lie's recent activity

  1. Comment on Does anyone here have daydreams so intense that they can't think about anything else? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    You have described my feelings way better than I ever could. In my dreams I am never myself it is someone with a completely different identity, personality and memories than me. It is pretty cool...

    You have described my feelings way better than I ever could. In my dreams I am never myself it is someone with a completely different identity, personality and memories than me. It is pretty cool that you can channel it into something creative.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Does anyone here have daydreams so intense that they can't think about anything else? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Thanks a lot ,will checkout the subreddit.

    Thanks a lot ,will checkout the subreddit.

    2 votes
  3. Does anyone here have daydreams so intense that they can't think about anything else?

    I have been experiencing this for 3-4 years now. It used to be that I daydream only when I am bored lying in the bed but for the past year my daydreams have been becoming more and more involved in...

    I have been experiencing this for 3-4 years now. It used to be that I daydream only when I am bored lying in the bed but for the past year my daydreams have been becoming more and more involved in my life. I can't think of myself as anything but my character in my dreams. It lasts for hours in a day and is sometimes my only source of joy. I sometimes am so out of it that an hour has passed of me dreaming and I don't remember what I was doing originally. I honestly don't really feel comfortable in my real body either. I want to live as the person I see in my daydreams. Is there anyone who experiences this or has recovered from it? I am honestly really scared...

    11 votes
  4. Comment on Inderkum High School teacher to be fired after allegedly indoctrinating students with "antifa" ideals in ~news

    Link Parent
    Also history and social studies books at a high school level always portray capitalism as having saved us from the evils of "socialism". Totally not biased.

    But of course, if it was far right indoctrination, he most likely wouldn't be getting fired, nor would we be hearing about it. What a sham mess.

    Also history and social studies books at a high school level always portray capitalism as having saved us from the evils of "socialism". Totally not biased.

    4 votes
  5. Comment on Dating in Delhi when you're poor in ~life

    Link Parent
    In Delhi pvr(quite a premier theater) tickets cost about 250 rupees per head and in Bangalore they cost about 200 rupees. I know snacks cost a lot in multiplexes but who is paying 2k for snacks lmao.

    Where the fuck are these people watching movies?! Granted, I haven't lived in India in almost three years, but I don't remember even the more expensive multiplexes being that expensive. Perhaps Delhi theaters are a LOT more expensive than Bangalore ones?

    In Delhi pvr(quite a premier theater) tickets cost about 250 rupees per head and in Bangalore they cost about 200 rupees. I know snacks cost a lot in multiplexes but who is paying 2k for snacks lmao.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on How do you distinguish between masculinity and toxic masculinity? in

    I personally think the idea of masculinity and femininity itself is pretty pernicious. There obviously are traditionally masculine traits like strength, courage, independence , leadership but...

    I personally think the idea of masculinity and femininity itself is pretty pernicious. There obviously are traditionally masculine traits like strength, courage, independence , leadership but those traits being tied to genders are pretty harmful to everyone.
    For me, non-toxic masculinity is almost a matter of aesthetics more than anything else. The toxic parts of masculinity are its expectations about men being required to perform in certain ways, the guilt and shame they are made to feel if they do not perform in certain ways.
    I feel like this topic is pretty hard to discuss and I don't think there is going to be a clear answer to this question.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Stranded sailor allowed to leave abandoned ship after four years in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Yeah I wrote it in reference to when the guardian article was released, should have written it in reference to now.

    Yeah I wrote it in reference to when the guardian article was released, should have written it in reference to now.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Stranded sailor allowed to leave abandoned ship after four years in ~transport

    Link Parent
    A few more story details here. When he rows to shore to get supplies he can only stay for two hours at most as the area is a restricted military zone. Other crew members were repatriated in...

    A few more story details here. When he rows to shore to get supplies he can only stay for two hours at most as the area is a restricted military zone. Other crew members were repatriated in September 2019, so Mohammad was not alone for 2 years but only for 7 months (which is no less unacceptable). The only reason Mohammad was allowed to leave was thanks to a local union representative who agreed to take his place as the ship’s guardian.

    12 votes
  9. Comment on Stranded sailor allowed to leave abandoned ship after four years in ~transport

    (edited )
    I saw this video by Chief MAKOi about this a few days ago, the situation seemed quite hopeless since it had not been resolved after such a long time. I feel like the video somewhat contributed to...

    I saw this video by Chief MAKOi about this a few days ago, the situation seemed quite hopeless since it had not been resolved after such a long time. I feel like the video somewhat contributed to fixing the problem considering it has more than 800k views. If there was not much coverage about it, I doubt action would have been taken. Hope he gets compensated atleast.

    10 votes
  10. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    I was watching 86 and though only 2 episodes are out I have very high expectations for it. The story seems a bit confusing with only the first 2 episodes given but I feel like this will be a...

    I was watching 86 and though only 2 episodes are out I have very high expectations for it. The story seems a bit confusing with only the first 2 episodes given but I feel like this will be a series I have to watch many times to understand. It has good CGI and a wonderful soundtrack. It might be a bit too early to judge it but I am still going to to recommend everyone to watch this anime.

    2 votes