19 votes

Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/3

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. [3]
    As you can tell, I love Python generators! Part 1 #!/usr/bin/env pypy3 import string import sys def main(): rucksacks = ((set(r[:(len(r) - 1) // 2]), set(r[(len(r) - 1) // 2:-1])) for r in...

    As you can tell, I love Python generators!

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env pypy3
    import string
    import sys
    def main():
        rucksacks = ((set(r[:(len(r) - 1) // 2]), set(r[(len(r) - 1) // 2:-1]))
                     for r in sys.stdin)
        priorities = (string.ascii_letters.index(next(iter(set.intersection(*r)))) + 1
                      for r in rucksacks)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/env pypy3
    import string
    import sys
    def group_sacks(rucksacks, size):
        for i in range(0, len(rucksacks), size):
            yield rucksacks[i:i + size]
    def main():
        groups = group_sacks([set(r[:-1]) for r in sys.stdin], 3)
        priorities = (string.ascii_letters.index(next(iter(set.intersection(*r)))) + 1
                      for r in groups)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    7 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      ooh, string.ascii_letters is nice here, i'm going to steal that :)

      ooh, string.ascii_letters is nice here, i'm going to steal that :)

      4 votes
      1. tjf
        Link Parent
        My first instinct was to use ord() and subtract ascii values, but this worked out cleaner I think.

        My first instinct was to use ord() and subtract ascii values, but this worked out cleaner I think.

        4 votes
  2. [2]
    (edited )
    Part 1 Really straightforward with sets (define (part-01 input) (for/sum ([l (in-list input)]) (priority (set-first (set-intersect (string->set (substring l 0 (/ (string-length l) 2)))...
    Part 1

    Really straightforward with sets

    (define (part-01 input)
      (for/sum ([l (in-list input)])
         (set-first (set-intersect
                     (string->set (substring l 0 (/ (string-length l) 2)))
                     (string->set (substring l (/ (string-length l) 2))))))))
    (define string->set
      (compose1 list->set string->list))
    (define (priority c)
      (define is (char->integer c))
      (if (char-upper-case? c)
          (- is 38)
          (- is 96)))
    I love Racket's sequences in this case (and sorry for putting this on its own line but for some reason tildes can't format it correctly in-line):

    in-slice make this trivial.

    Part 2:

    Part 2
    (define (part-02 input)
      (for/sum ([g (in-slice 3 (in-list input))])
         (set-first (apply set-intersect (map string->set g))))))
    Speedrun First attempt part 1: ~50% elapsed time:

    Instead of using converting both halves of the rucksack to sets, just convert the first half of the rucksack to a set and find the first member of that set in the second half of the rucksack

    (define (part-01 input)
      (for/sum ([l (in-list input)])
         (string-intersect/2 (substring l 0 (/ (string-length l) 2))
                             (substring l (/ (string-length l) 2))))))
    (define (string-intersect/2 s1 s2)
      (define seen (for/set ([c (in-string s1)]) c))
      (for/first ([c (in-string s2)]
                  #:when (set-member? seen c))

    For part 2 ~66% elapsed time:

    1. convert the 1st rucksack to a set
    2. make a set of characters in the 2nd rucksack that are members of the set from 1.
    3. find the first character in the 3rd rucksack in the set from 2.
    (define (part-02 input)
      (for/sum ([g (in-slice 3 (in-list input))])
        (priority (apply string-intersect/3 g))))
    (define (string-intersect/3 s1 s2 s3)
      (define seen (for/set ([c (in-string s1)]) c))
      (define badges (for/set ([c (in-string s2)]
                               #:when (set-member? seen c)) c))
      (for/first ([c (in-string s3)]
                  #:when (set-member? badges c))
    5 votes
    1. thorondir
      Link Parent
      Ah, sets make a lot of sense, didn't think of them. I went about it in a rather... procedural way, which felt dirty, but worked. xD Part 1 ;; sanitize-input gets called before part-1 (define...

      Ah, sets make a lot of sense, didn't think of them.

      I went about it in a rather... procedural way, which felt dirty, but worked. xD

      Part 1
      ;; sanitize-input gets called before part-1
      (define (sanitize-input raw-input)
        (for/list ([l (string-split raw-input "\n")])
          (define strlen (string-length l))
          (list ; return halves independently
           (string->list (substring l 0 (/ strlen 2)))
           (string->list (substring l (/ strlen 2))))))
      (define (char-mapper c)
        (if (char-lower-case? c)
            (- (char->integer c) (sub1 (char->integer #\a)))
            (+ 26 (- (char->integer c) (sub1 (char->integer #\A)) ))))
      (define (calculate-priority priorities)
        (for/fold ([acc 0])
                  ([c priorities])
          (+ acc (char-mapper c))))
      (define (part-1 input)
        (define duplicates
          (for/list ([backpack input])
            (define h (make-hash))
            (for ([c (first backpack)])
              (hash-set! h c 1))
            (for/last ([c (second backpack)]
                       #:when (hash-has-key? h c))
        (calculate-priority duplicates))

      And part 2 also makes use of hash-maps a lot.

