TheJorro's recent activity

  1. Comment on CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Right, I supposed that there would have been a practice of testing it quickly on a batch of machines with a 1-3 hour window for approval before deploying it out wide. I think everyone has a story...

    Right, I supposed that there would have been a practice of testing it quickly on a batch of machines with a 1-3 hour window for approval before deploying it out wide. I think everyone has a story where a single typo caused an issue with a release at some point, this kind of thing can happen so it's good to have a just-in-case test step. It seems like dangerous practice to me to simply launch to all machines at once without a precursory test, which we're seeing the result of here.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah, every company I've been with built and deployed its own Windows patches. I believed this was the normal until this morning... Insane that CrowdStrike works by automatically and silently...

    Yeah, every company I've been with built and deployed its own Windows patches. I believed this was the normal until this morning...

    Insane that CrowdStrike works by automatically and silently updating all computers in an enterprise immediately. That's a huge red flag. There should always be a test batch.

    15 votes
  3. Comment on Computer monitors that are good for watching videos? in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    @ButteredToast is leading you down the right path. From your description in the OP and based on the specs you posted earlier, it seems your monitor is a TN panel. This is effectly an issue between...

    @ButteredToast is leading you down the right path. From your description in the OP and based on the specs you posted earlier, it seems your monitor is a TN panel.

    This is effectly an issue between your display panel technology and your environment. A lot of a screen's performance with brightness is dependent on the surrounding light level and how your eyes interpret that contrast.

    The advantages of a TN panel is that it is cheap to make and can have a high refresh rate. The disadvantage is bad colour accuracy and really, really narrow viewing angles. As in that's why your colours change so much as soon as you go a little bit off centre from the screen and it looks so much worse.

    Back in 2014, your only option for a high refresh rate was a TN panel. These days, it's very easy to find high refresh rates of all panel types.

    To keep it simple, shop for a monitor that uses an IPS display panel. IPS is known for colour accuracy and very good viewing angles, and it is also not a very costly panel type at all these days. You will usually find the panel type in the Specifications sections of any monitor product page, it is one of the most common factors consumers use to choose a monitor.

    The downside to IPS panels is what's called "backlight bleed" where the light layer behind the screen can bleed into dark scenes and make it a bit hard to discern what is on screen. If this is important to you, then you should consider a VA panel type. The viewing angles will not be as good as an IPS but you will have better dark images. You can also mitigate this by simply turning down the lights in your room (or turning them off entirely).

    Of course, if you want the best image quality and money is no object, then OLED or MicroLED is the way to go.

    Finally, about your GPU question: the GPU is irrelevant—even the computer is not relevant.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Canada cannot afford another lost economic decade in ~finance

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    His statements and voting record on LGBT matters, and his statements in and around trans matters should give a lot of pause. Also all the openly racist and neo-Nazi adjacent groups he's taken...

    Im not sure why youre worried about Poilievre as our new (almost guaranteed) PM.

    His statements and voting record on LGBT matters, and his statements in and around trans matters should give a lot of pause. Also all the openly racist and neo-Nazi adjacent groups he's taken meetings and photo-ops with. As much as others in this thread are saying "The Conservatives are not US Republicans", Pierre Polievre is acting and sounding like a MAGA type Republican when it comes to speaking about people he doesn't "approve" of and that should not be ignored, especially when he's also speaking out of the other side of his mouth about making Canada "the most free country" while actively working to limit the freedoms of marginalized groups. This alone should give everyone some deep distrust in his ability to lead Canada unless anti-LGBT policies, anti-trans policies, and open racism is the goal.

    Then there are the outright lies and pointed language he has employed when speaking about the CBC to tarnish its reputation, all because it is the only remaining major news publication not owned by a Conservative-backing conglomerate. This particular politicking is lifted wholesale from Steve Bannon's playbook.

    And yes, I know there's a recent article about him going against a CPC caucus member openly saying they'll introduce a bill to repeal same-sex marriage and restrict abortion, but then there's also videos of him promoting "gay people are groomers" arguments just last year. Forgive me if I don't take a populist at their (most recent) word.

