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  • Showing only topics in ~sports.hockey with the tag "nhl". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. A fantasy league

      Hey, folks! I've been playing fantasy NFL for about four years now. At first, I expected to hate it. Just, ya know, always a pop culture contrarian. It turned out after a year or two, I really...

      Hey, folks! I've been playing fantasy NFL for about four years now. At first, I expected to hate it. Just, ya know, always a pop culture contrarian. It turned out after a year or two, I really enjoy it!

      I've been watching hockey on and off since probably 2007. Would love to see if NHL Fantasy can drive my NHL enjoyment similarly to football.

      Not all of our little NFL group wants to try hockey. If you'd like to give it a whirl, I'd be happy to share the link to join! I need a few folks.

      6 votes