      Part 2
      ; each backpack gets a hash where the characters are mapped to 1
      (define (map-backpack backpack)
        (define h (make-hash))
        (map (lambda (c) (hash-set! h c 1)) (append (first backpack) (second backpack)))
      ; calculate the union of the hashes by combining the values with +
      ; which means that the key that has a value of 3 is the badge we're looking for
      (define (compare-backpack-maps backpack-maps)
        (apply hash-union! backpack-maps #:combine +)
        (define combined (first backpack-maps))
        (for/last ([k (in-hash-keys combined)]
                   #:when (= (hash-ref combined k) 3))
      ; split the backpacks into groups of three
      ; calculate the badge for the current group
      ; recursively calculate the badge for the next group
      (define (process-backpacks backpacks)
        (cond [(< (length backpacks) 3) empty]
              [else (define-values
                      (current-group other-groups)
                      (split-at backpacks 3))
                      (for/list ([b current-group])
                        (map-backpack b)))
                     (process-backpacks other-groups))]))
      ;; part 2
      (define small-answer-2 70)
      (define (part-2 input)
        (define badges (process-backpacks input))
        (calculate-priority badges))
      2 votes
  3. primordial-soup
    (edited )
    Part 1, in Python-ish (ls > fe((divide, 2) | fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1) | sum) Python code generated from the above from functools import reduce from...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
     > fe((divide, 2)
          | fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one
          | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1)
     | sum)
    Python code generated from the above
    from functools import reduce
    from more_itertools import divide
    from more_itertools import one
    from operator import and_
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    import string
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > fe((divide, 2) | fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1) | sum
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    (ls > p
     | (chunked, X, 3)
     | fe(fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one
          | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1)
     | sum)
    Python code generated from the above
    from functools import reduce
    from more_itertools import chunked
    from more_itertools import one
    from operator import and_
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    import string
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > p | (chunked, X, 3) | fe(fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1) | sum
    if output is not None:

    edit: replaced λ c: ord(c) - (ord("a") if c.islower() else ord("A") - 26) + 1 with string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1.

    4 votes
  4. jzimbel
    Elixir Both parts Pretty straightforward. I converted the appropriate strings or substrings to sets of characters, and then used set intersection to find the common character. defmodule...


    Both parts

    Pretty straightforward. I converted the appropriate strings or substrings to sets of characters, and then used set intersection to find the common character.

    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2022.Day03 do
      def part1(input) do
        |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
        |> Enum.map(&find_duplicate/1)
        |> Enum.map(&priority/1)
        |> Enum.sum()
      def part2(input) do
        |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
        |> Enum.chunk_every(3)
        |> Enum.map(&find_badge/1)
        |> Enum.map(&priority/1)
        |> Enum.sum()
      defp find_duplicate(sack) do
        compartment_size = div(byte_size(sack), 2)
        |> String.to_charlist()
        |> Enum.split(compartment_size)
        |> then(fn {l, r} -> MapSet.intersection(MapSet.new(l), MapSet.new(r)) end)
        |> Enum.at(0)
      defp find_badge(group) do
        |> Enum.map(&(&1 |> String.to_charlist() |> MapSet.new()))
        |> Enum.reduce(&MapSet.intersection/2)
        |> Enum.at(0)
      for {item, pri} <- Enum.with_index(Enum.concat(?a..?z, ?A..?Z), 1) do
        defp priority(unquote(item)), do: unquote(pri)
    4 votes
  5. [2]
    More swift! Parts 1 and 2 import Foundation // Source: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/language/how-to-split-an-array-into-chunks extension Array { func chunked(into size: Int) ->...

    More swift!

