dozens's recent activity

  1. Comment on How do you journal? in ~talk

    For a work/personal log, day planning, and getting stuff done, I use a bullet journal like approach, and have found that a physical notebook works best. For actually journalling, which I see as a...

    For a work/personal log, day planning, and getting stuff done, I use a bullet journal like approach, and have found that a physical notebook works best.

    For actually journalling, which I see as a distinctly different exercise, I also use a notebook and pen, and use the following method:

  2. Comment on Any Tilde Town members here? in ~tech

    Link is my primary "social media". it's where i do the majority of my socializing and interacting with people. i've made some very good friends there over the years. it is an absurdly... is my primary "social media". it's where i do the majority of my socializing and interacting with people. i've made some very good friends there over the years.

    it is an absurdly welcoming and creative community. it has always attracted healthy mix of techy and non-techy people. it's a wonderful melting pot. and it is quite productive too: it has an annual zine currently on its 6th issue, a couple of albums on bandcamp, lots of nifty little programs on town, a podcast, and plenty of other collaborative projects.

    check it out!

    EDIT: tildetown stuff

    a slew of other resources for the greater tilde community can be found at tildeverse:

    9 votes
  3. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yes! I think I still have chrono trigger for the DS. Excellent game. I also have Yoshi's Island. I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the req!

    Yes! I think I still have chrono trigger for the DS. Excellent game.

    I also have Yoshi's Island. I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the req!

    2 votes
  4. Comment on Radio streams! I need more. in ~music

  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Retro SNES: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past -- still one of the best games of all time. Most of the way through it at this point. Super delightful. Possibly the most metroidvania game of all...

    Retro SNES:

    • Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past -- still one of the best games of all time. Most of the way through it at this point. Super delightful. Possibly the most metroidvania game of all games. Also at times still really challenging. I've gotten to read ancient walkthroughs for a couple sections.

    • Super Mario World -- this one is actually really fun. My partner had an SNES growing up and I didn't, and they are an expert at this game, and this is the only time in our lives when they have been better at a game than me. So it's been super fun to have them, a non-gamer, teach me about a game.

    • Super Metroid -- this game was way too hard and too scary for me as a kid. It's really fun to play it now and be good at it and enjoy it. It's so atmospheric.

    • Donkey Kong Country -- i remember this game having cutting edge graphics when it came out. It still looks pretty good! And still has exceptional two-player capabilities.

    5 votes
  6. Comment on The elaborate con that tricked dozens into working for a fake design agency in ~life

    aw shit

    aw shit

    1 vote
  7. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Link Parent
    Your mileage may vary. The parts of this book that are like, "Don's say anything negative about people", and "Learn people's names" are nice. But the "Influence People" bits came across as so...

    Your mileage may vary. The parts of this book that are like, "Don's say anything negative about people", and "Learn people's names" are nice. But the "Influence People" bits came across as so manipulative and horrible.

    7 votes
  8. Comment on How do you manage your digital notes? in ~life

    Plain text + git, and a github wiki

    Plain text + git, and a github wiki

    3 votes
  9. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

  10. Comment on All Good Things… (Leaving Mozilla) in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I thought Brave was pretty widely regarded to be a crypto scam.

    I thought Brave was pretty widely regarded to be a crypto scam.

    28 votes
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~music

    I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite songs. It's kind of simple and straightforward, but it does it for me. Never seen the video before, thanks for sharing.

    I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite songs. It's kind of simple and straightforward, but it does it for me.

    Never seen the video before, thanks for sharing.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Be sure to read the next installments. I was skeptical at first, but they go really neat places.

    Be sure to read the next installments. I was skeptical at first, but they go really neat places.

    8 votes
  13. Comment on The Refreshments - Banditos (1996) in ~music

    This was one of my favorite albums for quite a long time. It is amazingly good.

    This was one of my favorite albums for quite a long time. It is amazingly good.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on What book(s) would you recommend to someone who doesn't read, and why? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Thanks @muh_tilde for making me relive that particular horror 😱

    And Guts really sucked me in lol

    Thanks @muh_tilde for making me relive that particular horror 😱

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Dream journal thread in ~talk

    When covid happened I started having really vivid dreams, and started writing them down:

    When covid happened I started having really vivid dreams, and started writing them down:

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Announcing TypeScript 4.0 in ~comp

    Link Parent
    May I introduce you to deno, the next generation JS/TS runtime?

    It doesn't have its own runtime, for one.

    May I introduce you to deno, the next generation JS/TS runtime?

    3 votes
  17. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I haven't read this one yet, but want to some day. I remember seeing a funny thread on reddit recently where somebody got this book and fell for the gag and thought they got an abridged version,...

