Kiloku's recent activity

  1. Comment on Twitter accepts buyout, giving Elon Musk total control of the company in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Didn't the EU just make it so that social networks would have to do that regardless?

    Didn't the EU just make it so that social networks would have to do that regardless?

    3 votes
  2. Comment on What did Google Reader offer back in the day? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    So my takeaway from your comment and most others is that the features it offered have been replaced, but it was sort of "too little, too late" and everyone had moved onto other things (like Reddit)?

    So my takeaway from your comment and most others is that the features it offered have been replaced, but it was sort of "too little, too late" and everyone had moved onto other things (like Reddit)?

    1 vote
  3. What did Google Reader offer back in the day?

    From time to time I see people on the internet who remember Google Reader fondly, and miss it. At the time, I didn't have much use for something like it, so I never used it. But a common theme in...

    From time to time I see people on the internet who remember Google Reader fondly, and miss it. At the time, I didn't have much use for something like it, so I never used it.
    But a common theme in these conversations about Google Reader is that no other feed reader ever offered everything Google Reader could, but I can't seem to find details.

    So what was it? Does anyone here remember Google Reader, or even still wishes it was available? Why did nothing come from the Open Source community that could replace it?

    16 votes
  4. Comment on Psychopaths and narcissists have hogged the limelight, now i’s time to explore the saintlier side of human personality, say researchers, as they announce a test of the “Light Triad” traits in ~science

    Link Parent
    Why separate? I think science as a whole would be better if the scientific community accepted that social sciences are as valid and important as the hard sciences. Encouraging people from both to...

    Why separate? I think science as a whole would be better if the scientific community accepted that social sciences are as valid and important as the hard sciences.

    Encouraging people from both to see what the other are saying, researching, creating and discovering would probably be good for everyone

  5. Comment on At least two strains of joke ransomware have been created with "subscribe to PewDiePie" themes in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This makes no sense. A person doesn't have to interact with only alt-right people to be seen as alt-right themself. The fact that a large number of the people he's friendly with are alt-right is...

    not every person he hangs out with is an alt right figure so i believe accusing him of being alt right just because out of the many people he hangs with, an insignificant amount is alt right, shouldn't be valid.

    This makes no sense. A person doesn't have to interact with only alt-right people to be seen as alt-right themself. The fact that a large number of the people he's friendly with are alt-right is enough evidence. He never calls out their hateful behavior and sheds positive lights on these people, which is a tacit endorsement of their views.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Inside the 'shitposting' subculture the alleged Christchurch shooter belonged to in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Which is exactly how this mess started in the first place. Most racist movements today started from people who were joking around ironically on 4chan but suddenly many of the new guys (and some of...

    The line between irony and sincerity has become blurred.

    Which is exactly how this mess started in the first place. Most racist movements today started from people who were joking around ironically on 4chan but suddenly many of the new guys (and some of the old guys too, i guess) weren't just joking.

    18 votes
  7. Comment on Why aren't smartphones like PCs where you have choice over your OS and get updates directly from OS vendor? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    There were also strong anti-trust and monopoly busting actions on tech giants when they grew too big. This doesn't happen nearly as much these days.

    There were also strong anti-trust and monopoly busting actions on tech giants when they grew too big. This doesn't happen nearly as much these days.

    11 votes
  8. Comment on Brazil's sole openly gay congressman leaves country after death threats in ~lgbt

    It's really painful. The president and his son celebrated on Twitter when congressman Jean announced he was not coming back to Brazil. Marielle, a city councilwoman for Rio de Janeiro, from the...

    It's really painful. The president and his son celebrated on Twitter when congressman Jean announced he was not coming back to Brazil.

    Marielle, a city councilwoman for Rio de Janeiro, from the same party as Jean, was assassinated early in 2018 in a professional hit.

    The only silver lining is that the new congressman taking the vacant seat is very good, I know a lot about him and trust him to do a good job, although I fear for him. When a congress seat vacates unexpectedly, the runner-up within the original congressperson's party in the last election takes over.

    9 votes
  9. Comment on Difficult to overstate crisis - David Attenborough in ~enviro

    Does anyone have a transcript or an article about the interview? I can't watch a video at the moment

    Does anyone have a transcript or an article about the interview? I can't watch a video at the moment

    1 vote
  10. Comment on What exactly belongs in ~creative? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Then again, unless we have rules against this, maybe you could post to both, and talk about different aspects of the subject with each group

    Then again, unless we have rules against this, maybe you could post to both, and talk about different aspects of the subject with each group

    4 votes
  11. Comment on What do you think of star citizen? in ~games

    It's a non product. It's an eternal overpromise full of feature creep that won't ever release, by the guy who was fired from the original Elite (not E:D) for going far over schedule twice because...