    Parts 1 and 2
    import Foundation
    // Source: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/language/how-to-split-an-array-into-chunks
    extension Array {
        func chunked(into size: Int) -> [[Element]] {
            return stride(from: 0, to: count, by: size).map {
                Array(self[$0 ..< Swift.min($0 + size, count)])
    func checkPriority(for item: String.Element) -> Int {
        if item.isUppercase {
            return Int(item.asciiValue!) - 64 + 26
        } else {
            return Int(item.asciiValue!) - 96
    func partOne(_ input: [String]) {
        var totalPriority: Int = 0
        for line in input {
            let sacks = Array(line).chunked(into: line.count / 2).map { Set($0) }
            guard let uniqueCompartment = sacks[0].intersection(sacks[1]).first else {  break }
            totalPriority += checkPriority(for: uniqueCompartment)
    func partTwo(_ input: [String]) {
        let sackGroups = input.chunked(into: 3)
        var totalPriority: Int = 0
        for group in sackGroups {
            let sackSet = group.map { Set($0) }
            guard let uniqueItem = sackSet[0].intersection(sackSet[1].intersection(sackSet[2])).first else {
                break }
            totalPriority += checkPriority(for: uniqueItem)
    var puzzleInput: [String] = []
    while let line = readLine() {
    4 votes
    1. kari
      Link Parent
      Wow, Swift seems a lot like Rust

      Wow, Swift seems a lot like Rust

      2 votes
  6. [5]
    (edited )
    I really wish rusts HashSet implentation allowed finding the intersection of more than one other hashset at a time... Driver mod part1; mod part2; mod utilities; fn main() { let _input =...

    I really wish rusts HashSet implentation allowed finding the intersection of more than one other hashset at a time...

    mod part1;
    mod part2;
    mod utilities;
    fn main() {
        let _input = include_str!("./input.txt");
        let _structured_input = utilities::parse(_input);
        println!("Part One");
        println!("Result: {}", part1::part1(&_structured_input));
        println!("Part Two");
        println!("Result: {}", part2::part2(&_structured_input));
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct Rucksack(pub HashSet<char>, pub HashSet<char>);
    pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<Rucksack> {
            .map(|line| {
                let (first, second) = line.split_at(line.len() / 2);
                Rucksack(first.chars().collect(), second.chars().collect())
    pub fn find_char_score(input: &char) -> usize {
        if input.is_uppercase() {
            *input as usize - 38
        } else {
            *input as usize - 96
    Part 1
    use crate::utilities::*;
    pub fn part1(input: &[Rucksack]) -> usize {
            .map(|rucksack| rucksack.0.intersection(&rucksack.1).next().unwrap())
    Part 2
    use crate::utilities::*;
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    struct Group(HashSet<char>, HashSet<char>, HashSet<char>);
    pub fn part2(input: &[Rucksack]) -> usize {
            .map(|group| {
                //manual implementation of intersection because doing chained intersections is annoying...
                    .filter(|c| group.1.contains(c))
                    .filter(|c| group.2.contains(c))
    fn seperate_groups(input: &[Rucksack]) -> Vec<Group> {
        let mut output: Vec<Group> = Vec::new();
        for group in input.chunks_exact(3) {
    3 votes
    1. bhrgunatha
      Link Parent
      I remember an exercise to extend mergesort to multiple arrays. Many people used a priority queue, but my approach was much like mergesort itself, recursively break down the arrays into 2 halves....

      intersection of more than one other hashset at a time

      I remember an exercise to extend mergesort to multiple arrays. Many people used a priority queue, but my approach was much like mergesort itself, recursively break down the arrays into 2 halves. When one half was a single array or 2 arrays, use mergesort and return the result back up the stack.

      I think it would work for set intersection too.

      1 vote
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      I thought this would be nicely doable using reduce, but it turns out that that solution is far from elegant. Reduce multiple HashSets use std::collections::HashSet; fn main() { let a =...

      I really wish rusts HashSet implentation allowed finding the intersection of more than one other hashset at a time...

      I thought this would be nicely doable using reduce, but it turns out that that solution is far from elegant.

      Reduce multiple HashSets
      use std::collections::HashSet;
      fn main() {
          let a = HashSet::from([1, 2, 3]);
          let b = HashSet::from([1, 3, 4]);
          let c = HashSet::from([1, 4, 5]);
          let d = HashSet::from([1, 2, 7]);
          println!("{:?}", [a, b, c, d].into_iter().reduce(|a, b| a.intersection(&b).map(|x| *x).collect()));
      1 vote
      1. Liru
        Link Parent
        It's actually not that bad; no type wrasslin', no weird methods or anything like that. (One thing I'd change is using copied() instead of map(|x| *x), but it's practically the same thing.)

        It's actually not that bad; no type wrasslin', no weird methods or anything like that. (One thing I'd change is using copied() instead of map(|x| *x), but it's practically the same thing.)

        2 votes
      2. Toric
        Link Parent
        thats actually pretty clever...

        thats actually pretty clever...

