16 votes

Ellen Page calls out Chris Pratt's church for being "infamously anti-LGBTQ"


  1. [13]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [12]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      It's a bit disappointing to hear, especially since I like him and his shows/movies, and so I hope he doesn't subscribe to the same bigoted beliefs as his Church's leaders... but I am pretty much...

      It's a bit disappointing to hear, especially since I like him and his shows/movies, and so I hope he doesn't subscribe to the same bigoted beliefs as his Church's leaders... but I am pretty much in the same boat as you in not really caring so long as, even if he does hold those bigoted beliefs, he keeps them to himself, doesn't use his fame to promote them and doesn't treat any LGBT people poorly because of it.

      15 votes
      1. TheInvaderZim
        Link Parent
        I work in Christian publishing (though I'm agnostic myself), and it's painfully clear at even a glance that only a tiny, inconsequential fraction of ANY churchgoers actually adhere to the church's...

        I work in Christian publishing (though I'm agnostic myself), and it's painfully clear at even a glance that only a tiny, inconsequential fraction of ANY churchgoers actually adhere to the church's beliefs. Particularly considering how xenophobic most conservatives are...

        I doubt that even every worker at the church holds those beliefs, they're simply a scapegoat for people who need one.

        5 votes
      2. [10]
        Link Parent
        I mostly agree with you and upvoted you for it, but the fact of the matter is that he is using his fame to promote it. The church he talks about in the interview with Colbert previously engaged in...

        I mostly agree with you and upvoted you for it, but the fact of the matter is that he is using his fame to promote it. The church he talks about in the interview with Colbert previously engaged in conversion therapy. By talking about his religion and church in an interview that's seen by millions, he very much is using his fame as a platform to promote homophobic views...

        On the other hand, he also appeared on Graham Norton last week, so I guess that just makes him a hypocrite if nothing else.

        4 votes
        1. [8]
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          That is not "fact" and actually seems an incredibly disingenuous statement, IMO. Just because he goes to a church where the leadership may espouse those views does not necessarily mean he holds...
          • Exemplary

          but the fact of the matter is that he is using his fame to promote it.

          That is not "fact" and actually seems an incredibly disingenuous statement, IMO. Just because he goes to a church where the leadership may espouse those views does not necessarily mean he holds them himself, nor is his talking about his faith in the way he has promoting said views. Watch the actual interview with Colbert... at no point does he "promote" anything remotely homophobic, nor does he even mention the church's name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzXwximuwrM#t=3m33s

          Unless you're trying to make the argument that a celebrity discussing their faith in Christianity at all is promoting homophobia... which is another kettle of fish entirely and something I would prefer not to get into. But suffice to say, I prefer to judge people on their actual actions and not assume guilt by association.

          9 votes
          1. [7]
            Link Parent
            I don't want to get into that either, no thank you haha :) In regards to the first thing though, I agree that it doesn't mean he holds those views himself. But that he supports a church with...

            I don't want to get into that either, no thank you haha :)

            In regards to the first thing though, I agree that it doesn't mean he holds those views himself. But that he supports a church with people who do hold those views, he's not that much against them either, right? I'm just going to quote another of Ellen's tweets because she says it better than I can:

            If you are a famous actor and you belong to an organization that hates a certain group of people, don’t be surprised if someone simply wonders why it’s not addressed. Being anti LGBTQ is wrong, there aren’t two sides. The damage it causes is severe. Full stop. Sending love to all

            3 votes
            1. [6]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              Don't get me wrong, I absolutely get where you're coming from... I have argued with my still practicing Catholic relatives that by attending church and especially by tithing there, they are...

              Don't get me wrong, I absolutely get where you're coming from... I have argued with my still practicing Catholic relatives that by attending church and especially by tithing there, they are tacitly supporting not just the good deeds of the church but also the horrendous ones as well (of which there are many).

              However, on an individual level, especially when a person is that far removed from the decision making process of an organization, I think it's wrong to ascribe too much guilt or blame to them for the actions of said organization or its leaders, or judge them too harshly for their belonging to that group. It would be similar to blaming a random Chinese citizen for the acts of their government.... or a random American citizen for the acts committed by Trump et al, which is patently unfair, IMO.

              So unless Pratt does something himself that I feel crosses the line into homophobia (which I haven't seen so far), I am unwilling to judge him based solely on where he attends church since there are many, many factors that go into deciding that, and IME it's incredibly rare that agreement with every value espoused by the church's leadership is one of them.

              8 votes
              1. [5]
                Link Parent
                I feel like citizenship is a bit different — that's often not a choice, just something you're born with, and changing citizenship is a very long and complicated process that is inaccessible to a...