    It's a non product. It's an eternal overpromise full of feature creep that won't ever release, by the guy who was fired from the original Elite (not E:D) for going far over schedule twice because of feature creep.

    As they work on new parts, the stuff they made way back in 2013 is already obsolete. It's also worth reminding that they also changed engines a while back, and that's a lot of rework, no matter how good you and/or your existing codebase are.

    Unlike most people that share my view, I don't think they're scammers, but I don't believe they'll achieve their goals due to sheer technical infeasibility. Most of it being problems you can't just throw money at either.

    18 votes
  12. Comment on The Nazi salute picture that divided an American town in ~life

    A Nazi salute should unite a town against the Nazis who tarnished their name. How did the world get so upside down

    A Nazi salute should unite a town against the Nazis who tarnished their name.
    How did the world get so upside down

    8 votes
  13. Comment on How fascist sympathizers hijacked Reddit’s libertarian hangout in ~news

    It's a manifested metaphor for how libertarianism opens the main path for fascism every single time. They decry any action against violent, anti-democractic speech because they think that anything...

    It's a manifested metaphor for how libertarianism opens the main path for fascism every single time.

    They decry any action against violent, anti-democractic speech because they think that anything can just be debated away. This obviously is meaningless when the opposing group isn't looking for a debate at all, instead they just want to expose their ideals, recruit members, and they just use anti-debate rhetoric techniques (such as firehosing) to weaken the libertarians. This is exactly the way that fascism grows stronger.
    If they weren't allowed to post, and were banned from the subreddit when discovered (and if I understood it correctly, the subreddit did have a discussion on whether the fascist moderators should be kept or not, and voted for keeping them), this wouldn't have happened.

    6 votes
  14. Comment on What is the blogging platform of your dreams? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I was trying to develop something like that, integrated with github pages, so that you could write a post in your machine, and it'd commit and push automatically. I suck at data structures and...

    I was trying to develop something like that, integrated with github pages, so that you could write a post in your machine, and it'd commit and push automatically.

    I suck at data structures and model-view-controller architectures (which afaik is the best way to develop a blog or CMS) though

    2 votes
  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~news

    Link Parent
    Like most bizarre things from the US, I assume it's something that made sense in the 1800s that they never adapted to modern times

    Like most bizarre things from the US, I assume it's something that made sense in the 1800s that they never adapted to modern times

    7 votes
  16. Comment on Cloudflare is providing services to at least seven designated foreign terrorist organizations and militant groups in ~tech

    No one's asking Cloudflare to be arbiter of anything. The arbiter is the law to which Cloudflare is subjected. They just have to follow that law.

    “We try to be neutral and not insert ourselves too much as the arbiter of what’s allowed to be online,”

    No one's asking Cloudflare to be arbiter of anything. The arbiter is the law to which Cloudflare is subjected. They just have to follow that law.

    6 votes
  17. Comment on What songs are there about computers? in ~music

    My dad wrote a song called "Amor de Modem" (Modem Love), which is a silly song about dating through the internet. It's in Portuguese though.

    My dad wrote a song called "Amor de Modem" (Modem Love), which is a silly song about dating through the internet. It's in Portuguese though.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Is there an analogy to reddit's "karma" system here? in ~tildes

    There isn't anything in practice yet, but the plan is for the creation of a trust system where more trusted users get some privileges (not unlike Stack Overflow). Votes (among other things) would...

    There isn't anything in practice yet, but the plan is for the creation of a trust system where more trusted users get some privileges (not unlike Stack Overflow). Votes (among other things) would probably count for that trust system

    5 votes
  19. Comment on To slow down climate change, we need to take on capitalism in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Funny how there are PhD level economists and historians who are socialists (or Marxists, anarcho-communists, etc.) and not only believe the profit motive can be removed from society, they are also...

    Anyone who has undertaken the most cursory study of economics or history knows the profit motive is not something any individual or group has the ability to contest.

    Funny how there are PhD level economists and historians who are socialists (or Marxists, anarcho-communists, etc.) and not only believe the profit motive can be removed from society, they are also actively trying to help society reach that point.

    5 votes
  20. Comment on Japan cybersecurity minister admits he has never used a computer in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Well, the point is that his job should require in depth computer knowledge, while most others would require the basics at best

    Well, the point is that his job should require in depth computer knowledge, while most others would require the basics at best

    4 votes