Basil's recent activity

  1. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (March 2025) in ~health.mental

    A few days ago I was reading some of my old diary entries and I saw one that said how I'd like to do some simple things. And how I will definitely change my name if I don't change my mind in a...

    A few days ago I was reading some of my old diary entries and I saw one that said how I'd like to do some simple things. And how I will definitely change my name if I don't change my mind in a year. It has now been 4 years since I wrote that. I still didn't do the simple things, and I also still didn't change my name. It felt so, so, so, so, so, so bad to realize that. What am I even doing with my life? It's like I intentionally want to be miserable just because I think way too much about what others think.

    But at the same time I am somewhat hopeful. I started going to therapy a few weeks ago, the therapist I have seems super good, I already feel like I made some small progress with anxiety.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on The disturbing tweets blowing up Emilia Pérez’s Oscars campaign in ~movies

    I watched this movie because I found it interesting that it simultaneously got so many Oscars nominations, but also was getting terrible ratings from actual watchers. I always find media like that...

    I watched this movie because I found it interesting that it simultaneously got so many Oscars nominations, but also was getting terrible ratings from actual watchers. I always find media like that that get hated by some but loved by others to have the most potential to be truly incredible or even life changing.

    But sadly I found it to just be ... bad. I feel like I am the type of person that ends up liking almost every movie I watch, even though I don't really watch too many movies, but this one was just boring for me. I think a big part is that I probably don't like musicals much (although I did like some in the past), but even ignoring those parts I felt like it was pretty dumb. Also, the movie is about a trans person, but every trans person I talked to hated how they portrayed being trans in the movie, and the movie is about Mexico, but from what I heard everyone from Mexico also hates it. It felt like a B movie, but not in a good way? Maybe if it fully leaned into it and just decided to be a fully campy non serious comedy movie it would have been better, but right now it felt weirdly half-serious and trashy.

    For comparison, I watched "I Saw the TV Glow" a week before, which got similar reception online, also getting some very mixed reviews but with a lot of people saying that it's amazing which interested me. It was a bit slow and strange, but I was ok with that and I have to say the "point" of that movie resonated with me very hard, even though I am not trans. It's a movie that could definitely be life changing for some. So I'd say if someone wants to try watching Emilia Pérez, watch the TV glow instead :D.

    8 votes
  3. Comment on A beskirted trip to Ikea in

    Interesting website I found, the author writes about what it is like to wear skirts as a man in public. I feel like it is a shame that there are so many types of clothing that society considers...

    Interesting website I found, the author writes about what it is like to wear skirts as a man in public. I feel like it is a shame that there are so many types of clothing that society considers unacceptable for men to wear.

    Do you ever wear traditionally female clothes? If not, would you want to wear some clothing like that if it wasn't viewed as "abnormal" by society? I myself always felt like it's something that I wouldn't want, but now that I am thinking about trying to wear skirts in public I feel like it would ruin my relationships with so many people that I am scared to try.

    15 votes
  4. Comment on Looking to hear experiences about Laser Facial Hair Removal in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    Thank you for the response (and also from everyone else who responded!). The constant shadow on my face does make me unhappy, so getting rid of that would be amazing. That does sound amazing.

    Thank you for the response (and also from everyone else who responded!). The constant shadow on my face does make me unhappy, so getting rid of that would be amazing. That does sound amazing.

    5 votes
  5. Looking to hear experiences about Laser Facial Hair Removal

    I am a guy (I don't really feel as being very masculine at all, but also not feminine, and I do feel kinda close to the nonbinary community, but I just don't really care, so I just stick with the...

    I am a guy (I don't really feel as being very masculine at all, but also not feminine, and I do feel kinda close to the nonbinary community, but I just don't really care, so I just stick with the default that was assigned to me to make things easy for me), but I don't really like my facial hair at all. Even when I do (what I think is) a pretty smooth shave in the morning it just ends up being ugly again by the evening. I'd much prefer to not have to deal with facial hair at all. So I was wondering if laser facial hair removal might be an option for me. I have dark hair and light skin, which from what I've read should be the combination on which it works the best.

    I am a huge overthinker of everything, so I already did quite a bit of research myself, and thought about it for a number of weeks, but as with most things it's not easy to find a conclusive simple answer that it's good or bad. I've seen people say that it works amazing, others that it didn't do much, I've seen a lot of people say that it's not permanent, I've seen people say that it damaged/scarred their skin, I've even seen people say that it made them have more facial hair instead!