                I feel like citizenship is a bit different — that's often not a choice, just something you're born with, and changing citizenship is a very long and complicated process that is inaccessible to a lot of people. Changing a church isn't (barring social repercussions). There are churches that haven't done conversion therapy, and while don't know a ton about Pratt's religious journey it sounds like he wasn't always a member of this church. If not belonging to a church that harms LGBT folks was a priority for him, I imagine he wouldn't have joined it.

                1 vote
                1. [4]
                  (edited )
                  Link Parent
                  Where did you hear they "have done conversion therapy" from? Every legitimate source I can find says they have only ever been accused of referring some of their former parishioners to outside...

                  Where did you hear they "have done conversion therapy" from? Every legitimate source I can find says they have only ever been accused of referring some of their former parishioners to outside conversion therapy programs, but even that is a practice they stopped in 2011. That said, they have had their fare share of other rather disgusting scandals, including sexual abuse, but frankly so has the vast majority of major religious organizations and individual churches, so good luck boycotting every single person who belongs to any.

                  If not belonging to a church that harms LGBT folks was a priority for him, I imagine he wouldn't have joined it.

                  Only if you assume he has perfect knowledge of all the church's goings on, past and present, which I can virtually guarantee you he does not.

                  3 votes
                  1. BuckeyeSundae
                    Link Parent
                    "I didn't do the conversion therapy myself; I just sent off Dave and John to the conversion therapy camp a state away" is not really an exonerating argument, though I do get where you're coming...

                    "I didn't do the conversion therapy myself; I just sent off Dave and John to the conversion therapy camp a state away" is not really an exonerating argument, though I do get where you're coming from. It is a little much to expect someone to be aware of every vaguely controversial thing an organization they support has done in living memory. And social media is not really known for responding proportionally to accusations of any kind, let alone a more ancillary one like this for Pratt.

                    I do think the core of what eladnarra is talking about is fair. Pratt doesn't seem to highly prioritize LGBT issues, especially in avoiding to support organizations that have harmed LGBT folks. It isn't like this particular attribute of his church is a new, controversial quality. His association with this church is a short-cut to getting to that conclusion that can lead people toward a more harsh statement than is supported by the body of evidence we have, but we can at least determine from it that Pratt's priorities seem to put his faith above the safety of LGBT folks.

                    Edit: that's not the same as saying Pratt hates the Gays(tm), but that as far as his value priorities are concerned, this doesn't rank enough for him to change churches over it (which people, especially protestants, do in the US all the time).

                    3 votes
                  2. [2]
                    (edited )
                    Link Parent
                    "Done" was not the most accurate word I could have used, but referring people to an extremely harmful "therapy" is still pretty bad to me, even if they didn't conduct it themselves. I don't think...

                    Where did you hear they "have done conversion therapy" from? Every legitimate source I can find says they have only ever been accused of referring some of their former parishioners to outside conversion therapy programs, but even that is a practice they stopped in 2011.

                    "Done" was not the most accurate word I could have used, but referring people to an extremely harmful "therapy" is still pretty bad to me, even if they didn't conduct it themselves.

                    good luck boycotting every single person who belongs to any [church]

                    I don't think I ever said I was boycotting anyone. I just feel that when people chose to join a church with certain beliefs it reflects upon them. If Pratt was ignorant of the church's history, that means it wasn't particularly important to him to find out before joining. (I'm not religious myself, but I know of liberals who deliberately seek out LGBT-friendly churches.) If he did know, that means his reasons for joining outweigh any concerns he might have for the LGBT community.

                    To be honest, my only purpose for commenting was to mention that I think citizenship is different than voluntarily choosing a particular church.

                    1 vote
                    1. cfabbro
                      Link Parent
                      Fair enough and you're right; it probably wasn't the best comparison.

                      Fair enough and you're right; it probably wasn't the best comparison.

                      2 votes
        2. Griddamus
          Link Parent
          By using the same thought process here for anything. The whole guilty by association thing is a recipe for trouble. You could say by being American and therefore associated with America, that you...

          By using the same thought process here for anything. The whole guilty by association thing is a recipe for trouble.

          You could say by being American and therefore associated with America, that you condone the murder of children, seeing as America has been involved in multiple military campaigns across the Middle East where there have been civilian casualties which will include children.

          That absolutely will not be true when speaking to any individual American on such matters, and I feel it’s unfair to judge any man in this way.

          3 votes
  2. [14]
    This has already had a healthy amount of discussion on reddit - as well as unhealthy. I'm curious what you guys think of this.

    This has already had a healthy amount of discussion on reddit - as well as unhealthy.

    I'm curious what you guys think of this.