        1 vote
  7. asterisk
    Python import string from collections import Counter from functools import reduce from operator import and_ insert = open("input.txt").read().split() def reorganization(length: int, count: int =...
    import string
    from collections import Counter
    from functools import reduce
    from operator import and_
    insert = open("input.txt").read().split()
    def reorganization(length: int, count: int = 1) -> int:
        priorities: int = 0
        for line in range(0, len(insert) - count + 1, count):
            parts = list()
            for n in range(count):
                l = len(insert[line + n]) // length
                for div in range(0, len(insert[line + n]), l):
                    parts.append(Counter(insert[line + n][div : div + l]))
            item = list(reduce(and_, parts).elements())[0]
            priorities += string.ascii_letters.index(item) + 1
        return priorities
    print(reorganization(2))  # Part One: 7889
    print(reorganization(1, 3))  # Part Two: 2825
    3 votes
  8. Crespyl
    Sets! Clojure (both parts) (defn priority [ch] (+ 1 (str/index-of "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ch))) (defn parse-line [line] (let [len (count line) split (/ len 2)...


    Clojure (both parts)
    (defn priority [ch]
      (+ 1 (str/index-of
    (defn parse-line [line]
      (let [len (count line)
            split (/ len 2)
            compartment-1 (subs line 0 split)
            compartment-2 (subs line split)]
        (map set [compartment-1 compartment-2])))
    (defn shared-item [sack]
      (let [c1 (first sack)
            c2 (second sack)]
        (clojure.set/intersection c1 c2)))
    (defn part-1 [input]
      (let [sacks (map parse-line input)]
        (->> sacks
            (map shared-item)
            (map first)
            (map priority)
            (reduce +))
    (defn part-2 [input]
      (let [sacks (map set input)]
        (->> sacks
             (partition 3)
             (map #(apply clojure.set/intersection %))
             (map first)
             (map priority)
             (reduce +))))
    3 votes
  9. balooga
    Here's my TypeScript solution type InputData = [string, string][]; function formatInput(input: string): InputData { return input.split('\n').map(e => [e.slice(0, e.length / 2), e.slice(e.length /...
    Here's my TypeScript solution
    type InputData = [string, string][];
    function formatInput(input: string): InputData {
      return input.split('\n').map(e => [e.slice(0, e.length / 2), e.slice(e.length / 2, e.length)]);
    export function run(input: string): string[] {
      const data = formatInput(input);
      const priorities = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
    Part 1
      const getSumOfPriorities = (rucksacks: InputData): number => {
        let sum = 0;
        for (const rucksack of rucksacks) {
          for (let i = 0; i < rucksack[0].length; i++) {
            if (rucksack[1].includes(rucksack[0][i])) {
              sum += priorities.indexOf(rucksack[0][i]) + 1;
        return sum;
    Part 2
      const getSumOfBadgePriorities = (rucksacks: InputData): number => {
        let sum = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < rucksacks.length; i += 3) {
          const group = [rucksacks[i], rucksacks[i + 1], rucksacks[i + 2]].sort((a, b) => a[0].length - b[0].length);
          for (let j = 0; j < group[0][0].length * 2; j++) {
            const item = `${group[0][0]}${group[0][1]}`.charAt(j);
            if (`${group[1][0]}${group[1][1]}`.includes(item) && `${group[2][0]}${group[2][1]}`.includes(item)) {
              sum += priorities.indexOf(item) + 1;
        return sum;
      return [`${getSumOfPriorities(data)}`, `${getSumOfBadgePriorities(data)}`];
    3 votes
  10. tomf
    (edited )
    These are both very similar. Another nice one for the sheetheads out there. Minor details in each. 7117/9122 Part 1 Basically, this is splitting the cell in half and adding L or R to each side...

    These are both very similar. Another nice one for the sheetheads out there. Minor details in each. 7117/9122

    Part 1

    Basically, this is splitting the cell in half and adding L or R to each side along with the row number. From there I split by the diamond and flatten it. Once I have stuff like 2|L|p I run UNIQUE on it so each group is cleansed of its dupes. Then I split again by the pipe and run the first QUERY. The second QUERY is a quick and dirty cleanup.

    Lastly, the VLOOKUP uses CODE for the letters, since VLOOKUP is case agnostic. CODE, as you guessed it, gives me the unicode map value.. and the rest is the VLOOKUP.

    The SEQUENCEs at the end are generating code tables to convert the codes to the 1-52 values. I was doing it straight CODE(..)-x but that doesn't work as nicely for this.

             "select Col1, Col3, Count(Col1)
              where Col3 is not null
              group by Col1, Col3
              label Count(Col1) ''"),
            "select Col2
             where Col3 = 2")),
    Part 2 More of this trash, but this time instead of L and R for sets, I have `ROUNDUP((ROW(A2:A)-1)/3)` to get sets of three (1,2,3 round down to 1.. etc)

    Nothing crazy, just longer than I want it to be.

