Tom_Richardson's recent activity

  1. Comment on How do I move past nihilistic depression? in ~talk

    If I were to guess, I’d say you’re not doing what you want to be doing with your life. Figure out what you want to do, and go do it.

    If I were to guess, I’d say you’re not doing what you want to be doing with your life. Figure out what you want to do, and go do it.

  2. Comment on Tilders, would you describe yourselves as an extrovert or an introvert? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I really respect this level of integrity and commitment to the conversation.

    I really respect this level of integrity and commitment to the conversation.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Tilders, would you describe yourselves as an extrovert or an introvert? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I think I relate to what you've described. I describe myself as an extrovert with social anxiety. This often causes me to want to avoid social interactions, a desire completely at odds with my...

    I think I relate to what you've described. I describe myself as an extrovert with social anxiety. This often causes me to want to avoid social interactions, a desire completely at odds with my general desire to be around others. It's frustrating.

    I'm working on the underlying thought patterns that result in the anxiety, and hopeful that I'll be able to reduce some if not all of this tension over time.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Antifa clashes with police and journalists in Charlottesville and DC in ~news

    Link Parent
    I can see the fairness of violence for violence, eye for an eye, and I can see its efficacy in reducing harm - to an extent - but I can’t find restitution in it. Honor yes, and vengeance, but not...

    I can see the fairness of violence for violence, eye for an eye, and I can see its efficacy in reducing harm - to an extent - but I can’t find restitution in it. Honor yes, and vengeance, but not order or remorse or redemption. Hate and violence are the maladaptive beliefs and behaviors of those who already feel rejected and abandoned, who are entangled in a dysfunctional social group, and who act out through addiction to rage. Hate is disarmed by empathy, not by violence.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on The James Webb Space Telescope and NASA's culture of optimism in ~space

    Link Parent
    Good call. We’ve attempted to back into something like this by looking at a couple of years of staffing history. Vacations, sick time, training, hiring, new babies, bereavement, unfulfilled...

    Good call. We’ve attempted to back into something like this by looking at a couple of years of staffing history. Vacations, sick time, training, hiring, new babies, bereavement, unfulfilled new-hire hopes - it goes on and on. EOD, it’s really not possible to predict real work hours exactly when a team is small, so it’s best to just assume it will all happen and plan accordingly. It’s not “padding” - it’s wise.

  6. Comment on The James Webb Space Telescope and NASA's culture of optimism in ~space

    Link Parent
    I’ve shared your post here with our dev lead, he had a hearty, bittersweet laugh and agreed your analysis is spot on. Thank you for your thoughtful response, it’s been helpful for me and our team...

    I’ve shared your post here with our dev lead, he had a hearty, bittersweet laugh and agreed your analysis is spot on. Thank you for your thoughtful response, it’s been helpful for me and our team as we work on improving our own processes.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on The James Webb Space Telescope and NASA's culture of optimism in ~space

    Link Parent
    If you were an engineer, how would you remedy this? I work on the product side, and we develop our effort estimates together with our dev teams, acknowledging up front that the figures aren’t...

    If you were an engineer, how would you remedy this? I work on the product side, and we develop our effort estimates together with our dev teams, acknowledging up front that the figures aren’t perfect. We developed this process having already gone together through the hell you so aptly describe, none of us wanting to continue that cycle - from the execs to the PO, PM, engineers, and analysts. Would love to hear thoughts on other approaches.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - thoughts about the site's activity level in ~tildes.official

    My contribution level on all social platforms has been waning for some time. My usual pattern: post less while continuing to comment, eventually comment less, and then visit only infrequently....

    My contribution level on all social platforms has been waning for some time. My usual pattern: post less while continuing to comment, eventually comment less, and then visit only infrequently. I’ve gone so far as to leave some services all together. I got excited again when Tildes fired up, but quickly slacked off. I like participating on here in my real identity, but find I’m not versed adequately in most topics to contribute, and generally find contributions from poorly versed users, especially myself, to be lame.

    It’s been mentioned elsewhere, but it’d be nice on ask.tildes threads like this one to not have to scroll quite so far to create a top-level response. It feels dismissive and therefore scummy to scroll past folks’ contributions so as not to lose one’s train of thought.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Crop circle reveals ancient ‘henge’ monument buried in Ireland in ~humanities.history

  10. Comment on The evolution of YA: Young adult fiction, explained (feat. Lindsay Ellis) | It's lit! in ~books

    Have long felt Ender’s Game belongs in this category as well as Science Fiction. Are there examples of sci-fi YA - whether officially categorized as YA or not - that come to mind for anyone here...

    Have long felt Ender’s Game belongs in this category as well as Science Fiction. Are there examples of sci-fi YA - whether officially categorized as YA or not - that come to mind for anyone here as recommended? Hunger Games and Divergent were featured in the OP.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on We hired a man and a "girl" in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Black adult males in America were often called “Boy” by white folk, regardless of their name or age, when in a service role and just out and about. This would be applied to children and elderly...

    Black adult males in America were often called “Boy” by white folk, regardless of their name or age, when in a service role and just out and about. This would be applied to children and elderly men and all in between. Today it’s a functional equivalent of “n****r”.

    12 votes
  12. Comment on Public access Unix systems, another alternative social environment in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Effortful participation and contribution? I would think so. But what about effortful application and initiation? These things are expected and provided for in human societies - some to healthier...

    Effortful participation and contribution? I would think so. But what about effortful application and initiation? These things are expected and provided for in human societies - some to healthier extents than those of others - where thriving and obtaining community satisfaction and sustainability are the aim.

    I don’t know by what test users would be expected to prove themselves, or that I would even pass it. I know this opinion might be controversial, and I’ve no intent of stirring up animosity.