    5 votes
    1. [12]
      Link Parent
      I don't think anything of it. I barely know who either of these people are. The name "Chris Pratt" has some familiarity, in that I believe he's an actor - but I don't know anything about him or...

      I don't think anything of it.

      I barely know who either of these people are. The name "Chris Pratt" has some familiarity, in that I believe he's an actor - but I don't know anything about him or his work. I'm familiar with Ellen Page only because she did a documentary series called "Gaycation", in which she annoyingly intruded her own opinions everywhere she went, rather than letting the locals explain their own cultures.

      I really don't care what someone I barely know says about someone I don't know at all.

      However, reading this short article, it seems like Page is yet again intruding herself into something that doesn't involve her, and trying to stir up trouble. Who cares if an actor attends a church with homophobic teachings? I mean... really... who gives a shit? Does it matter to anyone?

      5 votes
      1. [9]
        Link Parent
        This is a rather extreme overreation to a story that basically amounts to "Ellen Page makes a tweet with an oppinion in it". It's not as if she is stalking Chris Pratt or organizing a...

        However, reading this short article, it seems like Page is yet again intruding herself into something that doesn't involve her, and trying to stir up trouble.

        This is a rather extreme overreation to a story that basically amounts to "Ellen Page makes a tweet with an oppinion in it". It's not as if she is stalking Chris Pratt or organizing a demonstration outside of the church's property.

        7 votes
        1. [8]
          Link Parent
          Well, Chris Pratt's churchgoing doesn't involve Ellen Page, she is intruding herself into the conversation (she wasn't part of Pratt's interview, nor did anyone ask for her opinion), and the...

          Well, Chris Pratt's churchgoing doesn't involve Ellen Page, she is intruding herself into the conversation (she wasn't part of Pratt's interview, nor did anyone ask for her opinion), and the wording of her tweet is intended to stir up trouble. That's not an overreaction, that's fact.

          2 votes
          1. [7]
            Link Parent
            It doesn't involve her no, but he talked openly about it on Colbert's show which means he took it from a private thing that he does to a public thing that he wants to share. I don't think she's...

            It doesn't involve her no, but he talked openly about it on Colbert's show which means he took it from a private thing that he does to a public thing that he wants to share. I don't think she's intruding into any conversation - she simply made a single tweet after the interview went live.

            Of course her tweet is meant to stir up trouble. Chris Pratt is attending and donating to a church that has engaged in conversion therapy. So he has actively engaged in anti-LGBTQ conduct because of supporting that church - and that certainly concerns every GSM-identifying person, in my opinion.

            4 votes
            1. [3]
              Link Parent
              What anti-LGBTQ conduct is that? Has he said anti-LGBTQ things? Has he campaigned for an anti-LGBTQ law? Has he ridiculed an LGBTQ person? Has he assaulted an LGBTQ person? What has he actually...

              So he has actively engaged in anti-LGBTQ conduct

              What anti-LGBTQ conduct is that? Has he said anti-LGBTQ things? Has he campaigned for an anti-LGBTQ law? Has he ridiculed an LGBTQ person? Has he assaulted an LGBTQ person? What has he actually done against LGBTQ people?

              We can't assume that, just because he goes to an anti-LGBTQ church, that he himself is anti-LGBTQ or does anti-LGBTQ things. Strictly speaking, all Christian denominations are anti-LGBTQ because they all share the same Bible which contains the same anti-LGBTQ teachings - but there are lots of pro-LGBTQ Christians despite that.

              So, what has this Chris Pratt actually done that is anti-LGBTQ?

              and that certainly concerns every GSM-identifying person, in my opinion.

              I'm a GSM-identifying person. What should I be concerned about with regard to this actor and his church attendance?

              3 votes
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                Nope, though that is a common belief. There exist several Christian denominations which either don't care or actively support LGBT people. Yes, they all use the same bible, but each interpretation...

                all Christian denominations are anti-LGBTQ because they all share the same Bible which contains the same anti-LGBTQ teachings

                Nope, though that is a common belief. There exist several Christian denominations which either don't care or actively support LGBT people. Yes, they all use the same bible, but each interpretation of the text is different. Here's a good resource for that: https://www.gaychurch.org/affirming-denominations/

                I'm a GSM-identifying person. What should I be concerned about with regard to this actor and his church attendance?

                You shouldn't. You should be worried that he may use his unique position to spread his beliefs elsewhere. Remember how people were asking why we should worry what a former reality tv star thinks about Mexico 3 years ago? Of course, Chris Pratt isn't DJT, but if he ever were to say something anti-LGBT he could have a much further reach than his church would.

