7 votes
MDMA-assisted therapy for severe PTSD: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study
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Madhouse at the End of the Earth: A brief history of people losing their minds in Antarctica
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The US Federal Communications Commission wants your thoughts on improving the shorter National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number
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Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (April 2021)
This is a monthly thread for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Let's make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
29 votes -
Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (March 2021)
This is a monthly thread for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Let's make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
13 votes -
Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (February 2021)
This is a monthly thread for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Let's make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
29 votes -
Norway is offering drug-free treatment to people with psychosis
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Matthew Syed looks at how the behaviour of hostages at a 1973 bank robbery gave rise to a concept known as Stockholm syndrome
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Book review: Crazy Like Us
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High spirits: Heavy metal and mental health
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Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (January 2021)
This is a monthly thread for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Let's make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
18 votes -
Three digit suicide prevention hotline gets green light from House of Commons
21 votes -
Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (December 2020)
This is a monthly thread for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Let's make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
26 votes -
Burned out
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Study suggests video games can help mental health
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Oregon legalizes psilocybin mushrooms (for therapeutic purposes) and decriminalizes all drugs
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Hi, How Are You? - Mental Health Support & Discussion Thread (October/November 2020)
Bringing this back for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Let's make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
24 votes -
Insomnia, anyone?
I keep reading about people getting "covid insomnia". You could say, it's keeping me up at night. Really though, it's been getting pretty regular for me. I take xanax once in a while but keeping...
I keep reading about people getting "covid insomnia". You could say, it's keeping me up at night.
Really though, it's been getting pretty regular for me. I take xanax once in a while but keeping it to an absolute minimum (no more than 0.25mg, once a week or so).
I tried the Sleep With Me podcast mentioned by @noblepath. It sort of helped. I kind of like the experience of it, the mindlessness, but I didn't continue past the second night.
It did give me the idea to just run a youtube video of rain sounds on my tv though, a lot better than what I used to do (leave netflix on some rewatches I know by heart). This is the one I'm currently enjoying: https://youtu.be/_x3hVRSIe2g
14 votes -
Real-time tracking of serotonin, dopamine opens new window to the brain
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How the pandemic forced mental health care to change for the better
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Four terminally ill Canadians get special exemption to use psychedelic therapy
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I'm stuck in an endless loop
For several years now (4-5-ish, but hard to pin down when it started), I have been stuck in a cycle of enervation/depression. I don't really like to use the word 'depression' to describe this,...
For several years now (4-5-ish, but hard to pin down when it started), I have been stuck in a cycle of enervation/depression. I don't really like to use the word 'depression' to describe this, because in my youth (I'm in my early 50s now), I suffered from serious bouts of extreme depression, and by comparison, this is a walk in the park ... so I've gotten into the habit of colloquially referring to is as "ennui".
The duration varies (a lot), but the cycle is most often roughly 7-14 days long, where 60-70% of the time, my energy, motivation, my ability to focus on and accomplish tasks ... all goes into the toilet, and I spend most of my day reading news, surfing the 'Net, playing video games, watching re-runs, walking about town with my dog, or even just sleeping. The other 30-40% of my time, I feel good -- clear-headed, focused, motivated and energized -- and I spend most of this time catching up on all the stuff I neglected during the ennui phase, and making Grand Plans for the future.
It is hard to tell, objectively, whether I am getting better, worse, or just treading water ... in part, because the cycle varies enough that it's hard to see any clear trends over anything less than 6-8 month time frame ... but more so because my ability to objectively assess my status is so colored by the cycle itself ... when I am in one of my ennui phases, it feels like I am getting worse or, at best, maintaining. When I am in the manic-ish phase, I feel like I will never feel unmotivated again, and I must often remind myself that it is temporary, and in another day or 3, I will be back in a funk. As objectively as I can be, however, I think I am actually treading water or, possibly, getting gradually worse at a very glacial pace.