    So I'd kind of like to hear if the people of Tildes have any experience with it. Did it work well for you? Do you still need to shave your face every day afterwards? Did it cause any issues?

    24 votes
  6. Comment on Discussion about asexuality, demisexuality, and allosexuality in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    This is exactly what I would want in a relationship. In fact, after I first had sex, which helped me understand that I really am somewhere on the ace-spectrum. I described the experience to my...

    Intimacy also comes in many forms. I remember one novel I read in high school had the characters talk about potentially having sex, and the girl said her favorite part in the past was just lying together in bed afterwards. So, they just cuddled and quietly basked in each other's presences rather than have sex. That scene's stuck with me over the years; in retrospect it was my first exposure to the other forms of intimacy involved with sex and relationships in general. It sounds potentially a bit similar to what you're craving.

    This is exactly what I would want in a relationship. In fact, after I first had sex, which helped me understand that I really am somewhere on the ace-spectrum. I described the experience to my friend as really enjoying the sleeping with someone part, but not really the sleeping with someone part (the sex part).

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Have you had a life-altering change in who you are? in ~talk

    Yes, it's not anything profound and I didn't have a single moment where this happened, but I changed greatly when I was about 18/19. I basically feel like I was a different person before then....

    Yes, it's not anything profound and I didn't have a single moment where this happened, but I changed greatly when I was about 18/19. I basically feel like I was a different person before then. Within about a year I figured out that I am gay (yet I was still very confused about this, because I am also asexual or something like that, honestly after so many years I sadly still don't really know), started growing out my hair, found my love for music, started to learn how to play guitar... I basically feel like I got a personality. Before that, I feel like I was just nothing really. I remember going to school, not really bullied, but also kind of an outcast. I was incredibly "generic", default clothes, default hairstyle, no hobbies besides playing games, friends who also did nothing besides playing games.

    I am going to reminisce/word-vomit about realizing I am gay here now. Figuring out that I am gay was very difficult for me. Not due to any direct homophobia or anything, only because I didn't understand myself at all. I kind of wish I understood exactly how I came to understand, but I remember coming across various gay media, and at first just finding it to be a joke (people gay was basically just funny to me before that, a punchline, same as for all my peers), but over time I started to relate to it. I remember listening to Pansy Division, seeing gay visual novels, reading gay web comics, looking at gay memes and not really understanding them and so on. At some point I somehow accepted it.

    I remember first meeting a guy I was chatting with on a local gay dating site. This wasn't Tindr, or Grindr or anything like that, but a local site that exists only in my country, that really was very much from the 2010s. It was summer and we both a free day. We went out on a short walk. And after some time we sat on a hill, and I very sheepishly somehow asked if I can touch his leg. It felt good to do it, even though it was nothing. After some time just sitting around, now not touching his leg out of embarrassment, there was a kindergarten class walking around us. I remember feeling a bit scared just that we were two men sitting so close to each other, but I also felt rebellious and free. Anyways, I went outside with this boy just once or twice again, before he decided he didn't really want to go out with me again. Sadly, I heard from a friend that he died recently. Man I feel sad again now.

    Soon after (or somehow during?) that I came out to a few of my friends. I still remember the moment vividly. We were in a pub, and when I said it, I looked at my friend and she just grabbed her beer and drank, another friend just said something akin to "no, really?" and so on. I just didn't fit the mold of what my friends imagined as a gay guy. I honestly also felt like I didn't fit it. I was still on dating sites though. At some point I had my first "sexual" experience, meeting a guy who was actually from Brazil. Over two meetings nothing too big really even happened, but I realized that I enjoyed spending time with him, but that I didn't really like the sex. It felt great to sleep with another man in bed, but it didn't feel so good to sleep with a man. I kind of knew that I might be somehow asexual or something, but that confirmed it more to me.

