16 votes

What did you do this week (and weekend)?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. albinanigans
    I got my hysterectomy! All the discomfort today is absolutely worth it for no longer having to worry about periods, pregnancy, and other health issues (like blood pressure; I took birth control...

    I got my hysterectomy!

    All the discomfort today is absolutely worth it for no longer having to worry about periods, pregnancy, and other health issues (like blood pressure; I took birth control pills to reign in my horrible periods.)

    I mostly feel relief. With the aforementioned stuff and the attacks on reproductive health recently, this is also one less thing I can worry about.

    10 votes
  2. [8]
    Not sure if it counts. This week I've been doing the research for my Master's thesis. And, after initial setback last week, it's going incredibly well!

    Not sure if it counts.

    This week I've been doing the research for my Master's thesis. And, after initial setback last week, it's going incredibly well!

    9 votes
    1. [7]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      What are you writing your Master's thesis on (if you don't mind my asking)?

      What are you writing your Master's thesis on (if you don't mind my asking)?

      3 votes
      1. [6]
        Link Parent
        Sure, I don't mind. It's about the efficacy of 4 different plant extracts on a single-celled parasite.

        Sure, I don't mind.

        It's about the efficacy of 4 different plant extracts on a single-celled parasite.

        4 votes
        1. [5]
          Link Parent
          Oooh, microbiology or medicine? You should consider doing an AMA! I'm sure plenty of people here would be interested in either subject, and your research. No pressure though. :)

          Oooh, microbiology or medicine? You should consider doing an AMA! I'm sure plenty of people here would be interested in either subject, and your research. No pressure though. :)

          3 votes
          1. [4]
            Link Parent
            Pharmacy. Not sure if that would be an interesting topic, as it's a bit niche :-P

            Pharmacy. Not sure if that would be an interesting topic, as it's a bit niche :-P

            1 vote
            1. [3]
              Link Parent
              TBH, I think it might actually be more interesting. E.g. I never knew part of pharmacy curriculum involved drilling down into very specific treatment subjects like that. And I imagine there are...

              TBH, I think it might actually be more interesting. E.g. I never knew part of pharmacy curriculum involved drilling down into very specific treatment subjects like that. And I imagine there are all sorts of other misunderstood parts of what you're studying. But, again, no pressure. I just thought it might be neat. :)

              1 vote
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                I think in majority of European countries doing the research and later defending your thesis is mandatory when you study pharmacy :-D On Wednesday I've got my last final this semester and then...

                I never knew part of pharmacy curriculum involved drilling down into very specific treatment subjects like that.

                I think in majority of European countries doing the research and later defending your thesis is mandatory when you study pharmacy :-D

                On Wednesday I've got my last final this semester and then I'll think about doing AMA. That's a neat idea I've never before thought of.

                1 vote
                1. cfabbro
                  (edited )
                  Link Parent
                  For all I know it might even be mandatory here in Canada (and the US) too. That's how little I actually know about the field, and why I think it might actually be an ideal topic for an AMA. :P

                  For all I know it might even be mandatory here in Canada (and the US) too. That's how little I actually know about the field, and why I think it might actually be an ideal topic for an AMA. :P

                  1 vote
  3. [3]
    (edited )
    We've been going out for more walks lately. Wife and I live near some pretty extensive trails, and we've been taking advantage of the green space. Good for us physically and mentally, and we both...

    We've been going out for more walks lately. Wife and I live near some pretty extensive trails, and we've been taking advantage of the green space. Good for us physically and mentally, and we both work from home so we use it as a method transitioning from work mode to home mode.

    The trail is in a heavily wooded area, but right in the heart of town so it's just perfect. There's a small airfield nearby, so you'll hear little planes flying overhead and occasionally the big bois coming in for a landing. Yesterday a guy was doing laps around in a little biplane, just puttering around. It's so cool seeing them above us.

    edited for clarity

    7 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      There's really nothing like a good walk in the evenings. So many of the trails near us have a lot of birds around them (and while I never thought I was a bird watcher, I really do enjoy being able...

      There's really nothing like a good walk in the evenings. So many of the trails near us have a lot of birds around them (and while I never thought I was a bird watcher, I really do enjoy being able to pick sounds now and know which bird is making it).

      Out of curiosity, did you notice many planes before you started your walks or is this a recent observation of interest?

      2 votes
      1. godzilla_lives
        Link Parent
        You know, I really should try and bird watch more when I'm out there. You hear hawks all the time, especially if you're good with a grass whistle (just to make them answer back, then no more I...

        You know, I really should try and bird watch more when I'm out there. You hear hawks all the time, especially if you're good with a grass whistle (just to make them answer back, then no more I promise).

        Oh yeah, we live so close to this little strip so we hear planes coming over our apartment to land everyday. It's hard not to think they're cool! It's a small field with a lot of hobbyists, so we'll see the odd plane flying loops to get their hours in any time we step out. Love it!