              "select Col2, Col3, Count(Col1)
               where Col3 is not null
               group by Col2, Col3 label Count(Col1) ''"),
            "select Col1, Col2
             where Col3 >= 3")),
    2 votes
  11. MeckiSpaghetti
    (edited )
    Ruby Part 1 sum = File .read("input.txt") .split("\n") .map{ |l| [l[...l.size/2], l[l.size/2..]] } .map{ |a, b| a.chars & b.chars } .flatten .map{ |a| (a.ord-38) % 58 } .sum p sum Part 2 sum =...


    Part 1
    sum = File
             .map{ |l| [l[...l.size/2], l[l.size/2..]] }
             .map{ |a, b| a.chars & b.chars }
             .map{ |a| (a.ord-38) % 58 }
    p sum 
    Part 2
    sum = File
             .map{ |a, b, c| a.chars & b.chars & c.chars }
             .map{ |a| (a.ord-38) % 58 }
    p sum 
    2 votes
  12. Crestwave
    Neat one. Part 1 #!/usr/bin/awk -f { split("", items) types = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" len = length($0) for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i) { c = substr($0, i, 1) if (i < len...

    Neat one.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    	split("", items)
    	types = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    	len = length($0)
    	for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i) {
    		c = substr($0, i, 1)
    		if (i < len / 2 + 1) {
    			items[c] = 1
    		} else if (items[c]) {
    			sum += match(types, c)
    END { print(sum) }
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    	group = ((NR - 1) % 3) + 1
    	types = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    	len = length($0)
    	if (group == 1)
    		split("", items)
    	for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i) {
    		c = substr($0, i, 1)
    		if (items[c] == group - 1) {
    			items[c] = group
    			if (group == 3)
    				sum += match(types, c)
    END { print(sum) }
    2 votes
  13. Gyrfalcon
    Happy with how this turned out, though I think I learned that I need to find a more elegant way to interact with Python's Set, especially given how handy I find it in general. Parts 1 and 2 import...

    Happy with how this turned out, though I think I learned that I need to find a more elegant way to interact with Python's Set, especially given how handy I find it in general.

    Parts 1 and 2
    import os
    from typing import Tuple
    from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase
    from aoc2022.common import load_file
    current_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    INPUT_FILE = "/".join([current_dir, "input.txt"])
    TEST_FILE_1 = "/".join([current_dir, "test1.txt"])
    TEST_RESULTS_1 = (157, 70)
    priorities = {
        character: priority + 1 for priority, character in enumerate(ascii_lowercase)
        {character: priority + 27 for priority, character in enumerate(ascii_uppercase)}
    def compartment_commonality(rucksack: str) -> str:
        compartment_1 = set(rucksack[: len(rucksack) // 2])
        compartment_2 = set(rucksack[len(rucksack) // 2 :])
        return compartment_1.intersection(compartment_2).pop()
    def generate_groups(rucksacks: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
        grouped = []
        for idx in range(0, len(rucksacks), 3):
            grouped.append(rucksacks[idx : idx + 3])
        return grouped
    def find_badge(rucksacks: list[str]) -> str:
        sets = [set(rucksack) for rucksack in rucksacks]
        return sets[0].intersection(*sets).pop()
    def main(filepath: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        rucksacks = load_file.load_cleaned_lines(filepath)
        common_items = map(compartment_commonality, rucksacks)
        groups = generate_groups(rucksacks)
        badges = map(find_badge, groups)
        return (
            sum((priorities[item] for item in common_items)),
            sum((priorities[badge] for badge in badges)),
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        part1, part2 = main(INPUT_FILE)
    2 votes
  14. kari
    I enjoyed today! Nim (both parts) I think there's a better way for me to get the single item left after the intersections than popping, but I can't figure it out import std/[sets, sequtils,...

    I enjoyed today!

    Nim (both parts)

    I think there's a better way for me to get the single item left after the intersections than popping, but I can't figure it out

