eyybby's recent activity

  1. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    This is something that always kind of annoys me. I think that US centric discourse and assumptions have caused huge amounts of problems in the world. People assume all parts of American culture...

    This is something that always kind of annoys me. I think that US centric discourse and assumptions have caused huge amounts of problems in the world. People assume all parts of American culture and perspectives when really it's caused more harm than good in my opinion.

    There's a lot more of the world outside of America, and with the US being the mess that it is, I feel it's time to consider dropping the US-centric focus to everyday conversation.

    This isn't an attack on you whatsoever. Just something that frustrates me a little any time I see it.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Replacing (potentially) insensitive terminology in programming in ~comp

    Link Parent
    So related to your first point, virtue signalling is very much a thing in my opinion. We can definitely disagree on how pervasive it might or mightn't be, but it is commonly seen. The most clear...

    So related to your first point, virtue signalling is very much a thing in my opinion. We can definitely disagree on how pervasive it might or mightn't be, but it is commonly seen. The most clear and simple example is every year how companies change their logos to reflect Pride months and yet have poor workplace policies for LGBT+ staff. Here is a prime example from this year of something I'd consider virtue signalling. I view it as a specific form of hypocrisy and intent. I amn't accusing people suggesting changing terminology are disingenuous.

    That is a problem, and I refuse to let people confuse the issue with this.

    Related to this. I really couldn't agree with you more that if people aren't free to behave as they wish and able to express themselves however they choose to, that's a huge issue. It is the biggest issue in the field. That's the issue I feel needs to be tackled. Ultimately, I don't think changing very specific, niche things (like master being the reference to the main branch of code in git) is tackling the issue. I think that is in fact confusing the issue as you said. There are plenty of broken employment policies, broken company policies, code of conducts that need improving and updating, and plenty of education to take place. Getting everyone to change a branch name is not going to affect much change on those things and I feel that they are much more beneficial.

    8 votes
  3. Comment on Replacing (potentially) insensitive terminology in programming in ~comp

    So this topic seems to bubble up every few months but I wonder what the ~tildes community in general feels about it. I'll give my overall viewpoint and then thoughts on the specifics of the...

    So this topic seems to bubble up every few months but I wonder what the ~tildes community in general feels about it. I'll give my overall viewpoint and then thoughts on the specifics of the article.

    I want the programming community and every project within it to be open and accepting of everyone. I think it is the responsibility of everyone in the community to actively work to make it more inclusive and diverse, and this should take the form of proactive action whenever possible and listening and responding thoughtfully to any critique. In general, I think the programming community is quite aware of its issues and has taken good measures to improve the state of tech long term. There is certainly a ways to go, but compared to other industries, programming is ahead of the curve in my opinion.

    Related to this specific article, if people are triggered by certain terms or they are acting as a barrier for people to be involved in the programming community, then for sure. Lets find replacements. I understand the issues with master/slave and think that we should most likely deprecate those terms and have new terminology. Changing master as a standalone word however for the primary/main git branch really stinks of something similar to rainbow capitalism to me. The word master shouldn't be an issue for someone to see or use in this context. Mastercard, Master locks, a master key, these are words you can see daily and the context of "master" in "master key" is more in line with master for git branches than master/slave. Whitelist/Blacklist would fall under the same category. If it's exclusionary, I have no issue whatsoever with using equivalent terminology for them.

    Really I'm wondering if people consider replacing these and similar terms to be an essential action we should take to make the community more accessible, or if this a bit like virtue signalling and should be pushed back against or some opinion in the middle?

    26 votes
  4. Comment on Do you use Linux for music production? What software and tools do you use? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Not sure on the stance of the overall community, but personally I'm pretty guilt free about not paying for it as I'm a complete amateur also, only using it a handful of times a year. The free...

    Not sure on the stance of the overall community, but personally I'm pretty guilt free about not paying for it as I'm a complete amateur also, only using it a handful of times a year. The free trial also allows you to use the software fully, only disabling the save project and export features if you wanna try it out!

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Do you use Linux for music production? What software and tools do you use? in ~creative

    I use Bitwig with an Akai MPK225 and a full size digital keyboard as a MIDI input going through a Scarlett 2i4 (along with any other line inputs). I find Bitwig to be great. I had tried Ardour as...

