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  • Showing only topics in ~games with the tag "tildes game giveaway". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024

      Important: This will be a noisy topic. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it! Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you...

      Important: This will be a noisy topic. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it!

      Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you just want to see the main giveaway posts, click Collapse Replies at the top of the comments.

      🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎵

      This is our annual holiday game giveaway topic. Spread some goodwill and holiday cheer with others!

      Before you participate, please make sure you read the rules below.



      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways. Please make sure you follow the gifter's posted guidelines.


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only give away games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in this topic, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly in this topic, even obfuscated ones.

      If you're new to these, check out previous giveaway threads to see how these usually go.

      45 votes
    2. Tildes Game Giveaway: June/July 2024

      Important: This will be a noisy topic. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it! Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you...

      Important: This will be a noisy topic. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it!

      Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you just want to see the main giveaway posts, click Collapse Replies at the top of the comments.

      It’s time for annother edition of our biannual Game Giveaway topics! Share games with the community; get rid of those extra bundle keys you have lying around; maybe do a cool The Price Is Right-style game?

      Before you participate, please make sure you read the rules below.



      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways. Please make sure you follow the gifter's posted guidelines.


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only give away games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in this topic, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly in this topic, even obfuscated ones.

      If you're new to these, check out previous giveaway threads to see how these usually go.

      53 votes
    3. Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023

      Important: This will be a noisy topic. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it! Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you...

      Important: This will be a noisy topic. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it!

      Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you just want to see the main giveaway posts, click Collapse Replies at the top of the comments.

      🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎵

      Holiday game sales are currently happening, and some are right around the corner!

      This is our annual holiday game giveaway topic. Spread some goodwill and holiday cheer with others!

      Before you participate, please make sure you read the rules below.



      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways. Please make sure you follow the gifter's posted guidelines.


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only give away games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in this topic, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly in this topic, even obfuscated ones.

      If you're new to these, check out previous giveaway threads to see how these usually go.

      49 votes
    4. Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: July 2023

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it! Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the Ignore feature to hide it!

      Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the topic and you just want to see the main giveaway posts, click Collapse Replies at the top of the comments.


      Hi all! For everyone new to Tildes (welcome!), we usually run a community game giveaway thread during the major Steam sales. Feel free to make giveaways of your own (using whatever rules you want), or participate in others' giveaways. If you'd like to see some previous examples, check out our most recent Holiday 2022 one or use the tildes game giveaway tag to look through previous posts.

      Before you participate, please make sure you read the rules below.



      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways. Please make sure you follow the gifter's posted guidelines.


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only give away games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in this topic, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly in this topic, even obfuscated ones.
      108 votes
    5. Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: Holiday 2022

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the thread and...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!

      Tip: If the large number of comments are cluttering up the thread and you just want to see the main giveaway posts, click "Collapse Replies" at the top of the comments.

      @teaearlgraycold's recent INCREDIBLE giveaway idea reminded me that we were due for our usual holiday giveaway thread. Y'all presumably know the drill, but if you don't, check out some of our old threads!


      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways according to the gifter's guidelines!


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.
      27 votes
    6. Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: June/July 2022

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! I think we're due for another game giveaway thread -- it's been a...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!

      I think we're due for another game giveaway thread -- it's been a while since the last one!


      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways according to the gifter's guidelines!


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.
      22 votes
    7. Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: Holiday 2021

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! It's been a while since we've done one of these, and with the next...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!

      It's been a while since we've done one of these, and with the next Steam sale right around the corner, now seems like the right time!


      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways according to the gifter's guidelines!


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.
      29 votes
    8. Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: Welcoming a New Year

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! 2021 Enough has been said about 2020 — let’s put some good out into...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!


      Enough has been said about 2020 — let’s put some good out into the world in the form of game giveaways as we welcome a new and hopefully brighter year!


      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways according to the gifter's guidelines!


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      • No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.

      • Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.

      28 votes
    9. Tildes Game Giveaway Thread, August 2020

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! Gifters Post your available games, the platform and method of...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!


      Post your available games, the platform and method of delivery, rules for your giveaways (e.g. first-come first-serve, random draw, etc.), and any additional info or requirements. Feel free to get creative!


      Request giveaways according to the gifter's guidelines!