    import std/[sets, sequtils, strutils]
    proc getPriority(item: char): int =
      # We want a-z to be 1-26
      # and A-Z to be 27-52
      if item.isLowerAscii():
        return ord(item) - 96 # ord('a') == 97
        return ord(item) - 38 # ord('A') == 65
      # Just in case, but everything *should* be upper or lowercase letters
      return 0
    proc day03*() =
        prioritySumP1 = 0
        prioritySumP2 = 0
      var rucksacks = lines("inputs/day03.in").toSeq()
      for line in rucksacks:
        let midPoint = int(line.len / 2)
        let compartmentOne = line[0 ..< midPoint].toHashSet()
        let compartmentTwo = line[midPoint .. ^1].toHashSet()
        # easy way to get the one mismatched item
        var itemSet = (compartmentOne * compartmentTwo)
        let item = itemSet.pop()
        prioritySumP1 += getPriority(item)
      while rucksacks.len() > 0:
        let rucksackOne = rucksacks.pop().toHashSet()
        let rucksackTwo = rucksacks.pop().toHashSet()
        let rucksackThree = rucksacks.pop().toHashSet()
        var itemSet = (rucksackOne * rucksackTwo * rucksackThree)
        let item = itemSet.pop()
        prioritySumP2 += getPriority(item)
      echo "Part 1: " & $prioritySumP1
      echo "Part 2: " & $prioritySumP2
    2 votes
  15. [4]
    I found today to be quite difficult with bash. Would love some feedback if anyone has any, particularly on how to make these faster. Part 1+2 Part 1: we split the line into two even sections,...

    I found today to be quite difficult with bash. Would love some feedback if anyone has any, particularly on how to make these faster.

    Part 1+2 Part 1: we split the line into two even sections, separate each character, with a newline, sort it. We compare the sorted lines. Then, we convert the letter to a number with printf and add it on to our sum.

    Part 2: the same, except we don't split the line into two sections and we do two comparisons of the sorted lines.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    str=$(echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ')
    if [[ ${part} -eq 1 ]]; then
    # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    #part 1 ~3.5s // 8252
    while read -r line || [[ -n ${line} ]]; do
    # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    # echo ${line:0:${#line}/2} === ${line:${#line}/2}
    #   -- get the string into an array
    firstArr=$(fold -w1<<<${line:0:${#line}/2}) #fold works here bc sort needs newlines
    secondArr=$(fold -w1<<<${line:${#line}/2}) #could use sed 's/./&\n/g'<<<$sring
    firstArrSortUniq=$(sort -u <<<$firstArr)
    secondArrSortUniq=$(sort -u <<<$secondArr)
    # commonLetter=$(comm -1 -2 <(echo "$firstArrSortUniq") <(echo "$secondArrSortUniq"))
    commonLetter=$(grep -o "$firstArrSortUniq" <<< "$secondArrSortUniq")
    if [[  $str =~ "$commonLetter" ]]; then
        upCase=$(tr [:lower:] [:upper:]<<<$commonLetter)
        val=$(printf "%d" "'$upCase")
        ((val = val - 64))
        (( sum = val + sum))
        val=$(printf "%d" "'$commonLetter")
        ((val = val - 38))
        (( sum = val + sum))
    done < $file
    echo Part A: $sum
    # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if [[ ${part} -eq 2 ]]; then
    # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    #part 2 2.26s // 2828
    wholeFile=($(cat $file))
    while [[ $i -lt ${#wholeFile[@]} ]]; do
        firstArr=$(fold -w1<<<${wholeFile[$i]}) #fold works here bc sort needs newlines
        firstArrSortUniq=$(sort -u <<<$firstArr)
        secondArr=$(fold -w1<<<${wholeFile[$i+1]}) #fold works here bc sort needs newlines
        secondArrSortUniq=$(sort -u <<<$secondArr)
        thirdArr=$(fold -w1<<<${wholeFile[$i+2]}) #fold works here bc sort needs newlines
        thirdArrSortUniq=$(sort -u <<<$thirdArr)
        commonLetter1=$(grep -o "$firstArrSortUniq" <<< "$secondArrSortUniq")
        commonLetter2=$(grep -o "$thirdArrSortUniq" <<< "$commonLetter1") #can also use comm command here: comm -1 -2 <($firstArrSortUniq) <$(secondArrSortUniq)
        if [[  $str =~ "$commonLetter2" ]]; then
            upCase=$(tr [:lower:] [:upper:]<<<$commonLetter2)
            val=$(printf "%d" "'$upCase")
            ((val = val - 64))
            (( sum = val + sum))
            val=$(printf "%d" "'$commonLetter2")
            ((val = val - 38))
            (( sum = val + sum))
        ((i = i + 3))
    echo Part A: $sum
    # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2 votes
    1. [3]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Have you read the Pure Bash Bible? Although external commands may be fast at processing data, it is significantly more efficient to use builtins for small changes because you avoid the fork and...

      Have you read the Pure Bash Bible? Although external commands may be fast at processing data, it is significantly more efficient to use builtins for small changes because you avoid the fork and startup time. Especially when you would otherwise use command substitution and piping, as those are already costly by themselves.

      Some examples of simple substitutions you could make are printf -v str %s {a..z} instead of str=$(echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' and upCase=${commonLetter^} instead of upCase=$(tr [:lower:] [:upper:]<<<$commonLetter).

