DialecticCake's recent activity

  1. Comment on Paradox must refocus to rebuild trust and survive, bosses say, after Life By You cancellation in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ah okay. I can relate in that I got excited too early about Life By You and even bought a new PC back when it was supposed to launch a year ago. The disappointment when it was cancelled was...

    Ah okay. I can relate in that I got excited too early about Life By You and even bought a new PC back when it was supposed to launch a year ago. The disappointment when it was cancelled was proportional to how hyped I got.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Washington state woman calls 911 after being hounded by up to 100 raccoons in ~life.pets

    Link Parent
    My pleasure. And I completely get that they are irresistible having once pet one myself! Many years ago on a school camping trip I fed a raccoon some cookies and pet it. The science teacher in...

    My pleasure. And I completely get that they are irresistible having once pet one myself!

    Many years ago on a school camping trip I fed a raccoon some cookies and pet it. The science teacher in particular freaked out at me for doing that and I thought he was being dramatic. It hadn't occurred to me at that young age that he had cause. As you can imagine over a decade later, the volunteer session where I learned what precautions they take with any volunteer working with raccoons was enlightening to say the least. o_O

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Paradox must refocus to rebuild trust and survive, bosses say, after Life By You cancellation in ~games

    Link Parent
    Why do you feel there's been sparse evidence Paralives will launch? They've posted enough content to show it's a real work in progress (unlike some fraudulent game devs that just spun up something...

    Why do you feel there's been sparse evidence Paralives will launch?

    They've posted enough content to show it's a real work in progress (unlike some fraudulent game devs that just spun up something using free assets to make a trailer) and I feel the length of time spent is suitable as well. (E.g., small team and they announced about 1 year in with just one dev at the time versus billion dollar companies not announcing until 5ish years in with large teams.)

    Gameplay Trailer Video
    Very transparent Development Roadmap

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Paradox must refocus to rebuild trust and survive, bosses say, after Life By You cancellation in ~games

    Link Parent
    The other main contrast I see is that with public companies, they want to release games ASAP to make money (E.g., EA's case with the Sims 4 releasing DLCs in a broken state with empty promises to...

    The other main contrast I see is that with public companies, they want to release games ASAP to make money (E.g., EA's case with the Sims 4 releasing DLCs in a broken state with empty promises to fix them*), whereas the Paralives team has been making money the whole time pre-release. For Paralives, within reason, they make more money by not releasing the game and showing us (Patreon supporters) all the improvements each week.

    This is why I said I was biased as I was strongly inclined to support Paralives even before the game looked like it might make it to launch. Along with being very excited to play early access when it launches, I also hope that this game will 1. Give EA some competition, and 2. Be a model of what is possible with community funded development.

    Also, I wonder if Life By You was community funded instead of being funded (and then canceled) by Paradox if it would still be an active project and be better overall with no longer a rush to launch Early Access to please Paradox' shareholders?

    *Want to note that EA is finally fixing a lot of issues since they announced there is no Sims 5 being developed and they want to keep Sims 4 as their cash cow for years to come. (Yikes based on limits of the engine for Sims 4 and the shallow gameplay)

    3 votes
  5. Comment on Thoughts on the friendzone in ~life

    Link Parent
    Oh and it occurred to me too -- someone with a solid friend group meeting many of their needs might also make one more appealing. E.g., I think this approach would improve the person's life (and...

    Oh and it occurred to me too -- someone with a solid friend group meeting many of their needs might also make one more appealing. E.g., I think this approach would improve the person's life (and emotional resiliency / support network) and also their prospects by avoiding some turn offs (for some people) which might include: loneliness, desperation, someone expecting a future partner to meet all of their needs, etc.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Thoughts on the friendzone in ~life

    Link Parent
    I love this but also cringe as an introvert who doesn't have the energy for so many friends! :D This doesn't matter in my case as I already have a partner. Also, I assume people could do this on a...

    I love this but also cringe as an introvert who doesn't have the energy for so many friends! :D

    This doesn't matter in my case as I already have a partner. Also, I assume people could do this on a much smaller scale. Just may take longer or more luck to find the right match.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Paradox must refocus to rebuild trust and survive, bosses say, after Life By You cancellation in ~games

    Link Parent
    Agreed. I am one of those disgruntled players who looks forward to Paralives' early access starting in 2025.

    Agreed. I am one of those disgruntled players who looks forward to Paralives' early access starting in 2025.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Paradox must refocus to rebuild trust and survive, bosses say, after Life By You cancellation in ~games

    Link Parent
    I disagree, but I am biased. As a Sims player with hundreds of dollars sunk into The Sims 4, I have been happily donating to Paralives' Patreon for a few years. I think they have potential to...

    I disagree, but I am biased.

    As a Sims player with hundreds of dollars sunk into The Sims 4, I have been happily donating to Paralives' Patreon for a few years. I think they have potential to rival The Sims over time but more importantly, I LOVE how this is community funded and is being created with passion and so very different (and hopefully insulated) from the enshitification process that often comes with public companies placing shareholder's interests over the customers' interests and profit over the product itself.