      Anyone can choose to be a gifter, giftee, or both! Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.
      32 votes
    10. Tildes' "Shop-from-Home" Game Giveaway Event

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! What Is This? Times are tough for a lot of us out there. I'm hoping...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!

      What Is This?

      Times are tough for a lot of us out there. I'm hoping we can make things just a little bit easier by spreading some free entertainment to those that need/want it.

      This is a giveaway thread for games. Most games will be on the Steam platform for PC, though any platform is eligible.

      How Does It Work?


      Each person that wants to give away games can open up their own "shop" in a top-level comment, showcasing the games they have available to give away.

      Each "shopkeep" can set their own rules for giveaways (e.g. first come, first serve; limit 2 per customer; answer a riddle to get a game; tell me about your favorite band; etc.). Feel free to have some fun with this! You can use my "shop" as an example for how to make yours, though your offering certainly doesn't have to be that involved. I got a little bit too excited and kinda went all out for this. :)


      Shoppers, or people wanting to take advantage of the giveaways, can wander the bazaar, checking out with the vendors who have items that interest them. You do NOT have to giveaway anything in order to accept games! These are giveaways, given freely, not trades! That said, a shopkeep might ask you for a story or some wisdom in exchange. Please indulge them!


      Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.

      Isn't there a Tildes Steam group for giveaways?

      There is, but not for much longer. The group is cumbersome to keep invite-only, which limits its membership, and we now have the ignore thread feature here on Tildes which we did not have when I first made the group (and I didn't want people bothered by noisy topics like giveaways). I will be closing the Steam group soon and moving giveaways back on-site to threads like this one. I feel that's better for the community, and makes participation far easier.

      47 votes
    11. Tildes' Valentine's Day Game Giveaway: Gaming Blind Dates!

      Gaming Blind Dates Event For Valentine's Day, the Tildes Game Gifting Group is offering up a number of "blind dates" for any gamer who is interested in trying out something new. Each gift is a...

      Gaming Blind Dates Event

      For Valentine's Day, the Tildes Game Gifting Group is offering up a number of "blind dates" for any gamer who is interested in trying out something new. Each gift is a game, but you won't know the game's name -- only the top 4 tags describing the game. Select the tags which most interest you, then find out the exactly who the game is once it's given to you! Hopefully it's a keeper!

      How can I participate?

      You may choose to:

      • gift a game/games as a blind date for others,
      • go on a gaming blind date (i.e. receive a game gift),
      • or both!

      Steps to enroll:

      1. Comment either in this thread here on Tildes, or in the thread on the Steam group (if you are already a member).

      2. In your comment, identify whether you would like to gift a game, go on a gaming blind date, or both!

      3. If you are not already a member of the Tildes' Game Gifting Group on Steam, PM me with a link to your Steam profile so that I can friend and add you (the group is invite-only).

      4. If you are gifting a game, PM me or message me on Steam with the name of the game, how you will gift it (e.g. store purchase, key, etc.), and the platform it's on (if not Steam).


      You may enroll up through Thursday, February 13. Once all the participants have enrolled, the blind dates will be set up and will begin on Valentine's Day, Friday, February 14.

      Additional Info

      To ensure that giftees will have a good chance of liking their gifted game, we are requiring that gifted games have a combined user review score of at least 80%. You don't need to worry about getting a bad or junk game!

      Games are given freely by their generous donors, and there are no strings attached or hidden catches. You ARE allowed to receive a game even if you don't gift one!

      For other questions/specifics, full details are available in the event thread in the Steam group.

      Note: If you do not wish to see this thread in your Tildes feed, please use the ignore function to hide it!

      21 votes
    12. Steam Key Giveaway Thread, September 2019 Edition

      It's been a while since the last Steam key giveaway thread, so let's have another one! Post any extras you have (or are willing to buy for others if you're feeling super generous), and let's...

      It's been a while since the last Steam key giveaway thread, so let's have another one! Post any extras you have (or are willing to buy for others if you're feeling super generous), and let's share!

      I won't set thread-wide rules (e.g. first come first serve, one per person, random draw after a certain amount of time, etc.) and instead let will let each individual poster set the parameters for how they want to distribute.

      35 votes