I know the "up" phase of my cycle sounds a lot like the manic- part of a manic-depressive bipolar thing. Maybe it is; as I said, it is hard to be objective. That said, though, I am really, really confident that, prior to the beginning of this, ~5-ish years ago ... that "manic" phase was my normal state of mind. I used to be a very focused, productive individual.
So ... I've tried many different things to address this. Assorted doctor visits have mostly concluded that either they don't know what the problem is, and/or, I'm exaggerating/imagining it (no doctor has explicitly said this -- it is my interpretation of "we can't find anything wrong with you"). I've tried increased exercise, more time outdoors, more sleep, less sleep, meditation, a wide variety of changes in diet, vitamins/minerals/supplements, etc. I've lost over 40 lbs. I'm currently trying (for a 2nd time) large daily doses of turmeric, and contemplating trying (also for a 2nd time) a round of tDCS self-treatment.
For context, I am right now on an upswing, coming out of my latest "ennui" phase and feeling optimistic and productive.
I should also add that I have another issue ... one that I believe is unrelated, but sounds similar when I describe it. This dates back to about 15-16 years ago, and is another thing I have seen many doctors for, and tried various things to remedy. In a nutshell, about 15 years ago, I got dumber. Prior to that, my ability to learn and remember, my executive functions, my ability to deduce, my ability to focus and prioritize and plan ... were all much better.
Over the course of 12-18 months, I lost a lot of my mental functions. For anyone who has read it, it felt a lot like the tail-end of the book "Flowers For Algernon". The simplest quantifiable example I can give of this is the notion of ... how many things are on your mental shopping list (stuff you need to get at the grocery store) before you realize you better write it down? For me, prior to this loss, my magic "I'm gonna forget stuff if I don't write it down" number was around 12-13 items, that I could fairly confidently remember. Afterwards, that number dropped to around 3.
At that time, my doctor found a (benign) lump in my throat (a goiter), and ultimately, they removed half of my thyroid. After they removed it, over the course of 6-12 months, my mental faculties improved again, but I feel to this day, that they never returned to anything close to what they were before. My mental "shopping list" number today is around 5.
Multiple tests since then have repeatedly confirmed that my half-of-a-thyroid is fully getting the job done, and I do not need any kind of supplemental hormone treatment -- with the possible exception of testosterone (ps: I'm a guy), which I tried for a little while -- and dammit, it helped, too -- but then I freaked out and quit once I started reading about side-effects.
I am writing this explicitly looking for suggestions and advice. Keep in mind, though, that (I'm guessing here), 80-90% of my responses will be "already tried it, didn't help".
In advance, danke y gracias.
16 votes -
Let’s avoid talk of ‘chemical imbalance’: it’s people in distress
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Hi, How Are You? - Mental Health Support & Discussion Thread (July 2020)
Bringing this back for those who need it. Vent, share your experiences, ask for advice, talk about how you are doing. Lets make this a compassionate space for all who may need one.
21 votes -
Anyone else diagnosed with depression? I need others to talk to
Hello, So I've been officially diagnosed with depression a few years ago. I am on medication for it and I've done therapy in the past. I am a more functional person than I was, let's say, one year...
So I've been officially diagnosed with depression a few years ago. I am on medication for it and I've done therapy in the past. I am a more functional person than I was, let's say, one year ago as I've adjusted my medication.
However there is something that is SEVERELY affecting my quality of life and that is the generalized lack of interest or extreme difficulty in doing almost anything. Yes I've talked with my doctor about this. It's "normal" and we are working on it.
I don't know many people and COVID-19 took a hit on my already limited social life. So I guess I want to share my experience and hear from others who experience(ed) the same difficulties. When you are trapped in not wanting to do anything, what the hell do you do?
Recently I've started reading a physical book again. I think it is a good thing for me to have something to do that does not involve a screen. Plus it makes me sleepy if I am a bit tired which, for me personally, is great. Aside from this next experiment, the activities I do the most are playing one or two video games, study for my degree and work part-time.