    I use Bitwig with an Akai MPK225 and a full size digital keyboard as a MIDI input going through a Scarlett 2i4 (along with any other line inputs). I find Bitwig to be great. I had tried Ardour as I wanted to stay in the FOSS world, but I couldn't get to grips with it whatsoever. Bitwig has full support for Linux however and works flawlessly in my experience. I remember reading that a good chunk of the core Ableton team left to start Bitwig a few years ago and the design is super similar and features are at parity as far as I can tell. Bitwig also seems to innovate more than competitors with the modular grid in the more recent release and the promise of collaborative sessions in future releases.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on We are all niqabis now: Coronavirus masks reveal hypocrisy of face covering bans in ~life.women

    This is not a very common argument from my experience. This is where the contention is for me. Face masks are worn for a simple reason; to stop the spread of infection. Niqabs/other facial...

    one of the common arguments against face coverings — or more accurately, niqabs worn by some Muslim women — that they are a barrier to communication.

    This is not a very common argument from my experience.

    Both are garments worn for a specific purpose, in a specific place and for a specific time only.

    This is where the contention is for me. Face masks are worn for a simple reason; to stop the spread of infection. Niqabs/other facial coverings come with different purposes and historical baggage. I'm not trying to give an opinion on facial coverings in cultures different from my own, but to compare a niqab to a medical face mask is a total false equivalence and is deliberately ignoring all of the surrounding context.

    16 votes
  7. Comment on Tild~ers who live in multi-party systems, what are the parties present and their positions? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I've never heard anyone mention that series before so not too popular! The current trend is Sally Rooney's Normal People. It's basically a book about two people from a rural town moving to Dublin...

    I've never heard anyone mention that series before so not too popular!

    The current trend is Sally Rooney's Normal People. It's basically a book about two people from a rural town moving to Dublin to go to university and exploring the class inequality each of them experience. It was very popular last year but just this week BBC released a TV series of it so it's back in the public eye.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Tild~ers who live in multi-party systems, what are the parties present and their positions? in ~talk

    Ireland: Ireland has a very interesting political landscape, but I will be the first to admit I am not the most informed and won't do justice to explaining our different political parties. One...


    Ireland has a very interesting political landscape, but I will be the first to admit I am not the most informed and won't do justice to explaining our different political parties. One very interesting point is that while we have many parties (and independents), two parties have been in power alternately since the birth of the state. Overall, Irish people vote quite conservatively. Economically and socially just right of centre. In recent years however younger Irish voters are being heard more clearly through some referenda and general election votes. This voice is overwhelmingly socially left and economically left of centre voting to legalize abortion and same sex marriage overwhelmingly. Voting in Ireland is done through proportional representation with a single transferable vote. This is the only system that makes sense as far as I'm concerned and allows you to vote for who you want regardless of how unlikely you feel they are to get elected, while using your preferences to allow your vote to transfer to other candidates you would be happy with. Now, the parties:

    Fianna Fail:

    Socially centre/right and economically right of centre. They are historically the largest party in Ireland and were formed after Ireland gained independence from England. The main distinction between them and Fine Gael is in their past. There was a treaty under which Ireland would gain some independence but still be part of the commonwealth. Fianna Fail were anti treaty and Fine Gael were pro. The treaty was signed but was the origins of a bloody civil war. Generally speaking, rural and elderly people vote for Fianna Fail and usually people have allegiance to Fianna Fail/Fine Gael for family reasons. They are often considered to be more corrupt than other parties in the country due to their role in the 2008 crash.

    Fine Gael:

    Socially centre/left and economically right of centre. Really almost indistinguishable from Fianna Fail in almost every aspect. Power has alternated between the two parties since the birth of the state as each provides the other with a nice scapegoat to blame when in power and then regain it continuing the cycle. This has been broken in the most recent election where negotiations are still ongoing, but a third political party gained a huge number of seats and is forcing FF/FG into coalition.

    Sinn Fein:

    Originally Fianna Fail were a part of Sinn Fein, but due to differing views on relations with the UK, Fianna Fail split from Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein have always been regarded as the political wing of the IRA and have never been a serious political contender until the most recent elections in which they won nearly every seat they contested by a huge margin. The only reason they are not in power by themselves is because they didn't run enough candidates! They are socially and economically left. Their main aim is to unite the north of Ireland and the Republic. They are also a political party in the north of Ireland and they take a strong stance on Irish unity. They hold seats in Westminster but have never taken them as they view that as partaking in the English system. Older people don't vote and fear Sinn Fein as still being connected to the IRA (which in some ways they may still be) but young people who don't remember the Troubles in the 70s view them exclusively as a political party who care about liberal causes such as homelessness and housing struggles.