      Beyond that, you can get creative with Bash's builtins and solve them in a completely different way. This may be a bit too arcane, but here's how I would solve it:

      Part 1
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      while read -r line; do
      	printf -v val %d "'$c"
      	# alternatively, use a [[ $c =~ [[:lower:]] ]] check
      	(( val -= (val >= 97 ? 96 : 38)))
      	(( sum += val ))
      done <"$1"
      printf '%s\n' "$sum"
      Part 2
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      mapfile -t lines <"$1"
      for (( i = 0; i < ${#lines[@]}; i += 3 )); do
      	printf -v val %d "'$d"
      	(( val -= (val >= 97 ? 96 : 38)))
      	(( sum += val ))
      printf '%s\n' "$sum"

      Both of these execute in ~0.010s on my machine. But if you want a more straightforward way to find the common letters, you can use Bash's associative arrays to do something like my AWK solution.

      EDIT - One easier method for part 1:

      Part 1
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      while read -r line; do
      	[[ $a =~ [$b] ]]
      	printf -v val %d "'$c"
      	(( val -= (val >= 97 ? 96 : 38)))
      	(( sum += val ))
      done <"$1"
      printf '%s\n' "$sum"
      3 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Thank you very much for taking the time to write these up. They run ~0.05s on my system, so about 100x faster than my solutions! I'd never seen that github page. It helped me find this resource...

        Thank you very much for taking the time to write these up. They run ~0.05s on my system, so about 100x faster than my solutions! I'd never seen that github page. It helped me find this resource too, so thanks for that!

        I've broken out the assignment used in Part 1 to help myself understand them. I'm wondering why the expansion of ["$b"] with brackets works, but leaving the brackets off doesn't?

        see this snippet
        # ${string//substring/replacement}
        # Replace all matches of $substring with $replacement.
            c=${a//[$b]/+} #no replacement, so we just delete. The bracket is a builtin to expand the variable. 
            d=${a//$b} #doesn't work
            echo $c
            echo $d
            echo good substitution $c
            echo failed substitution $d
        good substitution ++gJ+RGJ
        failed substitution ttgJtRGJ

        I'll note that your second solution to Part 1 is 0.009s on my system, so an even better speedup. Thanks again for giving me these tips.

        1 vote
        1. Crestwave
          Link Parent
          No problem, Bash is always fun to hack on. The brackets denote a regex character class (e.g., [0-9]) that matches any character in $b.

          No problem, Bash is always fun to hack on. The brackets denote a regex character class (e.g., [0-9]) that matches any character in $b.

          2 votes
  16. spit-evil-olive-tips
    part 1 import string def get_priority(letter): return string.ascii_letters.index(letter) + 1 with open('03.txt') as input_file: lines = [line.strip() for line in input_file.readlines()] total = 0...
    part 1
    import string
    def get_priority(letter):
    	return string.ascii_letters.index(letter) + 1
    with open('03.txt') as input_file:
    	lines = [line.strip() for line in input_file.readlines()]
    total = 0
    for line in lines:
    	split = len(line) // 2
    	items1, items2 = line[:split], line[split:]
    	ruck1, ruck2 = set(items1), set(items2)
    	overlap = ruck1.intersection(ruck2)
    	total += get_priority(overlap.pop())
    part 2
    --- aoc03a.py   2022-12-03 18:55:45.593771254 -0800
    +++ aoc03b.py   2022-12-03 18:54:52.443395112 -0800
    @@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
     total = 0
    -for line in lines:
    -       split = len(line) // 2
    -       items1, items2 = line[:split], line[split:]
    -       ruck1, ruck2 = set(items1), set(items2)
    -       overlap = ruck1.intersection(ruck2)
    +for i in range(0, len(lines), 3):
    +       items1, items2, items3 = lines[i], lines[i+1], lines[i+2]
    +       ruck1, ruck2, ruck3 = set(items1), set(items2), set(items3)
    +       overlap = set.intersection(ruck1, ruck2, ruck3)
            total += get_priority(overlap.pop())
    2 votes
  17. vord
    Late to the party, saved them for the workday. Feeling much better than Day 2. I abstracted better, so part 2 was not nearly as painful. Typescript (both parts) import * as fs from...

    Late to the party, saved them for the workday. Feeling much better than Day 2. I abstracted better, so part 2 was not nearly as painful.

