TheRtRevKaiser's recent activity

  1. Comment on Roblox’s pedophile problem in ~games

    Link Parent
    There's no such legal obligation. This is a prevalent economic philosophy called the Friedman doctrine but it's an economic doctrine, not law. The Fiduciary Duty of corporate officers requires...

    There's no such legal obligation. This is a prevalent economic philosophy called the Friedman doctrine but it's an economic doctrine, not law. The Fiduciary Duty of corporate officers requires them to act in the best interest of the company, but this is not restricted to maximizing profit but can include things like long-term planning, sustainability, and care for the welfare of other stakeholders.

    37 votes
  2. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    I'm glad somebody added some Keygen Church! I wanted to but I already had five others.

    I'm glad somebody added some Keygen Church! I wanted to but I already had five others.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    Yeah Clowncore is definitely not entry level, lol. Although ironically they are how I was introduced to Louis Cole, then the hallway sessions. And thanks for the TesseracT recommendations, I'll...

    Yeah Clowncore is definitely not entry level, lol. Although ironically they are how I was introduced to Louis Cole, then the hallway sessions.

    And thanks for the TesseracT recommendations, I'll have to give them a listen soon. I'm fine with either harsh or clean vocals so that's not a huge deal, and long songs aren't particularly intimidating - One of my favorite Mastodon tracks is The Last Baron which is a nice chonky 13 minutes.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    Wow, that is a small world moment! That's awesome!

    Wow, that is a small world moment! That's awesome!

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    Lol, that Kevin James call-out absolutely should not work on paper, and yet he we are...

    Lol, that Kevin James call-out absolutely should not work on paper, and yet he we are...

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    Glad to hear it! Those shows all sound awesome, I feel like Clowncore would be absolutely wild live. I almost chose them as one of my five but decided on the Knower track instead. I've not really...

    Glad to hear it! Those shows all sound awesome, I feel like Clowncore would be absolutely wild live. I almost chose them as one of my five but decided on the Knower track instead.

    I've not really listened to much TesseracT but I'm aware of them and I suspect I'd like them if I ever did. Any recommendations for starting points?

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    That Too Many Zoos track goes hard, nice choice!

    That Too Many Zoos track goes hard, nice choice!

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    Yeah the whole discography is a little like that in terms of genre whiplash. The country elements come and go but the latest album has a LOT of them. Some of the EPs have a lot of Sax or more...

    Yeah the whole discography is a little like that in terms of genre whiplash. The country elements come and go but the latest album has a LOT of them. Some of the EPs have a lot of Sax or more electronic production. It's a wild ride but he's pretty consistently putting out bangers.

    I added a few tracks to my earlier reply if anybody wants to check out some of his other stuff.

  9. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Did you listen to it? Because I'm not sure that would help with the confusion any... Slightly more seriously, Bilmuri is the project of former Attack! Attack! guitarist/singer Johnny Franck. He...

    Did you listen to it? Because I'm not sure that would help with the confusion any...

    Slightly more seriously, Bilmuri is the project of former Attack! Attack! guitarist/singer Johnny Franck. He mixes a ton of different musical elements and influences into his songs, including Sax solos, pop styled vocals, metalcore guitars, electronic production, and country elements like steel guitar. It's a weird mix but the songs are almost always really well done. He's also a pretty weird, goofy dude so the song titles are always pretty bizarre even when the lyrics are more serious.

    If you wanna hear more, every single song on American Motor Sports is fantastic, and some other bangers from past albums include:
    ANABOLIC SPUDSMAN (THIQUE EDITON) - which has a vocal feature from Lorna Shore's Will Ramos
    CORN-FED YETIS (feat. Knox)

    5 votes
  10. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    I love this idea, but I'm not sure you should have trusted all of Tildes with the proverbial Aux cable... Anyway, here are my contributions, I tried to throw in a variety of stuff: Bilmuri -...

    I love this idea, but I'm not sure you should have trusted all of Tildes with the proverbial Aux cable...
    Anyway, here are my contributions, I tried to throw in a variety of stuff:

    12 votes
  11. Comment on Save Point: A game deal roundup for the week of July 14 in ~games

  12. Comment on Your favorite deeply unpopular music in ~music

    Link Parent
    Sorry to necro this thread, but have you checked out Dirty Loops? They're a little all over the place but their 2021 album with Cory Wong is a really fantastic Jazz/Funk fusion album. They...

    Sorry to necro this thread, but have you checked out Dirty Loops? They're a little all over the place but their 2021 album with Cory Wong is a really fantastic Jazz/Funk fusion album. They definitely lean more in the jazz direction than Jamiroquai but you might like them.

    Follow the light is a pretty good example of what you'll get from that album (with a bonus Grace Kelly in the horn section!).

    1 vote
  13. Comment on No Sir, Sinks were not an option in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I think it's a mix of misconceptions and actual issues. There's a perception that a lot of parents have that kidnappings are frequent and trafficking of random children is a thing - this is...

    I think it's a mix of misconceptions and actual issues.

    There's a perception that a lot of parents have that kidnappings are frequent and trafficking of random children is a thing - this is probably because of things like (in the US) statewide Amber alerts and child abductions or deaths making the national news when they do happen. Humans are naturally pretty bad an understanding statistics, so when we see lots of news about bad things happening, we assume that means those bad things are likely to happen.

