myrrh's recent activity

  1. Comment on Nathan Berman has helped rescue Manhattan’s financial district from a “doom loop” by carving attractive living spaces from hulking buildings that once housed fields of cubicles in ~design

    Link Parent building code is an american code designed by americans for the american market: it evolved from an early twenty-first century merger of the disparate BOCA, southern, and uniform... building code is an american code designed by americans for the american market: it evolved from an early twenty-first century merger of the disparate BOCA, southern, and uniform building codes and is rigorously updated every three years to address the contemporaneous development and construction industries in the united states...

    ...IBC follows evidence-based best practices and routinely culls cruft where appropriate...

    2 votes
  2. Comment on What do I do if I don't have any clothes? in

    ...find a sweater and a pair of jeans that you like, buy two more just like them; find a t-shirt and a pair of boxers that you like, buy fifteen more just like them; you'll never have to think...

    ...find a sweater and a pair of jeans that you like, buy two more just like them; find a t-shirt and a pair of boxers that you like, buy fifteen more just like them; you'll never have to think about clothes again...

    ...16 t-shirts and boxers + 3 sweaters and jeans are sufficient for two weeks between laundry plus emergency spares...

    ...anyone who cares about your wardrobe isn't worth your time; get out there and save the world...

  3. Comment on Big Tech has slashed its office presence in San Francisco by half in ~finance

    Link Parent
    (900,000 / 1,600,000 ≈ 45% less, not less than 45%)

    (900,000 / 1,600,000 ≈ 45% less, not less than 45%)

    5 votes
  4. Comment on In Berlin, I experience icks I never thought possible in ~travel

    Link Parent
    ...many US state capitals are second or third-tier towns, too, often focused on government administration and education while larger cities are the main engines of economic activity... fact,...

    ...many US state capitals are second or third-tier towns, too, often focused on government administration and education while larger cities are the main engines of economic activity... fact, that's often promulgated as a virtuous arrangement to avoid conflicts of interest in governance...

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Hard cider - making old orchards new again in ~food

    Link Parent
    ...sprouts stocks lucy glow apples for a week or two each year and they're fantastic...

    ...sprouts stocks lucy glow apples for a week or two each year and they're fantastic...

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Eclipse playlist recommendations in ~music

    Link tomorrow morning my wife and i are re-routing to ouachita national forest, which constitutes our seventh change across seven hundred miles this week due meteorological conditions... ...of... tomorrow morning my wife and i are re-routing to ouachita national forest, which constitutes our seventh change across seven hundred miles this week due meteorological conditions...

    ...of course i can't resist the rare opportunity to wear my 2017 eclipse t-shirt from golden pond observatory in land between the lakes national recreation area: i told her it means i can boast about chasing eclipses back before they were cool, before the band sold out with their next album...

    Obscured by Clouds

    4 votes
  7. Comment on A Star Citizen player has jumped to a new system for the first time ("server meshing" test) in ~games

    Link Parent
    ...the massively-multiplayer sandbox is still in alpha development, so unless you enjoy tinkering with unstable + incomplete works-in-progress, no... ...that said, the single-player campaign went...

    ...the massively-multiplayer sandbox is still in alpha development, so unless you enjoy tinkering with unstable + incomplete works-in-progress, no...

    ...that said, the single-player campaign went feature-complete in october, so we should see a beta release of squadron 42 by 2025...

    6 votes
  8. Comment on US nuclear missile program set the launch code to "00000000" during the cold war in ~engineering

    ...could've been worse, like O00O0OO0...

    ...could've been worse, like O00O0OO0...

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Beyond the water flow rate: Water pressure and smart timers impact shower efficiency in ~enviro

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    ...low-flow showerheads use less water flow (GPM) at greater pressure (PSI) to encourage shorter-duration showers, since people perceive pressure as a proxy for flow and will otherwise shower for...

    ...low-flow showerheads use less water flow (GPM) at greater pressure (PSI) to encourage shorter-duration showers, since people perceive pressure as a proxy for flow and will otherwise shower for longer durations to account for reduced flow...

    ...flow rate is typically modulated by a diaphragm in the showerhead (which can be removed for full-flow showers, natch!) and pressure modulated by the spray pattern through which that flow rate is directed...

    ...there comes a point at which that perceptual tradeoff no longer obscures the reduced efficacy of lesser flow rates, and people take longer showers to compensate, hence the end-user hack of removing flow-restriction diaphragms...

