markh's recent activity
Comment on Roughly ten games into the NHL season: what are your thoughts on the season so far? How is your team doing? Any surprises? in
Comment on Injured person reportedly dies after Cruise cars block first responders, according to reports from the San Francisco Fire Department in ~transport
markh Why not?Obviously, the short answer is the CEO but we can't just prosecute a job creator like that.
Why not?
Comment on Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte turns twenty, beloved by millions and despised by some in ~food
markh A 16oz Pumpkin Spice Latte has 50 grams of sugar. That is an insane amount. I’m sure it’s delicious, but holy cow.A 16oz Pumpkin Spice Latte has 50 grams of sugar. That is an insane amount. I’m sure it’s delicious, but holy cow.
Comment on MLB trade deadline discussion thread in
markh If the Dodgers do land Verlander, he and Lynn would be quite the improvement for that rotation. Add in Kershaw, Urias, and Miller and you have a formidable five man group. I was at the game on...If the Dodgers do land Verlander, he and Lynn would be quite the improvement for that rotation. Add in Kershaw, Urias, and Miller and you have a formidable five man group.
I was at the game on Saturday and Joe Kelly got a standing ovation when he came into the game, too. Fun atmosphere.
Comment on Ruud vs. Djokovic - Who are you picking? in ~sports
markh Those first two sets of the Alcaraz/Djokovic match were probably the best tennis I've seen in a very long time. What a treat, and a shame that Alcaraz' body broke down like it did. I think...Those first two sets of the Alcaraz/Djokovic match were probably the best tennis I've seen in a very long time. What a treat, and a shame that Alcaraz' body broke down like it did.
I think Djokovic beats Ruud in the final, but I also think that Ruud has answered a lot of questions by making three of the last five finals. Djokovic will likely finish as the best male tennis player of all time.
Comment on Apple / iOS rant in ~tech
markh Well, I'll give a counterpoint here: accessibility features are so much better on iPhone/Apple devices that Android, Windows, and Linux shouldn't even be considered. These complaints also seem...Well, I'll give a counterpoint here: accessibility features are so much better on iPhone/Apple devices that Android, Windows, and Linux shouldn't even be considered.
These complaints also seem very specific to you. I've had an iPhone for a decade now and I've never had a problem. It just works, and I love it for that exact reason.
Comment on Day 6: Custom Customs in ~comp
markh Elixir! Took me a while to realize what part two was asking for. Parts One and Two defmodule Day6 do def one do!("inputs/six.txt") |> String.split("\n\n") |>,...Elixir! Took me a while to realize what part two was asking for.
Parts One and Two
defmodule Day6 do def one do!("inputs/six.txt") |> String.split("\n\n") |>, "\n", "", global: true)) |>, "", trim: true)) |> |> |> Enum.reduce(&(&1 + &2)) end def two do!("inputs/six.txt") |> String.split("\n\n") |>, "\n", trim: true)) |> |> |> Enum.reduce(&(&1 + &2)) end def parse(input) do input |> |> |> Enum.reduce(&MapSet.intersection/2) end end
Comment on Day 5: Binary Boarding in ~comp
markh Day 5! This one was fun, although I had to figure out how to slide an array in Elixir. Elixir defmodule Day5 do def one do!("inputs/five.txt") |> String.split("\n") |> 5! This one was fun, although I had to figure out how to slide an array in Elixir.