    I got very into ‘privacy’ tech like Tails distros and Onion routing for journalists, and felt that it was useful, challenging, and edifying to learn how. This entailed what I would describe as rather effortful research for some obscure misalignments between development for such projects and my Macintosh hardware. Additionally I feel strongly that I was able to learn some of what I needed to know only through engaging in some forums. I’d say the same of my learning the tools behind Bitcoin, regretting only that I did not buy more.

    Such goals can also be met, to some extent, through community challenges such as the programming ones already going on here.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Priests won't comply with law: SA church in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    Sure thing. Some background:
    2 votes
  14. Comment on Priests won't comply with law: SA church in ~humanities

    Here's the core of the Bishop's defense for this position: And a bit of background on the good bishop's position within the church: I question what the man considers to be the nature of his...

    Here's the core of the Bishop's defense for this position:

    "Politicians can change the law, but we can't change the nature of the confessional, which is a sacred encounter between a penitent and someone seeking forgiveness and a priest representing Christ," Bishop Greg O'Kelly told ABC Radio Adelaide on Friday.

    And a bit of background on the good bishop's position within the church:

    A bishop (English derivation from the New Testament of the Christian Bible Greek επίσκοπος, epískopos, "overseer", "guardian") is an ordained, consecrated, or appointed member of the Christian clergy who is generally entrusted with a position of authority and oversight. Wikipedia

    I question what the man considers to be the nature of his calling. One might expect that it is to shepherd the flock, especially the most vulnerable among his sheep. Instead, we find him subverting this role and serving rather the rules of his priestly class. This is as pharisaic as it gets: neglecting the due process, care, and healing owed a child in favor of keeping the tradition of the priests.

    If the confession must stay what it is, then the church must make a policy change: Notice to confessors, going forward, all confessions of child abuse will be reported to the authorities; your participation in confession is an acknowledgement that this reporting will take place and constitutes your permission for this reporting. No other aspects of confession are subject to this reporting.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Priests won't comply with law: SA church in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    I believe the user means US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

    I believe the user means US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - general feedback/questions in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    Is that thread, or rather it’s topic question, something that can be brought up again when these systems are in place? I likewise think it should have been left open, despite having not yet found...

    Is that thread, or rather it’s topic question, something that can be brought up again when these systems are in place? I likewise think it should have been left open, despite having not yet found grounds on which to agree with OP’s proposal, and am curious about whether trying again may be allowed.

  17. Comment on Does/Could Tildes make an effort to recruit minority voices? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Joke's on you, I already don't floss, just ask my dentist! Kidding aside, I've never thought about it before, and a quick search does indeed indicate that self-flossing is ineffective. I probably...

    Joke's on you, I already don't floss, just ask my dentist!

    Kidding aside, I've never thought about it before, and a quick search does indeed indicate that self-flossing is ineffective. I probably won't stop, because food in-between my teeth is annoying.

    That said, I don't really understand the comparison here and I'm confused, as by introducing a situation where evidence-based studies are used to suggest that a behavior should be discontinued, you appear to be making the argument (though I'm unclear on your motivations for introducing this flossing line of argument) that we should choose our behaviors / systems regardless of the available evidence.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Does/Could Tildes make an effort to recruit minority voices? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    If you're making a the assertion that I've attempted to sideline this discussion by admitting my own ignorance and asking for information so that I can be better informed, despite the fact that...

    If you're making a the assertion that I've attempted to sideline this discussion by admitting my own ignorance and asking for information so that I can be better informed, despite the fact that I've gone out of my way to be clear that I don't oppose your idea, I really wish you'd just come out and just say so.

    As it is, this comes off very much backhanded, and I don't appreciate it at all.

    4 votes
  19. Comment on Does/Could Tildes make an effort to recruit minority voices? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    No, there's a dearth of studies in this area, as highlighted by our present exchange.

    No, there's a dearth of studies in this area, as highlighted by our present exchange.

  20. Comment on Does/Could Tildes make an effort to recruit minority voices? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    A community forum is inherently different than an organization like a business, club, or government, all of which exist to accomplish defined goals that, to my knowledge, don't include...

    A community forum is inherently different than an organization like a business, club, or government, all of which exist to accomplish defined goals that, to my knowledge, don't include high-quality discussion for its own sake.

    Thanks for the improved search query. None of the results in the first page are applicable, and the closest in topic or theme among those were all from 2003/2004 and talked about the potential of community on the internet. As we're well beyond that point now, I filtered to 2014 and later, and in the first few pages of results, this is the only applicable one:

    Which indicates that context collapse, which occurs when users are aware of a diverse audience for their posts/comments, is positively correlated with both sharing and reading news. Possible conclusions one might draw are that a community should promote context collapse by increasing diversity of viewpoints, and should avoid creating minority-focused groups/sub-communities where context collapse is mediated or eliminated all together - if the goal is to increase the sharing and reading of news, which is admittedly a limited goal.

    So far my takeaway is that there's not enough academic insight to support this move. Nor is there any that would indicate opposition is warranted, except perhaps (a very slim, unreliable perhaps) that it's warranted to oppose to identity-focused groups.

    On the subject of support vs opposition, I'll again emphasize that I choose neither at this junction, instead choosing to stand aside, neither supporting nor opposing, while encouraging additional research, discover, and discussion. One consideration for research is that specific, measurable goals should be set for such inclusion, for example:

    After ___ months, we expect to see a positive outcome of ___% fewer minority-hostile comments, and a ___% increase in highly-voted minority-focused content.

    So we need a starting point, a goal, and a way to say whether it's working if we do it.

    4 votes