    I haven't read this one yet, but want to some day. I remember seeing a funny thread on reddit recently where somebody got this book and fell for the gag and thought they got an abridged version, and sent it back. I think they sent it back a second time before they caught on 🤣

    A second pillar of my childhood whose book I did read recently is The Never Ending Story, which turned out to be incredibly disappointing. The whole movie takes first in the first half of the book. And in part 2, Bastion just kind of stomps around Fantasia being an asshole to everybody. One of the very few books that I wish I'd never read. The movie was far better.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    (edited )
    I recently wrapped up seasons of a couple shows I've been watching: edit: added spoiler tags Stranger Things Season 3 Finally went back and finished up season three. It was okay. Billy was a great...

    I recently wrapped up seasons of a couple shows I've been watching:
    edit: added spoiler tags

    Stranger Things Season 3

    Finally went back and finished up season three. It was okay. Billy was a great villain. I liked how they sniped El's powers so she's not such a deus ex machina all the time. The entire Russian thing was so over the top 1980s red scare that is was kind of farcical and distracting. Weirdly nationalistic. Hooper's ending was very unexpected! It was pretty good, nothing sensational. I don't know if I'll go out of my way to continue watching season 4. Season 1 was amazing. Season 2 struggled to compete. and Season 3 was just pretty good.

    Cursed Season 1

    Finished Cursed the other night. It was good, I liked it. On the one hand, it's kind of like, oh another retelling of the Arthurian legend? But on the other hand, it was really well done! Outstanding final scene. Couldn't hate Iris more. The most petulant, punchable face. Started to see some leadership from Arthur the conman, so it was good to see him start to kind of come into his own. Merlin getting his magic back was as epic as I had hoped it would be. Didn't really feel Nimway's corruption that much, but her fall was tragic. Loved the final seen between Gawain and Percivel. Powerful. Five stars.

    Umbrella Academy Season 2

    So friggin good! Season 1 was awesome, and season 2 was just as good. Diego and Klaus and Alison all looking so good with long hair. Vanya grappling with her memories and coming into her own. Cool time travel shenanigans. Expanding of powers: vanya, hello. The season long promise for No. 5 to learn micro scale time jumps. Hated Lila when I met her, but ended up being a delight. Hargreaves. The Swedes. Carmichael. The Handler. Just all so, so good.

    I actually have, since watching, made a D&D character based on Klaus from this season: a reluctant/apologetic hedonistic irresponsible cult leader.

    3 votes
  19. Comment on Axios: President Trump exclusive interview (full episode) in ~news

    Link Parent
    He inherited this belief from his dad, who learned it from Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking in the 1950s: The same passage says "Fred wasn’t a reader, but it was impossible...

    He inherited this belief from his dad, who learned it from Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking in the 1950s:

    Anticipating the prosperity gospel, Peale’s doctrine proclaimed that you need only self-confidence in order to prosper in the way God wants you to. “[O]bstacles are simply not permitted to destroy your happiness and well-being. You need be defeated only if you are willing to be,” Peale wrote. That view neatly confirmed what Fred already thought: he was rich because he deserved to be. “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities!… A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but self-confidence leads to self-realization and successful achievement.” Self-doubt wasn’t part of Fred’s makeup, and he never considered the possibility of his own defeat. As Peale also wrote, “It is appalling to realize the number of pathetic people who are hampered and made miserable by the malady popularly called the inferiority complex.”

    Peale’s proto–prosperity gospel actually complemented the scarcity mentality Fred continued to cling to. For him, it was not “the more you have, the more you can give.” It was “the more you have, the more you have.” Financial worth was the same as self-worth, monetary value was human value. The more Fred Trump had, the better he was. If he gave something to someone else, that person would be worth more and he less. He would pass that attitude on to Donald in spades.

    - Too Much And Never Enough, Mary Trump

    The same passage says "Fred wasn’t a reader, but it was impossible not to know about Peale’s wildly popular bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking. The title alone was enough for Fred..." So not reading is probably a habit and/or disability that Fred passed on to Donald as well.

    12 votes
  20. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    These are my sleep tips. Leading up to sleep: No caffeine. (Ever, ideally. But definitely avoid the afternoon bump. Take a 30 - 40 minute siesta instead.) No eating before sleep No alcohol before...

    These are my sleep tips.

    Leading up to sleep:

    • No caffeine. (Ever, ideally. But definitely avoid the afternoon bump. Take a 30 - 40 minute siesta instead.)
    • No eating before sleep
    • No alcohol before sleep
    • No screens before sleep
    • Lower the bed temperature (I throw a couple ice packs under the comforter if it's warm)
    • Ritual: I like having a cup of sleepy time tea and reading a book for a while

    When trying to sleep:

    3 votes