    Ignoring Pierre Polievere and the current makeup of the Conservative Party of Canada and pointing to historical performance is disingenuous. It's basically the same argumentation applied to the incoming Trump administration in 2016; that the political party is much bigger than the head and they won't change direction all that much. Except all those acclaimed elder statesmen are gone, replaced by a new generation of populists who rule by sentiment and edict rather than foresight and information. The Conservatives of today are not the Conservatives of yesteryear, just as the Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesteryear. Of course, the CPCs aren't nearly as bad as the Tea Party cum MAGA infested Republicans but it's not a different enough situation either.

    Look no further than Ontario for proof. We've been under a populist Conservative government who have not had a policy plan for over 6 years and everything has gotten much worse much faster than ever before. In fact, a lot of your data contrasting Alberta with the "east" is a direct consequence of our Conservative government. The Ontario Progressive Conservative party is not the party of Davis or even Harris anymore. And our Minister of Finance has an MBA. So did the one before him. And the one before that one also studied in business. It clearly did not help since Ontario is now in worse financial trouble than ever before, despite all the kowtowing to corporate and business interests.

    7 votes
  5. Comment on Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree embargo lifted in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's true but I've always found I needed multiple passes at these games to get most of the whole picture. The broad strokes fill in from the first pass but there are so many subtle but significant...

    It's true but I've always found I needed multiple passes at these games to get most of the whole picture. The broad strokes fill in from the first pass but there are so many subtle but significant implications to be found not just in the item descriptions but the placement of them. It's easy to miss the significance of an item in a particular place within your first couple of hours in one of these games.

    The environmental storytelling is second to none at this point but the downside of that is that it requires a player to be more familiar with what is happening than they would on their first playthrough, where the concerns are more about figuring out the game and wondering what is around the next corner.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree embargo lifted in ~games

    Link Parent
    I wouldn't say Elden Ring is for hardcore players (it turned out to have surprisingly large mass appeal) but it is very much about the challenge of getting good at the gameplay mechanics. It also...

    I wouldn't say Elden Ring is for hardcore players (it turned out to have surprisingly large mass appeal) but it is very much about the challenge of getting good at the gameplay mechanics. It also has a ton of bosses (most of them are just dungeon bosses) but it's not as focused on the bosses as other Souls games.

    There's very little levity and a lot of that takes the form of black humour. The story is rich (the lore is written by George RR Martin) but it's also not told in a straightforward or even complete way. There is no mechanical relationship building with other characters in any of these games (beyond following a questline).

    In many ways, it is on the other end of the spectrum to all those other RPG games. These games are very much gameplay-focused first and foremost. I don't even think it's possible to fully glean the story without either a lot of research on wikis and YouTube, or playing through these games multiple times.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on The Ten Commandments must be displayed in all public Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law in ~humanities

    A fun school activity to teach kids about the Ten Commandments would be to match up Lousianian politicians to the Commandments they've broken. #6 is going to take a while.

    A fun school activity to teach kids about the Ten Commandments would be to match up Lousianian politicians to the Commandments they've broken. #6 is going to take a while.

    63 votes
  8. Comment on Iceland wants to switch up its tourism tax to protect nature – and fight overtourism in ~travel

    Link Parent
    I think you've underestimated how much effort it would take a country like Iceland to enforce something like gating people from nature. This is a country where you just pull off at the side of any...

    I think you've underestimated how much effort it would take a country like Iceland to enforce something like gating people from nature. This is a country where you just pull off at the side of any road and go hiking.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Steam Business Update - Update on the Steam Platform, features, and global trends in ~games

    Link Parent
    I doubt Steam Input is a factor in controller use one way or another. Steam Input is not something most users ever have to interact with or even think about. They plug in an Xbox controller and...

    I doubt Steam Input is a factor in controller use one way or another. Steam Input is not something most users ever have to interact with or even think about. They plug in an Xbox controller and go. That stat is just their way of tracking if a controller is used or not.

    It's certainly not a barrier to controller use. If anything, it allows for more instances of controller use than it prevents (if it prevents any controller use at all).