    8 votes
  9. Comment on Washington state woman calls 911 after being hounded by up to 100 raccoons in ~life.pets

    Just want to post a warning about why Raccoons can be dangerous. E.g., at one point I received some training for a wildlife rehab centre and one of the things I recall (I ended up not volunteering...

    Just want to post a warning about why Raccoons can be dangerous. E.g., at one point I received some training for a wildlife rehab centre and one of the things I recall (I ended up not volunteering as I soon moved away) is that they had very strict rules for working with the raccoons. E.g., housed in a separate facility, had to wear separate clothing, separate washer/dryer, etc.

    I believe it was to avoid catching this: https://www.cdc.gov/baylisascaris/about/index.html

    While infections in human might be rare, they can be very serious including fatal.

    13 votes
  10. Comment on If you could send someone to any historic moment, who and when? in ~talk

    So many ideas about getting an earlier start on technology, but I'm concerned tech isn't what we need ... I'd like someone from a future that solved societal problems stemming from...

    So many ideas about getting an earlier start on technology, but I'm concerned tech isn't what we need ... I'd like someone from a future that solved societal problems stemming from capitalism/greed/exploitation/etc. who not only knows of a better way, but also has the ability to teach and convince especially the 1% that xyz really is the most beneficial for everyone including them.

    So maybe like Star Trek without the Prime Directive where they CAN influence us to grow and be better humans.

    7 votes
  11. Comment on How should you prepare for the end of the honeymoon phase? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I'm sorry to be the cause of any fear but I'm happy to have helped. I think in my mom's case -- we never lived together with her partner and his kids, but if we had, over time it may have worked...

    I'm sorry to be the cause of any fear but I'm happy to have helped.

    I think in my mom's case -- we never lived together with her partner and his kids, but if we had, over time it may have worked out. And family counselling could have been an option too. Along with lots of reassurance for the kids. Change after all can be difficult.

    I think the main thing is to talk about it and realize it could be a tough transition (or could be smooth!).

    2 votes
  12. Comment on How should you prepare for the end of the honeymoon phase? in ~life

    re: Are there specific things that you wish you discovered or realised about your SO during the honeymoon phase? My mother and the man of her dreams broke up -- the reason? One of his kids and my...

    re: Are there specific things that you wish you discovered or realised about your SO during the honeymoon phase?

    My mother and the man of her dreams broke up -- the reason? One of his kids and my sibling didn't get along to the point where they didn't think they'd ever be able to live together.

    While I was a kid and have no clue about any details beyond that and I assume there's things they could have tried but didn't... I just wanted to mention it as it will be important to discuss this possibility and how you might handle if it comes to pass. E.g., would you both feel the need to tough it out thinking your blended family would be able to deal with it? Would you be okay living separately until the last of the kids move out?

    Here's some other things you may want to consider.

    • What will you do if your kids don't get along?
    • Or pets? Are you okay if your partner wants to drop 1-2K on a vet bill to save a pet and/or for them to not want you to do that?
    • Religion and political leanings
    • How is money earned, budgeted, spent. How will you manage finances?
    • How is housework divided
    • Sex. Talk about past experiences of what sex drive was after the honeymoon phase. E.g., During honeymoon phase once or more a day (especially when not living with the person). After the honeymoon phase I have -no- drive and have since identified as grey ace. It took my partner and I years of compromise/etc. to get to a place where we are both mostly happy but for a few years we could have divorced. Also discuss any kinks.
    • What was your and your partner's longest relationship?
    • Why did previous relationships end?
    • Parenting style (and also for you, would you both equally raise each other's kids?)
    • Family relations (e.g., overbearing parents, etc. E.g., My mother had to have two separate wedding receptions and one time had to take me to her mother-in-laws doctor to prove I was healthy. )
    • Related, different cultural expectations. E.g., are your in-laws going to live with you for 6 months if you have a new child together. Or when they are old?
    • Do either you or them have a past partner they are still friends with? Are you both okay with that? Are either of you jealous? What if your partner were to tell you the breakup wasn't their choice?
    9 votes
  13. Comment on ADHD productivity fundamentals in ~health.mental

    I wasn't sure whether it's too late to post on this thread but decided I will in case this helps anyone. Three things that have helped me (ADHD/Depression/Anxiety) are: Meds - it can take time to...

    I wasn't sure whether it's too late to post on this thread but decided I will in case this helps anyone.

    Three things that have helped me (ADHD/Depression/Anxiety) are:

    • Meds - it can take time to find what works best re: effect vs side effects
    • Sleep - if I don't get enough sleep, the next day really sucks and feels as if I didn't take meds at all
    • Accountability - as much as it sucks - I message my manager every workday at mid-day to tell him what I've worked on.

    I hope some/any of this helps and that you'll (anyone reading) also be kind to yourself. It can be both heartbreaking and life altering to learn that you are not in fact lazy/incompetent/etc. but that you most likely also have other issues from such labels and having to try so much harder than everyone else to get your brain to cooperate.

    4 votes
  14. Comment on Tildes Book Club - We will be discussing Piranesi the third week in April in ~books

    Nice. I couldn't get through Cloud Atlas...but I just started and finished reading Piranesi today.