    Typescript (both parts)
    import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises';
    function allEqual(array: string[]): boolean {
    	return array.every(a => { if (a == array[0]) {
    								return  true;
    							} }
    function findBadItemType(pack: number[][]): number {
    	// 0 is left pack, 1 is right pack
    	for (let item of pack[0]) {
    		if (pack[1].includes(item)) {
    			return item;
    	//If no bad items are found, return 0
    	return 0;
    function convertPriority(pack: string): number[][] {
    	let left_side: number[] = [];
    	let right_side: number[] = [];
    	for (let x=0; x < pack.length; x++) {
    		let priority = pack.charCodeAt(x);
    		// A charCode = 65, but priority = 27
    		// a charCode = 97, but priority = 1
    		if (priority < 97) {
    			priority = priority - 38;
    		} else {
    			priority = priority - 96;
    		if (x < pack.length/2){
    		} else {
    	return [left_side,right_side];
    function isInAll(x: number, array1: number[], array2: number[]): boolean {
    	if(array1.includes(x) && array2.includes(x)){
    		return true;
    	return false;
    function groupElves(packs: number[][][]): number[] {
    	let groups: number[] = [];
    	for (let group = 0;group < packs.length-2; group += 3) {
    		let elf_1: number[] = packs[group].flat();
    		let elf_2: number[] = packs[group+1].flat();
    		let elf_3: number[] = packs[group+2].flat();
    		// Default null to -1
    		let badge: number = elf_1.find(element => isInAll(element, elf_2,elf_3)) ?? -1;
    	return groups;
    async function main(): Promise<void> {
    	const file = await fs.readFile("input/day3","utf-8");
    	let rucksacks = file.split("\n");
    	let converted_rucksacks: number[][][] =
    				rucksacks.map((pack: string,index: number): number[][] =>
    	// Part 1
    	let bad_items: number[] =
    		converted_rucksacks.map((pack: number[][], index: number): number =>
    	let total_bad_priorities: number = 
    				bad_items.reduce((total: number, item: number) => total + item,0);
    	// Part 2
    	let elf_groups: number[] = groupElves(converted_rucksacks);
    	let total_badge_priorities: number = 
    				elf_groups.reduce((total: number, item: number) => total + item,0);
    	console.log("Total Bad Priorities: ",total_bad_priorities);
    	console.log("Total Badge Priorities: ",total_badge_priorities);
    await main();
    1 vote
  18. whispersilk
    I'm using Rust this year, and trying to keep it std-only throughout the month. I had a lot of fun using a bitset for this one. Part 1 use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read;...

    I'm using Rust this year, and trying to keep it std-only throughout the month.

    I had a lot of fun using a bitset for this one.

    Part 1
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Read;
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    	let mut file = File::open("input_3.txt")?;
    	let mut contents = String::new();
    	file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
    	let total_overlap_priority = contents.lines().fold(0, |acc, line| {
    		let line_len = line.len();
    		let first = &line[0..line_len / 2];
    		let second = &line[line_len / 2..];
    		let first_set = first.chars().fold(0, |acc, x| acc | priority(x));
    		let second_set = second.chars().fold(0, |acc, x| acc | priority(x));
    		let overlap = first_set & second_set;
    		acc + overlap_priority(overlap)
    // Returns a u64 with the Xth bit set, where X is the char's priority
    fn priority(c: char) -> u64 {
    	if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' {
    		1 << (26 + (c as u8 - 'A' as u8))
    	} else if c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' {
    		 1 << (c as u8 - 'a' as u8)
    	} else {
    fn overlap_priority(overlap: u64) -> u64 {
    	assert!(overlap & overlap - 1 == 0);
    	let mut n = overlap;
    	let mut priority = 1;
    	while n > 1 {
    		priority += 1;
    		n = n >> 1;
    Part 2
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Read;
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    	let mut file = File::open("input_3.txt")?;
    	let mut contents = String::new();
    	file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
    	let mut inventory_sets = contents.lines()
    		.map(|line| line.chars().fold(0, |acc, x| acc | priority(x)))
    	let mut badge_sum = 0;
    	while inventory_sets.peek().is_some() {
    		let first = inventory_sets.next().unwrap();
    		let second = inventory_sets.next().unwrap();
    		let third = inventory_sets.next().unwrap();
    		let overlap = first & second & third;
    		badge_sum += overlap_priority(overlap);
    // Returns a u64 with the Xth bit set, where X is the char's priority
    fn priority(c: char) -> u64 {
    	if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' {
    		1 << (26 + (c as u8 - 'A' as u8))
    	} else if c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' {
    		 1 << (c as u8 - 'a' as u8)
    	} else {
    fn overlap_priority(overlap: u64) -> u64 {
    	assert!(overlap & overlap - 1 == 0);
    	let mut n = overlap;
    	let mut priority = 1;
    	while n > 1 {
    		priority += 1;
    		n = n >> 1;
    1 vote