    Despite that I kept being on dating sites, and going out with basically anyone who agreed to. I met so many people, I met basically every gay guy around my age who didn't just want to hook up in my city, and no one really wanted to keep talking to me mostly after exactly meeting me once. I realized that I have to be the problem. You know -- if you run into idiots every day, you're probably the actual idiot -- I realized it was probably the same with me. I either had/have a terrible personality no one wants to deal with, or I am ugly, or they realized my vibes were off from not wanting to have sex, even though at the beginning I didn't advertise that anywhere. That sounds very self degrading, and I just want to say that I don't think I have self image issues, I am just not boyfriend material I guess. Over time being rejected so much, and so single made me sad, and I later mostly given up on dating sites, as they seemed to not be actually useful, even though I longed and still long for companionship.

    Of course from all the people I met I also met some cool people. It wasn't all bad. A few of them I actually met multiple times. There were some cool experiences. Once, one boy even attempted to kiss me, but I just was so awkward that it probably put him off. I gained new friends, most of which I later lost again, but I still frequently talk with one friend for example, even after around 5 years.

    Today, I still feel like I don't really fit it. I still have a lot of doubts about being gay even now, I feel kind of like an imposter, because I don't have any desire for one night stands which is what most people on dating sites feel like (I know it's not everyone). Or really any desire for sex honestly, and sex seems like a huge part of the gay community on the internet. This is now quite off topic from the original things I was writing about though... Apologies, I didn't expect that I'll write down my life story here...

    Circling back, I sometimes say to my friends that I don't relate with myself before that time at all. Which none of my friends relate with. Still I feel like something like this is probably pretty common. But, that is also I am also still the same person, for example I kept my love for videogames, and I started to learn how to program before that time too and I am still just the same human being with mostly the same body and so on. I guess I'll just stop writing things here. Thanks for reading.

    7 votes
  8. Comment on What do you do when you feel like nothing? in ~talk

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Yeah I think this is kind of what's my problem. I had a long term creative project which I was super passionate about, which I would use basically all my free time on previously. I'd come home...

    Yeah I think this is kind of what's my problem. I had a long term creative project which I was super passionate about, which I would use basically all my free time on previously. I'd come home from work and go work on it. I also was really into a new game basically the whole last month. Now that the project is done and the novelty of the game wore off, I just feel a bit purposeless and lonely. I do feel like I am wasting my time, I did feel a bit guilty also that I spent basically the whole winter holidays just playing games, but it's not really that much of a problem for me usually. I wasted a ton of time playing games in the past already haha.

    Listening to music and doing nothing is definitely not a problem, most of the time I really enjoy spending an evening like that. I just did a bit too much nothing, I think. Or maybe better described, I wish I was wasting time better and more efficiently... or something, that sounds really dumb typing it out now. Music is still great though -- at least not doing anything makes it easier to focus on it and appreciate it even more.

    (also thanks everyone for the replies! I read everything you all wrote, it means a lot! I also did what @Oslypsis said and went and cooked myself fancier dinner than I usually do, which also felt really nice!)

    12 votes
  9. What do you do when you feel like nothing?

    Don't really know the best way to describe this. But I bet people do know the feeling. It's Sunday, all my chores are out of the way, and I have time to do anything, but instead I find myself not...

    Don't really know the best way to describe this. But I bet people do know the feeling.

    It's Sunday, all my chores are out of the way, and I have time to do anything, but instead I find myself not being able to decide what I want to do. I am turning on various games, looking at the title screen for a bit than turning them off again. I pick up my guitar, mess around for a few minutes then put it down again. I think about a creative project I could start, but then decide to not when I imagine how much effort it would take. Then I go back to scrolling various websites, not really interested in anything, cause it's all the same all the time. The weather is way too cold and ugly for me to go outside, so I just don't know what to do. The only nice thing is that I am listening to music in the mean time...

    47 votes
  10. Comment on Anyone else feel/used to feel that they will be alone both platonically and romantically, forever? in ~talk

    I feel the same, but I try to still remain hopeful. I just feel like with every year the chances go down. Basically everyone I know already went through a relationship(s), while I never did. I was...

    I feel the same, but I try to still remain hopeful. I just feel like with every year the chances go down. Basically everyone I know already went through a relationship(s), while I never did. I was on so many dates, but nothing ever came out of them. I am not trying so hard any more, and now I go on about one or two dates a year. I am kind of picky now, as I (probably incorrectly) assume that it would be pointless to even try with some people. Some years ago I would go on a date with basically everyone.