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Nebula strikes deal with Spotify to stream video content in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    FD Signifier has become a regular name in the video essay community within a few short years for good reason. He's an elder Black millenial with a sociological background and used to be a...

    FD Signifier has become a regular name in the video essay community within a few short years for good reason. He's an elder Black millenial with a sociological background and used to be a children's educator, so he brings unique takes from an underserved community and experience to cover subjects in ways nobody else is. His videos on Black figures like Dave Chappelle, Kanye, and Will Smith are unique because he covers them with lenses nobody else is (or can use). But he also covers subjects that I've never seen anyone else cover, like Black love, the normalized sexual abuse of young Black boys, how the NFL is not serving Black communities like it should, and more.

    He's been getting and making guest appearances with all kinds of other big names in the scene already, including getting a rare Lindsay Ellis contribution. And he seems to know he's a gateway Black creator for many people as the algorithm does not serve marginalized creators as much, so he always refers to and elevates other creators in that space.

    21 votes
  11. Comment on GoG - Cloud Saves files that exceed the default allocation limit (200 MB per game) will be deleted after August 31st, 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    It will be a bigger deal for Baldur's Gate 3 (or Divinity Original Sin 2) players since Larian game saves take up a ton more space over a lot less saves, and people seem to have quite a few saves...

    It will be a bigger deal for Baldur's Gate 3 (or Divinity Original Sin 2) players since Larian game saves take up a ton more space over a lot less saves, and people seem to have quite a few saves for those games.

    Also the Witcher 3 (a CDPR game) doesn't overwrite quicksaves, and they do a full state save each time, so a save folder for that game can be many gigabytes big as well.

    8 votes
  12. Comment on Nearly 80% of Americans say fast food is now a luxury because it’s become so expensive in ~food

    Link Parent
    That works out fine in dense urban areas where there are eateries everywhere you look. In small towns (which is the vast majority of Canada, geographically), the fast food places are often still...

    That works out fine in dense urban areas where there are eateries everywhere you look. In small towns (which is the vast majority of Canada, geographically), the fast food places are often still the only places around or open at certain times of day. For example, here in Ontario, we have a series of highway rest stops called "ONroutes" and the only options they have are fast food chains.

    When I drove through upstate NY a couple of years ago, every rest stop was literally a McDonalds. As Canadians, we were hoping to stop for lunch at a roadside diner but there wasn't a single one in that 8 hour drive. Only McDonalds, much to our surprise. And the cost of the meal (especially after the CAD to USD conversion) was more than we'd pay for a sit-down meal at a quality restaurant back in Canada.

    Fast food has a firm grasp on prime locations all around the continent unfortunately. Even with the high prices, they'll still see a lot of business simply because they're the only option in many circumstances.

    7 votes
  13. Comment on Nearly 80% of Americans say fast food is now a luxury because it’s become so expensive in ~food

    (edited )
    I used to eat Subway sandwiches whenever I had to get fast food. CA$8 for a foot-long sandwich (in the late 2010s)? Fine. It used to be CA$5 but that was back in the late 2000's. It wasn't...

    I used to eat Subway sandwiches whenever I had to get fast food. CA$8 for a foot-long sandwich (in the late 2010s)? Fine. It used to be CA$5 but that was back in the late 2000's. It wasn't something I really loved doing, as Subway always left me feeling somewhat dissatisfied even if I felt physically sated. The super low quality ingredients only go so far. But as far as fast food goes, it's fine.

    Now that same sandwich costs CA$14. Meanwhile, two minutes away, there is an Italian bakery that makes everything in-house and uses quality (i.e. real) Italian cold cuts and meats and actual cheese. It's not a foot-long sandwich but it fills me up just as much and leaves me satisfied in a way Subway never has. They also charge CA$14 for their sandwich. So why the hell would I ever buy that Subway sandwich now?

    I think the key point of this article is specifically that 78% of people now say that fast food is a luxury item. As the article notes:

    The results make clear, regardless of the context, that most Americans now see fast food as a luxury. That’s a new phenomenon. Yes, there have always been groups of Americans who might have viewed fast food that way because of their financial struggles. However, for the vast majority of Americans to feel that way seems like a significant cultural shift, and a troubling sign.

