20 votes

No love for fiction or literary pursuits on Tildes?

Topic removed by site admin


  1. [18]
    ~books welcomes you to the book club Please stop by!

    ~books welcomes you to the book club

    Please stop by!

    25 votes
    1. [15]
      Link Parent
      But more specifically: Not a Harry Potter fan, Artemis Fowl is fine and Frodo is a classic but we also got Le Guin, and Bujold, and Butler, and Tchaikovsky and Pratchett and Jemisin and Leckie and...

      But more specifically: Not a Harry Potter fan, Artemis Fowl is fine and Frodo is a classic but we also got Le Guin, and Bujold, and Butler, and Tchaikovsky and Pratchett and Jemisin and Leckie and Martine and Chambers, etc.

      Also a fan of lit RPGs and xianxia and the like, Beware of Chicken, This Quest is Bullshit, and Cradle are some fun ones.

      16 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        I'm not a fan of HP any more, used to be one in my student years as a kid. But even then, I liked Artemis way more, a blend of technology and magic feels way more surreal and realistic than magic...

        I'm not a fan of HP any more, used to be one in my student years as a kid. But even then, I liked Artemis way more, a blend of technology and magic feels way more surreal and realistic than magic alone, at least to me.

        Haven't read any of the other niche authors, thanks for the recommendation.

        4 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Did you just call Ursula K. Le Guin a niche author? Sir (literally knighted by the Queen) Terry Pratchett? How could you do this to me, pyeri ;)

          Haven't read any of the other niche authors

          Did you just call Ursula K. Le Guin a niche author?

          Sir (literally knighted by the Queen) Terry Pratchett?

          How could you do this to me, pyeri ;)

          6 votes
          1. Notcoffeetable
            Link Parent
            Seriously, the list of authors DefinitelyNotAFae posted are far from niche. Many Hugo award nominations/winners in that list!

            Seriously, the list of authors DefinitelyNotAFae posted are far from niche. Many Hugo award nominations/winners in that list!

            4 votes
        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          Artemis Fowl? I loved that movie! But jokes aside, I've also noticed that this site doesn't engage as much with pop culture. I'd be interested in seeing more of that.

          Artemis Fowl? I loved that movie!
          But jokes aside, I've also noticed that this site doesn't engage as much with pop culture. I'd be interested in seeing more of that.

          1 vote
          1. boxer_dogs_dance
            Link Parent
            Other than books, movies, television, music and video games and sports, which categories of popular culture do you want to see? Each of the above has a dedicated group to which one can contribute...

            Other than books, movies, television, music and video games and sports, which categories of popular culture do you want to see?

            Each of the above has a dedicated group to which one can contribute content

            1 vote
      2. [9]
        Link Parent
        Wooooooo - my favorite book series ever! Some other progression fantasy I love: Bastion, Iron Prince, Mother of Learning


        Wooooooo - my favorite book series ever!

        Some other progression fantasy I love: Bastion, Iron Prince, Mother of Learning

        2 votes
        1. [8]
          Link Parent
          I'm not as big on Cradle as others, there's a lot that doesn't make sense to me (if literally everyone is a sacred artist, what exactly are sacred artist robes and why would you distinguish them...

          I'm not as big on Cradle as others, there's a lot that doesn't make sense to me (if literally everyone is a sacred artist, what exactly are sacred artist robes and why would you distinguish them or even have a word for them) and I'm over galaxies full of straight people, but it was enjoyable in spite of that.

          1 vote
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            I got the impression that while everyone practices the sacred arts to some extent, and the term is sometimes used to refer to anyone acting in that capacity, not everyone is a "sacred artist" by...

            if literally everyone is a sacred artist

            I got the impression that while everyone practices the sacred arts to some extent, and the term is sometimes used to refer to anyone acting in that capacity, not everyone is a "sacred artist" by trade. Lindon's story doesn't focus on them, but there are billions of soulsmiths, farmers, shopkeepers, refiners, merchants, janitors etc, who keep the world ticking quietly in the background.

            Then, there is a small class of people focus their lives on advancement in combat-focused sacred arts. That having the goal of military or community strength or protection from remnants, bandits and the like.

            2 votes
            1. DefinitelyNotAFae
              Link Parent
              Right but those folks all do "sacred arts" (especially the janitors!) and their clothing is never described, nor are the robes really other than the label. Will does a lot of short-cut relying on...

              Right but those folks all do "sacred arts" (especially the janitors!) and their clothing is never described, nor are the robes really other than the label. Will does a lot of short-cut relying on people to recognize the tropes from the genre and I think it holds Cradle back from being "great" but it was enjoyable.

              I think I have more fun with the well-written litrpgs - How to Defeat a Demon King in Ten Easy Steps was a delight. I didn't enjoy Quill and Still as much, it got bogged way down in the alchemy but I liked the bones. And I am very far behind on The Wandering Inn. But yeah, Cradle is fine, I just feel like everyone loves it more than me

          2. [5]
            Link Parent
            Have you read Mage Errant? It’s another excellent progression fantasy series, it also features some lgbtq relationships fairly heavily at multiple points in the series

            I'm over galaxies full of straight people

            Have you read Mage Errant? It’s another excellent progression fantasy series, it also features some lgbtq relationships fairly heavily at multiple points in the series

            1 vote
            1. [3]
              Link Parent
              I have not, though I think the Unspoiled Podcast covered it maybe, which is how I found Cradle, progression/cultivation/xianxia is not my top interest so I haven't got the breadth of knowledge on...