        2 votes
  4. Satures
    The most important part was selling our family home. I know, legally it will still be ours for maybe three months or so (selling property takes a while in Germany), but with the contract signed...

    The most important part was selling our family home. I know, legally it will still be ours for maybe three months or so (selling property takes a while in Germany), but with the contract signed everything is on the final trajectory for good. It feels like a total bummer in so many aspects. The house was built by my great-great-great(?)-grandparents almost 135 years ago, it has been in our family's hands and inhabited by our family ever since. I moved in when I was 5 and moved out when I was 21, so my entire childhood memories are there. Also I don't think that until last year there were ever more than two or three weeks where I hadn't visited that house ever since I moved out. Until three years ago, both parents lived there. Now I buried both in two years, and the house was idling for almost a year for various reasons. Selling the house wasn't top priority at first as we had more urgent things to do given the circumstances. And when we were finally on that topic it still took ages for other reasons. The good thing is, that in the meantime I could emotionally close with the house, by now I'm just happy to get rid of it and not having the responsibility to take care of it anymore. And my parents knew that the house would be sold afterwards, so it wasn't that I'd feel betraying them, luckily.

    This took most of my emotional and time capabilities during the week, but tomorrow we'll have a day tour to some family members, looking forward to it.

    Also during the week I got a new (second) escooter - but it arrived damaged. The manufacturer reacted very nice, they sent me a how to replacing the damaged part and asked me if I'd be willing and / or capable to replace it myself, or if I want to send the scooter back. When I told them that replacing should be possible, they replied within three minutes that the part is on the way.

    And today as a complete surprise I got my other repair back from getting fixed - however it was almost in a worse condition than I sent it. Technically, they repaired one of the two issues they were supposed to. But the thing they repaired was done so badly that it was a safety risk. Luckily I realized the error rather quickly and figured out that I could do this myself, but I had to wait a few moments before I sent them an email with most (I didn't even bother to mention all of them) issues. If I had sent the email earlier, I guess I couldn't have been polite. I'm an office guy, if I was able to fix such things myself completely I wouldn't have sent it to them. Never mind that they didn't even tell me that they were done. I only knew that it was on is way was when the UPS guy stood in front of me.

    5 votes
  5. justus
    This weekend I’m running a 24-hour trail relay race with a team of four. I did 67km at the same race last year and finished in a wreck. This year I’m hoping for closer to 80 and to end feeling...

    This weekend I’m running a 24-hour trail relay race with a team of four. I did 67km at the same race last year and finished in a wreck. This year I’m hoping for closer to 80 and to end feeling better, but several contributing factors have caused my training, which was going very well, to fall off the past couple weeks.

    Also it’s supposed to rain all weekend.

    4 votes
  6. Rygar
    I went to Glacier National Park in Montana with my family. It’s about a 50 mile drive round trip through the mountains and you see some pretty amazing things. The views are great and we even saw...

    I went to Glacier National Park in Montana with my family. It’s about a 50 mile drive round trip through the mountains and you see some pretty amazing things. The views are great and we even saw some mountain goats and bighorn sheep. Definitely recommend it to anyone!

    3 votes
  7. [3]
    I had a birthday. It was meh, seems to be like that for the last few years. Sure I get a couple gifts but generally nothing surprising, or nothing for me, or because I'm me. I'm always asked, and...

    I had a birthday.
    It was meh, seems to be like that for the last few years.

    Sure I get a couple gifts but generally nothing surprising, or nothing for me, or because I'm me. I'm always asked, and I usually give a couple options, a necessity, and a fun item which I said I'd do like half the cost of, and I never seem to get that fun item; A just cus item from family.

    I didn't even get responses from thank you from a couple of people either, or a happy birthday either.

    A few days on and I struck lucky on a 30% discount for the fun item so I bought it myself. I'll be paying it off for a couple months, but sod it. Combined that with organising someone elses birthday gifts/birthday meal pretty much already, and a generally really negative person in the family being central to stuff seemingly all my time, I really just couldn't be arsed on the day. Woke up super early with the thought of this place is a mess. Then eventually get around to opening a couple gifts, then a nap later on, then being hassled to get in touch with someone to say thanks for something whilst I'm trying to fix a dinner I actually want for once. Being hassled at my age isn't acceptable, and basically it was just because said negative person was hassling the other person, so to get them off their back, they try and shove it on mine. And then more crap later on trying to get me to remember stuff for said negative person that I don't even use, or know (passwords etc, ongoing issue).

    On my birthday. I did get a couple of gifts from two people whom are my friends which were "this made me think of you so much"! And one was a last min (she didn't realise it was my birthday cus I never say anything cus I just feel what's the point), and the other knew, and found it and I adored both gifts, and both actually made the day for me).

