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What are your spooky, creepy or unexplained stories?

It's that time of year again: October, spooky month! The perfect time to share creepy/spooky/unexplainable stories! I asked last year and we got some neat stories, so figured I'd ask again. Anything goes from creepy experiences with creepy people, to hauntings, to weird memories you just can't explain.

1 comment

  1. g33kphr33k
    When I was about 9 years old, I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep. I was scared of the dark, so I always had the bedroom door wide open and the landing light on. We lived in a 3 bedroom...

    When I was about 9 years old, I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep. I was scared of the dark, so I always had the bedroom door wide open and the landing light on.

    We lived in a 3 bedroom semi detached world war era house at this time. The landing space was probably 1.5 metres square, with each bedroom door and the bathroom door coming off of it, including the staircase.

    I could hear everyone chatting downstairs and then my elder sister walked from the staircase, across the landing, past my door and into my parents room. I called out to her, and she didn't reply. So I called again, and then again, but louder. I didn't get out of the bed as it was an old style cabin bed, up about 5ft high with a ladder.

    Eventually I started getting upset about being ignored and my mother hollered up the stairs to be quiet and go to sleep. I replied that my sister was ignoring me and Mum shouted back “She went out over an hour ago!”

    Cue me freaking out about the ghost we now had in the house. I was petrified and took my parents ages to calm me down.

    This wasn't my only weird happening in that house. I had a teddy wink at me from my sister's bed as I crossed the landing to the bathroom, feet walk past that didn't belong to anyone in the house while playing hide and seek under the beds, and other weirdness. Now I'm in my 40s I put it down to just a kid's wild imagination, but it was certainly terrifying back then, and making me feel weird as I type this out now.

    11 votes