    6 votes
  10. Comment on A mistake in a Tesla and a panicked final call: The death of Angela Chao in ~transport

    Link stepmother died this way thirty years ago in six feet of water, right down to the emergency response: she was driving a new oldsmobile 88...'s a common-enough class of accident that i... stepmother died this way thirty years ago in six feet of water, right down to the emergency response: she was driving a new oldsmobile 88...'s a common-enough class of accident that i doubt the tesla design had anything to do with it...

    15 votes
  11. Comment on Windows95man – No Rules! (2024) in ~music

    ...clearly an overwhelming popular vote on account of the pants-free performance gimmick...

    ...clearly an overwhelming popular vote on account of the pants-free performance gimmick...

    3 votes
  12. Comment on If your morning routine were the subject of a montage in a movie, what would be the song that played over the top of it? in ~music

    Link Parent
    ...yeeks, i clicked through the video and immediately recognised hey, that's where i ride my bike!..

    this classic banger

    ...yeeks, i clicked through the video and immediately recognised hey, that's where i ride my bike!..

    1 vote
  13. Comment on If your morning routine were the subject of a montage in a movie, what would be the song that played over the top of it? in ~music

  14. Comment on Lighthearted movie about someone finding a new direction? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    ...second vote here for joe versus the volcano; that film is criminally underrated...

    ...second vote here for joe versus the volcano; that film is criminally underrated...

    2 votes
  15. Comment on In your opinion, what is the appropriate number of outfits to rotate through at work? in

    Link Parent
    ...this is similar to what i've done for the past thirty years; i started from N*5+1 identical shirts and N+1 identical pants, where N are the number of weeks i cycle between laundry, but recently...

    ...this is similar to what i've done for the past thirty years; i started from N*5+1 identical shirts and N+1 identical pants, where N are the number of weeks i cycle between laundry, but recently i switched to an array of colors in otherwise identical shirts...

    ...after a few years, a couple of coworkers confessed that they'd bet whether i literally wore the same thing every day, secretly marked the back of a sleeve, and money changed hands when i came in with a fresh but otherwise indistinguishable uniform the next day: since then i've quit caring what other folks think and literally wear the same shirt all week as long as it stays clean...

    ...over the years, i've found that, like pants, with fresh undershirts every day i can often go a full week before outershirts merit laundry; i choose colors for myself, not my coworkers...

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What was your first computer game? (Soundcheck question 2023) in ~games

    Link the library, adventure or lunar lander for the commodore PET 2001; at home, don't fall or lemonade for the apple //e we bought several years later... ...actual, dedicated... the library, adventure or lunar lander for the commodore PET 2001; at home, don't fall or lemonade for the apple //e we bought several years later...

    ...actual, dedicated game-on-disk?..that'd be infocom's hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, an easter gift from my parents about a year after that...

    3 votes
  17. Comment on What are your favorite ridiculous/absurd/campy Christmas movies? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    ...more twisted than saw: it's the prequel to snowpiercer, after all...

    ...more twisted than saw: it's the prequel to snowpiercer, after all...

  18. Comment on What's the deal with the popcorn button? in ~food

    (edited )
    ...we grew up with an analog-control litton main battle tank from the seventies which - no exaggeration - took three grown men to move, and its primary smart feature was a meat themometer, so...

    ...we grew up with an analog-control litton main battle tank from the seventies which - no exaggeration - took three grown men to move, and its primary smart feature was a meat themometer, so until this video i didn't know whether newer smart features were actual sensor logic or just lookup-table marketing gimmicks...

    ...i overcooked a bag of orville reddenbacker circa 1984 while listening for its prescribed pop timing when unexpected guests pulled me away and the ten-minute timer ran its full course, burning a hole through the top of the microwave and infusing the house with a profound scorched aroma for the next week; after that experience, i'm a little too gun-shy to step away and trust an undocumented button...

    ...i've always wondered whether popcorn buttons used dumb timers or smart sensors, but absent any documentation presumed the former as a precaution, so i've never used warms my cold, cynical heart to learn that technology does indeed advance despite market forces to the contrary... that weather channel music at the end?..

    7 votes
  19. Comment on AI belongs to the capitalists now in ~tech

  20. Comment on AI belongs to the capitalists now in ~tech

    Link Parent
    ...i think "AI" ascribes more agency to corporations than they're warranted as entities: they grow and evolve to capture resources and propagate throughout social-ecosystems, but that's more...

    corporations are a form of AI.

    ...i think "AI" ascribes more agency to corporations than they're warranted as entities: they grow and evolve to capture resources and propagate throughout social-ecosystems, but that's more analogous to unthinking life than sentient intelligence... truth, once an organisation cedes control to public capital, nobody is in charge; i'd point at cube as a metaphor for that golem...

    5 votes