Another thing I've started doing is doing the bare minimum in terms of physical exercise. I am working on doing pull-ups (I went from doing 0 to 1,5 =) ) and doing some squats. School and work rob me of a lot of energy so I tend not to exercise. But now I'm trying to at least do something.
I will try to keep up with this post but I have a tendency to procrastinate on them if I get a lot of replies. Thanks for bearing with me =).
32 votes -
Eugene, a town of 170,000 in Oregon, replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over thirty years
19 votes -
Has there ever been a moment where you felt you were doing fine but in hindsight you were a lot more vulnerable/troubled/worse off than you thought?
Around 2 years ago, when I first made a reddit account, I spent a lot of time on AskReddit asking about 'why are women so hard to date' like a personification of the dunning-kruger effect (while I...
Around 2 years ago, when I first made a reddit account, I spent a lot of time on AskReddit asking about 'why are women so hard to date' like a personification of the dunning-kruger effect (while I don't think I've really learned anything about dating and socialization since then, I have stopped thinking women don't share the same basic emotions and reactions as men and in general don't think they're so removed from guys). Given that and how little engagement my threads were getting (it's AskReddit, but I didn't know what I was expecting) I was basically ready to be made an incel. Thankfully someone snapped me out of it by calling 12-year old me a neckbeard, which terrified me away from touching dating for a few months at least.
PS: If the answer is "if you don't feel like this you're in trouble, people don't/shouldn't just stop developing like that", I won't be surprised.
15 votes -
My friends and I swap nudes as a form of pandemic self-care
8 votes -
A pair of new studies chart a dramatic increase in stress, anxiety, depression and overall poor mental wellbeing in Australia linked to the COVID-19 lockdown
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Past stressful experiences do not create resilience to future trauma, new study finds
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A third of Americans reporting anxiety and depression symptoms during the COVID pandemic
11 votes -
The new theatrics of remote therapy. How does treatment change when your patients are on a screen?
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What it's like being a Lifeline crisis support counsellor during the coronavirus pandemic
6 votes -
Coronavirus isolation affects your brain — a neuroscientist explains how, and what to do about it
Social media makes it possible for us socialise far and wide. Reach out to friends online, call your parents, and learn how to practice mindfulness or meditation. Head to the backyard for a dose...
Social media makes it possible for us socialise far and wide. Reach out to friends online, call your parents, and learn how to practice mindfulness or meditation.
Head to the backyard for a dose of nature, or if you're in an apartment with no nature to gaze at, be sure to get to a green space for your exercise.
To help improve your sleep, try sticking to a routine and avoid screen time for at least an hour before bed. And lay off the alcohol – it reduces the quality of your sleep.
Just 10 minutes of exercise may improve our attention for the following two to four hours, so if you're struggling to focus, get that blood pumping.
Give your isolation brain a boost by laying off the high-sugar or high-fat treats. Have healthy snacks on hand instead, like fruit, vegetables and nuts.
6 votes -
No wonder coronavirus isolation is so tiring. All those extra, tiny decisions are taxing our brains.
10 votes -
The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why
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A home for all COVID-19 related Mental Health Resources - #IsolatedNOTAlone
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Perception of space
3 votes -
Social distancing is going to get darker
3 votes -
Am I depressed or just lazy?
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Managing your anxiety in times of hysteria (satire)
4 votes -
A future with no future: depression, the left, and the politics of mental health
11 votes -
A psychiatric diagnosis can be more than an unkind ‘label’
8 votes -
Why poor people make poor decisions
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NICE choses not to recommend esketamine for treatment resistant depression
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Being Jesus: A short film about living with psychosis
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How tarot and astrology helped me cope with my depression
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Dissociative Identity simulation
6 votes -
FCC proposes designating 988 as national suicide prevention and mental health hotline number
19 votes