3 votes

What goals or ambitions do you have for 2025?

Some people have New Year's resolutions, but I thought I'd make it a bit broader.


  1. Turtle42
    This is the first year I feel I've stumped myself on what I want to accomplish. For years it was always: quit smoking, lose weight, and read more. 2 years ago I quit smoking cigarettes, and...

    This is the first year I feel I've stumped myself on what I want to accomplish.

    For years it was always: quit smoking, lose weight, and read more.

    2 years ago I quit smoking cigarettes, and haven't touched them since.

    Last year I read 62 books, far surpassing my usual yearly goal of 12.

    While I'm not "thin" my job forces me to be active and I'm eating healthier than ever, and I feel good, and am content with it at this point.

    Getting off Instagram was pretty big for me too, although I have a bit of fomo. It's a strange goal, to willingly distance yourself from where everyone in my peer group seems to be.

    But it has lead me to other external ambitions, I suppose. I've taken an interest in programming applications and website now that LLMs seem to be half decent at rudimentary programming these days, my new website is looking great. It would be nice to continue making projects, and hope that it may possibly help me find another job in the new year.

    But other than that, I want to work on being a better husband. Be less selfish, take care of our house more. A big one now that you have me thinking, is that I want to foster meaningful in-person relationships with distant college friends outside of social media by sending letters and small gifts, or whatever feels right.

    OP, what about you? Any ambitions on your end?

    3 votes
  2. rip_rike
    Get back into shape! For the past two years I haven’t exercised at all and the previous two years I exercised 6 days a week. So far, I’ve just started doing very, very small things every day just...

    Get back into shape!

    For the past two years I haven’t exercised at all and the previous two years I exercised 6 days a week. So far, I’ve just started doing very, very small things every day just to get going again. I know if I tried to go from 0-100 I would never keep it up.

    Also, move back to the PNW (USA). I posted here almost exactly a year ago mentioning I was moving to Colorado (USA) and I’ve found that it’s not for me! Money lost; lessons learned. I’ve a new appreciation for what the PNW had to offer and now have a very clear goal to work toward.

    I’m excited for all the things in the works!

    1 vote
  3. skybrian
    (edited )
    For me, my New Year's resolution is: no social media before noon. I like it too much to quit, but I want to make it something I don't reach for before getting some stuff done. Also, learning to...

    For me, my New Year's resolution is: no social media before noon. I like it too much to quit, but I want to make it something I don't reach for before getting some stuff done.

    Also, learning to cook a few dishes so I don't rely on my wife so much.

    Also, vague musical ambitions having to do with being more social. Maybe start taking formal lessons or going to accordion club meetings?

  4. updawg
    Become a better runner while running less. I'm still relatively new so I think doing more cycling and using my rowing machine more will be beneficial. Hopefully I can swim more too. The marathon I...

    Become a better runner while running less. I'm still relatively new so I think doing more cycling and using my rowing machine more will be beneficial. Hopefully I can swim more too. The marathon I ran last year went great so I'd like to keep getting better and finding how good it can feel to run at a good clip for long distances if I'm properly in shape.

    One part of that will be needing to keep losing weight. I've more or less plateaued (flat valleyed?) for a while but I know I have quite a bit more I can lose while being healthier. I'll need to make sure I consume enough protein to support a calorie deficit while staying active.

    That will also help me to do more varied rock climbing. I started that in the past couple months and I want to have fun getting better at it, but I don't necessarily want to make it a focus in the way that I'll do specific training plans for running. I don't want to be the best ever; I just want to be able to do more types of stuff and some of those get pretty difficult when you've got too much extra weight literally holding you down, especially when you've got arms as long as mine. They can be helpful when you want to reach higher holds, but that's basically a cheat code. They make it harder to get all scrunched up and stay close to the wall, so if I'm trying to just have fun and not win competitions, long arms just seem to make it easier to climb less...

    Non-athletically, I'm moving overseas, so I want to do a decent amount of traveling and to work on sharpening my French while focusing on acquiring skills in the local language.

    I'm going to try to have it all like Liz Lemon, probably fail miserably like Liz Lemon, and then try to still have a great year!

  5. elight
    To have goals and ambitions. For the longest time, I've been in survival mode. Even later in life, the past ten years, I didn't need to be. Yet survival mode is what I'm accustomed to. I want to:...

    To have goals and ambitions.

    For the longest time, I've been in survival mode. Even later in life, the past ten years, I didn't need to be. Yet survival mode is what I'm accustomed to.

    I want to:

    • Cycle 10+ miles 3x a week when the weather allows again
    • Lift 3x a week to build up some muscle and get the testosterone flowing
    • Lose (a metric %#&$ton) of weight. I've been in decent shape before. Yet I've not been at a healthy weight in several decades.
    • Someone else said it: be a less selfish husband.
    • Build a small business that is enough to pay the bills while acting congruently. I'm afraid I'll fail here. It's a moonshot for me. And it'd feel worse not to try after a lifetime of accepting the jobs put in front of me despite their toxicity.