    I do think I am now more mature and ready for a relationship than for example five years ago. So just stay hopeful, maybe someone will show up when I least expect it, like everyone always says.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on LGBT introductions thread: What's your story? in ~lgbt

    I am gay and asexual or demisexual or gray asexual or something... I know I am at least somewhat on the ace spectrum. I really don't enjoy one night stands at least (from experience), but I am not...

    I am gay and asexual or demisexual or gray asexual or something...

    I know I am at least somewhat on the ace spectrum. I really don't enjoy one night stands at least (from experience), but I am not really sure about more since I wasn't ever in a real relationship. Once, I was on a pretty good date, but towards the end of it we talked about me being not too much into sex and when he asked something akin to if sex would be a part of a relationship with me, I said that I am not sure and that I couldn't guarantee it. I'd also say that if I had the chance to date some girl that was also a really good friend to me, I most likely would, it would just very likely be a romantic only relationship -- I'd still probably describe myself as gay though.

    Honestly, I never struggled with any homophobia or anything, so I can really relate with all the people here who mentioned that they don't feel like they deserve the labels or feel like impostors. It took me until I was basically 18 to figure out that I was gay, I was kind of not really too interested in anyone, before then. I never was masculine at all, but I guess I also wasn't very stereotypically gay, more stereotypically nerd I guess. In a way I relate to NB folks, I don't really feel masculine/or feminine at all, but I am also perfectly content just being a guy that dresses a bit nicer and has long hair. I am pretty open about being gay when I get asked about it, but I also don't ever mention it unless someone does ask, and most people don't ask.

    To all the other people on the ace spectrum in this thread, how did you find a relationship if you did? It would be for the best if I cared even less and stopped wanting one because it feels impossible. I'd summarize it like this, being gay/ace was never really hard for me, I am just pathetic. Over about the last 5+ years when I was trying a bit harder to meet new people and date, I met so many different people, but nothing. I think I am most likely just the type of person no one really would like to be in a romantic relationship with... I see so many people meeting someone and start dating very shortly after, but that never happens to me, every time I meet someone interesting or who I feel like I might like, they don't feel the same way. After all this time I just feel like the reason(/problem?) is most likely me. I am sorry that you had to read that, I always feel like I am really melodramatic and just pathetic complaining about that. I found quite a few queer friends this way though, which is super cool!

    3 votes
  12. Comment on What excites you right now? in ~talk

    I am in the home stretch of my education. Just a few weeks and I will most likely get my masters degree (if I don't screw up that is!). Just need to focus for a bit longer. Very excited about what...

    I am in the home stretch of my education. Just a few weeks and I will most likely get my masters degree (if I don't screw up that is!). Just need to focus for a bit longer. Very excited about what the future holds afterwards. I am currently in the daydreaming phase of my life where I am imagining all the amazing possibilities I'll be able to do. Currently I am working part time, so when I finish school I'd like to keep working only part time for some time and do some cool things in the free time I'll have.

    We will see if I'll actually do anything or just do nothing. Honestly I think a month of doing nothing would be fine too, but I don't want to fall back into a cycle of just doing nothing besides working at a job forever.

    I also don't know if it is because I am already getting old, but time is passing so so fast. I think it's probably just due to being busy for a really long time while also having a pretty rigid schedule. I hope I can do some interesting things to break things up and make time slow down a bit again.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (April 2023) in ~health.mental

    It has been a few months since I typed some words here. I got past another super busy period. The previous semester at university is long gone, so I am also done helping teaching. By the way, that...

    It has been a few months since I typed some words here. I got past another super busy period. The previous semester at university is long gone, so I am also done helping teaching. By the way, that was again quite enjoyable, I feel like I did an ok job, hopefully better than the first time I did that, but afterwards in the survey I got some not very good ratings. I won't be teaching again because I will have finished school by the next semester the course is taught. But it still did hurt very much. I was definitely trying to do a good job, but I also was quite busy so I couldn't give preparation infinite time. But the ratings also weren't too terrible so I don't know why am I even still thinking about it now. Anyway, this is my last semester studying at university, probably the last ~half year of my life at school. I need to finish my diploma thesis, still have quite a lot of work to do but I think I am doing ok on time with that.

    After the last semester ended there was almost a quarter of a year where we were asked to do overtimes at my job. I am working part time, but I ended up basically working a bit over what full time people do, plus still had to do some school stuff, and of course work on my diploma thesis. But luckily that is over too now. I am a bit disappointed in the result of those overtimes but I won't go into it more.

