kai_re's recent activity

  1. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (September 2024) — Version 1.1 adds an in-app YouTube player in ~tildes

    Thank you for continuing to update and improve this app! Rif was a daily part of my life and now it's TCfT. I enjoyed the donation animation! Cheers

    Thank you for continuing to update and improve this app! Rif was a daily part of my life and now it's TCfT. I enjoyed the donation animation! Cheers

    4 votes
  2. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    I had Tues-Fri blocked off from work as my summer vacation to go camping! Unfortunately, I came down with a sore throat on Mon just in time to start my vacation off with a fever 🥲 This cold hit me...

    I had Tues-Fri blocked off from work as my summer vacation to go camping! Unfortunately, I came down with a sore throat on Mon just in time to start my vacation off with a fever 🥲

    This cold hit me pretty hard and I was out of it for a couple days. I was definitely not going camping. It was a surreal, fevered, personal time dilation bubble where I was either in bed or on the couch, and my only break from feeling super crummy was when watching specifically Burn Notice, so I watched a lot of Burn Notice.

    I'm mostly better now, just dealing with congestion and coughing fits, but I did cancel my weekend plans. At least I can play video games again.

    Earlier this year, I tried lightly quarantining myself or masking before an important vacation, which worked well. This is because, in this past year, I've been sick on vacation twice (now three times). I think I will quarantine myself before every vacation from now on.