    Nice. I couldn't get through Cloud Atlas...but I just started and finished reading Piranesi today.

    5 votes
  15. Comment on Tildes Book Club - Check in Feb 8 2024 - How are things going? in ~books

    I just picked up Cloud Atlas at the library so will start reading that. Please add me to the list of people interested in this book club. :)

    I just picked up Cloud Atlas at the library so will start reading that. Please add me to the list of people interested in this book club. :)

    2 votes
  16. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life.men

    I just want to add that although only mothers can breastfeed, I had difficulty getting a latch and so my husband equally fed our child pumped milk using our thumbs with a small tube attached as...

    I just want to add that although only mothers can breastfeed, I had difficulty getting a latch and so my husband equally fed our child pumped milk using our thumbs with a small tube attached as our midwife suggested. And after a few visits from our midwife, it was my husband who first got our child to latch to my breast, not me. <3

    He also took the first couple of years off of work to be with our child and he had to endure the confusion of people thinking it was odd for him to want to spend time with his child. For example, one of his male coworkers had the opposite view and said that he purposely worked overtime as being at work was a vacation from being at home dealing with a crying baby.

    This was all over a decade ago and I am thankful that gender norms are changing (e.g., we have parental leave and not just maternity leave now), but of course we have a long way to go. I appreciate you sharing your experiences and perspective.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on Euthanizing my old friend. When is the right moment? in ~life.pets

    In case this is too long, here's the main information up front. Euthanasia, Loss, and Grief of a Companion Cat - Kitten Lady where she explains how she made the decision. Maybe only watch the part...

    In case this is too long, here's the main information up front.
    Euthanasia, Loss, and Grief of a Companion Cat - Kitten Lady where she explains how she made the decision. Maybe only watch the part where she explains the decision (her video has time stamps) -- I wasn't able to watch the entire video due to my crying too much.

    When to put a dog down
    Inability to walk is #3 on the list.

    I was watching KittenLady's video the other day and she said anyone she has talked to has regrets about waiting too long and none for doing it too soon. I'm recommending her video with the caveat that I could only get through about half of it due to crying... but she explained how she made her decision and that may help you.

    For her, it was about writing down the positive things worth living on one side, and the things that were negatives on the other side and treating death as a zero. She decided that as soon as the 'balance' was negative (so more negatives than positives) it was time. Also, she wanted to choose versus have it chosen for her and have her companion still feeling mostly well and not afraid or in a lot of pain.

    In short she wanted to avoid what I did -- which was wait too long, then one morning find my cat stuck to the side of my child's bed, arms splayed to each side, with claws stuck, and head hanging in between. I was horrified thinking she had died like that...and then even more horrified when I realized she was still alive and suffering. I had waited too long and that will haunt me forever.

    From my vet's perspective -- with another pet I had -- she had told me a list of things to watch for. One of the very first examples on her list was mobility and how it can mean an animal is in a lot of pain and may be depressed. Also, in the case of my cat, he'd fallen off a couch before, and she explained what if I came home from work to find he had fallen from somewhere higher and had broken a hip/etc. and suffered for 8 hours. That helped me decide.

    Really though what another user commented -really- helped. That as soon as a vet mentions it as an option -- it's already time in their eyes to do it (or extremely close and they want to give you a couple of days to prepare yourself emotionally to say goodbye). I think for me it's also important to do it sooner rather than later. It's very important I think to consider quality of life (and having a 'good' death) than living longer in pain/fear/etc.

    Also, I highly recommend if you have the option, to have the vet come to your home to do it. We were able to do that with one of our cats and I'm glad his last moments were more peaceful as a result.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on The difference between migraine and sinus headache in ~health

    Link Parent
    I'm glad meds helped you. I think you're right re: auras not being as common as many people think the are. I just read that "Migraines without auras are much more common than any other kind." from...

    I'm glad meds helped you.

    I think you're right re: auras not being as common as many people think the are. I just read that "Migraines without auras are much more common than any other kind." from Migraines With Aura vs. Migraines Without Aura. And later the article mentions auras show up in about 1 in 3 people and not likely each time someone has a migraine.

    Based on my experience, yours, and @SleepyGary it seems like it's a cautionary warning about letting misinformation/assumptions cause additional fear and/or delay accurate diagnoses and treatment.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  19. Comment on The difference between migraine and sinus headache in ~health

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    It must have been terrifying. Thanks for sharing this -- I hadn't realized an aura without the headache was possible as well. Apparently what you experienced is rare -- this article lists many...

    It must have been terrifying. Thanks for sharing this -- I hadn't realized an aura without the headache was possible as well.

    Apparently what you experienced is rare -- this article lists many effects people may have with 'silent migraines': Migraine Aura Without Pain (Silent Migraine)

  20. Comment on The difference between migraine and sinus headache in ~health

    And as allergies may cause migraines, here's an article about that: The Link Between Allergies and Migraines It also includes suggestions to reduce migraine frequency and allergen exposure.

    And as allergies may cause migraines, here's an article about that: The Link Between Allergies and Migraines

    It also includes suggestions to reduce migraine frequency and allergen exposure.

    2 votes