    Also, at least in America, towns and suburbs are actively hostile to the kind of roving neighborhood play that kids used to get up to. Speed limits are higher in neighborhoods than they used to be, houses tend to be spread out, and there are often no sidewalks and inadequate or no pedestrian crossings. Also, people often don't really know their neighbors. Cars are large and higher off the ground, meaning that driver visibility is bad and if there are accidents they are likelier to be fatal.

    19 votes
  14. Comment on It's impressive how much Western and Christian supremacist undertones Supernatural has in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I think you might be taking my point a little more strongly than I intended it, although I suspect the fault is in my communication of it. I did grow up in an evengelical branch of Christianity,...

    I think you might be taking my point a little more strongly than I intended it, although I suspect the fault is in my communication of it. I did grow up in an evengelical branch of Christianity, but I'm not currently part of a church that affirms any of those particular doctrines. I also don't think the show was particularly offensive to Christians, and I didn't intend to state that if it came across that way. I just didn't think it was particularly deferential toward Christianity, but I can certainly see how I might have missed that when I originally watched the show.

    7 votes
  15. Comment on It's impressive how much Western and Christian supremacist undertones Supernatural has in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I apologize, I'm really not trying to disagree with your central point or excuse the show's treatment of religions other than christianity. The scene you mentioned is atrocious and really...

    I apologize, I'm really not trying to disagree with your central point or excuse the show's treatment of religions other than christianity. The scene you mentioned is atrocious and really shouldn't have made it into any show.

    I just wanted to offer a perspective that the show doesn't feel particularly respectful from a Christian point of view either. I can see how I could be blind to what deference the show does give to american christians, though.

    I apologize if I came across as trying to minimize your problems with the show, it wasn't my intent. I watched a good bit of the show and enjoyed the chemistry of the main cast enough to suffer through some pretty bad patches as far as the writing was concerned, but I definitely agree that there were a number of parts of the show that were pretty indefensible and I certainly don't think it was perfect.

    8 votes
  16. Comment on It's impressive how much Western and Christian supremacist undertones Supernatural has in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Shoot, I've been using Discord a lot and forgot that spoiler formatting doesn't work here. Sorry about that...

    Shoot, I've been using Discord a lot and forgot that spoiler formatting doesn't work here. Sorry about that...

    4 votes
  17. Comment on It's impressive how much Western and Christian supremacist undertones Supernatural has in ~tv

    (edited )
    I can absolutely understand where you're coming from and agree to some degree, but the show absolutely makes of mockery of genuine christian beliefs, too. The character that I think you're saying...
    • Exemplary

    I can absolutely understand where you're coming from and agree to some degree, but the show absolutely makes of mockery of genuine christian beliefs, too. The character that I think you're saying is the stand-in for the christian god is a whiny douche and

    later season spoilers the brothers literally kill him
    at the end of the show. Angels are massive dicks, god is mostly absent and doesn't care about his creation, and outside of a few exceptions characters that genuinely hold to a traditional christian faith are mocked.

    Supernatural definitely is western-centric, but the basic premise is "what if all of these fake mythologies were real" and that 100% includes christianity. The show doesn't really seem to have any particular regard for any of the belief systems that it mines for content. It's pretty disrespectful in general.

    33 votes
  18. Comment on Taskmaster NZ Series 3, Episode 1 - 'F*** golf.' | Full episode in ~tv

    Link Parent
    What would you say is the best season? My wife and I are huge fans of the original and tried to watch the first episode of NZ and really struggled with it, but I've heard the other seasons are...

    What would you say is the best season? My wife and I are huge fans of the original and tried to watch the first episode of NZ and really struggled with it, but I've heard the other seasons are better so I'd like to give it another shot.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on The Ten Commandments must be displayed in all public Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    I agree with this, with a few differences, and it's something I've thought a lot about. I think what it is that you're thinking of is the rise of Evangelicalism. Part of the spread of that...

    I agree with this, with a few differences, and it's something I've thought a lot about. I think what it is that you're thinking of is the rise of Evangelicalism. Part of the spread of that movement was the rise of leaders outside the traditional denominational structures - people like Pat Robertson and James Dobson. They built networks of Evangelical Christians that bypassed the existing structures, like TV and Radio broadcasts, newsletters, etc. There are absolutely still mainline churches, but there's a reason that you've seen several of them experience major splits in the last couple of decades as evangelical wings developed or were strengthened and increasingly clashed with the traditional leadership of those denominations. We're at the point now where you could go to an evangelical Methodist church, and evangelical Baptist church, or an evangelical Presbyterian church and the differences would be pretty negligible. There probably would still be theological differences, but I suspect they'd be minimized. There are, though, still plenty of churches in the US that are pretty firmly not evangelical, like the Episcopal church, the remaining United Methodist church, the Evangelical Lutheran synod (ironically), and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A). There are others, too, but those are the ones that come to mind. The traditionally black denominations don't map neatly into this dichotomy in every case, since black theology developed separately for so many years.

    I kind of disagree with your last point, though. There are 50+ decades of development of evangelical theology, and the actions of hardcore, right-wing evangelicals often do go hand-in-hand with their theology, it's just that much of their theology leads to conclusions that most people, and many christians, find abhorrent.

    A really good read that has a lot to say about the development of evangelical theology is Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez.

    12 votes
  20. Comment on Protests seen as harming civil rights movement in the '60s—What we can learn from this for climate justice in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    This is fascinating, I've never seen it before. Thank you for posting it.

    This is fascinating, I've never seen it before. Thank you for posting it.

    3 votes