    So after those things, I finally had a few weeks which were a bit quieter. First, I am now again working only part time, and also there is just much less school stuff to do than last semester. In addition around Easter I had a few extra fully free days. So I had almost two full weeks where I had quite a lot of time. Sadly I spent a lot of that time not really doing anything, just procrastinating and wasting my time mostly. I don't really mind it too much, but I do wish I got more work done on my thesis. Would have been really nice. It's nice to do nothing for a bit though.

    And there's one more thing. Around the start of December (I think?) I met a really interesting guy on a dating app. I didn't/don't really check them at all now, so it was super surprising to find someone cool there suddenly. We got talking, I invited him to go out right the next day and he agreed. I remember how nice it felt to chat with someone nice in a really long time and to also go out right away. We shared so many interests and talked about a lot, it was a really nice time.

    I wanted to go out more later, but he was mostly really busy, and honestly I was too. Still we met up a few times again, even went to a concert once. We also never really talked about what we were. I am demi/gray?/asexual and he did mention that he was also somewhere on that spectrum, so I was fine with taking it extremely slow. But I also felt like he wasn't really "really" interested.

    After another month or so I finally decided I wanted to know so I asked what was he looking for really on the dating site, and he explained that he just was looking for friends in a new town. And when he asked what I was looking for I did admit that I would have loved more. Still I also accepted it right away and acknowledged that it was my fault that I didn't ask earlier what he was looking for. I am kind of dumb that I didn't ask earlier, but I was very afraid of ruining what we had, and I did enjoy at least chatting and spending time with him. I asked if he was ok if we still talked, he said it is, and we still do chat once in a while. I think I can manage to not get my hopes up more.

    I was of course also a bit disappointed. Now is the time to let some patheticness out. I feel like I will really be forever alone. It just sounds so pathetic -- can't think of a more accurate word -- to say it like that. But it's hard to imagine me being in a relationship. I was disappointed similarly so many times now. It's like that saying about meeting assholes every day -- if everyone you meet is an asshole, in reality you are probably the asshole. So if everyone I meet doesn't want to "date" me (god, again that sounds so pathetic and dumb to type out, I promise I am not a stereotypic "nice guy" or something), it's probably not the other people, but me. I just don't really know what am I doing wrong. But yeah I know, I should keep my hope up, somehow it might work out one day.

    But mostly everyone I met like this ended in a nice way too, maybe I am at least ok at making friends, so I can't really complain too much. And having great friends is amazing too.

    Well we'll see what the future holds, maybe after I am done with my degree I'll quit my job and move somewhere and finally fulfil my escapist dreams. I am kind of just venting, putting out a stream of words, so I am sorry for the dumb words, and thank you for reading if you did!

    8 votes
  14. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (November 2022) in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Thank you so much! :)

    Thank you so much! :)

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (November 2022) in ~health.mental

    As always I feel like everything is all the same. It's not true at all. I now have a job and between that, still studying and also teaching a course I now have basically zero time. That has been...

    As always I feel like everything is all the same. It's not true at all. I now have a job and between that, still studying and also teaching a course I now have basically zero time. That has been fine for a few months, but now I am starting to be a bit tired from it. And wow time passes so so fast when very busy, it's great and scary at the same time. I still can't comprehend how people can just work 40 hours per week their whole life. Granted, I probably am working more than 40 hours if I add everything up, but still. I guess you just get used to it. Life is so weird.

    I once again find myself thinking about all the amazing stuff I will do... next year, after a thing is done. It never happens.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What are you battling with right now? in ~talk

    Procrastination. I really need to start working on an important thing that I have been putting off a few weeks now. It has been really nice to go on a lot of summer walks and relax for the few...

    Procrastination. I really need to start working on an important thing that I have been putting off a few weeks now. It has been really nice to go on a lot of summer walks and relax for the few weeks but I really need to get back on track or things will get a lot more stressful. I wish I could just spend the whole summer doing nothing, but that is probably not going to ever happen again. Getting older sucks.

    The reason I gave myself to allow myself to procrastinate so much is that I've been seriously thinking about making some big changes in my life, but I think I am done thinking and ultimately decided that I need to wait at least another year until I am done with my degree.