    Green Party:

    Socially and economically centre-right. They are FF/FG but put some weak claim that the environment is important. Really they are no more caring about the environment than the left leaning parties in Ireland. They shared power with FF during the boom before 2008 and this has really tarnished their perception.


    A standard labour party but with very weak policies and members. They should be a much stronger political party but have just continued to weaken and weaken due to poor leadership and policy points.

    People before Profit/Solidarity:

    This is the socialist alliance in Ireland with a healthy amount of support. They made big gains in recent years but they are bullied by FF/FG and discredited. It's particularly easy to discredit them as there has been a lot of infighting and lack of unity and they originated from multiple different leftist parties.

    Aontu/Right Wingers:

    These are anti EU and considered a laughing stock. There is another party or maybe two along with Aontu but they're all crazy. 5G, anti vax, etc etc. They're just an import of American politics but they have been given no time or space. Everyone unanimously thinks these people are crazy. Ireland is proud to be part of Europe and a socially liberal society is what we have and want to nurture further.


    They deserve their own section as they are quite a strong political force in Ireland. Usually a few of them end up in coalition in government as they make up the last few seats that FF/FG didn't win to make a majority. For the most part they are left leaning but there are notable exceptions that are entirely concerned with local (rural) issues who will always get elected because they tell their constituents that the city people make fun of them for being from the country and if they don't elect them then nobody will listen to the rural voice.

    Very happy to answer any questions or follow ups on Irish history, Irish/England relations or anything else!

    7 votes
  9. Comment on password: a game about key presses and reaction time in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Fully understand. The most enjoyable and motivating things to do are when you get to realize something you envision in your mind. lichess.org have a "zen" mode which I like to play sometimes which...

    Fully understand. The most enjoyable and motivating things to do are when you get to realize something you envision in your mind. lichess.org have a "zen" mode which I like to play sometimes which doesn't let you see your rating or your opponents and the games have no impact on ratings. Just a game. This concept but by default it's in "zen" mode for your game and with a toggle to enable some stats that you can see which would encourage people to share it around if that's your goal :)

    2 votes
  10. Comment on password: a game about key presses and reaction time in ~creative

    I really enjoyed this :) Thanks for sharing! I will be honest though, I'm not going to share this to my friends as there is no gamified aspect to it if you understand me? I guess that would defeat...

    I really enjoyed this :) Thanks for sharing!

    I will be honest though, I'm not going to share this to my friends as there is no gamified aspect to it if you understand me? I guess that would defeat the whole purpose of it, but if you are looking for feature requests, an option which you specifically enable to allow it to measure "score" would be my only one.

    5 votes
  11. Comment on What are your favorite CLI tools/applications? in ~comp

    multitail lets you essentially do a tail -f on multiple files at once which is very useful for checking out multiple log files when debugging. In a similar vein, mssh lets you log into multiple...

    multitail lets you essentially do a tail -f on multiple files at once which is very useful for checking out multiple log files when debugging.

    In a similar vein, mssh lets you log into multiple hosts to allow you to issue commands to them all in bulk. Very handy for one-off maintenance or hotfixes.

    jq as it describes itself is 'sed for JSON'.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Envelope - Transform your phone into a simpler, calmer device in ~tech

    I like the concept of this but I've two thoughts: Is this just addressing the symptom, not the cause? People rarely want to limit their phone usage purely for the purpose of limiting their phone...

    I like the concept of this but I've two thoughts:

    1. Is this just addressing the symptom, not the cause? People rarely want to limit their phone usage purely for the purpose of limiting their phone usage. They tend to want to limit their phone usage so they can increase their attention span or so they can experience the moment they are living in more consciously. Would someone using an envelope like this actually achieve their goal or would their goal then get shifted to just using the Envelope for as long as possible each day?

    2. I often want to limit my phone usage so would be in the target audience for something like this. However, this is just too limiting. I want to be able to use maps and listen to music/podcasts while I'm travelling. My money is managed through my phone and I often use it for payments too. I also want to be able to look up information and make plans with friends. Basically, I'd want something that makes using my phone more difficult (a CPU limiter or network speed cap or similar) or a feature that really encourages me to spend only "essential" time on my phone. Does anyone know of things like this for Android?

