads but I'd like to know what I'd need to know about jean-luc if I were to watch the new star trek. Like character episodes and such just not monster of the week.

        1 vote
    2. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      He doesn't have to be the main character. He could be an elder statesman and/or mentor. For example, he could be a semi-retired Ambassador, leading a diplomatic team to trouble spots. The team...

      He doesn't have to be the main character. He could be an elder statesman and/or mentor.

      For example, he could be a semi-retired Ambassador, leading a diplomatic team to trouble spots. The team would take the lead on resolving issues - leaving Ambassador Picard behind in his suite on board the USS Diplomacy, sipping tea (Earl Grey, hot) and giving advice at crucial points.

      1 vote
  6. Fin
    Thank you @Deimos for changing the topic. The news was breaking and no other stories were on it.

    Thank you @Deimos for changing the topic. The news was breaking and no other stories were on it.