    8 votes
  17. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (July 2022) in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Well, through the university we can have 5 sessions maximum, they know that and also reminded me of that, so they aren't really probably trying to set up for too much of a long term plan. They...

    Well, through the university we can have 5 sessions maximum, they know that and also reminded me of that, so they aren't really probably trying to set up for too much of a long term plan.

    They asked me if I want to schedule a follow up, possibly in two weeks, as they thought I could go more in depth on a few of the topics. I said that I'll think it through and decide later, they did offer some interesting thoughts but I am not sure if I want to go to another session with them, I haven't decided yet. They didn't tell me that they want to organize the sessions in any other way in the future, so I assume the next session would be similar too.

    I am not saying therapy is pointless, just that I didn't really see any real use in this consultation, I don't know what "actual" therapy is like.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (July 2022) in ~health.mental

    I saw a psychologist today. It's something I thought might help me for years, but never actually forced myself to go to one before. A few days ago, I was once again venting to my friend about my...

    I saw a psychologist today. It's something I thought might help me for years, but never actually forced myself to go to one before. A few days ago, I was once again venting to my friend about my problems and later that day while browsing the internet I checked my universities page, and saw that there's a open spot for a psychological consultation in a time slot in just a few days, so I decided to try it finally as there was basically no barrier to do it.

    I am happy that I tried it, but I think it didn't really help me at all. I told them basically my whole life story. I talked about all the things that make me anxious. I also wanted to talk a lot about wanting to change my name, and I did, but they didn't really help me decide at all if I want to do it (I understand that's probably what they are supposed to do). It all felt a bit pointless. They listened and they felt like a good person but it also felt a bit useless. Like I talked about this stuff a lot with my friends already and while it's nice it doesn't really resolve anything.

    I am still happy that I at least tried it, I wanted to do it for years, so I am happy that I finally pushed myself to do it. For some dumb reason I thought that it will change my life, but that is of course very irrational.

    Other than that, it's summer and even though I finished one set of deadlines, there's another set of things I really need to start working on over the summer. Life is just a machine for deadlines.

    4 votes
  19. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    I finished watching Heartstopper today. I always like to watch new gay romance movies/series so I was looking forward to see it, I watch like one show/movie each year haha so it is always quite...

    I finished watching Heartstopper today. I always like to watch new gay romance movies/series so I was looking forward to see it, I watch like one show/movie each year haha so it is always quite special for me. It was actually quite good! I've been reading the webcomic it is based on for quite a long time so I knew it had potential, but I was still quite surprised.

    I don't know if it is just my but I wasn't really a fan of quite a similar series like Love, Victor, Love, Simon or Sex Education. They felt just a bit too cringy and fake to me, so many weird love triangles and things like that. This one felt much better. The plot is pretty much exactly what you would expect but it was really good. I wonder if Netflix is planning to make another season. I kind of want more because it was really good, but I also don't really want more because it already ended in a quite nice self-contained way without too many loose ends and I am worried that another season wouldn't be so good.

    Some pathetic venting I feel incredibly pathetic when I mention this, but whenever I consume media like this, I always feel intense jealousy towards the fake imaginary characters. Jealousy isn't really a good word because to me it implies some hatred towards the character, I mean more like.... I just wish my life was more like theirs. God, I wish I could have had a relationship like this. When I was ~16 I didn't know a single gay person in my school. To be honest I didn't even fully realize that I am gay at that time. I still haven't even come close to being in a relationship like this. So watching/reading something like this feels like a weird kind of selftorture, I know my life isn't going to become a romantic movie, but I still wish it did. I am always like, wow this character is also a sad melancholic nerd weirdo like me (that is also very stupid, obviously in reality I am not really like these characters), except they found love, how unfair! I almost cried when watching the end of the final episode of this. And I also was almost angry at the same time that I didn't get to have that in my life. It is physically not possible for me to have a high school romance now, after all it has been many years since I was 16 haha, so why am I thinking dumb stuff like this? But hopefully I am still somehow gonna get to have a nice relationship like this, I am not giving up hope. :*)

    Oh boy I really am pathetic!

    If you read all this stuff and didn't watch Heartstopper yet I would definitely recommend it! Also here's two random other recommendations which Heartstopper reminds me of, the webcomic Always Raining Here -- and an anime called Given.

    1 vote