Album of the Week #6: Moby - Play
This is Album of the Week #6 ~ This week's album is Moby - Play Year of Release: 1999 Genre(s): Downtempo Country: United States Length: 63 minutes Album.Link Excerpt from The Quietus: Abandoned...
This is Album of the Week #6 ~ This week's album is Moby - Play
Year of Release: 1999
Genre(s): Downtempo
Country: United States
Length: 63 minutes
Excerpt from The Quietus:
Abandoned by a fickle and uncaring industry, Play was conceived as Moby’s swansong, a final gesture of creative surrender before sinking back into obscurity. And yet it’s precisely that sense of abandon which helped it eventually shift 12 million copies. Listening to the album through that personal lens, it becomes clear that this is not mere chill-out fodder, but a wistful and valedictory piece of work, a eulogy to opportunities squandered and a life (or one chapter of it) about to end.
Discussion points:
Have you heard this artist/album before? Is this your first time hearing?
Do you enjoy this genre? Is this an album you would have chosen?
Does this album remind you of something you've heard before?
What were the album's strengths or weaknesses?
Was there a standout track for you?
How did you hear the album? Where were you? What was your setup?