Virtual reality has real problems. Here’s how game developers seek to delete them. Article 1854 words 10 votes
Lucasfilm Games announces that Ubisoft's Massive Entertainment is developing an open-world Star Wars game, the first non-EA Star Wars game since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012 Article 1069 words 15 votes
The rise of Sierra Online wasn’t exactly a fairytale. Founder Ken Williams opens up about his new book, video game design in the late 80s—and his regrets about selling the company. Article 4789 words 8 votes
Despite brute-forcing its way to dominance in many other industries, Amazon is having difficulty getting a foothold in games Article 4812 words 11 votes
Inside Roblox's war on porn - The game platform is extremely popular with children, and the company is waging an endless fight against "condo games": explicit, often sex-themed user creations Article 4441 words 19 votes
Apple won't allow game streaming services like xCloud and Stadia into the App Store Article 854 words 20 votes
How to know you’re not insane (And how a Cards Against Humanity staff writer was fired) ~games.tabletop Article 3184 words 14 votes
The Grandmaster who got Twitch hooked on chess: Hikaru Nakamura is the top-ranked blitz chess player in the world—and his channel has seen a meteoric rise as he coaches streamers in the ancient game ~games.tabletop Article 1480 words 14 votes
Blizzard has suspended or closed over 74,000 accounts in the last month, as bots have upended the game's economy Article 678 words 9 votes
The board game that turns feminism into a joke: I played Ms. Monopoly so that you don’t have to ~games.tabletop Article 1237 words 12 votes
World of Warcraft's game director Ion Hazzikostas on how the game's culture has evolved with the internet Article 707 words 6 votes
The stockbrokers of Magic: The Gathering play for keeps ~games.tabletop card games Article 7186 words 7 votes
The "Nintendo PlayStation" prototype was purchased at auction for $300,000 by Greg McLemore, founder of who now runs the International Arcade Museum Article 482 words 10 votes
Riot Games will pay at least $10 million to settle gender discrimination suit, split between all female employees who worked there in the last five years Article 728 words 17 votes
Introducing Launcher, a new section covering video games and e-sports from The Washington Post Article 453 words 7 votes
Use big government to fight horrible monsters with Delta Green ~games.tabletop Article 875 words 4 votes
Should board gamers play the roles of racists, slavers and nazis? ~games.tabletop board games Article 2159 words 7 votes
The friends who have been playing the same game of Dungeons & Dragons for thirty years ~games.tabletop dungeons and dragons Article 1779 words 10 votes
The saga of "Star Citizen," a video game that raised $300 million—but may never be ready to play Article 3492 words 19 votes
"Making video games is not a dream job": "The workers behind hits like Fortnite and Call of Duty need unions to protect them from exploitation" Article 1048 words, published Apr 4 2019 10 votes
You can never go home to GeoCities again - The new video games Hypnospace and Wrong Box offer up complicated nostalgia for the internet of yesterday Article 1523 words, published Mar 31 2019 4 votes
How the West was digitized - The making of Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 Article 3991 words 4 votes
Ted Dabney, a founder of Atari and a creator of Pong, dies at 81 Article 1283 words, published May 31 2018 6 votes