    Days up to were annoyance because I knew I'd be disappointed, and days following annoyance because I was disappointed :D Super 1st world, and super entitled. I don't expect tons to be spent, just I sit and listen and watch and plot everyone elses birthdays. If they ask for something I'll get that, but find fun bits to include, or I'll make stuff for people that they need, and I just never feel that that happens back to me (negative person, not the other gift person).

    Also I am super grateful for the necessity item, I do love that, and I'm not moaning about their gift honestly, because they got me a couple extra bits I liked. Person isn't the negative person.

    But I had previously had a massive argument over stupid gifts and money and stupid cutting nose off to spite themselves stuff ^negative person crap again. So it'd been soured for a few weeks already.

    Anyhoo. Done for another year.

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Happy belated birthday :) I’m glad you got to treat yourself to your “just because” item!

      Happy belated birthday :) I’m glad you got to treat yourself to your “just because” item!

      1 vote
      1. Lifeforms
        Link Parent
        Thank you! I am more content. The days after are always better for me. Back on that even keel, and awaiting my fun brick build (a cat!).

        Thank you!

        I am more content. The days after are always better for me. Back on that even keel, and awaiting my fun brick build (a cat!).

        2 votes
  8. doingmybest
    Did an experiment at work (cell bio/virology). Had rehearsal at church for our vacation bible school. My character gets a big sword and I’m too excited about it!

    Did an experiment at work (cell bio/virology). Had rehearsal at church for our vacation bible school. My character gets a big sword and I’m too excited about it!

    2 votes
  9. slothywaffle
    Too much. Last Friday my small company's phone company cancelled our account without warning. This week has been a scramble to set up service with a new company. I'm stressed and overwhelmed. I...

    Too much. Last Friday my small company's phone company cancelled our account without warning. This week has been a scramble to set up service with a new company. I'm stressed and overwhelmed. I gave out the wrong back up number to 1500 people I er the weekend and a random lady received all our business calls on Monday. I feel awful for that. We're finally at a place where we have working phones again.
    Tonight I have a work marketing function. After this week, I really don't feel like being on and talking to people but at least the disaster gives me something to talk about.
    Tomorrow though... Beach day. I'm going with my SIL and 2 nibblings. It should be a really fun and relaxing day. I just have to make it through tonight.
    Sunday I'm going to a friend's for a sound bath that I'm hoping will also help relieve some of the stress.
    What didn't I do? Clean. Which has increased my overwhelmed feelings. My apartment is disastrous. I just don't want to. Hopefully I find the motivation to at least do the dishes this weekend.

    1 vote
  10. [2]
    I’ve been on mammoth clean this week which was needed, I live with three adults but I may as well live with toddlers. Apparently I’m the only one who knows how to wash up lol I’ve also been...

    I’ve been on mammoth clean this week which was needed, I live with three adults but I may as well live with toddlers. Apparently I’m the only one who knows how to wash up lol

    I’ve also been considering relearning some of my computer skills. I used to be able to code a website from scratch and create some simple JavaScript programmes but my job doesn’t use it so I’ve forgotten all of it. As a teenager I learnt the basics from code academy so I’ve been thinking of using that as a refresh course

    This weekend I’m helping out at a summer fete and seeing my mum. I’m kind of annoyed I set myself up for such a busy weekend tbh because next week at work is going to be brutal, one of my coworkers is on holiday and it’s going to be so painful

    1 vote
    1. Chirpy
      Link Parent
      I recently started The Odin Project to refresh some of my code basics (especially Javascript) and I'm really enjoying it. I like that they focus on the command line because thats something I've...

      I recently started The Odin Project to refresh some of my code basics (especially Javascript) and I'm really enjoying it. I like that they focus on the command line because thats something I've shied away from. The lessons are really well written and I wish I had started with them when I was learning to code the first time.

      1 vote
  11. AgnesNutter
    We had a very active weekend. Saturday was swimming and bike riding, today was a run, a long scooter and a walk. By god I will wear these kids out in the hopes of a lie in! 5.30am is no kind of...

    We had a very active weekend. Saturday was swimming and bike riding, today was a run, a long scooter and a walk. By god I will wear these kids out in the hopes of a lie in! 5.30am is no kind of time to greet the world

    1 vote
  12. m-p-3
    This week I've been pushing some server updates and software configurations on our EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response, basically the antivirus) that could affect production nationwide, on top of...

    This week I've been pushing some server updates and software configurations on our EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response, basically the antivirus) that could affect production nationwide, on top of being on-call for some stuff. This weekend I'll be doing some work in the backyard and enjoy the swimming pool a bit, and I'll play some video games (hesitating between Insurgency: Sandstorm, No Man's Sky, Shadows of Doubt or Battlebit: Remastered) before going to bed.

    1 vote
  13. Comment removed by site admin