defmodule Day5 do def one do!("inputs/five.txt") |> String.split("\n") |> |> Enum.max() end def parse(input) do [[r, s]] = Regex.scan(~r/([F|B]{7})([R|L]{3})/, input, capture: :all_but_first) row = r |> String.replace("F", "0") |> String.replace("B", "1") |> String.to_integer(2) seat = s |> String.replace("L", "0") |> String.replace("R", "1") |> String.to_integer(2) row * 8 + seat end def two do [[x, _]] =!("inputs/five.txt") |> String.split("\n") |> |> Enum.sort() |> Enum.chunk_every(2, 1, :discard) |> Enum.filter(fn [x, y] -> y - x == 2 end) x + 1 end end
Comment on Day 4: Passport Processing in ~comp
markh Elixir, Day 4 Parts 1 and 2 defmodule Day4 do def one do!("inputs/four.txt") |> String.split("\n\n") |> |> Enum.count(&valid_keys?/1) end def two do...Elixir, Day 4
Parts 1 and 2
defmodule Day4 do def one do!("inputs/four.txt") |> String.split("\n\n") |> |> Enum.count(&valid_keys?/1) end def two do!("inputs/four.txt") |> String.split("\n\n") |> |> Enum.reject(fn x -> !(valid_keys?(x)) end) |> Enum.count(&valid_values?/1) end def parse(input) do input |> String.split(~r/\s+/, trim: true) |>, ":"))) |> [k, v] -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end) |> end def valid_keys?(data) do Enum.all?([:byr, :iyr, :eyr, :hgt, :hcl, :ecl, :pid], fn key -> Map.has_key?(data, key) end) end def valid_values?(data) do Enum.all?(data, fn {key, value} -> valid_value?(key, value) end) end def valid_value?(:hgt, value) do case Regex.scan(~r/(\d+)(\w+)/, value, capture: :all_but_first) do [[val, "cm"]] -> String.to_integer(val) in 150..193 [[val, "in"]] -> String.to_integer(val) in 59..76 _ -> false end end def valid_value?(:byr, value), do: String.to_integer(value) in 1920..2002 def valid_value?(:iyr, value), do: String.to_integer(value) in 2010..2020 def valid_value?(:eyr, value), do: String.to_integer(value) in 2020..2030 def valid_value?(:hcl, value), do: Regex.match?(~r/#[0-9a-f]{6}/, value) def valid_value?(:ecl, value), do: value in ["amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth"] def valid_value?(:pid, value), do: Regex.match?(~r/^(\d){9}$/, value) def valid_value?(_, _), do: true end
Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech
markh Spectacle is the most important app on MacOS.Spectacle is the most important app on MacOS.
Comment on <deleted topic> in ~books
markh Of all the things to target, and with everything available freely on the internet, libraries are somehow an issue in 2020?Of all the things to target, and with everything available freely on the internet, libraries are somehow an issue in 2020?
Comment on What's your favourite live album? in ~music
markh Stevie Ray Vaughan - In The Beginning: John Mayer Trio - Try!: Vulfpeck - Live at...Stevie Ray Vaughan - In The Beginning:
John Mayer Trio - Try!:
Vulfpeck - Live at Madison Square Garden:
Comment on Len Gon Give It To Ya (mashup of X Gon Give It To Ya by DMX with Steal My Sunshine by Len) in ~music
markh It’s as if someone made this specifically for me. Thank you for sharing this.It’s as if someone made this specifically for me. Thank you for sharing this.
Comment on What display theme do you use ? in ~talk
Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv
markh I just started season three of The Handmaid’s Tale. Really dark show but it’s really good if you’re into that kind of thing.I just started season three of The Handmaid’s Tale. Really dark show but it’s really good if you’re into that kind of thing.
Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books
markh I picked up On Writing by Stephen King and it’s been great so far. If you’re interested in learning more about King, his upbringing, his writing, or how to write in general, I recommend it.I picked up On Writing by Stephen King and it’s been great so far. If you’re interested in learning more about King, his upbringing, his writing, or how to write in general, I recommend it.
Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health
markh Any recommendations for healthy pescatarian or vegetarian meal ideas?Any recommendations for healthy pescatarian or vegetarian meal ideas?
Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp
markh Have you looked into Michael Hartl’s Rails Tutorial? It’s a really great, free resource for learning Rails and building a full project!Have you looked into Michael Hartl’s Rails Tutorial? It’s a really great, free resource for learning Rails and building a full project!
Comment on How to track President Trump (tracking of government employees using cell phones) in ~news
markh Sure, but given that the technology already exists, it seems unlikely that even making it illegal is enough to deter those who really want it. Instead, I suggest we make it public. Really, really...Sure, but given that the technology already exists, it seems unlikely that even making it illegal is enough to deter those who really want it.
Instead, I suggest we make it public. Really, really public. That’ll get people to care about who is tracking them. What’s the inverse of “out of sight, out of mind”?
Comment on “Join Reddit to keep reading” - an account is now required to read comment threads on the mobile website in ~tech
markh If they did, I’d stop using Reddit altogether. There are still some valuable communities on the site - niche programming, sports, and fitness communities come to mind - but Reddit as a whole isn’t...If they did, I’d stop using Reddit altogether. There are still some valuable communities on the site - niche programming, sports, and fitness communities come to mind - but Reddit as a whole isn’t “cool” anymore, and it never will be ever again.
Kings fan. Things seem to be going pretty well so far. Goaltending might be an issue but Talbot has stepped up. The big positive is how good Byfield looks, he’s really taken huge strides since last year.
Also, playing LA is no longer a defensive, low-scoring affair. LA leads the league in goals scored (and we haven’t even played San Jose)! It’s a lot of fun watching this team.
Finally, shout out to Thousand Oaks native Trevor Moore! What a year he’s having so far.