              Mage Errant

              I have not, though I think the Unspoiled Podcast covered it maybe, which is how I found Cradle, progression/cultivation/xianxia is not my top interest so I haven't got the breadth of knowledge on it. I think I like Beware of Chicken because it was poking fun at the whole thing (while also still doing the thing). But knowing me I probably own the first one already from a sale, so I may dig it out of my Kindle library, ty for the rec!

              1 vote
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                No problem! I hope you enjoy it I’ll have to check out the Unspoiled podcast, I’ve never heard of it!

                ty for the rec!

                No problem! I hope you enjoy it

                I’ll have to check out the Unspoiled podcast, I’ve never heard of it!

                1 vote
                1. DefinitelyNotAFae
                  Link Parent
                  Oh it's a fun podcast and community! If you would like a discord invite to check out the community, it's not patrons only, but there are a few patron specific shows

                  Oh it's a fun podcast and community! If you would like a discord invite to check out the community, it's not patrons only, but there are a few patron specific shows

                  1 vote
            2. DefinitelyNotAFae
              Link Parent
              I just read your user name Apologies, to the Sage of Twin Stars, I did not see it sooner :D

              I just read your user name

              Apologies, to the Sage of Twin Stars, I did not see it sooner :D

              1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Thank you! The huge list of subscriptions on my right side bar was exhaustive I thought, didn't realize that a whole universe of new groups had emerged! I might subscribe to a lot more I guess.

      Thank you! The huge list of subscriptions on my right side bar was exhaustive I thought, didn't realize that a whole universe of new groups had emerged! I might subscribe to a lot more I guess.

      4 votes
      1. DefinitelyNotAFae
        Link Parent
        I figured you just weren't subscribed! Join, post! I mean to but life has me overwhelmed right now.

        I figured you just weren't subscribed! Join, post! I mean to but life has me overwhelmed right now.

        3 votes
  2. [2]
    From the posts I've made here, and the responses thereto, I've noticed quite a few actual writers browse tildes. Maybe a sub specifically for folks who have their own work to show would be a good...

    From the posts I've made here, and the responses thereto, I've noticed quite a few actual writers browse tildes. Maybe a sub specifically for folks who have their own work to show would be a good idea? I have short stories I can share, as well as the books I've written, but I've been cautious here because I don't want to come off as spammy. I like this place.

    8 votes
  3. [5]
    no use making a group if there isn't a demand, though. I mostly read fiction, but I have very little substance when it comes to my opinions on it.

    no use making a group if there isn't a demand, though. I mostly read fiction, but I have very little substance when it comes to my opinions on it.

    7 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Are you subscribed to ~books? There is demand

      Are you subscribed to ~books? There is demand

      5 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        yup. but for sub groups like books.fanfic, etc — there isn’t enough of this content to necessitate something new.

        yup. but for sub groups like books.fanfic, etc — there isn’t enough of this content to necessitate something new.

        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          I thought you were op who was unaware of ~books. Must be an oldtimer

          I thought you were op who was unaware of ~books. Must be an oldtimer

          1 vote
          1. tomf
            Link Parent
            I am both an old timer in terms of life and the site. :)

            I am both an old timer in terms of life and the site. :)

  4. boxer_dogs_dance
    The book club will be discussing the Dispossessed this week. Project Hail Mary next month. Would you like to be added to the book club notifications list?

    The book club will be discussing the Dispossessed this week. Project Hail Mary next month. Would you like to be added to the book club notifications list?

    6 votes
  5. [3]
    (edited )
    I asked the community about a fiction exchange last year. I have a good idea of a prototype and how it is supposed to work, but life took precedence. I still wanna do it but I sometimes wonder if...

    I asked the community about a fiction exchange last year. I have a good idea of a prototype and how it is supposed to work, but life took precedence. I still wanna do it but I sometimes wonder if I can run it by myself given my mental issues that lead to wild variances in mood and even cognition. I would be very open to a collaboration on this project, let me know if you think it makes any sense to you.


    5 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Heyy, I remember this thread! Was that really 7 months ago? I was wondering what happened to it, if I just took too long a break from Tildes and missed all the fun. Glad to know that you're still...

      Heyy, I remember this thread! Was that really 7 months ago? I was wondering what happened to it, if I just took too long a break from Tildes and missed all the fun. Glad to know that you're still thinking about it!

      I have an in-person workshop group now, however having two places to bring my work to would be even better and I've got a little more experience under my belt for running these types of things (again, in-person but could be fun to try and translate that to online).

      Let me know if you want any help with this!

      3 votes
      1. lou
        Link Parent
        Awesome! I'll put my ideas in order. I'll send you a message when I can!

        Awesome! I'll put my ideas in order. I'll send you a message when I can!

        2 votes
  6. ThrowdoBaggins
    I feel like I’ve been summoned by name, but I don’t self describe as a huge literary person. I guess I feel a little self-conscious of the fact that I’ve predominantly read only a single author...

    I feel like I’ve been summoned by name, but I don’t self describe as a huge literary person. I guess I feel a little self-conscious of the fact that I’ve predominantly read only a single author for the last decade or more, and I’m a very slow reader.

    However, as we’re part way through May, I’ve been subscribed to Dracula Daily, and that’s been great fun to finally be reading!

    4 votes
  7. crazydave333
    I'm a book lover and an aspiring writer. I would certainly contribute to any literature or writing discussions on Tildes.

    I'm a book lover and an aspiring writer. I would certainly contribute to any literature or writing discussions on Tildes.

    3 votes