                4 votes
                1. Algernon_Asimov
                  Link Parent
                  And, if he does such a thing, I would be concerned. But, based on what he does say about LGBTQ people, I see no need for concern.

                  You should be worried that he may use his unique position to spread his beliefs elsewhere.

                  And, if he does such a thing, I would be concerned. But, based on what he does say about LGBTQ people, I see no need for concern.

                  2 votes
            2. [3]
              Link Parent
              P.S. I decided to do some research. Firstly, it seems I've seen some of Chris Pratt's work: 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and 'Passengers'. Hm. Secondly, he doesn't seem very anti-LGBTQ. During an...

              P.S. I decided to do some research.

              Firstly, it seems I've seen some of Chris Pratt's work: 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and 'Passengers'. Hm.

              Secondly, he doesn't seem very anti-LGBTQ.

              During an interview about 'Passengers', he said "If you’re a member of the LGBTQ community and you’re really good at plumbing, then you know, they’ll send you, I’m sure. Anyone who’s valuable to the homestead company and (who) would be worth money to the homestead company would go, so that would include all people from all – the whole spectrum, anyone who could essentially provide a service that’s an old-world service." And, in an interview which touched on his role in 'Guardians of the Galaxy', he was comfortable with the theoretical idea of being in a threesome with two other male actors who play superheroes in the Marvel franchise.

              These don't seem like the comments of someone who's anti-LGBTQ. Maybe he doesn't agree with that part of his church's teachings. Lots of Christian churchgoers don't agree with everything in the Bible. They tend to cherry-pick the bits they like, and leave the bits they don't like.

              3 votes
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                That's an interesting take on it, but I have to say I just can't agree with you on any points despite what he says in interviews... I feel like if you attend a church that has a history of...

                That's an interesting take on it, but I have to say I just can't agree with you on any points despite what he says in interviews... I feel like if you attend a church that has a history of conversion therapy, you do support it. If he was an actual ally and actually cared about GSM (regardless of what he says in interviews) he would stop attending the church. That's just how I feel, I don't think you and I will agree on this subject anytime soon but thank you for your input and comments here! It's always great to get other perspectives to make you think

                2 votes
                1. Algernon_Asimov
                  Link Parent
                  He doesn't have to be an actual ally, or an enemy - he could just not really care too much either way about the issue. LGBTQ rights aren't super-important to everyone like they are to LGBTQ...

                  If he was an actual ally

                  He doesn't have to be an actual ally, or an enemy - he could just not really care too much either way about the issue.

                  LGBTQ rights aren't super-important to everyone like they are to LGBTQ people. We have to be careful not to get so caught up in our own concerns that we forget that many people just don't care about the same things we do.

                  3 votes
      2. demifiend
        Link Parent
        I don't think highly of Christian celebrities. I think even less of Christian celebrities who attend churches whose leadership seems to care more about the ritual cleanliness laws from Leviticus...

        I don't think highly of Christian celebrities. I think even less of Christian celebrities who attend churches whose leadership seems to care more about the ritual cleanliness laws from Leviticus than they do about what Jesus allegedly said. It isn't the most attractive look, and knowing that money I spend might end up on a gay-bashing church's collection plate doesn't make me more inclined to see their movies.

        4 votes
      3. JXM
        Link Parent
        It does involve her somewhat, since she is a member of the LGBTQ community that the church Chris Pratt is promoting is so against. As for Pratt himself, you may not have heard of him, but he has...

        ...it seems like Page is yet again intruding herself into something that doesn't involve her, and trying to stir up trouble.

        It does involve her somewhat, since she is a member of the LGBTQ community that the church Chris Pratt is promoting is so against.

        As for Pratt himself, you may not have heard of him, but he has starred in several of the biggest movies of the past decade, including Jurassic World, which is the fifth highest grossing movie of all time. He's arguably one of the biggest movie stars on the planet at the moment. This is only relevant because it means that if he says something, it will get a lot of air play and a lot of people will take it seriously.

        2 votes
    2. clerical_terrors
      Link Parent
      I can't imagine that this conversation is going to be about the actual issue of LGTBQ discrimination, and instead is going to be regular Hollywood gossiping.

      I can't imagine that this conversation is going to be about the actual issue of LGTBQ discrimination, and instead is going to be regular Hollywood gossiping.

      4 votes
  3. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. JXM
      Link Parent
      You have to draw a line somewhere though, otherwise you just have anarchy. That's what society and laws are. It's people getting together and saying, "we won't tolerate this type of behavior" be...

      You have to draw a line somewhere though, otherwise you just have anarchy. That's what society and laws are. It's people getting together and saying, "we won't tolerate this type of behavior" be it murder, robbery or something else.

      Tolerance has to have a limit.

      3 votes