    2 votes
  13. Comment on COVID-19 mightn't be all bad in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thanks for replying Deimos. I have been regularly browsing tildes since I registered but rarely if ever post on any forum. I respect the fact the topic has been removed but I feel it's a little...

    Thanks for replying Deimos. I have been regularly browsing tildes since I registered but rarely if ever post on any forum. I respect the fact the topic has been removed but I feel it's a little harsh. I fully agree with flattening the curve, I understand that this is a serious health concern, but I do not live in the US. We have reacted very differently here than in the USA and have taken huge isolation and quarantine measures to ensure the impact of COVID-19 are as limited as possible.

    I feel this post warranted some discussion, knowing full well that my opinion isn't the best laid out and probably not the most sensible. Discussion is what can clear this for me and potentially for others in a similar position.

  14. Comment on Anyone interested in learning a bit more about the Catalan situation? AMA. in ~talk

    I would love to hear this. I found a lot of parallels between the Basque country and the North of Ireland when I was reading about it and would be very interested to see if similar things can be...

    I would love to hear this. I found a lot of parallels between the Basque country and the North of Ireland when I was reading about it and would be very interested to see if similar things can be found with Catalonia (though I doubt it!)

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - approaches to self-promotion in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    Semi hijacking your comment. I see Deimos being summoned quite regularly for things I think the community should be dealing with. It's unscalable and unnecessary I think. I suppose this will be...

    Semi hijacking your comment. I see Deimos being summoned quite regularly for things I think the community should be dealing with. It's unscalable and unnecessary I think. I suppose this will be solved by moderators/reputation but just something I've noticed.

    15 votes
  16. Comment on The loneliness thread in ~talk

    I was thinking about writing a post about this in itself and I might yet, but I'll put some musings here. I have been thinking about this recently too. After a long stretch of severe depression,...

    I was thinking about writing a post about this in itself and I might yet, but I'll put some musings here.

    I have been thinking about this recently too. After a long stretch of severe depression, coming out of it but still feeling isolated, lonely, to now feeling the most confident I can ever remember. I think a lot of the reason why I feel confident now is due to how I tackled my loneliness feelings. I think it all comes down to vulnerability.

    When somebody makes themselves vulnerable to you, you never respond cruelly to them. You're sensitive to the position they've put themselves in and are receptive to them. It makes you feel more comfortable around them. It makes you feel safer. The reverse is true too. If you make yourself vulnerable to people they will respond in kind. You will feel safer. You will feel more confident. You will be validated.

    This is what I'm crediting my (potentially fleeting) current confidence to. Practising vulnerability for lack of better phrasing. Opening up to people about my half-baked thoughts. Acknowledging I have emotions and I want to talk about them. Feeling the fear of taking a risk and doing it anyways. Be the person who offers a hug for no reason. We're all human. We all want these vulnerable moments with each other.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - thoughts about the site's activity level in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    There's no need for it per sae, but if there was I personally think I would post/comment more. That is the question under discussion! I don't participate on Reddit whatsoever. I've made maybe 4...

    There's no need for it per sae, but if there was I personally think I would post/comment more. That is the question under discussion!

    I don't participate on Reddit whatsoever. I've made maybe 4 comments on the site in 7 or 8 years so I'm not up on the issues it might cause if it was here. I just know that I like seeing a cumulative "reward" for effort I make and if only good quality content leads to any "reward" then there's no issues I can see.

    I think I get a similar feeling to what you do with individual posts/comments except on a broader level. It's not my niche opinion that gets 8 votes that would make me feel good about posting, it's the fact that what I post is in a lot of ways a distillation of myself and seeing this aggregate number validates me someway.

    4 votes
  18. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - thoughts about the site's activity level in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    I initially said it was a touchy topic as it's been discussed before. Something similar to Reddit's karma, though I think it's quite an important distinction that it's not publicly visible. The...

    I initially said it was a touchy topic as it's been discussed before.

    Something similar to Reddit's karma, though I think it's quite an important distinction that it's not publicly visible. The community isn't going to allow spoof content so karma whoring isn't an issue and it's a fact that people like to see numbers that increase when they do an action and it's reinforcing of that action. It's a basic reward mechanism for posting content, I really don't see the issue with it if you could explain your point of view because I feel you're strongly against the idea?

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - thoughts about the site's activity level in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    There is yeah, but something aggregated.

    There is yeah, but something aggregated.

    2 votes