    This should be a crisis point for the fast food industry. The gap between "make food at home" and "luxury food" was supposed to be where fast food neatly slotted in. It should not be in luxury territory because the luxury food market is something else entirely and they cannot compete with it by nature of being fast food. I consider that Italian bakery sandwich to be a luxury (it's a $14 sandwich!). But I get top quality ingredients and assembly for that price. Fast food is the antithesis of luxury food, and many won't stomach paying luxury prices for it when they could get a better, healthier meal for the same price from better places.

    18 votes
  14. Comment on Games where the campaign serves as the tutorial? in ~games

    Link Parent
    This could apply to the classic sort of Capcom design in general, notably the games with chapters where you get a ranking at the end of each one. A lot of their older games had this approach,...

    This could apply to the classic sort of Capcom design in general, notably the games with chapters where you get a ranking at the end of each one. A lot of their older games had this approach, including almost the entire Resident Evil series including the modern titles. It wasn't as integral to the design in all of them as it was to the DMC series but they all had some degree of it, and it made for some very replayable games especially since they let you unlock bigger and better weapons or abilities that you do not get in the first playthrough.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Box office: ‘Furiosa’ just barely beats ‘The Garfield Movie’ in disastrous Memorial Day weekend — the worst in decades in ~movies

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    This statment relies on quite a few assumptions to be true: that writers rooms were all somehow meritocracies with only the best of the best when they were mostly white men to introduce diversity...

    Rather than one writer with a great idea that everyone is willing to bet on, every film has to pass through five different teams of writers selected more for their diversity hire value than their raw talent, education, and most importantly life experience. Writers that have never left their basement haven't got anything worth writing about. Making movies like we had in the 90s isn't possible because everyone is too politically correct in these institutions to allow something genuinely racy to get out there anymore.

    This statment relies on quite a few assumptions to be true:

    28 votes
  16. Comment on I ate the Subway Footlong Cookie so you don’t have to in ~food

    Link Parent
    I don't hate it but their tomato sauce is the only thing I've ever eaten that has a 100% chance of giving me heartburn. And I'm an adventurous eater with no food restrictions or dietary...

    I don't hate it but their tomato sauce is the only thing I've ever eaten that has a 100% chance of giving me heartburn. And I'm an adventurous eater with no food restrictions or dietary limitations, I've eaten all kinds of things.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on What could be Microsoft's larger game plan or agenda with CoPilot? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    You cannot get good answers from human beings even with direct experience in those things. At some point, it's on the user to have reasonable expectations for the capabilities and purposes of the...

    You cannot get good answers from human beings even with direct experience in those things. At some point, it's on the user to have reasonable expectations for the capabilities and purposes of the tools they use.

    8 votes
  18. Comment on Just bought Philips SHP9500 headphones and am underwhelmed in ~music

    Link Parent
    It's a bit odd. What you describe sounds like problems from underdriven headphones, and yet these are apparently only 32 ohms of resistance. If you have access to something with a bigger amp, like...

    It's a bit odd. What you describe sounds like problems from underdriven headphones, and yet these are apparently only 32 ohms of resistance.

    If you have access to something with a bigger amp, like a computer or a record player or something, see if you can spot a difference.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on EA is looking at putting in-game ads in AAA games — 'We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that,' says CEO in ~games

    Link Parent
    I think you've mixed up EA and Activision. EA's been looking for a COD-level hit for a long time.

    I think you've mixed up EA and Activision. EA's been looking for a COD-level hit for a long time.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on Outdoor time is good for your kids' eyesight. Here's why. in ~health

    Link Parent
    From what I gleaned from my optometrist, the key is in not letting your eyes settle to one focal distance as "default". Something as little as looking off 20 ft. away every 15-20 minutes is enough...

    From what I gleaned from my optometrist, the key is in not letting your eyes settle to one focal distance as "default". Something as little as looking off 20 ft. away every 15-20 minutes is enough to "exercise" your eyes. I spend most of my days in front of screens one way or the other, so I've established a habit of looking off at different things around my home or office.

    11 votes